Linux/g++: Maze solving in CSE326

Linux machines at U. W.

Make project directory

Look at supplied files

Copy Files

Interlude: ‘man’

Look at files in my dir

My files are read-only

chmod (thanks to Nic Bone)

How to make runmaze (the program)

Test run

Run sample solution

Run runmaze with visualization

Edit runmaze.cpp – forgot &

Edit runmaze.cpp

Emacs keys

Simple change to runmaze.cpp

Re-make program

Run re-made version

Intro to make – project file dependencies

2 lines from Makefile

g++ linking command line

2 lines for runmaze.cpp (well, technically runmaze.o)

g++ compiling flags

So you want to add a .h file

Adding a .cpp file


start it/set a couple of breakpoints

Run program in gdb

More info