// CSE 341, Autumn 2005 // Program to illustrate covariant typing with Java arrays // and a runtime type exception import java.awt.Point; class ArrayTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] s; s = new String[10]; s[0] = "hi there"; // test takes an array of objects. Since Java regards an // array of strings as a subtype of array of object, we can // pass s as a parameter. test(s); } public static void test(Object[] a) { System.out.println("in test - before storing into a"); // as far as test is concerned, 'a' is just an array // of objects, so the compiler will let us store a point // into it. However, this will raise a runtime exception. a[1] = new Point(10,20); System.out.println("in test - after storing into a"); } }