{- HASKELL BASICS - CSE 341 Instead of the usual Powerpoint slides or web notes, for Haskell, the lecture notes can be run! This stuff is a comment. (You probably figured that out already.) Big comments can be delimited by {- ... stuff ... -} {- These symbols nest, so this is a comment within a comment ... -} You can also put a comment on one line, or part of a line: everything on that line after the -- is a comment. This file is linked from the 341 website. To load it into Haskell, save it under the name HaskellBasics.hs (make sure it doesn't have a .txt extension). Then start Haskell from the command line and load the file: ghci HaskellBasics.hs Or on Windows you can double click on the file icon. Once in Haskell, just type an expression to evaluate it. To see the type of an expression without evaluating it, use this: :type expr or just :t expr You can also load a file from within Haskell using :load MyFile or just :l MyFile If you've subsequently edited the file with an external editor, use :reload or :r to reload the last loaded file. Another useful Haskell command is :set +t which causes Haskell to print type information after evaluation. See the "Running Haskell" web page or the online manuals for more info. :quit or :q exits Haskell ********************************* Haskell is an example of a pure functional programming language -- there are no side effects. Imperative languages have variables and assignment; they are in effect abstractions of the von Neumann machine. There is no referential transparency. In mathematics, we can substitute equals for equals: if x=y+z then you can substitute y+z for x Informally, in a referentially transparent language you can substitute equals for equals, just as in mathematics. Interesting features of Haskell: truly functional lazy evaluation -- can deal with infinite structures type system -- statically typed, no type declarations needed; polymorphic Future of functional languages Barriers to adoption: efficiency (a declining problem; also functional languages good candidates for parallel execution) programmer acceptance (although Haskell is gaining ground) arguably unnatural for some things, such as interactive I/O Benefits: allows for concise programs easier to parallelize much cleaner mathematically Depending on your point of view, I/O in Haskell is either a big problem, weird, or truly elegant. Personally I rate it as elegant & weird. In any case, even if you don't use Haskell in your work in the future, it's useful to understand the functional programming style, which can be an excellent way to write certain kinds of expressions in in other languages as well (e.g. Python). Also, understanding Haskell's type system will give you insight into generic types in Java and other object-oriented languages. -} {- SOME BUILT-IN TYPES: 3 :: Integer 1.0 :: Double 'a' :: Char True :: Bool [1,2,3] :: [Integer] -- lists [1.3,2.8] :: [Double] [True,True,True,False] :: [Bool] "fred" :: String (which is an alias for [Char] [True,3] -- gives a type error ... lists can contain only one type of element -} {- To apply a function to arguments just give the function name followed by the arguments (no parentheses needed) sqrt 2 my_member 3 [1,2,3,4,5] take 4 [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17] Infix operators are functions as well: 3+4 The usual precedence rules apply for operators: 3+4*5 3^2*100 Function application binds more tightly than infix operators: sqrt 2*10 Case is significant. Values and functions start with a lower-case letter; types start with an upper-case letter. -} -- MORE ABOUT LISTS {- [0,5 .. 100 ] -- the list of multiples of 5 between 0 and 100 [1..] -- the infinite list of positive integers [1,3 ..] -- the infinite list of odd positive numbers : is an infix 'cons' (list constructor) operator. Example: 3 : [4,5] head gets the first element of a list head [1,2,3] tail gets the rest of the list tail [1,2,3] ++ is the infix append operator: [1,2] ++ [3,4,5] length finds the length of a list null tests whether a list is empty null [1,2,3] -} {- STRINGS strings are just lists of characters (type Char). Try this: ['y', 'u', 'p'] The show function takes a value and turns it into a string: show (3+4) -} {- PAIRS, TRIPLES, AND TUPLES A pair is a pair of other values, and is written like this: (1, 4) Other examples: (True, False) (1, "squid") Note that the types of the first and second element don't need to be the same. (Pairs always have two elements but the first and second element can be of different types. Lists can have any number of elements but they must all have the same type.) fst is a function to get the first element of a tuple; snd gets