Q: Can it fly? Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Does it sometimes live in water? Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Does it have long legs? Q: Is it pink? Q: Does it look weird to humans? Q: Does it sometimes stand on one leg? Q: It''s not pink or stands on one leg is it? Q: Is it some kind of jelly fish? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it not real? Q: Are you going to keep hitting yes? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is it white? Q: Is it a male? Q: Is it yellow? Q: Is it related to the cat family? Q: Can it be all animals? Q: Are you going to click yes for the last question? Q: Are you going to answer "no" for this question? Q: Can it do everything? A: God A: yes A: yes A: nothing A: Bengal tiger A: rabbit A: snow man A: snow woman A: my weird cat A: kangaroo Q: Does it have long legs? A: kangaroo A: i wasnt thinking of anything i was just hitting all yesses! Q: Is it a creature in the T.V series the Smurfs? Q: Is it blue? A: papa smurf A: Papa Smurf A: dog A: big pink fish Q: Does it quack? A: duck Q: Is it on kim possible? A: naked mole rat A: flamingo Q: It it a realative of the Husky family? Q: Is it a pet? A: siberian husky Q: Does it eat fish? A: Bear A: wolf Q: An anteater doesnt stand on one leg.? Q: Does it love the color pink and plays golf? A: craig davis A: flamingo Q: Is it pink and stands in one leg? A: flamingo A: anteater Q: Does is have long and pink legs? Q: Do people eat it? Q: Does it have a big beak to get fish with? Q: Can it shapeshift? A: shapeshifting alcolyte A: seagull A: hen A: flamingo Q: Does it swallow fish by flicking back its head? Q: Does it spend all day in the water? A: sea lion A: flamingo A: davis diver bird Q: Does it have a curved bill? A: flamingo Q: Does it stand on one leg in the water? Q: Does it live near people? Q: Is it sometimes pink? A: flamingo A: duck Q: Is it pink? A: pink flamingo A: flamingo Q: Does it eat shrimp? A: flamingo Q: Does it have fins? Q: Does it have black spots? A: cow A: fish A: spoonbill bird Q: Is it graceful? Q: Is it a bird? Q: Are its babies light brown? Q: Does it have blue around it''s eyes? Q: Is it red? A: reddish egret Q: Does it honk? A: swan Q: Is it white? A: Swan A: heron Q: Is it on a farm? A: goose Q: Is it white? Q: Does it carry babies.. or so the legend goes? A: Stork Q: Does have a crest on its head? A: heron Q: Does it live by the ocean? A: gull A: swan Q: Does in have black dashing lines down its neck? A: Purple heron A: whooping crane Q: Does it live on the beach? Q: Does it have an ugly reputation? Q: Does it have a large bowl like bill? A: pelican A: tube-nosed bird Q: Can you find them in Maine? Q: It is white not blue? A: crane A: blue Hearon Q: Does it sometimes stand on one leg? A: flamingo Q: Does it change form 5 times? A: Eevee A: pelican Q: Does it''s name have something to do with a musical instrument? A: trumpeter swan Q: Is it white? Q: Is it in the movie, "The Swan Princess"? Q: Are its babies yellowish? A: duck A: swan Q: Does its name start with c? A: Crane Q: Does it has yellow feet? A: little egret A: Plumed Egret A: great blue heron Q: Is it fluffy? Q: Is it silky? A: long legged wooly piece of silk A: flying-feathered-water-fisheating-longlegged-graceful-ball of fluff Q: Does it live in trees? A: squirrel A: wumpus Q: Is it sometimes called ''man''s best friend''? Q: Does it quack? A: duck A: dog Q: Does it have a big bill? Q: Is there a myth that says that these carry baby humans to their parents? Q: Is it pink from eating shrimp? A: Flamingo A: stork Q: Does it have a weird looking bill? Q: Does it steal it''s food from another bird? A: frigitbird Q: Does it have a distensible membranous pouch on the lower jawfor the temporary storage of fish? A: pelican A: afracan spoonbill Q: Is it fat? A: duck Q: Does it have a ring around its bill? A: swan A: pelican Q: Does it live at the beach? A: seagull Q: Was it mistaken for an ugly duckling? A: swan Q: Is it blue? Q: Is it a kind of heron? Q: It is blue? A: great blue heron A: snake bird A: blue footed booby Q: Does it have brown and tan markings? Q: Is it very difficult to catch and handle? A: Tiger Bittern A: limpkin A: crane Q: Does it have a small beak? Q: Does it have different colors? Q: Does it live in a cold environment? Q: Does it have a colorful beak? Q: Does it look a lot like a goose? A: swan Q: Does it live in the South Pole? A: penguin A: puffin Q: Is it an upland game bird? Q: Is this bird named after a country? Q: Does it have canadian as the first word? A: duck A: canadian goose A: grouse Q: Is it bigger than an elephant and all black? A: goober eating black animal named bobo Q: Does it migrate long distances? Q: Does it quack? A: duck Q: Has it got a yellow head? A: gannet A: arctic tern Q: Is it an auk? A: razorbill A: penguin Q: Does it honk? Q: Does it Quack? Q: Is it white? Q: Does it live in a forest? A: tucan Q: Is it small? A: Duck Q: Is it very elegant? A: swan A: duck A: duck Q: Are there three different types? A: Egyptian goose A: Canada goose Q: Does it quack? Q: It has up to 10 + ducklings? Q: Does it have green? A: duck A: muscove duck A: duck Q: Does it carry its young on its back? Q: Does It have Very Large Wings? A: albatross A: loon Q: Does its cry sound like a crazy laugh? Q: Does it live near the ocean? Q: They have blue feet? A: blue--footed booby A: seagull A: loon Q: Does it get its name from the call it makes? A: mew gull Q: Does it have blue feet? A: blue-footed booby Q: Does it have a black crest on its head? A: Black-crowned night heron A: seagull Q: Does it make a cooing sound? Q: Does it eat garbage? Q: Does it fly? A: seagull A: bat Q: Does it say ''quack quack''? A: duck Q: Is it larger yet similar to a seagull? Q: Is it in a book of nursery rhymes called mother _______? A: goose A: albatross A: dove Q: Is the animal considered graceful? Q: Does it eat dead things? Q: Does it swoop down to catch its prey? Q: Are they usually found in thousands at beaches? A: sea gull A: eagle A: buzzard Q: Does your animal stand in fields and drainage ditches? A: great egret Q: Does it have a long neck? A: swan Q: Is it a type of swan? A: bewick swan A: White Mallard Q: Dose it fly south for winter? Q: Does it "Quack"? A: duck A: blue jay Q: Is it supernatural? A: biyomon Q: Does it make quack quack sound? A: duck Q: Does it live in cold places and hot places? A: penguin A: blue-footed booby Q: Does it have a thin beak? Q: Does it have short legs? Q: Does it have white and brown feathers? Q: Does it have darker colours on its wings and tail? Q: Does it look comical? Q: Does it have webbed feet? Q: Does it have a big mouth for scooping up its food? A: pelican A: duck A: blue-footed booby Q: Does it live near the sea shore? Q: Does it quack? A: duck A: seagull Q: Is it referred to as ''crazy as a ...''? A: loon Q: Does it have a green tuft of feathers on the top of its head? Q: Dose it fly south for the winter? A: goose A: Wood Duck A: albatross A: duck Q: Is it a seabird? Q: Does the animal live in a cold climate? Q: Does it have white and grey feathers? A: seagull A: artic tern A: seagull Q: Is it Minnesotas ,state bird? A: common loon Q: Does it have Green feathers on its neck? A: Mallard A: duck Q: Does it waddle when it walks? Q: Does it have a craned neck? Q: Does it live by the pond? A: duck Q: Does it have a long beak? A: pelican A: goose A: duck Q: Is it black? A: water turkey A: killdeer Q: Does it have blue feet? Q: Does it make nests on cliffs? Q: Does it have blue feet like a duck? A: blue footed boobie A: puffin A: blue-footed booby Q: Does it have four legs? Q: Does it go woof? A: dog Q: Is it a real animal? Q: Is it a feline? A: cat Q: Is it a mammal? A: platypus A: duck A: pegasus Q: Does it have black feathers? Q: Does it live in Newfoundland? Q: Does it fly south for the winter? Q: Does it have the largest wingspan in the world? A: wandering albatross A: goose A: puffin Q: Does it fly in flocks around seashores? Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Does it rest in trees? A: cormorant A: goose Q: Does it have webbed feet to swim? A: duck A: seagull Q: Does it have a pointed beak? Q: I don''t know? A: common loon A: goose Q: Does it have black and white feathers? Q: Is it a large, graceful bird? A: swan A: pelican A: black swan Q: Does it land smoothly? Q: Is it white? Q: Does it evolve? Q: Does it have a longish neck? A: swan A: lukia Q: Does it have a large beak that looks like a pocket? A: pelican Q: Does it have a long neck? A: swan A: duck Q: Does it feed on dead whales or rotting fish? A: giant petrel Q: Is it grey and white? A: seagul Q: Does it have 4 legs? A: horse A: pelican Q: Does it dive into the ocean to catch fish? Q: Is it smaller than a gannet? A: seagull Q: Is it larger than a gannett? A: pelican A: gannet Q: Does your animal have water-proof feathers? A: duck Q: Does it kill people? A: shark Q: Is it a character named Nigel in Finding Nemo? A: pelican A: albatross Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Do people eat it? Q: Does it quack? Q: Does it make a honking sound? A: goose A: mallard duck Q: Does it fly south for the winter? Q: Does it have pure white feathers? A: swan A: goose Q: Does it hiss, trill, and squeak? Q: Is it large and white? A: swan A: muscovy duck A: flamingo Q: Does it have long skinny legs? Q: Does it have a beak shaped like a spoon? Q: Does it eat lobster? A: flamingo Q: Does it have a spoon shaped nose? A: spoonbill A: flamingo Q: Does it have a red spot on its head? Q: Are they extinct? A: dodo A: sandhill crane Q: Does it have a long curved bill? Q: Is it white in the wild and pink in captivity? A: flamingo Q: Is it pink because it eats pink shrimp? A: flamingo A: curlew Q: Is it a white animal? Q: Does it belong to the queen? A: swan A: white heron Q: Does it like to swim in the water? A: swan A: flamingo Q: Does it have colorful feathers? Q: Does It have four legs? A: dragon A: peacock A: swan Q: Does it have a red beak? Q: Does it have multi-coloured feathers and webbed feet? Q: Does it honk? Q: Is it yellow? Q: Is it extint? A: dodo bird Q: Can you feed it? A: duck A: banandjur A: goose Q: Does it like eating cheese? A: heilopawmus Q: Can it talk? A: daffy duck A: harlequin duck Q: Does it live in nest in the trees? A: bird A: moor hen Q: Is it blue? Q: Is it a pokemon? Q: Can it fly as in low ground? A: peguin A: bower bird Q: Dose it have wings of a pegasus and look like a blue fish? Q: Is it a magical creature? A: pegaus A: Winged Bluefish A: blue footed boobie Q: Is it a national animal? Q: Does it have different colors? Q: Can it talk? Q: Does it eat bread? A: Duck A: dog A: duck Q: Does it have webbed feet? A: duck A: fossekall Q: Does it have webbed feet? Q: Is it a creature of the night? Q: Is it black? A: mallard duck A: bat Q: Is it green on it''s back with stripes on it''s wings? A: green pygmy-goose Q: Does it feed on the bottom of a whitewater? A: Dipper A: duck Q: Does it bite human beings? A: mosquito Q: Does this bird have a black ring around it''s neck? A: sandpiper A: American dipper Q: Does it like to bury its head in the sand? Q: Does it have grey feathers? Q: Does it gobble? Q: Does it live in you mind? A: imaginary friend Q: Does it live in Africa? A: OSTRIGE A: turkey Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Does it live live in australia? Q: Is it like a rock? A: platapus Q: Is it fast? Q: Does it have a dorsal fin? A: killer whale A: ostrich A: emu Q: Does it have a kite attatched to its back and like jumping off cliffs? A: paragliding ostrich A: ostrich Q: Does it live in sand? A: emu A: Elf owl Q: Does it groom itself with its tongue? Q: Can it fly very, very well? A: penguin Q: Can it fly? A: emu A: dog Q: Is it pink? Q: Does it have many colors? A: parrot Q: Does it live in a closet? A: monster A: flamingo Q: Does it weigh more than 10 pounds? Q: Does it have REALLY big feet? A: elephant Q: Dose it have a coulrful beak? Q: Does it live mostly in water? A: duck A: Tucan Q: Does it have four legs? A: cat A: ostrich Q: Is it akind of bird and is it black? A: robin A: pheasant Q: Is it a bird? Q: Is it found around the beach? Q: Does it have long legs? Q: Does it have pink feathers? Q: Does it have blue