Extra credit projects

Due dates:
Proposal: Mon 8 Mar 2004
Final project: Wed 17 Mar 2004, at final exam


Devise a project that you estimate will take somewhere between 8-16 hours of work (about 2 days of solid work) per student, or select an instantiation of one of the project classes below. Your project should be designed to teach you something about programming languages.

Projects may be done individually, or in groups of 2 or 3. Somewhat more work will be expected of a group than an individual.

Once you have selected a project, email Keunwoo with your project proposal. Your proposal should include a list of deliverables (what you will submit at the completion of the project). Each project must be different from the rest. Projects will be allocated using first come, first serve scheduling.

Extra credit projects will add variable amounts to your grade, depending on the quality and scope of the project. It is better to do a small project, and produce a very polished document describing what you did and what you learned, than to choose a big project that's a messy pile of hacks.

Your grade will not be penalized in any way for not doing an extra credit project. The presence of extra credit projects will not bias the curve; any extra credit adjustments will occur after the curve has been determined.

Project ideas