the second. We can also have triples: (1, 0, False) 'tuple' is the most general name -- this has 0 or more elements. Note that a tuple with 4 Booleans has a different type from a tuple with 3 Booleans! But a list of Booleans always has type [Bool] -} -- DEFINING A FUNCTION double :: Integer -> Integer double x = 2*x {- Haskell will infer the types of most things, but it's good form to declare them (gives machine-checkable documentation). Also the inferred type might surprise you by being more general than expected. For now, when we declare types, we will often use more restrictive types than what Haskell allows. (We're going to ease into Haskell's rich and rather complex type system -- more on this later.) It's always OK to declare a more restrictive type than the one Haskell will infer, but you get an error if you try to be more general; or of course if you give the wrong type. For 'triple' we haven't declare the type of the triple function. The inferred type will allow this to work with floats as well as integers and uses the type class mechanism (to be discussed later). -} triple x = 3*x {- Haskell is case-sensitive ... function names should start with lower case, type names and constructors with upper case -} -- SIMPLE RECURSION EXAMPLES -- recursive factorial rec_factorial :: Integer -> Integer rec_factorial n = if n>0 then n * rec_factorial (n-1) else 1 {- here's another version with error checking: rec_factorial n = if n>0 then n * rec_factorial (n-1) else if n==0 then 1 else error "factorial called with n<0" -} {- White space is significant in parsing Haskell! There's some rule about how tabs are processed, but I avoid them and always use spaces. -} -- factorial using the built-in prod function -- note that this gives 1 for the case of n<0 rather than an error factorial :: Integer -> Integer factorial n = product [1..n] -- type Integer can have an indefinite number of digits! -- (there is also a type Int that is limited to hardware integers) -- POLYMORPHIC TYPES (also note use of pattern matching in function def) my_length :: [a] -> Integer my_length [] = 0 my_length (x:xs) = 1 + my_length xs -- STYLE RECOMMENDATION: watch for opportunities to use pattern matching in -- function definitions. This often leads to cleaner definitions than -- using if expressions or guards (discussed later). -- MORE RECURSION EXAMPLES -- sum the elements in a list (there is also a built-in function 'sum') rec_sum [] = 0 rec_sum (x:xs) = x + rec_sum xs -- append two lists (note that this is built-in as the operator ++) append [] ys = ys append (x:xs) ys = x : append xs ys -- CASE EXPRESSIONS choose_creature x = case x of 0 -> "squid" 1 -> "octopus" 2 -> "anemone" _ -> "unknown" -- pattern matching for function definitions is equivalent to using case -- expressions ... for example: choose_another_creature 0 = "squid" choose_another_creature 1 = "octopus" choose_another_creature 2 = "anemone" choose_another_creature _ = "unknown" -- and conversely: case_append xs ys = case xs of [] -> ys (z:zs) -> z : append zs ys {- A useful function in the Prelude is zip, which takes two lists and returns a new list consisting of pairs, with the first element of the pair taken from the first list and the second element taken from the second list. (This is useful in the Haskell project.) For example try zip [1,2,3] [100,200,300] What is its type? -} -- CURRYING! plus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer plus x y = x+y -- note that the type of plus is Integer -> Integer -> Integer, -- NOT (Integer , Integer) -> Integer -- we can apply plus to just one argument (check what the type is of incr) incr = plus 1 {-- this last definition is also an example of Pointfree programming .... we don't mention the argument. This is considered a cleaner definition than incr a = plus 1 a --} {- HIGHER-ORDER FUNCTIONS The Haskell library includes a map function. This applies the function to each element of a list and returns a list of the results. Try evaluating map incr [1,2,3] -} -- we can also easily define map ourselves: my_map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] my_map f [] = [] my_map f (a:x) = f a : my_map f x -- try applying my_map to double, factorial, not, etc. -- the types of the argument list and result list can be different on_off :: Bool -> Integer on_off False = 0 on_off True = 1 -- now try my_map on_off [True,True,False] -- ANONYMOUS FUNCTIONS doubletrouble :: Integer -> Integer doubletrouble = \x -> 2*x -- try this: -- my_map (\x -> x+5) [1,2,3] {- FILTER Another useful higher-order function is filter: filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter even [1..20] In the following expression