feathers? A: kingfisher A: flamingo Q: Is it dull? Q: Does it run along the edge of the water for its food? Q: Is it native to Australia? A: kiwi Q: Is it extinct? A: dodo Q: Do they fly in groups and act annoying while your at the beach? A: seagull A: sandpiper Q: Does it go fishing for its food? Q: Does it have claws? A: ospry A: crane Q: Is it a New Zealand bird? A: moa Q: Does it live in the desert? A: road runner A: seagull Q: Is it a large bird? Q: Does it have long legs? Q: Is it blue? A: blue heron A: crane Q: Does it have a large bill? A: pelican A: eagle Q: Does it live in Europe? Q: Can you make it into an origami figurine? A: crane A: kingfisher A: hummingbird Q: Does it have a white head? Q: Does it fly around people begging for food? Q: Does its name come from an insult? Q: Does it talk? A: cockatoo Q: Does it live near water? A: seagull Q: Does it eat trash? A: seagull A: booby Q: Is it considered good luck to spot this animal? Q: Does it feed on seed in your garden? A: blue tit A: albatross A: seagull Q: Does it have blue feet? Q: Is it pretty? A: birdy A: blue footed booby Q: Does it have a pouch in its beak? A: pelican Q: Does it fly close to the water? Q: Can it catch fish? Q: Does it have gray & white feathers? Q: Is it a large bird of prey? Q: Is it a really REALLY big bird? Q: Does it have a black and white color? A: white breasted sea eagle A: albatros Q: Is it a bird that people think of when they hear swan lake? A: swan A: bald eagle Q: Does it have blue feathers? A: kingfisher Q: Is it large and can fly long distances? A: albatross A: seagull Q: Does it have a long beak? A: kingfisher A: osprey Q: Does it have all blue feathers? A: parakeet A: skimmer Q: Does it have a brown streak over its eye? A: osprey Q: Are it''s feather''s colored blue and gold? A: blue and gold macaw Q: Can it fly 10,000 miles in a single trip? A: albatross Q: Is it nocturnal feeder? A: great gray owl A: bald eagle Q: Is it a solid brown color? Q: Does it have a large bill that it uses to scoop up fish? Q: Is it a bird? A: segal Q: Does it come to people at the beach to eat their food? A: Sea Gull A: pelican Q: Does it have a long pointed bill? Q: Does its feathers look like shaggy fur? A: kiwi A: sandpiper Q: Is it a very common bird that lives all over, not just by water? Q: Does it share a name with a fruit? A: kiwi A: brown pelican Q: Does it float on water? A: cat Q: Is it a native New Zealand owl? A: morepork A: English sparrow Q: Is it really small? Q: Does it live in the tropics? Q: If you take away the first three letters of its name, does it spell ''rot''? Q: Is it blue? Q: Does it have many colors? A: Parrot A: robin A: parrot Q: Does it have a pointy beak? Q: Does it live in New Zealand? Q: Does it live in Latin Amereica? Q: Is it colourful? Q: Can it be a house pet? A: Canary A: toucan A: paroaris cucullita A: kiwi bird Q: Does it live in the Galapagos islands? Q: Is your animal a Green Finch? A: greenfinch A: galapagos A: humingbird A: toucan Q: Does it have bright blue feathers? Q: Does it eat fish? A: kingfisher Q: Dose it have many colors? A: parrot A: blue wren Q: Does it suck blood? A: mosquito Q: Is it a bird of prey? A: peregrine falcon Q: Is it a bird of passage? A: swallow Q: Is the bird one of the fastest flying birds? A: mynah A: sandpiper Q: Does it have bright red and blue feathers? Q: Is it multiple colors? Q: Does it have a large beak? Q: Does it have rainbow colors? A: parrot A: toucan A: parrot A: crimson rosella Q: Does it make its nest in a hole in the ground in the hills near the ocean? Q: Does it have blue feet and a blue beak? A: blue footed booby A: puffin Q: Does it have a yellow beak and yellow legs? Q: Does it live in the jungle? A: parrot Q: Does it like to eat fish? Q: Does it eat rodents and fish? A: red-tailed hawk Q: Does it soar for great periods of time? A: albatross A: seagull A: mynah Q: Is its wingspan is bigger than a seagulls? Q: Does it eat garbage? Q: Is you animal black but smaller than a raven? Q: Does it start with a H? A: hawk A: crow A: raven Q: Does it have a normal beak? Q: Does it have the largest wingspan of any bird? A: condor Q: Is this the St. Louis baseball team''s mascot? A: cardinal Q: Is it more rare than a bald eagle? A: osprey A: vulture A: pelican Q: Is it smaller than a seagull? Q: Does it have a black head? Q: Does it live in the city? A: pigeon A: arctic tern Q: Does it squawk really loud? A: lorikeet Q: Is it blue? A: Blue-footed Boobie A: seagull Q: Does it live around New York? A: pigeon Q: Is it a common bird Pokemon? A: pidgey Q: Is it extinct? A: dodo Q: Does it have a green beak? A: toucan Q: Does it have blue feet? A: Blue footed Booby A: crow Q: Can it talk? Q: Can it see in the dark? Q: Does it have a big plume? Q: Is it white? Q: Is it related to a parrot? A: cockatoo Q: Is it in the cristmas song "The Twelve Days of Christmas"? A: dove A: parrot Q: Is it brightly colored? Q: Is it yellow or gray with a crown? Q: Is it kept as a house pet? A: parakeet A: cockatiel A: parrot A: cockatiel Q: Does it fish? A: eagle Q: Does it have a top notch? Q: Does it have a red tail? A: African grey Q: Is he on the box of froot loops? A: toucan A: cockatiel Q: Is it yellow? Q: Is it colorful? Q: Is it smaller than a parrot? A: parakeet Q: Is it from towns? A: parrot Q: After you die, do you turn into this? A: angel A: country bird A: yellow bird Q: Is it huge and golden? A: golden eagle Q: Is it blue? A: amazon parrot Q: Does it have red chicks? Q: Does it have a feather on its head? A: cockatiel A: owl Q: Is it smaller than a parrot? Q: Does it have an orange face? A: lovebird A: parakeet Q: Is it green? A: parrot Q: It has more colors? Q: Is it a mytological bird that catches itself on fire every 500 years just to be reborn 3 days later? A: phoenix A: parrot A: cockatiel Q: Does it often live in houses? Q: Does it have a crest on its head? Q: Does it have a white head? Q: Is it native to Australia? Q: Is it Australia''s fastest flyer? Q: White head with a yellow feathers going up? A: cacatoo A: cockatiel Q: Does it have oranges spots on the side of its head? Q: Is it smaller than a cocketeil? A: parakeet A: cockatiel A: cockatoo Q: Is it a scavenger? A: vulture Q: Is it like a Macaw? Q: Is it primarily one color? A: african gray parrot Q: Does it have colored cheeks? A: cockatiel A: cockatoo A: eagle Q: Does its name begin with a p? Q: Is it a small bird that grows to be about 7 inches tall? Q: IS IT COLORFUL? A: parrott A: parrakeet A: parrot Q: Is it colorful? Q: Does it begin with a c? Q: Does it rhyme with cockapoo? A: cockatoo A: cockatiel A: scarlet macaw Q: Is it from africa? A: african grey A: cockatiel Q: Does it say ''polly want a cracker''? Q: Is it red and grey? Q: Is it a small multi-colored bird? Q: Is it 6 letters long? A: parrot A: parakeet Q: Does it have a tie-dye Tounge? A: african grey Q: Is it one of the smartest parrots? A: african grey A: red lory Q: Is it smaller than a parrot? Q: Is it a type of parrot? Q: Did you ever have one of these? A: Quaker Parrot Q: Is it red and gold? A: red and gold Macaw A: Conured A: parakeet Q: Is it red? Q: Is it muli-colored? Q: Does it have blue and gold feathers? Q: Does this animal often say "Polly, want a cracker"? A: parrot A: macaw A: parrot A: scarlet macaw Q: Is it multi-colored? Q: Does this animal talk? A: parrot A: macaw A: parrot Q: Is it in the parrot family and lives in the tropics? Q: Is it blue and gold? Q: Does is have a colorful beak? A: toucan Q: Is it from Austrailia, and also called a Budgie? A: parakeet A: blue and gold macaw Q: Is it green & gray? Q: Is it in the budgie family? A: parakeet Q: Does it have an orange belly? A: pategonian conure A: Quaker parrot Q: Is it a tropical bird of Southeast Asia? Q: Is it gray and white? A: cockatiel Q: Does it have yellow feathers on the top of its head? A: conure Q: Does it say the same words as you say before it? A: parrot A: myna bird Q: Is it green? Q: Is it a small green, yellow, or blue bird? Q: Is it different colors? Q: Does it like to be kept in pairs? Q: Can it be taught to talk? A: parakeet A: lovebird Q: Are they either blue and white or green and yellow? A: budgie A: parrokeet A: budgie Q: Is it about 15 inches in total length? A: sun conure A: maroon-bellied conure Q: Is it originally from Australia? A: parakeet Q: Is it gray, black, and red? A: african gray parrot Q: Is it a large bird? A: scarlet macaw Q: Is it the red, orange, yellow, and green? A: sun conure A: lovebird Q: Does it have light gray feathers, a red tail, a black beak, and originates from Africa? Q: Does it have nose? A: african birds A: congo african gray Q: Does it have red or blue feathers? Q: Do pirates sometimes carry them on their shoulders? A: parrot Q: Is it small? A: parakeet A: macaw Q: Is it completely black? Q: does it say ''caw caw''? A: crow A: magpie Q: Is it gray,White,and yellow? A: cockatiel Q: Is it a cartoon animal? A: tweety Q: Does it have a blue crown looking color on its head? A: blue crowned conure Q: Does it come in different variations of colors? Q: Does it live in Australia? A: Budgie A: Parracte A: budgie Q: Does it sound like it''s saying ''kookaburra''? Q: Does it say anything else? Q: Does it eat clay? A: Macaw A: parrot A: kookaburra Q: Is it bright red? Q: Is it not smart? Q: Does it have a BIG beak? A: toucan A: parrot Q: Is it a multi colored bird with a big bill? Q: Do people train it to say things like "hello"? A: scarlet macaw A: toucan Q: Does it live in the sun? A: phoenix A: scarlet macaw Q: Is it related to the parrot? Q: Does it start with the letter ''r''? A: rainbow lorikeet Q: Does it live in a nest? Q: Does your animal have navy blue feathers? Q: Does it have 2,oo4? A: blue macaw Q: Can it talk? A: parrot A: hyacynth macaw Q: Does it have yellow markings around its eyes? Q: Does the name Pretty Polly or Polly remind you of it? A: parrot A: hyacinth mccaw Q: Does it live in the Australian Outback? A: budgie Q: Is it multi colored? A: Macaw A: monk parakeet Q: Is it from the rainforests of Africa? Q: Does the beak have stripes? A: tucan A: African Gray Macaw A: parrot Q: Is it a medium size bird ? Q: Is it black? Q: Does it live in groups know as "murders"? Q: Does it have a red tail? Q: Does it have a colorful beak? A: toucan A: red tailed hawk Q: Is it black and whit? A: mag pie A: crow Q: Is it big? Q: Does it have a striped beak? A: tucan Q: Is it a cartoon? A: Daffy Duck A: mynah A: raven Q: Can it be taught to say ''Paully want a cracker''? Q: Do they have an orange spot on either side of their head? A: cockatiel Q: Is it related to the crow? A: blue jay A: parrot Q: Do you see it often? A: robin red brest A: cockatiel Q: Is it a mythical creature? A: harpy Q: Doe it have huge wings? A: albatross bird Q: Does it live in the rain forest? A: tucan Q: DOES IT SAY "COKA-DO-DA-DO''''? A: chicken Q: Is it all white and is it native to Australia? A: cockatoo Q: Does it have a hump? A: Hump Back Bird A: myna bird Q: Does its wings beat very fast? Q: Is it black? Q: Does it have woolly fleece? Q: Is it the symbol of the united states? A: eagle Q: Is it yellow? A: Jaguar A: sheep Q: Is it carnivorous? Q: Is it on the American dollar bill? A: eagle Q: Does it live in forests? Q: Does it hang upside-down? A: bat Q: Is it black? Q: Does it have a white head? A: eagle Q: Does it have a red belly? Q: Does it eat non legged lizards? A: eagle A: robin Q: Is it nocturnal? A: Owl A: raven A: owl Q: Is it a bald kind of bird? A: bald eagle Q: Is it a domestic animal? A: finch Q: Are the forehead and the throat deep red? Q: Can it be found in deserts and used in movies? A: vulters A: swallow Q: Is it a scavenger? A: vulture Q: It has dark feathers? A: condor A: osprey Q: Is it Yellow and black? Q: Does it live in the jungle? A: tucan Q: Is it a fast flyer? Q: Does it like to drink necter? A: humming bird A: Eagle A: chikadee Q: Is it a very very rare bird? Q: Does it live in pine forests? A: capercallie A: passerine bird Q: Is it small and common? Q: Can it hover in midair? Q: Does it lay eggs? A: chicken A: hummingbird Q: Does it live its whole lift in the air? A: swift Q: Does it live on a farm? A: chicken A: sparrow Q: It is most commonly found in Singapore? A: crow Q: It is most commonly found in