CSE 331
The aim of this course is to help students write programs of
higher quality and increased complexity. This requires creating
software that is correct, easy to change, easy to understand, and
easy to scale. The course covers principled approaches to achieving
these four goals.
In addition to the general information on this front page,
please use the Resources link in the navigation bar for
much more detail about the course, including the syllabus.
Course staff:
All Staff (preferred): cse331-staff@cs will reach the
instructor and all the TAs. For questions multiple staff members
can answer, please use this email so that you get a quicker reply
and the whole staff is aware of the question.
- Instructor: Dan Grossman, djg@cs
- Anonymous feedback to the instructor
- TA: Alexey C Beall, beallal@cs
- TA: Shannon Chen, shannc6@cs
- TA: Andrew Gies, agies@cs
- TA: Annabell Yuyan Hu, huy37@cs
- TA: Chanwut Kittivorawong, chanwutk@cs
- TA: Jenny Liang, jliang9@cs
- TA: CJ Lin, xijiel@cs
- TA: Vlad Loyko, vloyko@cs
- TA: Omeed Magness, omag01@cs
- TA: Haoran Yu, hy47@cs
Class email list information (required)
Discussion Board optional but encouraged; if you are registered in the course, then you should be a member using your UW Google Apps identity (@uw, not @cs)
Lecture and Sections:
- Lecture: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30-11:20, CSE2 G01
- Section AA: Thursday 9:30-10:20, MOR 225 (Annabell, CJ)
- Section AB: Thursday 10:30-11:20, MOR 225 (Haoran, Vlad)
- Section AC: Thursday 11:30-12:20, MOR 225 (Alexey, Omeed)
- Section AD: Thursday 12:30-1:20, MOR 225 (Jenny, Shannon)
Office hours: (One-off changes will be announced on the
course mailing list and reflected on the course calendar, but
will not be listed below, so also check the calendar.)
- Mondays, 12:30-1:30, Omeed, Allen Center 3rd-floor breakout
- Mondays, 5:30-6:30, Jenny, Allen Center 3rd-floor breakout (canceled on October 21)
- Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30, Haoran, Gates Center 131
- Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30, Andrew, Gates Center 131
- Wednesdays, 11:30-12:30, Dan, Gates Center 309
- Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30, CJ, Gates Center 131
- Thursdays, 1:30-2:30, Chanwut, Gates Center 131
- Thursdays, 2:30-3:30, Vlad, Gates Center 131
- Thursdays, 4:30-5:30, Alexey, Gates Center 131
- Fridays, 2:30-3:30, Shannon, Gates Center 131
- Fridays, 4:00-5:00, Annabel, Gates Center 131