we are using the isUpper function from the Data.Char module. filter Data.Char.isUpper "Oliver Twist" Suppose we want function to filter out the elements in a list that aren't divisible by 3 We could write it as: threes s = filter (\x -> mod x 3 ==0) s But a more elegant definition is as follows. (Why does this work?) -} threes = filter (\x -> mod x 3 ==0) {- Ha! Note that this is another example of Pointfree programming. -} {- Function Composition Another useful higher-order function is for doing function composition. This is defined in the Prelude as the infix operator . and is often used for pointfree programming. Example: we defined two functions incr and double. Now try evaluating : (double . incr) 10 We can also use function composition in a definition -} d_incr = double . incr {- You could define the compose operator yourself: compose f g x = f (g x) What is the type of compose?? Try it and see what Haskell says for :t compose or :t (.) OK, the type of (.) is (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c Notice that the two functions don't need to have the same type -- rather, the argument type of the first has to be the return type of the second. Examples: (const True) . incr has type Integer -> Bool first import Data.Char so that the chr and ord functions are defined then try :t (chr . (+1) . ord) (chr . (+1) . ord) 'a' -} {- Static Scoping Illustrated with several versions of calculating the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle - these all do the same thing) -} hyp x y = let xsq = x*x ysq = y*y sum = xsq + ysq in sqrt sum hyp2 x y = let sum = xsq + ysq xsq = x*x ysq = y*y in sqrt sum -- let can be nested hyp3 x y = let xsq = x*x ysq = y*y in let sum = xsq + ysq in sqrt sum -- where is another way to produce a local scope hyp4 x y = sqrt sum where sum = x*x + y*y -- nested declarations shadow outer ones shadow x = let x = 100 in 2*x {- Note that 'shadow' always returns 200, since the x in the let expression shadows the parameter. This works just the same as in Scheme/Racket. -} {- LIST COMPREHENSIONS -} -- the list of squares of numbers between 0 and 10 squares100 = [x^2 | x <- [0..10]] -- the infinite list of squares squares = [x^2 | x <- [0..]] -- quicksort qsort [] = [] qsort (a:x) = qsort [ b | b <- x, b<=a ] ++ [a] ++ qsort [ b | b <- x, b>a ] -- all permutations of a list perms [] = [[]] perms x = [ a:y | a <- x, y <- perms (remove a x) ] remove a [] = [] remove a (x:y) | a==x = y | otherwise = x : remove a y {- MORE HIGHER-ORDER FUNCTIONS -} {- In many cases you can avoid writing a recursive function using higher-order functions such as map or foldr -} my_member :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool my_member a x = or (map (==a) x) -- This version of length uses the built-in const function, -- which is defined as: -- const k x = k clever_length x = sum (map (const 1) x) -- rewritten using $ to reduce the number of parens clever_length2 x = sum $ map (const 1) x -- or even more clever (Pointfree again). Haskell fans would probably -- consider this as the best style. very_clever_length = sum . map (const 1) {- The foldr function ("fold right") takes three arguments: a function, an initial value and a list. For example, foldr (+) 0 [1,8,5] is equivalent to 1+(8+(5+0)) which is 14. -} -- Using foldr we can elegantly define functions such as sum and product: my_sum :: Num x => [x] -> x my_sum = foldr (+) 0 my_product :: Num x => [x] -> x my_product = foldr (*) 1 -- and similarly for functions to take the 'or' or 'and' of a list of booleans: my_or :: [Bool] -> Bool my_or = foldr (||) False my_and :: [Bool] -> Bool my_and = foldr (&&) True {- Some details: usually we can omit type declarations and let Haskell infer them, but in this case we need to include them due to an annoying feature of Haskell's type system called the monomorphism restriction. More on this in TypesNotes.hs All of the functions used above are commutative and associative (the easier case to think about). So in the example we didn't really need the parentheses in 1+(8+(5+0)) The parentheses do matter for non-associative functions. For example: foldr (-) 0 [1,8,5] is equivalent to 1-(8-(5-0)) and not 1-8-5-0 There is another function foldl ("fold left") that does the opposite bracketing. foldl (-) 0 [1,8,5] is equivalent to ((0-1)-8)-5 foldr can work on infinite lists, while foldl cannot; but for finite lists foldl will usually be more efficient. (Since we generally won't be concerned with relatively minor efficiencies in 341, and since the instructor does have a strange fondness for infinite data structures, we'll just use foldr.) See the tutorial for more information. -}