Singapore? A: crow Q: Is it black with a yellow bill? A: Blackbird A: eagle Q: Does it have a short beak? Q: Can you usually buy it in a pet store? Q: Does it live in Australia? Q: Is it colorful? Q: Is it smaller than a parakeet? A: zebra finch Q: Is it larger than a parakeet? A: Cockatoo A: parakeet A: cockatiel Q: Is it white ? Q: Is it a bird? A: zebra finch A: dove Q: Does it have feathers that stick up on its head? Q: Is it a blue or yellow little bird? A: parakeet A: cockatiel Q: Is it known for its singing? Q: Does it fly very fast? Q: Is it yellow? A: canary A: humming bird A: canary Q: Is it really colorful? Q: Is it coulorful? Q: Is it smaller than a parrot? Q: Does it make sound? Q: Is it known for its sounds? A: budgey A: parakeet A: parraket A: parrot A: canary Q: Is it bright yellow? A: Canary A: finch Q: Does it have blue feathers? Q: Does it have long tail feathers? Q: Is it blue? Q: Is it the fastest bird in the world? Q: Is it very small and beat its wings REALLY REALLY fast? A: Humming Bird A: peregrin falcan Q: Are the nestsin outhouses and barns? A: swallow Q: Do you hunt this bird? A: phesant Q: Does it migrate to Africa? A: Swallow Q: Does it hum? A: humming bird Q: Does it live in South America? Q: Is it blue all over its body? A: blue robin A: Quetzel A: blue jay Q: Is it very fast in running and jumping? A: roadrunner Q: Are forehead and throat deep red? A: swallow A: quetzal Q: Is it the official bird representing Canada? A: blue jay Q: Can it fly in one spot without moving forward? Q: Is it blue and well known? A: blue jay A: humming bird Q: Does it have a short beak? Q: Is it blue all over except for a few white spots.? A: blue jay Q: Is it the bird that has the fastest dive on the earth? A: peregrine falcon A: parakett A: blue bird Q: Is it the U.S. national symbol? Q: Does it like sugar and water? A: humming bird Q: Is it beautiful and eats meat? A: eagle A: bald eagle Q: Does it hum? Q: Is it yellow? Q: Is it a rainbow color is it very lucky can you see it often? A: humming bird A: chickidee A: hummingbird Q: Is it taller than a pigeon? Q: Does it eat rats? Q: Can it be dangerous? Q: Does it have goldeny-brown feathers? Q: Can it reach speeds of 150-200 (less than 200) mph during dives? A: peregrine falcon A: golden eagle A: falcon Q: Does it have a curved beak like a eagle? Q: Does it like to eat meat? A: hawk A: falcon A: owl Q: Is it black and white? Q: Do they lay eggs for farmers? A: chicken A: penguin Q: Is it a state bird? Q: Does it live in a barn? A: chicken A: grouse Q: Does it have a brick colored tail? Q: Is it a bird from Pokemon? Q: Is it a birds of prey? A: Golden Eagle A: pigeoto Q: Does it say gobble? A: turkey A: red-tailed hawk Q: Can it be legally hunted in the United States? Q: Can you find it on a farm? A: chicken A: ruffed grouse Q: Is it the fastest raptor? A: falcon Q: Does it make the sound "who"? A: owl Q: Does it come after Pidgeoto? A: pidgyot A: chicken Q: Does it have a red breast? Q: Does it like nectar? A: mockingbird Q: Is it usually on the christmas cards? Q: Is it a member from the finch family? A: Robin A: Bullfinch Q: In the world war, was it used to carry messages? A: Woodpigeon A: robin Q: Can you find it in the woods? Q: Is it the size of your hand? Q: Does it live in the Arctic and tundra regions? Q: Is it a bird of prey? A: american kestrel A: snow bunting Q: Is it solid red? A: cardinal Q: Is it yellow? A: swallow Q: Is it a kind of chickadee? A: Black-Caped Chickadee A: sparrow Q: Does the noise it makes sound like cooing in the distance? A: morning dove Q: Does the tail point upwards? A: wren Q: Does it swoop around in the sky at night catching inscects? A: Common Nighthawk A: grouse Q: Is it all white? Q: Do they sometimes gather in barn lofts? A: pigeon A: dove Q: Does it go boc? A: chicken Q: Is it colourful? Q: Does it have brown wings and a white body? A: Sonic Bird A: quetzal Q: Is it the most abundant wild bird in the world, found in Africa? A: Red-billed quelea Q: Can it be raced? A: racing pigeon A: pigeon Q: Is it gold? Q: It is a bird that eats flower nectar? A: small mexican bird ''chuparrosa'' Q: Does it collect nectar from flowers? A: hummingbird Q: Is it a legendary lightning bird from the cartoon show"Pokemon"? A: zapdos Q: Is it part lion? A: golden griffin Q: Is it bald? A: bald eagle A: golden eagle Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Is it a crane? Q: Does it live in America? A: eagle A: hummingbird Q: Does it run really fast? Q: Is it a mythical creature? A: hippogriff A: road runner Q: Dose it like wood? A: woodpecker Q: Does it eat mice? A: red-tailed hawk Q: Does it''s call sound like a laugh? Q: Do you see groups of this bird on overhead wires, especially in autumn? A: swallow A: kookaburra A: hummingbird Q: Does it eat nectar? Q: Does it walk? A: hummingbird Q: Does its heart beat very fast? A: hummingbird Q: Does it have a long beck? A: humming bird A: blue bird Q: Is it multi colored and has a long beak? Q: Is it a large bird? Q: Is it sometimes called bald? A: eagle A: peregrine falcon Q: Does it catch mice? A: cat Q: Is it a kind of hummingbird? Q: Is it a kind of nuthach? A: White-breasted Nuthach A: hummingbird A: White-breasted Nuthach Q: Is it carnivorous? Q: Does it have a brown feathers and a red tail? A: red-tailed hawk Q: Dose it have white feathers? A: bald eagle Q: Is your animal the us bird? A: Baled eagle Q: Is it named after a crossing? A: pelican Q: Is it a hunter? A: hawk A: condor Q: Does it go Gobble Gobble? A: turkey Q: Is it blue? A: blue jay Q: Is it a very rare bird? A: bald eagle A: kingfisher Q: Is it related to eagles and hawks? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Did it live around volcanoes? Q: Is it a mythical bird? Q: Does it rise from the ashes of its dead predecessors? A: phoenix A: rok A: pterodactyl Q: Does it have hair on its head? Q: Does it sleep at night? A: falcon Q: Does it like fish? A: hawk A: owl Q: Does it have a white head? A: bald eagle Q: Is its skeleton in the natural history museum? A: archaeopteryx Q: Is it a diasaur? A: pterodacctyl Q: Has it got a wingspan of over 20 feet? A: Argentavis A: golden eagle Q: Does it burst in flames? A: phoenix Q: Do they live high up on the mountin tops? A: eagle A: archaeopteryx Q: Is it the national symbol of the United States of America? Q: Does it have a brown head ? A: eagle Q: Is it white with big eyes? Q: Is it a LARGE bird? A: Bald Eagle A: snow owl Q: Is it the biggest eagle in the world? Q: Does it have a white head and a black (dark brown) body? A: Bald Eagle A: golden eagle A: bald eagle Q: Does it prefer to hunt at night? Q: Does it eat small animals like mice and baby rabbits? Q: Does it have yellow eyes? Q: Is it all white? A: owl Q: Does it live in barns? Q: Is it a large owl? A: tawny owl Q: Does this animal live in Australia? A: tawny frog mouth A: barn owl Q: Is it a pheonix? A: pheonix Q: Is it the largest owl? A: eagle owl Q: Does it have "horns"? A: The Great Horned Owl Q: Is it very small? A: screech owl A: white owl Q: Did this animal ever appear in a cameo in a movie called Labyrinth? A: barn owl Q: Does it have a red tail? Q: Does the name include ''''northern''''? A: northern harrier A: red-tailed hawk Q: Is it very huge? Q: Does it live in the andes mountains.? A: condor A: vulture Q: Is it very cute?? A: snowy owl A: falcon Q: Does it eat dead animals? A: vulture A: owl Q: Is it a type of hawk? Q: Does it pick mosquitoes out of other animals'' noses? A: chicken hawk Q: Is it known for its speed? Q: Does it make a good pet? Q: Does it have legs? A: duck tailed hawk A: blue bird Q: Is it a predator? Q: Does it have a red tail? Q: Does it supposedly carry off children? A: hawk A: red hawk Q: Is it the fastest bird in the world? Q: Does it start with the letter h? A: hawk A: parogon Q: Does it circle around dead animals? A: hawk A: peregrine falcon A: falcon Q: Does it live in Hawaii? A: i''o or hawaiian hawk Q: Does this animal eat dead things? Q: Is it also now as a Turkey Vulture? Q: Does it have any feathers on it''s head? A: red-tailed hawk Q: Is it bigger than a vulture? A: condor A: vulture Q: Is it a type of falcon? Q: Does this is animal sound like it''s saying his name? A: crow Q: Is it smaller than a peregrine falcon ? A: red-tailed hawk A: peregrine falcon Q: Is it a common animal? A: vulture Q: Does it fly? A: hawk A: red wolf Q: Is it smaller than a redtailed hawk? Q: Is it a Pokemon? A: Spearow A: kestrel Q: Does it hunt fish? Q: Does it look like a Bald Eagle? A: fisher hawk Q: Is it known for its red tail? A: redtailedhawk A: osprey Q: Does it have a body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle? Huh wimpy? Does it punk? A: Griffin A: redtailed hawk Q: Does it live in Australia? Q: Do the feathers look golden? A: golden eagle Q: Is it used to represent something? Q: Does it hunting by falling down? Q: Is a team named after it? Is it a state bird? A: thrasher A: falcon A: dove Q: Is it the world''s largest bird of prey? Q: Does it have a feathery head? A: harpy eagle A: vulture Q: Can you buy the eggs of this bird in a grocery store? A: chicken Q: Is it the fastest bird in the world? A: parigon falcon Q: Is it a scavenger? A: vulture Q: Does this bird normally dive for fish bus is not a tern? A: Ospray A: wedge tailed eagle Q: Is it the biggest bird in the world? Q: Is it a fantasy animal? A: pheonix Q: Is it a type of eagle? A: Bald Eagle A: condor Q: Does it commonly peck at trees? A: woodpecker Q: Does it feed on dead animals? Q: Is it California''s state bird? A: California condor Q: Is it the fastest bird in the world? A: peregrine falcon Q: Does it have a long beak? Q: Is it black? A: crow A: vulture Q: Does it have the name of a type of fowl in it''s name? A: turkey vulture Q: Does it usually hang on scarecrow''s? A: crow Q: Does it flap its wings really fast? A: falcon Q: Is it a relative of the falcon? A: Caracara A: Vulture Q: Is it another sort of bird of prey? Q: Is it smaller than a falcon? A: red kite Q: Is it a type of very large eagle? Q: Does it have a seven-foot wingspan? A: golden eagle Q: Does it live in Africa near lakes and rivers? A: Fishing Eagle A: harpy eagle Q: Can it swoop at 120 m.p.h.? Q: Is its nickname a sea hawk? A: Osprey A: perigrin falcon Q: Does it attack in large groups? A: spearow Q: Does it have long legs and hunt on the ground in Africa? A: Secretary Bird A: falcon Q: It is small? Q: Does it have a very very long tail? A: quetzal Q: Is it white? A: goose A: golden eagle Q: Is it said to bring babies? A: stork Q: Is it the symbol of the Girls Brownies (Gilr Guides)? Q: Is it black with a colorful beak? A: toucan Q: Is it eaten for food? A: chicken A: owl Q: Is it a fantasy animal? Q: Does it start with"Griff" and end in "in" and looks a bit like a hippogriff? A: griffin A: hippogriff Q: Does it live in Canada? A: Canadian Goose A: crow Q: Is it often found at the zoo? Q: Is it a tropical bird? Q: Is it small? Q: Is it as tame as a parakeet? Q: Does it fly? Q: Is it white? A: cockatoo Q: Is it a rare bird? Q: Does it like fire? A: pheonix A: Sun Conure Q: Dose it live in the rainforest? A: toucan A: canary Q: Is it very colourful? A: parakeet A: sparrow Q: Is it bigger than a finch? Q: Is it considered annoying? Q: Does it annoy campers and destroy their things? A: kea A: kookaburra Q: Is it from Brazilian meadows? A: siriema Q: Dose it have a big beak? A: toucan A: Bali mynah Q: Is it a tropical bird? A: budgie A: finch Q: Can it spread its feathers? Q: Does it leave a slimy trail? A: snail Q: Is it red? Q: Does it have pink feathers because of the huge amount of shrimp it eats? A: flamingo Q: Does it have a long beak? A: toucan Q: Does it have a yellow crest? A: cockatiel A: macaw Q: Was it colorful? Q: Does it have bright and colorful feathers on its tail? Q: Does it begin with m? A: macaw Q: Does it have a large beak? A: toucan Q: Does it drink necture? Q: Do you see it often? A: lorakeet A: peacock A: peacock Q: It it yellow and white? A: cockatoo Q: Is it pink ? A: flamingo A: toucan Q: Does it stand on one leg? A: flamingo Q: Does it make squueky noises? A: kokatoo Q: Does it have a long beak and live in Australia? A: kookaburra Q: Does it have a long colorful beak? A: toucan A: