A* Search combines the best features of Breadth-first search (always finds
optimal paths) and Best-First search (visits fewer nodes). A* is like
Best-First search, except that the priority for a node is the sum of the actual
distance from the start to the node and the estimated distance to the
key(node) = distance_from_start_to_node + |nodex - exitx|
+ |nodey - exity|
You will need to keep track of the true distance from the start in each
node. Then, when find the neighbors of a node, their distance is the
distance of the current node plus one.
There are also some other minor but important modifications you need to make to
the Best-First algorithm:
After you first see a node, you might see it again but along a shorter
path. Therefore, instead of just checking whether a node has been visited
or not before adding it to the queue, you have to check whether it has been
visited and
whether the distance from the start to that node previously calculated is the
same or shorter than the distance along the current path. If both
conditions hold, then you don't add it to the queue. But, if you have
found a shorter path to the node, go ahead and insert it into the queue
again. It is okay to have several copies of the same node, but with
different priorities, in the queue.
Do not stop the search until the goal is first removed from the queue,
not when it is first inserted in the queue. This is because the
first time you insert the goal you may not have found the shortest path to it.