Justin Hsia 

Welcome to CSE 351! We have put the most important links at the top, categorized by what they're for. Please check them out!


Asking Questions, Getting Assistance, Giving Feedback

It is very important to us that you succeed in CSE 351! Outside of lectures and sections, there are different ways to ask questions or discuss course issues:
  1. Visit office hours (see Events above)! In addition, if you need extra time or need to discuss something in private, feel free to email and make an appointment.
  2. Make a public post about course content on the , where they benefit the whole class. If other students can answer your question, you may receive a response more quickly than you would by emailing the course staff. This is the best way of asking questions about homework, labs, and other class-related topics. Before posting, please search through the questions that have already been posted in case someone has already asked the same question.
  3. Make a private post to just the course staff on the with any questions or issues you would prefer to discuss privately. While you can email staff members individually when that makes sense, contacting the whole staff is generally preferred to get a faster response and to let the whole staff see what issues students are having.
  4. Send to the course staff. The instructor will try to address the issue and share it with others only as appropriate, but will not have a way to reply to you without addressing the whole class.

Course Staff


Teaching Assistants

Josie Lee
Natalie Andreeva


  • Binary
  • Memory & Data
  • Integers
  • Floating Point
  • x86 Programming
  • The Stack & Procedures
  • Executables
  • Arrays
  • Structs
  • Buffer Overflows
  • Caches
  • Processes
  • Virtual Memory
  • Memory Allocation
  • Java and C
Introduction, Binary
CSPP: § 1.0-1.10, 2.0-2.1.1 (p. 1-28, 31-39)
Memory & Data I
CSPP: § 2.1.2-2.1.3 (p.39-48)
Binary, Programming in C
Memory & Data II
CSPP: § 2.1.4-2.1.9 (p. 49-59)
Integers I
CSPP: § 2.2-2.2.3 (p. 59-70)
Integers II
CSPP: § 2.2.4-2.3 (p. 70-108)
Pointers, Bitwise Operators, Integers
Floating Point
CSPP: § 2.4-2.4.3 (p. 108-119)
x86 Programming I
CSPP: § 2.4.4-2.5, 3.2-3.4 (p. 120-127, 169-191)
Floating Point, Assembly
x86 Programming II
CSPP: § 3.5 (p. 191-199)
x86 Programming III
CSPP: § 3.6.0-3.6.5, 3.6.7-3.6.8 (p. 200-213, 220-238)
The Stack & Procedures
CSPP: § 3.7.0-3.7.3 (p. 238-248)
x86 Assembly, GDB
Building an Executable
CSPP: § 3.7.4-3.7.5, 3.2 (p. 248-255, 169-177)
Arrays and Structs
CSPP: § 3.8-3.9 (p. 255-276)
Array and Structs
Buffer Overflow
CSPP: § 3.10 (p. 276-293)
Memory & Caches I
CSPP: § 6.0, 6.2-6.3 (p. 579-580, 604-614)
Memory & Caches II
CSPP: § 6.4 (p. 614-633)
Memory & Caches III
CSPP: § 6.5-6.7 (p. 633-648)
System Control Flow, Processes
CSPP: § 8.0-8.1 (p. 722-731)
Processes, Virtual Memory I
CSPP: § 8.2-8.4, 9.0-9.3 (p. 732-756, 802-807)
Caches & Processes
Virtual Memory II
CSPP: § 9.3-9.6 (p. 808-824)
Memory Allocation I (Andreeva)
CSPP: § 9.7, 9.9-9.9.11 (p. 825-833, 839-853)
Memory Allocation II
CSPP: § 9.9.12-9.10 (p. 854-870)
Virtual Memory & Memory Allocation
Memory Allocation III
CSPP: § 9.11-9.12 (p. 870-876)
Java and C
Course Wrap-Up
Final Review