peacock Q: Does it look a bit like a toucan? Q: Does its bill look like it shoots straight out ? Q: Is it a toucan? A: toucan A: hornbill Q: Is its originally from Australia? A: cockatoo Q: Does it have a "crest" on its beak? Q: Does it have a striped beak? A: Tucan A: hornbill Q: Does it have a coulorful beak? A: toucan A: macaw Q: Is it pink? A: flamingo Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Is it blue it color? Q: Is its main color blue? A: Indigo Macaw A: Scarlet Macaw Q: Does it have many colors? A: parrot A: quetzal Q: Does i thave a hair-do? A: cockatoo Q: Is it colourful? Q: Is it from Africa? Does it have an unusual flight pattern? A: roller A: toucan A: crane Q: Does it have long tail feathers? Q: Is it a pretty bird often kept as a pet? Q: Is it a large bird? A: peacock Q: Is it a pet bird native to Australia? Q: Does its name start with a C? A: canary bird A: budgie Q: Does it have many different colors and the same name as a soap? A: dove A: quail Q: Does it look like it has a beard? Q: Does it sleep during the day, and fly at night? A: owl A: turkey Q: Is this bird''s picture on U.S. coins? A: bald eagle Q: Is it a state symbol ? A: mocking bird Q: Is it very large? Q: Does it have a fan tail? A: peacock Q: Does it live in or near a marshland? A: glossy ibus A: emu Q: Is it used around Thanksgiving? Q: Does it swim in the water? A: duck A: turkey Q: Dose it live in trees? Q: Is it awake at night? A: owl Q: Does it make a laughing noise? A: kookobarra A: wood pecker A: peacock Q: Does it have long legs? Q: Does it have a casque on its head? Q: Do you eat it at thanksgiving? A: Turkey A: cassowary Q: Is it often shown delivering new babies? A: stork A: emu Q: Is it a some kind of duck? Q: Does it nest in trees? A: wood duck Q: Is the bird Pink? A: Flamingo A: green wing teal Q: Does it hoot? A: owl Q: Does it have a straight beak? Q: Does it have medium length tail feathers? Q: Does it have a little droopy feather on its head? Q: Is it an animal you can eat on a holiday? A: turkey Q: Does its squawk sound like a laugh? A: kookaburra A: quail Q: Does it peck at trees? A: woodpecker Q: Is it smaller than a pheasant? A: robin A: pheasant Q: Is it also known to some as a partridge? A: quail A: kookaburra Q: Does it peck wood? A: woodpecker Q: Is it a cousin of the eagle? A: hawk Q: Does it look like it is ducking it''s head? A: vulture Q: Is it white? A: dove Q: Is it mostly red? A: carndail Q: Is it smaller than an eagle? A: pidgeon A: eagle Q: Do most Americans eat it at Thanksgiving? Q: Can it cluck? A: chicken A: turkey Q: Is it blue with a crest on its head? Q: Does it have black spots? Q: Does it spread out its feathers? Q: Dose the male have many colors on his tail? A: peacock A: Blue Jay Q: Is it blue? Q: Does it trick that big bad coyote on the Bugs Bunny show? A: Road Runner A: blue jay A: guineafowl Q: Is it a blue bird? Q: Does it live in the Rocky Mountains? Q: Does this animal belong to a sport? A: bluejay A: rocky mountain blue bird Q: Is it a bird that can shoot out ice? A: articuno Q: Does it eat snakes? A: secretary bird Q: Is it in the movie ''The Wizard of Oz''? A: the flying monkeys from the wizard of oz Q: Is it blue? Q: Does its wings sound like a humming sound? Q: Does it live near houses? A: blue jaye A: humming bird Q: Does the animal have links to a college in Delaware? A: delaware blue hen Q: Does it have bird at the end of its name? A: Blue bird A: blue jay Q: Is it white and furry? A: Polar Bear A: blue jay Q: Does it live in holes that it pecks in trees? A: woodpecker Q: Is it the national bird of India? A: peacock Q: Is it blue, has a long tail, and a Pokemon? A: articuno Q: Was it on Goerge of The Jungle? A: tucan Q: Is it a sweet bird? Q: Is it slow and graceful? A: Blue heron Q: Is it a wild bird? A: blue jay A: love bird Q: Does it live on a farm? A: rooster A: blue jay Q: Does it have poisonous spurs under its wings? Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Does it dive in water to get its food? A: kingfisher A: pheonix Q: Does it have a comb? A: Rooster A: plover Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it have teeth? Q: Did it recently become extinct? A: condor Q: Was it at any time alive? Q: Does it have a horn shaped head, but not actually a horn? Q: Does it live on the farm? A: pig A: pteradactyl A: archaeopteryx A: phoenix Q: Does it have a sharp beak? Q: Does it live for 500 years, dies and is reborn in a nest of fire to live for another 500 years? A: phoenix Q: Is it short? Q: Does it have color in it''s wings? Q: Is it an extint bird? A: dodo bird A: kiwi bird Q: Is this bird in some way related to love? A: dove Q: Is it small but can drive pterosaurs out of its territory? A: Imbrosirornis Q: Did it carry messages to and from battles? A: Passinger Pigen A: do-do bird Q: Is it enormous, with huge greatly-prized eggs? A: roc Q: Is it half eagle and half lion? A: Griffin A: bald eagle Q: Was it hunted to death? Q: Was it the only native parrot species in North America? A: carolina parakeet Q: Can it fly? A: dodo Q: Does it come from mauritius? A: dodo A: passenger pigeon A: dodo bird Q: Is it greyish brown? Q: Is it small and noisy? Q: Is it small? Q: Do people hunt it? Q: Dose it live on a farm? Q: Does it make a Crowing sound in the morning? A: chicken A: Bob White Quail A: woodcock Q: Does it like to live near places people live? Q: Does it have a black top on its head? Q: Does it live in the city? A: pigeon A: chickadee Q: Does it have a red breast? A: robin Q: Is it brown with a blackish-gray head? Q: Does it deliver messages? A: dove Q: Does it build muddy nests? A: sparrow Q: Is it know as a Peace smbol? A: dove A: dark-eye junco Q: Is it a very small brown bird that usually nests in the eaves of houses or in barns? A: wren Q: Does it laugh loudly? A: Kookabarra Q: Do they fly around in large groups looking for anything to eat? A: pidgeon A: sparrow Q: Does it have red breast? A: robin Q: Does it tunnel in sand banks? A: bank swallow Q: Does it have a red rump? A: orange-cheeked waxbill Q: Does it make nests in trees out of moss? A: ancient merlot A: swiftlet Q: Is it a farm animal? Q: Does it live near buildings like grain elevators? Q: Does it cluck? A: chicken A: pigeon Q: Is it a female animal? Q: Does it cluck? A: chicken A: goose A: rooster Q: Is it a game bird? A: pheasant Q: Does it lay eggs in other birds'' nests? Q: Is it an Australian native bird? A: kookaburra A: cuckoo A: sparrow Q: Does it come out mostly at night? Q: Does it sing sweetly in the English countryside? A: nightingale Q: Is it related to the night jar? A: Tawny Frogmouth Q: Do you poach them? A: pheasant A: owl Q: Is it a scavenger? Q: Does it fly over dying peoples heads? A: vulture Q: Does it live in the city? A: pigeon Q: Does it have a pointy beak? Q: Does it live in the rain forest? A: kiwi bird Q: Does it run very fast? A: roadrunner A: king fisher Q: Does it cluck? A: chicken A: California condor Q: Does it make a loud laughing noise? Q: Is it a kind of wood pecker? A: Northern flicker A: kookaburra Q: Does the male have a ring around its neck? Q: Does it live near the water? A: Canadian goose Q: Is it a state bird? Q: Does it have a red belly? A: robin A: ruffed grouse Q: Does it live in the brush? A: ruffed grouse A: ring-necked pheasant Q: Can it mimic the sounds of other birds? A: mockingbird Q: Does it eat mosquitoes? A: chicken hawk Q: Does it eat little rodents and snakes? Q: Can it run fast? A: roadrunner Q: Does it have white feathers on its head? A: bald eagle Q: Is it the heaviest flighted bird? A: Kori Bustard A: hawk Q: Does it sit on telephone wires? Q: Does it have yellow markings? A: meadowlark Q: Does it have a red breast? A: robin Q: Is it small? A: sparrow A: pigeon Q: Can it run very fast and not fly very well? Q: Does it live in the desert? Q: Does your animal have a little blobby thing that hangs from it''s head, like a quail? A: quail A: roadrunner Q: Does it have a comb? A: rooster A: ostrich Q: Does it have a black crest on its head? A: tufted titmouse Q: Is it a Pokemon? A: articuno Q: Does it have a red or brown head? A: sandhill crane Q: Does it have blue on its body? A: cordon bleu A: quail Q: Is it a bird of prey, such as an owl or hawk? Q: Does it scavenge for its food? Q: Does it have a white head? Q: Is it sometimes called a love bird? A: dove A: bald eagle Q: Does it live in rocky areas or canyons? A: California condor Q: Does it make a hooting sound at night? A: owl Q: Is it small? Q: Does this bird have a long beak? A: raven Q: Does it evolve into a pidgeotto? A: pidgey A: crow Q: Does it have feathers on its head? A: raven A: vulture Q: Is it the fastest animal in the world? A: peregrine falcon Q: Does it have the ability to fly the longest distance of any bird in the world? Q: Is this an animal that is found in legends? Q: Is it larger than a griffin? A: roc A: griffin A: arctic tern Q: Is it glossy black? Q: Does it rhyme with mug? A: crow Q: Does it have eyesight thirty times better than a human''s? A: peregrine falcon Q: Are they black and like crows? A: Raven A: dove Q: Is it used as the symbol of the USA? A: bald eagle Q: When it eats does it throw up pellets? Q: Is it a type of Owl with a white, heart-shaped face? A: Barn Owl Q: Is it a type of Owl with a white, heart-shaped face? A: Barn Owl A: owl Q: Is it kind of Kingfisher? A: kookaburra Q: Does it live on a farm? A: Chicken Q: Is it blue? A: blue parakeet A: raptor Q: Does it sound like it''s singing its name? Q: Is its color bright yellow? Q: Does it have yellow and black spiky feathers? A: zapdos Q: Does it burst into flames when it dies and is reborn from its ashes? A: peonix A: canary Q: Is it a common pet? A: cockatiel Q: Is it black? Q: Does it have a big beak? Q: Is it black? A: crow A: Toucan A: crow Q: Is it gray? Q: Does it have a black cap? A: chickadee A: sugar glider Q: Does it lay its eggs in other birds nests? Q: Does it laugh? A: kookaburra Q: Is it Kentucky''s state bird and is it red with some black? A: cardinal bird A: cuckoo Q: Is it a Pokemon that evolves from Pidgey? Q: Is it the second form of the Pidgey group in Pok''emon? A: pidgeotto A: pidgeot Q: Is it blue? A: blue jay Q: Is it colorful? Q: Is it red with a crest on its head? Q: Is it red? A: cardinal A: red crested breegull Q: Is it a pokemon? A: ho-oh Q: Does it burst into flames when it dies and is reborn from its ashes? A: phoenix A: hummingbird A: chickadee Q: Does it eat bugs from trees? Q: Is it a scavenger? Q: Is it blue? A: blue jay Q: Is it black? A: crow Q: Does it have a red chest? Q: Does it have a hard beak and peck on trees? A: woodpecker A: robin Q: Is it a famous bird in a cartoon or movie? A: canary Q: Is it red and is it Kentucky''s state bird? A: cardinal bird A: magpie Q: Does it live in rainforests? Q: Is its body red? Q: Does it have a big beak? Q: Does it peckat trees to find food? A: woodpecker A: tucan A: cardinal Q: Does it have a yellow underside? Q: Does it have a long beak? A: toucan A: yellow-bellied sap-sucker Q: Does it eat snails? A: toucan A: quetzal Q: Does it have a red head? Q: Is it red? Q: DOES IT HAVE A RED CREAST? Q: Is the male all bright red and the females brown? Q: Does its name begin with R? A: Robin A: cardinal Q: Is this a bird often associated with the coming of spring? Q: Is it associated with the coming of spring? A: robin A: Red-headed wood pecker Q: DOES IT REPRESENT A BASEBALL TEAM? A: ROBIN A: Red-bellied wood pecker A: cardinal Q: Does it have a partially orange head and a black and white striped back? Q: Is it native to a certain city in the U.S? A: baltimore oriole A: golden-fronted woodpecker Q: Can it be used by farmers as an alarm clock? A: rooster A: red headed woodpecker Q: Does it have a red breast? Q: Does it have a orange breast? A: mockingbird A: robin Q: Does it fly at the night.? A: bat Q: Does it eat worms? Q: Does it sound like it says ''caw''? Q: Does it make nests on churches? A: crane A: crow Q: Is it yellow? A: canary Q: Does it "Peck Wood"? A: woodpecker Q: Does it have huge wings? A: albatross bird Q: Does it sing a sweet song? Q: Is it black? A: blackbird A: bluebird Q: Dose it have white feathers? Q: Does it have a big mouth? A: pelican Q: Does it carry an olive