At the end of lecture 1, your instructor typed "history > lec1hist" into the shell. He then opened lec1hist in the emacs editor and deleted lines corresponding to earlier seesions. Then he wrote this paragraph, saved the file, and put the result on the website. history is a special "builtin" for the shell; I encourage you to learn more about it. 244 tcsh 245 pwd 246 ls 247 ls old 248 ls / 249 cd / 250 pwd 251 ls 252 ls /homes/iws/djg 253 ls old 254 pwd 255 cd /homes/iws/djg 256 cd / 257 cd homes/iwd/djg 258 cd homes/iws/djg 259 cd / 260 cd ~ 261 cd / 262 cd 263 touch foo 264 ls 265 mkdir bar 266 ls 267 cd bar 268 ls 269 echo "hellow world\!" 270 echo "hi" 271 echo "hi" > someFile 272 ls 273 cat someFile 274 emacs & 275 ls 276 cat anotherFile 277 clear 278 mv 279 cp 280 rm 281 man cp 282 history > lec1hist