Current Homework:
Homework #5
CSE 378 - Autumn 2002Machine Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Home PageAnnouncements:Several comments on homework 6.The mailing lists are set up. Each student should subscribe to cse378 and cse378-staff. cse378 will be for your discussion about homeworks, general questions, etc. cse378-staff will be used by the professor and TAs to announce homework changes, schedule updates, and the like. Students should never send mail directly to cse378-staff. To subscribe to a mailing list the old-fashioned way, send email to cse378-request@cs with a blank subject. The body of the text should be: "subscribe cse378" with nothing else. You should also send an email to cse378-staff-request@cs with a body of "subscribe cse378-staff". You should not send the request to majordomo@cs Alternatively, you can go here for 378 and here for 378-staff. Instructor:Susan Eggers (eggers@cs)315 Sieg Hall, 543-2118 Office Hours: Tues 1:30-2:20, Fri 1:30-2:20 TA's:Dustin Barnes (dbarnes@cs)Office Hours: Mon 2:30-3:20, Thursday 2:30-3:20, or by appointment Evan Welbourne (evan@cs) Office Hours: Tuesday 9:30-10:20, 226a Sieg Hall Thursday 1:30-2:20, 226b Sieg Hall Last modified on |