leaf? A: dove Q: Does it say ''''cock a dodle do"? A: chicken A: pigeon Q: Can you hear its loud call for miles? A: rooster A: blue jay Q: Is it black? Q: Does it make a long nest like a basket? A: African weaver bird Q: Is it black with yellow bill? A: Blackbird A: black crow Q: Does the male have a blue breast? A: blue wren Q: Does it cluck & lay eggs? A: chicken Q: Does it live in big cities? Q: Does it eat peanuts and have blue markings on it''s head? A: blue tit A: dove Q: Does it wake farmers up? A: rooster A: woodpecker Q: Is it often a house pet? Q: Is it small? Q: Is it mostly blue? A: parakeet Q: Does it live in jungles as well as in houses? Q: Is its coloring green, peach and blue? Q: Does it have sun colored feathers? A: Sun Conure A: peach-faced lovebird Q: Is it usually yellow in color? A: canary A: sun conure Q: Is it mostly yellow? A: canary Q: Can ti be found at most Pet Stores? Q: Is it the size of a cockatiel? Q: Does it have a crest? A: cockatiel A: caique Q: Is a full grown one small enough to fit in the palm of your hand? Q: Did it develop naturally in the wild? A: Zebra Finch A: Society Finch A: parakeet A: finch Q: Is it the Florida state bird? A: canary Q: Is it small and yellow? A: canary Q: Is it a beautiful bird that is very ''Lovey''? A: love bird Q: Does it have gray, green, and yellow feathers? A: Senegal parrot Q: Can it talk? A: parakeet A: scarlet macaw Q: Is there a Christmas song with this animal in it? Q: Is it found in the streets? Q: Does its name begin with a R? A: Robin Q: Is it white? A: Dove A: pigeon Q: Is it found on a farm? Q: Is it a symbol of peace? A: Dove Q: Is it a female chicken? A: Hen A: chicken A: turtle dove Q: Is it colorful? Q: Is your bird almost completely red? Q: Does it sound like it says ''cock-a-doodle-doo''? A: rooster Q: Is it small? Q: Is the bird completely red? A: cardinal Q: Does it have a black crest on its head? A: cardinal bird A: red robin Q: Is it a mythical bird? A: pheonix Q: Does it have long legs? A: flamingo A: cardinal Q: Does it spread its feathers to create a beautiful display? Q: Is it on a Fruit Loops Box? A: tocan Q: Is it very common? A: peacock Q: Is it found mostly in Australia? A: Rainbow Lorikeet Q: Is it a killer bird of Africa? A: Secretary Bird A: paradise bird Q: Does this bird swoop down to get you if you come too close to its young? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have a brilliant green body? A: green jay Q: Does it fly? Q: Does it live in Europe? A: European robin Q: Does it have an orange eye line and a broad black band on its chest? A: Varied Thrush A: American Robin A: chicken Q: Does it build a nest from mud? A: barn swallow A: blue jay Q: Is it pink? Q: Does it have pink and grey feathers? Q: Does it have long legs? A: pink flamingo A: galah Q: Does it chirp? A: colored chick Q: Is ther a beanie baby of it? A: pinky the flamingo A: flamingo Q: Do people hunt it for food? A: pheasant Q: Does it have bright green feathers? Q: Is it related to a parrot? A: rainbow lorikeet A: quetzal Q: Does it live in the rainforest? Q: Are they colourful and eat bees? Q: Does it have a colorful striped beak? A: tucan A: rainbow bee eaters Q: Can you see it in your yard? A: painted bonnet A: toucan Q: Does it live around marshes? Q: Is it small? A: yellow warbler A: blue heron Q: Is it red and black? Q: Does it live in extremely cold climates? A: puffin Q: Does it wake you up in the morning? A: rooster A: scarlet tanager Q: Is it a deadly bird from Papau New Guinea with a casque on its head? A: cassowary Q: Is it red and blue? Q: Does it have a big beak? A: tucan A: bluebird Q: Does it live in cities? Q: Does it only sing at night? A: nightengale Q: Is it a native of Australia? A: pale-headed rosella A: pigeon Q: Is this a mythical animal? Q: Does your animal lay golden eggs? A: golden goose Q: Can it carry people on its back? A: hippogrif A: phoenix Q: Is it a rainbow colour? A: rainbow lorrikeet Q: Does it have a blue patch under it''s beak? A: mallee emu-wren Q: Does it use the stars to guide migration? A: Indigo bunting A: kingfisher Q: Is it associated with happiness by people? Q: Is this bird considered by people a representative of love? A: blue bird Q: Does it have a red chest? Q: Is it the sign of spring coming? A: cardinal A: robin Q: Does it have a long beak? Q: Does it has red colour on it´s head? A: crane A: stork Q: Does it sit in gum trees? A: kookaburra Q: Does it appear in the spring? Q: Is it a medium sized animal? Q: Does it have a cackling laugh? A: Magpie A: chicken A: robin A: white dove Q: Is it the state bird of New York? A: blue bird Q: Is it a native of Hawaii? Q: Does it have black and white wings? Q: Is it a type of goose? A: hawaiin goose A: hoopoe A: kiwi Q: Does it eat carcasses? Q: Does it have a crooked neck? Q: Is it close to being extinct? Q: Does it honk? A: goose A: California condor A: vulture Q: Is it similar to a crow? Q: Is it black and white? A: Magpie A: raven A: crow Q: Does it have a red breast? Q: Does it peck a lot? Q: Is Foghorn Leghorn one of these? A: rooster A: wood pecker Q: Does the male have very long tail feathers? Q: Is it a Poke-mon? A: Tailow A: quetzal A: robin Q: Does it eat bugs from the air? Q: Does it fly at high speeds? A: swift Q: Is it purple in color and live in communities and benefit people by eating flying insects like mosquitoes? A: purple martin Q: Is it grey? A: pigeon A: swallow Q: Does it live on a farm? Q: Is it black? Q: Does it eat feed? A: chicken A: crow Q: Is it fancy and white and small? Q: Does it go "honk honk" and annoy everybody? A: goose Q: Does it have a strip of red skin on its head? A: chicken A: white silky Q: Does it have an orange beak? Q: Is it pink? Q: Is it taken care for by its mom? A: baby bird A: duck Q: Does it wake up Farmers? Q: Does it bury its head in the sand? A: rooster Q: Is it the female form of a rooster? A: chicken A: rooster A: chicken Q: Is it the state bird of Kansas? A: western meadowlark A: hen Q: Does it live where it''s cold? Q: Is it black? Q: Is it black with white stripes? A: loon A: crow Q: Does it have a wide wingspan? A: albatross A: penguin Q: Does it live in shrub steppe habitat? Q: Is it the size of a sparrow? A: chickadee Q: Does it mock the calls of other birds? A: mockingbird A: sage thrasher Q: Does it build a nest shaped like an old-fashioned baking oven? Q: Is it black? A: crow Q: Is it white? A: swan A: ovenbird Q: Is its name also used on a popular soap or chocolate bar ? A: dove Q: Does it have black and white feathers? Q: Does this bird have a colorful beak? A: puffin Q: Is it common in deciduous woods? A: black and white warbler Q: Is it a wader? A: crane A: magpie Q: Is it pink? A: pink flamingo Q: Is it native to Europe? Q: Do large numbers live in towns? A: pigeon A: European starling Q: Does it beat its beak against trees to make holes in it? A: woodpecker Q: Is it blue? A: blue footed booby Q: Is it native to New Zealand? Q: Is it a bird all in black? A: black swan A: tui Q: Does it coo? A: pigon Q: Is it a sea bird? A: albatross Q: Is it aggresive? A: spearow Q: Is it red? A: cardinal Q: Does it have a very large beak? Q: Does it live in a marsh-type habitat? A: american bittern A: pelican Q: Is it from the african savanna? A: ground hornbill Q: Does it have a light-colored breast and slate-gray back? A: slate-gray junko Q: Does it nest in or very near to people''s houses or barns? Q: Is it very common in Australia? A: Sparrow A: house wren Q: Does it cry? A: Sobbing Parrot Q: Does it cry? A: Sobbing Parrot Q: Does it live near water? A: kingfisher Q: Does it fly in a V shape? A: Goose Q: Does it live in the mountains? A: grouse A: crow Q: Is it magical? Q: Does it look like a horse? Q: Does it fly? Q: Does it have a horn? Q: Does its name start with the letter ''u''? Q: Does it fly and have a horn? A: flying unicorn A: unicorn Q: Does it start with ''p''? Q: Does it have a horn and wings, plus resemble both a Pegasus and Unicorn? A: Pegaun A: Pegasus Q: Does it fly and have a horn? Q: Is it a small animal? A: pig Q: Does it have wings and a horn, magic, and a horse''s body? A: winged unicorn A: unicorn A: unicorn Q: Does it have a beak? Q: Is it a mythical greek creature? A: peagusus A: hippogriff Q: Does it have a horn? A: unicorn Q: Is it pink with blue hair? A: firefly the my little pony Q: Is it black? A: Thestral Q: Can you ride it? A: Pegasus A: Winged horse A: unicorn Q: Does it have a halo? Q: Is it bad? A: bangel Q: Does it defeat evil and help others? A: halominicalo A: angel Q: Does it have a beak and a lion''s tail? Q: Is it in Harry potter? Q: Does it have the hindquarters of a horse? Q: Does it have eagle talons for front legs? A: griffen A: hippogriff Q: Is it orange? Q: Is it an ancient mythical creature? A: Griffin A: Crumple-horned Snorkack A: Griffin A: griffin Q: Is it something most people have heard of? Q: Does it look like a pig? A: flying pig Q: Does it have scales? Q: Is it like a pig and a fish? A: piffy A: dragon Q: Does it spit fire? Q: Its a pokemon? A: ho-oh A: dragon Q: Is it 1/2 man and 1/2 horse? A: centaur Q: Is it famouse for Valentiene''s Day? A: cupid Q: Does it hate the sun? A: vampire Q: Is it from pokemon? A: Butterfree A: flying monkey Q: Is it a Pokemon that begins with A? A: articuno Q: Is it from the "Harry Potter" book series? Q: Did it come from the playstation game Tomba? A: pheonix A: hippogriff Q: Is it purple? A: flyer Q: Is it a member of the second most powerful race in the universe? A: kamiena A: cherubim Q: Does it have a single horn in the middle of its head? Q: Is it purple, have one eye and eat people? A: one eyed one horned flying purple people eater A: unicorn Q: Is it an extinct reptile? Q: Rapet? A: whale A: archaeopteryx Q: Is it a mythological creature? Q: Is it part lion, part eagle? A: griffin Q: Is it a flying horse? Q: Does it belong to Zeus? A: pegazeus A: Pegasus Q: Is it a prehistoric animal that is extinct? A: pterodactle A: harpy Q: Does it sleep in the daytime? Q: Is it black and white? A: cow Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Does it live in a cave? A: bat A: elf owl Q: Is it a Pokemon? A: oddish Q: Does it come from the rainforest? A: grey african parrot A: owl Q: Does it have bright colours all over it? Q: Does it have stripes? A: butterfly Q: Is it annoying? A: budgie A: flamingo Q: Does it cluck and lay eggs? Q: Does it have more than two legs? A: cockroach Q: Does it have a big beak? A: pelican A: chicken Q: Does it have a white head and a black body? A: bald eagle Q: Is it grey and white with a hard head? A: gunnie Q: Does it have black and white stripes? A: zebra Q: Does it bark? A: dog Q: Does it sometimes live in the mountains? Q: does it have 6 limbs? A: Gorfilgan A: periguine falcon Q: Does it eat people when they''re dead? A: Vulture Q: Is it from a Harry Potter book? Q: Is it a lion and a bird mixed? A: griffin A: buckbeak A: blackbird Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it start with a ''p''? Q: Does it end in an ''l''? Q: Is the second letter ''t''? Q: Does it live in your computer? A: virtual pet Q: Is it on a Yugioh Card? A: Ptryl, the Yugioh Q: Dose it have "rosy red cheeks"? A: cockatiel A: pterodactyl A: pterodactyl Q: Is it often a pet? Q: Is it a mythological creature? A: Pegasus A: pickle-winged fish Q: Is it a mythical creature? Q: Does it breathe fire? Q: Is it not a dragon? A: not a dragon Q: Is it imaginary? A: my imaginary friend A: dragon Q: Is it purple. or, is it slimy? A: purple people eater Q: Does it have wings and a horn? Q: Is it a beautiful powder, sparkling white? A: Pegasus A: unicorn with wings Q: Does it have a horn? A: unicorn on a bird A: Pegasus Q: Does it have a high crest? A: pteranodon sternbergi Q: Is it related to the nowadays dragonfly? A: prehistoric dragonfly Q: Does it fly with no feathers, live in a tree, is on a card is it Pookeu the Yugioh? A: Pookeu the Yugioh Q: Is it an early pterosaur? A: Petinosaurus Q: Is it a dragon with a 35 foot wingspan? A: Prehistoric dragon A: pteranodon Q: Is it imaginary? Q: Is it very small? Q: Is it short and chubby? Q: Does it have one letter in its name? Q: Does it have a single horn? Q: Does it look like a bird? A: pterodactyl A: unicorn A: maximo A: chamber