CSE 341: More on scoping of names

Lexical scoping

We have so far discussed the notion of scope (i.e., where a name binding is visible) rather informally. I would like to make your intuition more precise by describing ML's scoping rules in more detail.

Bindings in ML live in environments. Conceptually, each environment (except the top-level environment) consists of

Consider the following code:

- val x = 5;
val x = 5 : int
- fun f y = x + y;              (* 1 *)
val f = fn : int -> int
- val x = 7;                    (* 2 *)
val x = 7 : int
- f 10;                         (* 3 *)
val it = 15 : int

In this code, the reference to x inside f refers to the binding x = 5. Regardless of whatever other bindings are later added to the top-level environment, the body of f will always be evaluated in that environment.

Figs. 1-3 show how this is implemented, conceptually. In Fig. 1, we have evaluated the declaration of f (at the line marked (* 1 *) above), which includes evaluating the function value. Unlike previous diagrams of function values in memory, we have included a picture of the value, sometimes called a closure, which contains two parts:

[Diagram of memory at point marked 1]
Fig. 1: Diagram of memory after declaration fun f y = x + y.

Fig. 2 shows what happens when we evaluate val x = 7 (at the line marked (* 2 *)). Another binding is added that shadows the previous binding --- but only for later declarations. The closure continues to point to the older environment.

[Diagram of memory at point marked 2]
Fig. 2: Diagram of memory after declaration val x = y.

Finally, Fig. 3 shows what happens when we evaluate the function bound to f. First, a function activation record is created for this function. This activation has a pointer for the parent environment. Second, a the pointer from the closure is copied into the parent environment slot. Third, the actual argument value is matched against the function's argument pattern --- in this case, simply binding 10 to y. Finally, the function is executed in the environment of the activation --- lookup of y yields 10, and lookup of x yields 5. The expression x + y evaluates to 15, and this value is returned.

[Diagram of memory during evaluation of line marked 3]
Fig. 3: Diagram of memory during function invocation.

Note that this is only the conceptual picture of what's going on. An optimized implementation might allocate activation records on a stack (perhaps the same stack as the top-level environment), and it might copy the captured bindings into the closure instead of keeping a pointer to the original environment.

Lexical vs. dynamic scoping

The scoping rule used in ML is called lexical scoping, because names refer to their nearest preceding lexical (textual) definition.

The opposite scheme is called dynamic scoping --- under dynamic scoping, names from outer scopes are re-evaluated using the most recently executed definition, not the one present when the code was originally written. Under dynamic scoping, the above transcript would return 17 for the value of f 10.

All sensible languages use lexical scoping. Dynamic scoping is of mostly historical interest --- early implementations of Lisp used dynamic scoping, which Joseph McCarthy (the inventor of Lisp) simply considered a bug. In languages that use dynamic scoping, functions are difficult to use and do not serve as well-behaved abstractions --- it is possible to make a function misbehave in ways that the writer of the function never anticipated, simply by accidentally redefining some name that may be used in the function.

Nested scopes: an extended example

So far, we have examined four contexts where name bindings may take place:

These all follow rules similar to function arguments. For example, when one rule of a case expression is evaluated, a fresh environment is created with a parent pointer to the textually enclosing scope.

You may find it useful to figure out the scope of various names in the following code.

val a = 1;
val b = 3;
val f = fn x => x + a + b;
val a = 2;
fun g (foo, bar) =
        val x = f a;
        val y = fn foo =>
            foo + x + let val n = 4 in n * n end;
        val x = y bar;
        case foo of
            nil   => 0 - x
          | x::_ => x

Let-expressions and function application

Let-expressions are actually roughly equivalent to function applications --- witness the following equivalence:

- let val x = 5 in x + x end;
val it = 10 : int
- (fn x => x + x) 5
val it = 10 : int

In both cases, we bind a value to a name, then evaluate an expression in the environment produced by that name binding.

Let-expressions with more than one binding can be rewritten as a sequence of let-expressions, which in turn can be rewritten as a sequence of function applications:

- let val x = 5
    val y = 7 in
    x + y
val it = 12 : int
- let val x = 5 in
    let val y = 7 in
        x + y
val it = 12 : int
- (fn x =>
    (fn y =>
       x + y
    ) 7) 5;
val it = 12 : int

Thought exercise: Why can't a let-expression with more than one binding simply be translated into a function taking a tuple of values? Hint: consider the let-expression

  val x = 5;
  val y = x + 1
  x + y