December 6, 2016

Homework 10

Final Project Submission For the final project you had the option of either following along with me, making a ‘Github Hotness’ app, or of building an app of your own design. For your final homework, send me a link to your repo for the project with a description of the app. Also, PLEASE complete the course evaluation. See my email for more information.

December 5, 2016

Week 10

Recap and Slides In our last lecture we talked about the glory of WebView, accessing hardware, and Services. Here are the slides: Lecture 10: Hardware, Services, Odds and Ends Links * WebView

November 29, 2016

Homework 9

tl;dr Implement a PreferenceAccessor object to hide the complexities of dealing with SharedPreferences every time you want to get a value. A single getter and a single test is sufficient. Send me a link to your repo. Long with Lots of Detail This week your task is to build something that saves data to disk. If you’re creating your own app, it can be whatever you need for your use-case. ... Read more

November 29, 2016

Week 9

Recap and Slides This week we talked about persisting data. This is important if you want state saved across system and app restarts. Most apps will want to store something on disk, even if it’s not a main feature of the app. Here are the slides: Lecture 9: Persisting Data Links Saving Key-Value Sets: Android docs on saving key-values. Covers SharedPreferences especially. Saving Data in SQL Databases Firebase Realtime Database

November 28, 2016

Homework 8

No homework this week! Enjoy the break. If you are dying to work on something, catch up on previous homework or work on your app.

November 27, 2016

Week 8

Recap and Slides This week we talked about testing. Here are the slides: Lecture 8: Testing

November 15, 2016

Homework 7

tl;dr Write code to parse a JSON search result from the Github search API. I recommend following this tutorial. Here is a good URL for results that are a list of repos. Muy Largo This week I want you to write a class that makes an HTTP GET request to a JSON endpoint and parses the response to turn it into a Java object. There are lots of ways you could go about doing this. ... Read more

November 15, 2016

Week 7

Recap and Slides This week we talked about processes, threads, and accessing the network. Here are the slides: Lecture 7: Threading and Network Links Parsing JSON with Retrofit Retrofit RxJava Examples RxJava and REST Tutorial on Loaders Tutorial on implementing Loaders Volley: A workhorse networking library commonly used in Android projects, though we didn’t discuss it in class. Unlike Retrofit, it is built for general requests rather than specifically for parsing JSON. ... Read more

November 10, 2016

Homework 6

tl;dr Send me an email addressing the three bullet points below in the Dependency Hell section. Why are you getting that error What libraries are causing the problem How would you fix it? Send me an email with a link to your repo test class for a modal view like I describe below. If you are doing your own app, send me a file with tests. They should pass. ... Read more

November 10, 2016

Week 6

Recap and Slides This week we talked about java compilation, classpaths, and the Android build system. We even dived into the Android SDK, using a JAR viewer to look at the Throw new RuntimeException("Stub!") code in every method call of the Android SDK. Such fun. Here is a link to the slides: Lecture 6: Building and Dependencies Links The Dark Side of Jack and Jill: Great post describing the new jack compiler from the Android team. ... Read more