turtles Q: Does it breath fire? Q: Does it fly? A: corrona A: dragon Q: Does it hibanate? A: fairy Q: Does it have spots? A: purple speckled lizard Q: Is it imaginary? Q: Is he a great friend who lives under your floor boards? A: Friend A: Ranger, the rat terrier A: snozzery Q: Does it haunt? Q: Is it freak-like? Q: Is it a spooky spirit from the dead? A: ghost Q: Does it have a large tail pipe? Q: Does it poop? A: slimoray A: car Q: Does it fly? A: dragon A: dinosaur Q: Is it two imaganary things mixed? Q: Is it pink with a tool belt? Q: Is it a cartoon? A: abobthebuiderbarbie Q: Does it eat carrots? Q: Is it living? Q: Does it fly on Christmas eve? A: reindeer A: My Imagiany friend A: Bugs Bunny A: abobthebuilderbarbie Q: Does it have legs? Q: Have you answered yes for the first question and then answered no and then continued this pattern? A: yes and no button A: dogfairy A: fairydragon Q: Does it suck blood? A: Vampire Q: Does it breath fire? A: fire breathing dragon A: Dark Dragon Q: Does it spit fire? Q: Is it a ghost? Q: Is it anyone''s imaginary friend? A: umphalumphicus A: pokemon Q: Is it kind of like a dinosaur, but it''s different? Q: Is it a dragon type? Q: Is it a scary firebreathing dragon? A: scary firebreathing dragon A: dragon Q: Its another pokemon? A: lugia A: dragon Q: Does it have scales? A: Dragon A: wrym Q: Is it really big? Q: Does it have a horn? Q: Does it have wings? Q: Is it friendly? Q: Is it like a horse? A: unicorn/pegusus A: griffudious Q: Does it breath ice? A: ice dragon A: alicorn A: unicorn Q: Is it a type of dinosor? Q: Is it a pokemo? A: aerodactyl Q: Does it have scales? A: dragon A: teradactyl Q: IS IT A POK-E-MON? Q: Does it have fangs? A: Katafloss A: aerodactol Q: Does it have arms, wings, AND legs? Q: Does it breath steam? Q: Is it''s name fred? A: dragon A: steamer dragon Q: Is it the flying horse that flew hercules? A: pegasus A: dragon that doesn''t spit fire Q: Does it fly with Han Solo? A: Chewbacca A: wyvern Q: Does it have a horn? Q: Is it a flying type of horse with a horn? A: flying unicorn A: unicorn Q: Does it live at the North Pole? A: reindeer Q: Is it furry? Q: Does it fight in a bubble? A: mew Q: Is it like a person? A: flying monkey A: gargoyle Q: Is it purple? Q: Do they abduct you on flying saucers? A: Alien A: hippogriff A: ferret Q: Does it have wings ? Q: Does it live in a cave? Q: Is it an extremely dangerous animal? Q: The watermorf can turn into water in danger or to have fun.? A: watermorf Q: She is a new friend that can help when you need it.? Q: Does it roar and be you friend? Q: Is it a character from Yu-gi-oh? A: blue eyes white dragon A: dragon Q: Is it a yugioh card? A: dark magician girl A: placy Q: Is it a dinosaur? A: teradactyl A: dragon Q: Does it belong to Willy Wonka? A: wangdoodle Q: Are it''s bones still fownd arownd? Q: Does it have feathers? A: flying dinosaur A: bat Q: Does it sting? A: bee A: horseshoe bat Q: Is it red with black spots? Q: Ladybug? Q: Is it more than 2 colours? A: labybird A: Batterfly Q: Does it like flowers? Q: Is it spotty? A: moth A: butterfly A: ladybug Q: Is it a member of the beetle family? A: scarab Q: Is it extinct? Q: Did it have a curved beak? Q: Is it a type of bird? Q: Is it from the period of dinosaurs? A: terradactile A: dodo Q: Does it has wings and fur? Q: Is it a small flightless bird? A: dodo bird Q: Does it eat horseshoe crab eggs? A: Rhamphoryncus A: teradactl A: dsungaripterus Q: Is it a dinosour? Q: Does it have feathers? A: archaeopterix Q: Is it the size of a WWII fighter plane? A: Quetzalcoatlus A: taradactle Q: Is it a prehistoric bird? Q: Does it begin with the letter D? A: dodo bird A: pteradactyl Q: Did it have large large crest that slightly curved forward, and did it live in the Early Cretaceous on the coast of what is now Brazil? Q: Does it have a crest larger than its wing? A: Nyctosaurus A: Tapejara Q: Does it fly, have wings, and have no feathers, begin with a Lin, and end with a dsay? A: Lindsay the Digimon Q: Does it sit on the backs of dinosaurs and eat parasites like an oxpecker? A: Arougnathus Q: Is it a large pterosaur? Q: Is it the largest thing that ever flew? A: Quetzalcoatlus A: Ornithochirus Q: Was it a prehistoric giant dragonfly? A: Meganuera A: sordes Q: Does your animal buzz? Q: Is it a pest? A: fly Q: Does it carry germs? A: fly A: bee A: flying fish Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it big? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Do some little kids see it on Chirstmas? A: reindeer Q: Does it stay on the ground? A: dinosaur Q: Is it a common dinosaur? A: pterodactyl A: coelacanth Q: Do you use a trojan condum? A: I a m h o r n y A: wooly mammoth Q: Is it in my mind? A: flying purple dragon A: fly Q: Is it green, from outer space and weird? A: alien Q: Is it brown or gray? A: flying squirrel A: pterodactyl Q: Does it eat nuts? Q: Does it need a machine in order to fly? Q: Does she have an invisible airplane? Q: Is it famous? A: wonderwoman A: circus monkey Q: Is it hairy? Q: Does it live in trees? Q: Can it move on the ground? Q: Do they have armies? A: human A: ape A: fumpy Q: Does it walk on 4 legs? A: hippo Q: Is it on Nickelodeon? Q: Are you one of them? A: Human A: Patrick Star Q: Can its tears cure cancer? A: Chuck Norris Q: Does it have tentacles coming out of it''s belly? A: Centauri A: Human Q: Does he have a four-dimensional pocket? Q: Does she have ears shaped like a bow? A: Dorami Q: Can he use Kung Fu? A: Wong Dora Q: Does he have a really strong hiari manto? A: El Matadora Q: Is it a mini version of Doraemon? A: mini dora A: doraemon Q: Is he good at Kung Fu? A: Wong Dora Q: Can he turn into a wolf? A: Dora Nichov Q: Can he use magic? A: Dora Med The Third Q: Does he have a really strong air gun? A: Dora The Kid Q: Is he really good at soccer? A: Dora Rinho A: human being Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Is it black? Q: Does the color vary from one to another? Q: Does it have bat like eyes? Q: Is it stupid? A: lisa A: sugar glider A: flying squirrel Q: Does it fight crime? A: batman A: bat Q: Does it have a food in its name? Q: Dose it eat acorns.? Q: Is it native to australia? A: sugar glider A: flying squirrel Q: Does it have a weird call? A: soupmungle A: sugar glider Q: Is it sometimes called best friend to a human? A: dog Q: Is is it cute and cuddly? Q: Does it live in Australia? A: flying squirrel Q: Does it chatter in a different language? A: flying squirrel A: palmaranion A: flying squirrel Q: Does it have a bushy tail? Q: Does it help Santa Claus? Q: Is it an Alaskan Malamute? A: alaskan amalamute Q: Is it red or gray? A: flying squirrel A: reindeer Q: Does it have big eyes? Q: Does it carry its babies in a pouch? A: sugar glider Q: Does its head resemble a fox? Q: Does it have wing like features? A: flying squirrel A: cologula Q: Can it fly for a very long time without stopping? A: SuperSqurriel A: flying squirrel Q: Does it eat people and spit out their bones? A: geomonkey Q: Does it live in a man-made house? Q: Is it a reptile? A: anaconda A: it was a human stupid A: flying squirrel Q: Does it have antennae? Q: Is it cute? A: moogle Q: Does it sleep upside down in trees during the day? A: bat Q: Is it an insect? A: fly A: roach Q: Does it have a bushy tail? A: flying squirrel Q: Is it alive? Q: Was it created by Steven Speilberg? Q: Can it fly? Q: Does it breath fire? A: dragon A: batman A: e.t. Q: Is it a crime fighter? Q: Is it a sidekick? A: Robin Q: Super heroes? A: super man A: batman Q: Does it have wings? Q: Does it have a colorful beak? A: cockatoo Q: Is it mythical? A: farie Q: Is it a tiny puffball? A: Lil''Fuzz A: bat Q: Does it use reindeer to fly? A: santa claus Q: Does it eat little Children? A: teacher A: flying squirrel Q: Is it from a cartoon? A: dumbo the flying elephant A: bat Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it hang upside down? Q: Does it suck blood? Q: Is it really really big? Q: Does it suckle its young? A: vampire bat Q: Is it like a human? A: vampire A: fly Q: Does it hibernate? Q: Does it suck blood? Q: Does it talk? A: vampire A: vampire bat Q: Does it live in caves? A: bat A: doormouse Q: Does it eat fruit? Q: Does it eat fruit AND suck blood? A: vampire bat A: fruit bat A: vampire bat Q: Is it the world''s largest bat? Q: Does it eat fruit? Q: Does the head look like a head of a red fox? A: flying fox A: fruit bat Q: Does it lap up blood? A: vampire bat A: flying fox Q: Is it the world''s smallest bat? Q: Does it eat fruit? Q: Is it brown and is very very small? A: Little Brown Bat A: fruit bat A: bumblebee bat Q: Is it hard to find? Q: Does it have super good hearing? Q: Does your animal eat fruit? Q: Is it commonly kept as a pet? A: sugar glider Q: Does it live in Africa? A: african bat Q: Does it eat mealworms? A: sugar glidar A: fruit bat Q: Does it eat bugs? A: bat A: fruit bat Q: Is it sold in pet stores? Q: Does it walk? A: sugar glider A: fruit bat Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the frog-eating bat? A: deathgleaner A: flying fox Q: Does it lap up blood? A: vampire bat Q: Does it rime with "square mat"? A: fruit bat Q: Does it eat insects? A: bat A: fruit bat Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is it domesticated? Q: Is it a land and water animal? A: penguin Q: Does it fly, have blue stripes, reminds you of your teacher, and is NOT a flying, blue-striped cat? A: poochy, the amazing flying, blue-striped dog. Q: Can it fly and does it live in australia? A: sugar glider A: cat A: tiger Q: Is it an animal? Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Is it a non-flying bird? A: penguin Q: Is it a winged cat? A: dalvarian Q: Does it have one horn on top of its head.? A: unicorn Q: Is it big? A: puffin A: horse Q: Can this animal be a pet? Q: Terg eghyndj? A: horse A: mastiff dog Q: Does your animal have a horn? Q: Does it need a haircut even more than YOU, smells even worse than YOU, and is out to snuff bad children like YOU (YES YOU!!!) when you''re sleeping? A: boogeyman Q: Is it purple? A: One-eyed one-horned flying purple people-eater A: unicorn Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it like mookie? A: wheaten terrier Q: Is it a dog type animal? Q: Is it an Egyption God? A: Anubis A: flying wolf Q: Is it an Egyption Godess? A: Bastet Q: Does it live in hair or fur? A: nit A: bats A: wombat Q: It it a Pokemon that aws cloned to make Mewtwo? A: mew Q: Dose it live in the water? Q: Is it really really really big? A: blue whale A: blue platasurus A: spike Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: okapi Q: Is Bullwinkle one? A: moose Q: Is it magical? Q: Does it know Santa? A: reindeer A: Togglemule A: reindeer Q: Is it small? Q: Is it black? Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Is it a monkey? A: howler monkey Q: Is it a type of possum? A: sugarglider A: witch cat Q: Is it a large insect? Q: Does it have black and yellow stripes? A: bumble bee A: june bug Q: Is it eyes like a kaliedascope? A: fly Q: Does it resemble a ground mammal? A: flying fox Q: Is it a baby? A: hornet A: bee Q: Does it hang upside down? Q: Does it live in Australia? Q: Does it fly through the trees? Q: Does it resemble a flying squirrel? A: sugar glider A: flying squirrel Q: Does its arms skin turn into wings??? A: flying squirrel A: bush baby A: flying squirrel Q: Does it make honey? A: bee Q: Does it really fly? Q: Is it a marsupial? A: sugar glider Q: Is it made from stone? A: gargoyle Q: Is it rotund,yellow and EATS honey? Q: Can it talk? A: flying winnie the pooh A: killer bee Q: Is it pink? A: Mew A: flying fox Q: Does it eat nectar? A: sugar glider possum Q: Is it a muppet? A: muppets from space Q: Does it hop? A: rabbit Q: Does its head resemble a fox? A: cologula Q: Does it glide? A: sugar glider A: raccoon Q: Can it be ridden? Q: Does it usually have an owner? A: horse Q: Does it have a horn in the middle of its forehead? Q: Did Hercules ride one? Q: Is it in a greek myth of its name? Q: Does it live in fairy tales and has a magic horn? A: unicorn A: Pegasus A: unicorn Q: Is it a cross between two animals? A: Pegaun(pegisus/unicorn) A: unicorn Q: Does it have a hump on it''s back? A: camel A: Pegasus Q: It lives in the jungle? Q: Does it have brown fur? A: flying monkey A: gorilla Q: Is a Pokemon that is believed to be extinct? Q: Can it shoot lightning from its cheeks? A: pikachu A: mew Q: Is it a clone? A: mewtwo Q: Is it an extinct? A: tiranosaurs A: puppy Q: Is it colourful? Q: Is it black and yellow? Q: Does it spin a cocoon? A: butterfly Q: Is it considered mean? Q: Does it make honey? Q: Does it have a stinger? Q: Is it a bee? A: Bumble Bee A: yellow jacket A: bee Q: Is it smaller than a bee? A: wasp Q: Does it sting? A: wasp Q: Is it larger than a mountain and still growing? A: Dragon A: hornet Q: Does it light up in the dark? A: lightning bug Q: Is it an animal that lives in Australia? Q: Does it make honey? A: bee Q: Does it like flowers? Q: Is it a herbivore? A: lady bug A: Butterfly A: frogfish Q: Does it like potato? A: potato bug Q: Is this an imaginary animal? Q: Is it a yugioh monster card a dark witch? A: dark witch Q: Does it have strong electric attacks? Is it a legendary electricity bird? A: Zapdos A: pikachu, the mouse pokemon Q: Does it make honey? Q: Does it have fur on it''s butt? A: bumble bee A: honeybee Q: Does it sting? A: bumblebee Q: Is it a yellow beetle with black spots that eats other insects? A: ladybug beetle Q: Does its wings sound like a humming sound? A: humming bird Q: Does it have a colorful beak? A: toucon Q: Was it once a caterpillar? A: butterfly Q: Is it very,very long? A: chinese dragon A: hoverfly Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have stripes or other markings on it? Q: Is it red with black spots? Q: Does it have soft wings? Q: Is it round? A: lady bug A: butterfly A: ladybug Q: Does it live in a flying saucer? Q: Is it make belive or is it real? Q: Does it fly? A: fly A: frisby sqirle A: alien Q: Does it live in the Amazon? Q: It is beautiful? Q: Is it attracted to light? Q: Is it extremely colorful? Q: Did it live in the dinousour times and still lives now and is also a tasty treat for lizards? Q: Lives in your garden? A: butterfly A: Dragonfly A: butterfly A: moth Q: Is it very rare and lives in the rainforest? A: blue morph butterfly A: butterfly A: blue morph butterfly Q: Does it swim? Q: Is it really big? A: dragon A: flying fish Q: Does this animal have colorful feathers with colored spots on them? A: peacock Q: Is it nocturnal? A: lunar moth Q: Dose it breath fire? A: dragon A: monarch butterfly Q: Do you catch it and dislike it when you do? Q: Is it red and has black dots? Q: Dose it have scales or no fur? Q: Is it an insect? A: ladybird A: dinosaur A: ladybug! A: flu virus Q: Is it red? Q: Is it long? A: firefly A: ladybug Q: Does it migrate? A: monarch butterfly Q: Does it breath fire? A: dragon A: ladybug Q: Does it have antennaes? Q: Does it have 4 wings? Q: Does it hunt animals? Q: Does it fly 25 at mph and catch insects in the air? A: dragonfly Q: Does it fly? A: dragonfly A: praying mantis Q: Is it orange and black? Q: Does it eat nectar? Q: Is it a butterfly? Q: Is it a certain type of butterfly? A: Tiger Swallotail A: butterfly Q: Is it a WNBA Basket Ball team? A: monarch butterfly A: beetle A: monarch butterfly Q: Was it once a caterpillar? A: butterfly Q: Is it green? Q: Is it named after a mythical beast? A: dragonfly Q: Does it look like a dragon fly but smaller? A: sewing neddle Q: Is it a insect? A: dragon fly A: praying mantis Q: Does its wings sound like a humming sound? Q: Does it live entirly on insects? A: the blue aeshna Q: Does it look human? A: Fairy A: humming bird Q: Is it mythical? A: farie A: dragonfly Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it come around in the spring? Q: Does it have an engine? A: Stock Car Q: Does it have transparrent wings? A: Lacewing A: butterfly Q: Does it have horns? A: dragon A: dragonfly Q: Does it have a stinger? Q: Is it thin, and usually black? A: wasp A: bumble bee Q: Does it bury a dead carcass for its larvae to eat? Q: Does it kidnap humans for the perpose of disection and study? A: martian A: beetle Q: Is it dangerous? Q: Does it fly around in outer space? A: alien A: bombardier beetle Q: Does it lay eggs on your food? A: fly Q: Is is green and very small? Q: Is it carnivorous? A: mantis Q: Does it suck plant juices? A: aphid A: green fly Q: Is it long and green? A: Praying mantis Q: Is it small? A: mosquito A: butterfly Q: Is it a person? Q: Does it turn into a bat and drink people''s blood? Q: Does it also suck your brains? A: math teacher A: Dracula Q: Is it yellow or green? Q: Is she friends with Peter Pan? A: Tinker Belle Q: Does she have a sharp spear? A: dark witch Q: Is it irish? A: leprechaun A: bogie Q: Can he lift a car? Q: Is it more powerful then a super man? A: GOD A: superman Q: Is it used commonly in fantasy books? A: fairy A: flying person Q: Does it have wings? Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it have six legs? A: dragonfly Q: Can it breath flame? Q: Does it have eagle talons for the front feet? A: Water Griffin A: dragon Q: Does it live around water? Q: Does it taste with its feet? A: fly Q: Does it have a short body? A: fly A: dragonfly Q: Does it live in the water, is it a cousin of a fire breathing dragon but breaths bubbles instead of fire and does it eat flying fish? A: Water Dragon A: flying fish Q: Does it breathe fire? Q: Is it an oarnge Pokemon? A: charizard Q: It''s a baby dragon? Q: It''s very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very cute!? Q: Is it a fantsy? A: dragon A: usul Q: Is it a neopet? A: shoyru A: dragon Q: Is it a pokemon? A: Ho-oh Q: Does it have a beak, five eyes and fifty legs? Q: Does it breath fire, eat lamas, do tricks and have no tail? A: Ingreditut A: tuttyilusin Q: Does it fly? Q: Does it have two heads? A: two headed dragen with only two eyes A: Dragon A: dragon Q: Is it colorful? Q: Does it live near water? Q: Does it fly backwards? Q: Can it hover? A: dragonfly A: hummingbird Q: Does it have a beak? A: parrot A: dragonfly Q: Is it imaginary? Q: Does it fly backwards? Q: Is it all pink? Q: Does it fly into the sun? A: fire bird A: pink flying pig A: unicorn Q: Does it fly into the sun? A: fire bird Q: Does your animal have all the colors of the rainbow on its body? A: rainbow unicorn Q: It is a dragon made with frost thorns? A: frost wyvern A: unicorn Q: Does it have four wings? A: dragonfly Q: Is it smaller than an ant? A: aphid Q: Does it have a beak? A: humming bird Q: Is it reptilian? A: flying lizard Q: Does it bite? A: dragonfly A: butterfly Q: It is small and it is dark colored and it is nice.? Q: Does it say ''cuckoo- cuckoo''? A: cuckoo bird A: baby dragon A: dragonfly Q: Is it green, glowing, and traveling in a spacecraft? A: alien Q: Is it pink? Q: Does it float in the sky an is made of water and rains? A: cloud A: pink elephant Q: Does it swim and fly? Q: Can you see it? Q: Does it have legs? A: flying fish Q: Is it a flying fish? A: flying fish Q: Can it fly without wings? Q: Is it a type of snake? A: flying snake A: chinese dragon A: snake Q: Is it a shapeshifter? A: boggart A: germ Q: Can you ride it? A: horse Q: Does it have one eye one horn? A: one eyed one horn flying purple people eater Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have eight legs? A: the flying spider Q: Does it have scales? A: frilled lizard A: flying frog Q: Can you see it without a microscope? Q: Is it from Alien Planet? A: Eosapien A: flying snake A: virus Q: Is it a lepidopteran? Q: Does it drink blood from other animals.? Q: Does it have sand in its name? A: sand fly A: mosquito Q: Does it hop? Q: Does it burrow in the soil? Q: DOES IT RUN? A: dog Q: Does it sing with its legs? A: Grasshopper A: June beetle A: grasshopper Q: Does it eat rotten food? Q: Does it give you the creeps? Q: Does it sting? A: wasp A: cockroach Q: Is it an insect? A: fly A: bat Q: Does it make some kinds of food? A: bee Q: Does it eat it''s prey head first? Q: Does it stink? A: stink bug A: praying mantis Q: Does it live in the grass? A: grasshopper Q: Does it have more then 2 wings? A: dragonfly Q: Does it evolve into Mewtwo? A: mew Q: Does it have terrible cry? A: pterodacto Q: Does it have really long legs? A: moth A: Crane Fly Q: Does it live in a di-monarchial caste colony? Q: Is it really really small? Q: Does this animal feed its young royal jelly for a short period of time? Q: Can it kill some? Q: Is it an insect? Q: Is it a small but long insect with long wings often found near ponds, and is it a relative of the butterfly? A: dragonfly Q: Is it yellow and black and go Bzzzzzz? A: bee A: ant A: killerbee Q: Does it eat wood? A: termite Q: Does it fly? Q: Can it sting you? A: honeybee Q: Does it eat wood? A: Bat A: fly A: ant Q: Does it come out of your purse? A: moth Q: Is it an insect that stings and makes you itch? Q: Does it have stripes? A: bee Q: Is the female different than the male? Q: Is the female the only one that sucks blood? A: mosquito A: female fire ant Q: Does it throw up and then eat? A: fly Q: Do they live in colonies? A: ant A: mosquito Q: Is it fuzzy? A: bee Q: Does the animal chnge into vampires in stories? A: bat Q: Does it live under the ground? Q: Does it destroy wood? A: termite Q: Can it lift a very heavy weight for its size? A: Fly A: ant Q: Does it suck up nector? A: humming bird Q: Does it light up? A: firefly A: gnat Q: Is it red and black? Q: Is it a mammal? A: Ninja A: ladybug Q: Does it smell bad? A: bat Q: In films, do vampires turn into these? A: bat Q: does it live in the sand? A: queen ant Q: Is it annoying when it sheds it''s skin? A: locust Q: When it bites you does it itch? A: masqito Q: Does it breathe fire? A: dragon Q: Does its wings sound like a humming sound? A: humming bird Q: Do children try to catch it when it is night-time? A: lightining bug A: termite Q: Does it like the dark? Q: Does it buzz loudly? Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it drink blood? Q: Does this animal cause the most human deaths? A: mosquito Q: Does it have stripes? A: cheetah Q: Does it live in hot places? A: mosquito A: tetse fly Q: Does it look like a grass hopper / giant fly? A: cycada A: tse tse fly Q: Does it light up? A: firefly Q: Do they come out in the winter? Q: Does it drink blood? A: mosquito A: cicada Q: Does it suck blood? A: mosquito Q: Is it a type of fly? Q: Does It Sting? A: horse fly A: house fly Q: Is it from Alien Planet? A: Sea Strider Nymph A: beetle Q: Does it glow? Q: Does it scare the living? Q: Is it a pokemon? A: gengar Q: Is it a fantasy fire breathing thing? A: dragon A: ghost Q: Is it a horse with wings? A: Pegasus Q: Does it glow in the dark? A: lightning bug A: moth Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is it very small? Q: Does it eat fruit during the night? A: fruit bat Q: Does it have hair? A: bat Q: Does it sleep while hanging from the ceiling? A: bat A: mosquito Q: Can it see at night? Q: Is it a fantasy animal? Q: Does it breathe fire? A: dragon Q: Does it stalk people at night and drink their blood? A: vampire Q: Does it cackle? Q: Is it unseen? A: super soilder A: whitch Q: Does it have angel wings? A: Pegasus A: batman Q: Does it hang upside down? Q: Does it drink human blood? Q: Does it flip out? A: Ninja A: vampire Q: Is it bigger than a bat? Q: Is it''s purpose to flip out and kill people? A: Ninja A: fox bat A: bat Q: Does it ride a broom? A: witch Q: Is it on t.v.? A: dark angel A: tic A: gargoyle Q: Is it an insect? Q: Is it dirty? Q: Does it eat wood? A: termite Q: Is it Brown? Q: Does it suck blood? Q: Is it almost microscopic? A: flea A: mosquito Q: Is it EXTREMELY disgusting? A: cockroach A: horse Q: Does it suck blood? A: mosquito A: cockroach Q: Does it suck blood? A: mosquito Q: Does it have six legs? Q: Is it drawn to fire or light? A: moth Q: Does it rub its wings together to make sound? A: grasshopper Q: Does it eat wood? A: termite A: mosquito Q: Does it have powder like substince on its wings? A: moth A: junebug Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Is it microscopic? A: virus Q: Does it fly above the water hence it''s name? A: flying fish Q: Is it big? A: lugia A: stingray Q: Can you see through it? Q: Does he drift on the edge of the world? A: glomglozer A: ghost Q: Does it live on Mars? A: alien Q: Is it mythical? Q: Does it like blood? Q: Does it have scales and breath fire? A: Dragon Q: Did J.R.R. Tolkien