Welcome to CSE 378 Fall 2010.
This website will be updated constantly, so check back regularly for information on the course.
Lectures: MWF 11:30-12:20, EEB 045
Section AA: Tuesday 2:30-5:20, CSE 003 (and sometimes in MGH 242 for the first hour)
Section AB: Thursday 9:30-12:20, CSE 003 (and sometimes in MEB 245 for the first hour)
Name | email at cs | Office Hours |
Mark Oskin | oskin | MWF Drop-in, T during lab |
Aaron Miller | ajmiller | M 4:00-5:00, T 2:30-5:30 in CSE 003, or by appointment (calendar) |
Steven Lockhart | srl7 | Th 9:30-12:30, F 2:30-3:30 in CSE 003 |
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