/* CSE 333 lecture 15: pet.cc: vtable/inheritance example. HP 5/13 */ // Both specification and implementation included in this file // to keep the example compact and focus on dispatch issues. #include #include using namespace std; // model a generic household pet class Pet { public: // initialize new Pet with given name Pet(string name) { name_ = name; } // return name of this Pet virtual string get_name() { return name_; } // return a noise made by this Pet // (what happens if you omit virtual?) // (what if you want an abstract method here? [no implementation]) virtual string get_noise() { return "wassup?"; } private: string name_; // name of this pet }; // a dog is a pet with an obvious noise class Dog: public Pet { public: // initialize new Dog with given name Dog(string name): Pet(name) { } // dog noise - override string get_noise() { return "dog Woof!!"; } }; // a cat is a pet that has a different noise and can scratch class Cat: public Pet { public: // initialize new Cat with given name and no scratches so far Cat(string name): Pet(name), scratch_count_(0) { } // cat noise - override string get_noise() { return "cat meow"; } // cat behavior - scratch void scratch() { cout << "scratch " << ++scratch_count_ << endl; } private: int scratch_count_; // number of cat scratches }; // a kitten is a cat that bounces off walls class Kitten: public Cat { public: // initialize new Kitten Kitten(string name): Cat(name) { } // kitten noise - override string get_noise() { return "kitten purrrr"; } // additional kitten behavior - hyperactivity void bounce() { cout << "boing boing boing" << endl; } }; // Print name and noise made by Pet p void prPet(Pet *p) { cout << "Pet named " << p->get_name() << " says: " << p->get_noise() << endl; } // Create a menagerie and run some methods int main() { cout << "pet and cat basic behavoir:" << endl; Pet * fred = new Pet("Fred"); prPet(fred); Cat * spot = new Cat("Spot"); prPet(spot); spot->scratch(); spot->scratch(); // method dispatch cout << "talking cats and dogs:" << endl; Pet * dogp = new Dog("Fluffy"); Pet * catp = spot; prPet(dogp); prPet(catp); //catp->scratch(); // won't compile - no scratch() in Pet cout << "kitten:" << endl; Kitten * kat = new Kitten("Puff"); prPet(kat); kat->scratch(); kat->scratch(); kat->bounce(); // a kitty of many voices or just one? // (recall type of kat is Kitten) Cat * ckat = kat; Pet * pkat = kat; cout << "kitten noises:" << endl; cout << pkat->get_noise() << endl; cout << ckat->get_noise() << endl; cout << kat->get_noise() << endl; return 0; }