1) In file ex1.txt, replace all occurrences of character x with character z on lines 2, 3, and 4. 2) In file ex1.txt, replace all occurrences of character x with character z on all lines except 2, 3, and 4. 3) In file ex1.txt, replace all occurrences of character x with character z on all lines that contain a character a 4) In file ex1.txt, replace all occurrences of character x with character z on all lines that do NOT contain a character a 5) In file ex1.txt, replace all occurrences of character x with character z on lines 2, 3, and 4, BUT output only the affected lines. 6) File ex4.txt contains the man page for wc. From that file, extract only the sections with the name, synopsis, and description. Hint: you may need to use two commands. 7) In the file ex2.txt, on all lines that contain the keyword Linux, replace (a) everything from the beginning of the line to after the keyword Linux with the empty string and (b) the keyword command and everything that follows with a colon. 8) In the file ex2.txt, replace the ls that occurs at the end of a line with the string "the ls command" 9) Can you do the same as in the question above but for all commands and without specifying each one explicitly? 10) In the file brackets.txt, replace all curly brackets '(' and ')' with square brackets '[' and ']'