University of Washington
CSE 190 M: Web Programming, Summer 2011 Syllabus


Course Content and Learning Objectives:

This course is an introduction to programming for the World Wide Web. You will learn about topics such as:

Lecture and Section Times:


Stepp/Miller/Kirst. Web Programming Step by Step. ISBN 978-0-578-01239-1. Required.

Problems or assignments will not be assigned out of this book. But the book was written specifically for this course by the course author and makes a useful supplement to the lectures. It contains practice materials, case studies, and sample programs you can use to help you on your homework and study for your exams. Also, exams in this course will be open-book, so it may be advantageous to own the book to bring as a reference during exams.

Course Web Site:

Discussion Sections:

You will be expected to participate in a weekly discussion section, held on various times and places on Tuesdays (see your MyUW online schedule for details). The TA who runs your section will grade your homework assignments. In section we will answer questions, go over common errors in homework solutions, and discuss sample problems in more detail than we can in lecture. Unless otherwise announced, attendance in discussion section is optional; no points or other credit are awarded for attending, nor is any deduction given for failure to attend. The instructor reserves the right to give quizzes or other graded work in section so long as it has been announced at least 48 hours in advance.

Lab Sessions:

Every Thursday or Friday you will attend a session held in the Introductory Programming Lab (IPL) in rooms 334 and 342 of Mary Gates Hall. TAs will lead the lab session and help students solve problems. Participating in your weekly lab session is an important part of the course and will form part of your course grade. Your lowest two (2) lab session scores will be dropped, allowing you to miss two sessions without penalty. It will not be possible to make up missed lab sessions without severely extenuating circumstances and the instructor's advance permission.

Software and Computing Resources:

The required software for the course is the Firefox web browser, version 3.6, with the Firebug add-on (both free). A text editor of your choice is also required; the TextPad (Windows) or Smultron (Mac) text editors are recommended. The course web site has links to download this software.


Graded work will receive categorized point values, with the following categories and their respective weights:

This maps to the 4.0 scale roughly as follows. You will get at least the grade below for the percentage shown.

90%: at least 3.5 85%: at least 3.0 80%: at least 2.5
75%: at least 2.0 70%: at least 1.5 60%: at least 0.7

Homework and Lateness Policy:

Homework consists of weekly programming assignments done individually and submitted electronically from the course web site. Programs will be graded on "external correctness" (behavior) and "internal correctness" (style, design, and compliance to web standards). Disputes about grading must be made within 2 weeks of receiving the grade.

Programming assignments must be turned in using the online submission system on the course web site. Assignments will not be accepted by email, FTP, instant message, posting them to a web server, or other turn-in methods without permission from your instructor or TA. It is your responsibility to ensure that your turn-in is successful and on time. The turnin system emails and displays a receipt upon submitting your assignment. We very strongly recommend that you save your receipt for all turnins. If you have no receipt and we do not have your assignment files, you may not receive credit for your work.

Each student receives 5 free "late days", each of which allows you to submit a program up to 24 hours late without penalty. Once a student has used up all late days, each successive day that an assignment is late will result in a 5% deduction. Regardless of how many late days you have, you may not submit a program more than 3 days after it is due or after the last day of class.

Each student can also receive "early days" for submitting an assignment early. Each increment of 24 hours before the due date that a student turns in an assignment, an "early day" will be awarded. Every time a student earns three (3) early days, the student will be given an extra free "late day" that can be applied to the current or subsequent assignments.

Students will not be granted extensions without highly extenuating circumstances as decided by the instructor. Late days are intended for use in extenuating circumstances; use them wisely!


There will be a split final exam this quarter, taken in two parts during the last two class periods of the quarter:

Exams in this course are open-book for the Web Programming Step by Step textbook, but closed to all other books. Exams are also open-note for personal notes, printed solutions to homework assignments, lab and section handouts, and any other course material except solutions to past or sample exams, which are not permitted. No computing devices or other students' work or ideas may be used.

Make-up exams will not be given except in case of a serious emergency. If you must miss an exam, even if you are sick or injured, you or someone must contact the instructor before the exam. You must show evidence that you are physically unable to take the exam, such as a clearly worded doctor's note, before the exam. No make-ups will be granted for personal reasons such as travel, personal hardship, to ease your exam week schedule, or leisure. No student will be permitted to take an exam early for any reason.

Collaboration Policy:

Programming assignments must be completed individually. You may discuss an assignment in general terms with other students, including a general discussion of how to approach the problem, but all code you submit must be your own. Any help you receive from classmates should be limited and should never involve details of how to code a solution. You must abide by the following:

Under our policy, a student who gives inappropriate help is equally as guilty as one who receives it. Instead of providing such help to someone who does not understand an assignment, point them to other class resources such as lecture examples, the textbook, the IPL, or emailing a TA or instructor. You must not share your solution code and ideas with others. You must also take reasonable steps to ensure that your work is not copied by others, such as by making sure to log out or lock shared computers, not leaving printouts of your code in public places, and not emailing your code to other students or posting it on the web or public forums.

We enforce this policy by running detection software a few times per quarter over all submitted student programs, including programs from past quarters. Please contact the instructor if you are unsure whether a particular behavior falls within our policy.

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