{- TYPES IN HASKELL CSE 341, Autumn 2008 Haskell has an exceptionally rich type system. Some important features: - type inference - polymorphic functions - type classes We've seen the basics already. Here we'll look at some further aspects of types in Haskell. -} module TypesNotes where -- SIMPLE USER-DEFINED TYPES data SimpleColor = Red1 | Green1 | Blue1 {- Trying to interact with this is going to get annoying, since SimpleColors don't know how to print themselves. Let's fix this by automatically defining show and read functions using the 'deriving' construct. -} data Color = Red | Green | Blue deriving (Show,Read) {- now colors know how to show themselves; you can also read in color values from strings -} {- TYPE CLASSES AND OVERLOADING -} {- parametric polymorphism vs overloading. In languages such as Pascal or Ada, + is overloaded. This means that there are several different versions of the + operator; which one is used depends on the types of the operands. Type classes allow this to be handled cleanly in Haskell. The Prelude includes the following type class: class Eq a where (==) :: a -> a -> Bool This says that the Eq class has a == operation with the given type. Note that we don't want to be able to use the == operation on all types! (It's not decidable in general whether two functions are equal.) Type classes support this. Then the Prelude goes on to use this class: instance Eq Integer where x == y = primEqInteger x y instance Eq Float where x == y = primEqFloat x y == is overloaded. As an example of using Eq, here is the type of the member function: my_member :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool This says that the type of my_member is: a -> [a] -> Bool for any type a in the type class Eq. We can extend a type class (i.e. define a subclass): class (Eq a) => Ord a where compare :: a -> a -> Ordering (<), (<=), (>=), (>) :: a -> a -> Bool max, min :: a -> a -> a As an example of using Ord, the type of smember (member for sorted lists) is: smember :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> Bool Multiple inheritance for type classes is allowed. The built-in numeric classes include: Int (fixed precision integers) Integer (infinite precision integers) Float Double Now try finding the types of: 3 3.5 (1, 3, True, 'x') -} {- POLYMORPHIC USER DEFINED TYPES -} -- this is similar to the Tree example in the Gentle Introduction, but for -- variety we'll have an EmptyTree constructor, and associate a value with -- each interior node. Note that this is a recursive type! -- we will automatically define show and read functions using -- the 'deriving' construct data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show,Read) small :: Tree Integer small = (Node 4 EmptyTree (Node 5 EmptyTree EmptyTree)) big :: Tree Integer big = (Node 10 small (Node 20 EmptyTree small)) -- do a preorder traversal and return the result as a list preorder :: Tree a -> [a] preorder EmptyTree = [] preorder (Node x left right) = [x] ++ preorder left ++ preorder right tree_sum :: Tree Integer -> Integer tree_sum EmptyTree = 0 tree_sum (Node x left right) = x + tree_sum left + tree_sum right -- let's try the same function, but let Haskell infer the type: tsum EmptyTree = 0 tsum (Node x left right) = x + tsum left + tsum right {- Using infinite data structures with user-defined types -} verylargetree :: Tree Integer verylargetree = Node 4 verylargetree verylargetree make_tree :: Integer -> Tree Integer make_tree n = Node n (make_tree (n+1)) (make_tree (2*n)) {- to deal with infinite trees, let's define a function tree_take that finds just the first n levels of a tree (analogous to 'take' for lists) -} tree_take :: Integer -> Tree a -> Tree a tree_take 0 t = EmptyTree tree_take n EmptyTree = EmptyTree tree_take n (Node x left right) = Node x (tree_take (n-1) left) (tree_take (n-1) right) {- The Show Class Types that are members of the Show class have functions that convert instances of those types into strings. We'll just be using one of those, the 'show' function. For example, try these: show 5 show True show sqrt show small Suppose that we don't want to use the default version of 'show' that gets built when you use the 'deriving' construct. Here's an example: -} data Point= Point Integer Integer instance Show Point where show (Point x y) = show x ++ "@" ++ show y