HW2 - A labyrinth

Complete the labyrinth!

Start by cd’ing to /labyrinth, and cat’ing the README:

[pirtle@klaatu ~]$ cd /labyrinth/
[pirtle@klaatu labyrinth]$ cat README 
Welcome to the maze

Follow the clues to reach the end of the maze - you will need to walk your way
through a series of directories, read files, solve puzzles to reach the end of
the puzzle (where you will be given further instructions).

To begin, type this: 

. begin

Good luck!

PS - How well do you know your stories? There's a SECRET_PASSAGE, but only
ariadne@ knows it, but maybe you can find a way to uncover her secrets?

Turn the result into gradescope HW3 (just put the code by itself in a file, you’ll know what I mean when you get there).