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CSE 341 -- 18 May. 2000

Feedback 2, the Revenge

The quarter's about 2/3 over. I'd like some more feedback. Here's the URL:


Questions you might want to answer:

Algebraic and abstract types in Miranda

Miranda supports user-defined types of two varieties. Algebraic types are a single concept that encompasses enumerations, unions, and some uses of structured (record) types in other languages. Abstract types roughly correspond to the idea of an object or module.

Algebraic types

|| Enumerations weekday ::= Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri weekend ::= Sat | Sun || A union day ::= InWeek weekday | NonWeek weekend || Two structured types numlist ::= NullNumNode | NumNode num numlist list * ::= NullNode | Node (*) (list *)
Mon:: => weekday Sat:: => weekend InWeek Mon:: => day NumNode 5 NullNumNode:: => numlist Node 5 NullNode:: => list num Node 'a' NullNode:: => list char

Last modified: Wed May 17 21:06:27 PDT 2000