CSE 341
section, July 8, 1999

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  1. functions with pattern matching
  2. functions with guards
  3. cons (:) and append (++)
  4. functions on lists with pattern matching
  5. Name That Function (three parts)
  6. list comprehension and infinite lists

functions with pattern matching

-- the Fibonacci numbers,
-- arguably the most
-- famous sequence of
-- numbers in history

fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

Main> fib 0
Main> fib 1 
Main> fib 2
Main> fib 3
Main> [0..10]
Main> map fib [0..10]

functions with guards

-- The pipe character, '|', precedes each guard.
-- This example has two guards.
-- "otherwise" is a Haskell keyword.
fib n | n > 1     = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
      | otherwise = 1

Main> map fib [0..16]

cons (:) and append (++)

Main> 12:[1,2,43]

Main> 12:12
ERROR: Illegal Haskell 98 class constraint in inferred type
*** Expression : 12 : 12
*** Type       : (Num a, Num [a]) => [a]

The above would violate list type homogeneity, because the first 12 is a number but the second 12 is not a list of numbers.

Main> 12:[]

Main> 'a':['b','c']

Main> 'a':['b','c',2]
ERROR: Illegal Haskell 98 class constraint in inferred type
*** Expression : 'a' : ['b','c',2]
*** Type       : Num Char => [Char]

The above would violate list type homogeneity, because the 2 is a number in a list of character constants.

Main> [1,2,3]:[4,5]
ERROR: Illegal Haskell 98 class constraint in inferred type
*** Expression : [1,2,3] : [4,5]
*** Type       : (Num a, Num [a]) => [[a]]

Main> [1,2,3]++[4,5]

Recall that strings in Haskell can be treated as lists of characters and vice versa.
Main> ['h','a','s']++['k','e','l','l']

Main> 'h':"askell"

functions on lists with pattern matching

revList [] = []
revList (x:xs) = (revList xs) ++ [x]

sumList [] = 0
sumList (x:xs) = x + (sumList xs)

listLength [] = 0
listLength (_:xs) = 1 + (listLength xs)

Main> [24,21..6]

Main> revList [24,21..6]

Main> sumList [3,2,-10]

Main> listLength [1,5,3,7,4,2,3,3]

It's time to play...

Name That Function!

-- factorial
one 0 = 1
one n = n * one (n-1)

-- returns result of concatenating
-- n repetitions of the string s
two 0 s = ""
two n s = s ++ (two (n-1) s)

-- reverses the order of the items in the given list
three [] = []
three (x:xs) = (three xs) ++ [x]

-- returns sum of a list of numbers
four [] = 0
four (x:xs) = x + (four xs)

Main> one 5

Main> two 3 "ding"

Main> three [3,1,4,1,5,9,2,7]

Main> four [2,6,1976]

Here comes another exciting installment of...

Name That Function!!

-- returns ith element of given list
select i [] = 0
select 1 (x:_) = x
select i (_:xs) = (select (i-1) xs)

Main> select 4 [2,1,5,3,23]

Yes, kids! Once again, it's...

Name That Function!!!

-- insertion sort
insertionSort [] = []
insertionSort (x:xs) = enigma x (insertionSort xs)

-- insertion:  moves element x to properly ordered position in given list
insert x [] = [x]
insert x (y:ys) | x <= y    = x:(y:ys)
                | otherwise = y:(insert x ys)

Main> insertionSort [2,1,5,3,23]

list comprehension and infinite lists

powers n = [n^k | k<-[0..]]

evenPowers n = [n^k | k<-[0..], mod k 2 == 0]
evenPowersAlt n = [n^k | k<-[0,2..]]

Main> take 5 (powers 2)

Main> take 10 (powers 2)

Main> take 10 (evenPowers 2)

Ken Yasuhara <yasuhara@cs.washington.edu>
Last modified: Thu Jul 8 15:17:51 PDT 1999