create it? A: Fell Beast Q: Is it from Alien Planet? A: Skewer A: vampire Q: Does it turn to stone when it sleeps? A: Gargoyle Q: Does it use a broom to fly? A: Witch A: dragon Q: Does it glide from tree to tree? Q: Does it have legs? A: flying dragon lizard A: flying snake Q: Is it invisible and bites people? A: tiny invisible bug Q: Does it have a sharp spear? A: dark witch Q: Dose it resemble a horse and dragon, plus have features of both? A: Dragon Horse Q: Is it small? A: bat A: batman Q: Does it sting? Q: Does it have a needle for a nose? Q: Does it live on dogs? Q: Is it a virus? A: bacteriophage Q: Do you get bit by these abroad? A: mosquito A: flea Q: Does it cause malaria? A: mosquito Q: Is the fist part of the name the same as another animal? A: horsefly Q: Lives underneath the ground and when distressed, they fly out in swarms.? A: yellow jacket Q: It has big feet? A: tuqipetran Q: It has big feet? A: tuqipetran A: mosquito Q: Does it rhyme with boneyhee? Q: Does it like to live on animals? A: flea A: honeybee Q: Is it black and white? Q: I think I know! Is your animal a hornet? A: hornet A: wasp Q: Does it rhyme with motto? A: mosquito Q: Is it the name of a basketball team who''s colors are purple and blue? A: hornet Q: Does it live in a dirt mound? A: flying ant Q: When it stings,does it die after? A: bee Q: Can it kill a human right when it stings? A: Sting fly A: horse fly Q: Is it VERY tiny? Q: Does it suck blood? Q: Does it only live in Britain? A: knat Q: Does it like to live in animals? Q: Does it transmit Lyme Disease? A: tick A: flea Q: Is it a tiny fly? A: gnat A: mosquito Q: Does it sometimes live indoors? Q: Is it invisible? Q: Could it survive a nuclear disaster? A: water bear A: bacteria Q: Do they gather on fruit in the house? Q: Does it multiply rapidly and is a menace? Q: Is it bigger than a fruit fly? Q: Is it bigger than a nat? A: fly A: nat Q: Is it a Microbe? A: microbe A: fruit fly Q: Are many genetic experiments are carried on them? A: fruit fly or drosophilla melanogaster Q: Does it wash its hands before it eats? A: house fly Q: Does it have a lot of eyes? A: fly A: gnat Q: Is it atractted to light? Q: What country does it live in? Q: Are its young called maggots? A: housefly Q: Is your animal red and black? A: ladybug A: moth Q: Does everyone swat it? A: fly Q: Dose it eat moldy stuff? A: fly A: gnat Q: Does it hop? A: grasshopper Q: Does it eat leaves? A: aphid Q: Is it orange and white and is it a digimon? A: patamon A: housefly Q: Is it located near fruit? Q: Does it have 4 wings? A: dragonfly Q: Is it small and red and has the same amount of black spots on both sides? A: ladybug A: fruit fly Q: Does it have strong wings? Q: Does its name sound like a famous British band? A: beetle Q: Is is native to Africa? A: tsetse fly Q: Does it have gills? A: flying fish Q: It is red and has spots? A: ladybug Q: Does it hop and fly? Q: Is it pretend? A: Fairy A: grasshopper A: bug Q: Is it a flying ant? A: flying ant Q: Does it have spots? A: ladybug Q: Is it a kind of fish? A: flying fish Q: Does it eat leaves and plants? Q: Does it live in the United States? Q: Does it like hop and eat grass? A: grasshopper A: stinkbug Q: Is it red and black? A: ladybug Q: Is it a mythical thing? A: Faerie A: Japanese beetle Q: Does it live in Africa? A: dung beetle Q: Does it have a thing for animals? Q: Do dogs take a "bath" to get rid of this organism starting with "f"? A: flea A: tic Q: Does it suck sap from plant? A: aphid Q: Does it have 4 legs? A: fly Q: Is it Parasitic? A: botfly Q: Does it sometimes live as an adult for only 24 hours? A: mayfly A: gnat Q: Does it light up? Q: Is it a common pest to humans? A: Fly Q: Does it exist? A: firefly A: Flying car Q: Does it jump from tree to tree? Q: Does it have four legs? A: flying lizard Q: Does it look like a green stick? A: praying manthis Q: Does it eat grass? A: Grasshopper A: flying snake Q: Is it imaginary? Q: Is it pink? Q: Is it a puffy pokemon? A: jiggly puff A: pink elephant Q: Does it breath fire? Q: Is it a fire dragon Pokemon? A: charzard Q: Does it breath fire? A: dragon A: dragon Q: Does it fly out of grass when you throw pester balls in it? A: syther Q: Is it different shades of blue, and has a large beak? A: mesa-malol Q: Is it a small human with wings and can do magic? A: fairy Q: Can it emit yellow beams from it''s mouth? Q: Is it blue and white? A: Lugia A: dragonite Q: Does it have eye stalks? Q: Does it come here with a space ship? A: Alien A: beholder Q: Is It A Digimon? A: demiveemon Q: Does it like mud? A: flying pig Q: Can it fly, and is it on a Yugioh card? A: Ptryl the Yugioh Q: Does it have a four-dimensional pocket? A: Doraemon Q: Does it have NO HORN? A: hover car A: unicorn Q: Is it the biggest beetle in the world? A: Hercules beetle Q: Is it a nekton? Q: Does it make any noise? A: dragonfly Q: Is it a fish? Q: Does it have scales and fly? A: flying fish A: swimming fish A: flying fish Q: Does it look like it''s praying? A: praying mantis Q: Does it waddle? Q: Does it go to houses on Christmas eve? A: Santa Claus A: penguin Q: Can it swim? Q: Does it have a colorful beak? Q: Is it a baby? A: baby puffin A: puffin Q: Does it have gills? A: flying fish Q: Dose it have more than one pair of legs? Q: Is it black? A: dung beetle A: dragonfly A: people Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it a large fly that bites other animals for blood? A: horsefly A: ladybug Q: Does it have wool? A: sheep Q: Does it use dung for food for itself and its larva? Q: Does it fly? Q: Is it a member of the beetle family? A: dung beetle A: fly A: dung beetle Q: Does it have flaps of skin on its sides which stretch out like wings? Q: Is it Australian? A: sugar glider Q: Does it have a metal body and can fly? A: skormary Q: Is its enemies marauding soldiers from villages? A: Mountain Dragon A: flying dragon Q: Besides being terribly ugly, does it spread germs by landing on food? A: housefly Q: Does it make a loud buzzing noise on warm summer days? Q: Does it have perfectly round wings? A: cicada (type of bug) Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it have a big rotor blade? A: helicopter A: dragonfly Q: Does it bite larger animals? A: horsefly Q: Does it eat smaller insects by catching them in flight by using its legs as a trap? Q: It eats worms? A: bird A: dragonfly A: fire fly Q: Does it eat leaves? Q: Does it feed on droppings from a bird? A: cottonstainer bug Q: Is it a large, dark brown or black insect? Q: Does it hop? A: grass hopper A: beetle Q: Does it destroy crops? Q: Is it also a kind of drink? A: grasshopper A: locust A: grasshopper Q: Is it a machine? Q: Does it use a ship? A: Space Pirate A: plane Q: Is it named after a small insect and a maned mammal? A: ant lion Q: Does it live for only one day as an adult? Q: Does it fly above ponds and lakes? Q: Does it sometimes only live for 24 hours as an adult? A: mayfly A: dragonfly A: mayfly Q: Does it eat wood? A: termite Q: Is it named after a month of the year? Q: Is it named after a month before december? A: November spider A: junebug Q: Does your animal feed on human blood? A: horsefly Q: Can it crawl and bite? A: flying ant Q: Does your animal have a cusion named after a vampire? A: bat Q: Is it blue? A: Blue-eyes utamate dragon Q: Does it climb in trees? A: jaguar A: dragonfly Q: Is it a very small animal? Q: Does it live in trees? Q: Does it eat gum leaves? Q: Does it have black or red on it? Q: Does it swing from tree to tree? Q: Does it have very large, round eyes? Q: Does it run fast? Q: Is it slow? A: chus-chus Q: Is it a carnivore? A: cheeta Q: Does it live only on madagascar? A: ring - tailed lemur A: bush baby Q: Does it eat Eucalytus leaves? Q: Is it slow? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is it in the dog family? A: dog A: bush baby Q: Does it look cute? A: kangaroo A: koala A: koala bear A: lemur Q: Does it have a bushy tale and eat nuts? Q: It has a red butt? A: bamboo A: squirrell Q: Does it bark? A: dog A: monkey Q: Does it glide from tree to tree? Q: Does it eat leaves? Q: Does it have antennas? Q: Is it a type of fish? A: goldfish A: ant Q: Is it almost microscopic? A: bacteria Q: Does it have a bushy tail? A: squirrel A: koala A: sugar glider Q: Was it recently discovered? Q: Is it found in Nepal and/or Assam? A: lesser panda Q: Does it fly? A: pygmy marmoset A: hedgehog Q: Is it small? Q: Does it have ears? Q: Does it start with a k? A: koala Q: Does it eat nutts? Q: Was there a Disney TV show about it? A: chipmunk A: squarel Q: Is it Hairless? Q: Does it have more than 4 legs? A: fire ant A: duck-billed platypus A: rabbit Q: Is it shiny? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it live in colonies? Q: Does its throat pop out in a bubble when it croaks? A: tree frog A: ants Q: Does it croak a lot during the night? A: tree frog Q: Is it a parasite? A: tick A: caterpillar A: tree frog Q: Is it hairy and have more then four legs? Q: Does it move at a slow rate? Q: Does it have eight legs? A: tarantula Q: Does it make a cocoon? A: caterpillar A: millilpeed A: caterpillar Q: Are they hard to find? Q: Is it easy to find? A: sugar glider A: chameleon A: ant A: koala Q: Is it black and white? Q: Is it bashful? Q: Does it have big eyes? Q: Does it sleep all day? A: Koala Bear A: bush baby A: koala Q: Does it craw? Q: Does it have stripes? A: skunk Q: Does it climb trees? A: Koala A: lizard Q: Can it fit in your hand and is related to a monkey? A: pygmy marmoset Q: Is it a Marsupial? A: koala A: panda Q: Is it prickly? Q: Is it a reptile that is small with a long tail? A: iguana Q: Is it pink or peach and you eat it with shrimp sauce? A: shrimp A: caterpillar Q: Does it look like a cat? Q: Is there such a thing? A: kinkajou A: idontknow Q: Is it slimy? Q: Is it green? Q: Does it have a long tounge? A: frog Q: Does it have a shell? A: gecko A: turtle Q: Is it brown? Q: Does it have a shell? A: snail A: worm Q: Is it coldbloody? A: slug A: gecko Q: Does it eat nuts? Q: Does it live in bushes & trees? Q: Is it a type of squirlle? Q: Is it gray and kind of fluffy? Q: Does its tail cling onto things like branches? Q: Does it soar through the air? A: flying squirrel A: possum A: chinchilla Q: Does it have really big eyes? A: bush baby A: sugar glider Q: Is it a type of monkey? Q: Does it have big claws? A: Sloth A: marmaset Q: Does it eat Eucalyptus leaves? A: Koala Bear A: bush baby A: squirrel Q: Does it change to a butterfly? A: caterpillar Q: Does it eat out of the garbage? A: o possum Q: Does it look like a teddy bear? Q: Is it like a teddy bear? A: koala bear A: koala Q: Eat sugar? A: ant Q: Is it a poisonous frog? A: poison dart frog Q: Is it a frog? A: tree frog Q: Does it climb trees well? A: monkey A: praying mantis Q: Is it an Australian animal? Q: Can it glide from tree to tree? Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is it a cawal? Q: Does it have 8 legs? A: teranchala Q: Does it climb trees? A: quala bear Q: Does it walk? A: sugarglider A: cangaroo rat Q: Does it eat bananas? Q: Is it full grown? Q: Does it live in Madagascar? Q: Is it related to the lemur? A: Monkey Q: Is it related to humans? A: monkey A: lemur Q: Does it have stripes? A: sugar gliders A: monkey A: baby monkey Q: Is it a monkey? Q: Does it have a long strong tail? A: squirel monkey A: cawla Q: Do people keep it as a pet? Q: Is the first word sugar? Q: Is it a herbivore and does it prowl at night? A: sugar glider A: squirrel A: sugar glider Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Is it related to a house mouse? A: fearthertail glider Q: Does it have webed arms? A: sugar glider A: koala Q: Does it live in a forest? Q: Does it haves a striped tail? A: lemur A: tree kangaroo Q: Does it glide from tree to tree? A: flying squirrel A: sloth Q: Is it a marsupial? A: sugar glider Q: Is it a non-flying bird? A: kiwi Q: Does it eat bananas? A: ape Q: It is in the primate family? A: little Australian monkey Q: Does it have fur? A: squirrel Q: Does it have spots? A: leopard gecko Q: Is it a type of snake? A: flying snake A: jumping spider Q: Is it green? Q: Is it born in the water? Q: Does it have a white lip? Q: Does it have a horn over each Eye? A: horned frog A: white lipped treefrog Q: Does it die when salt is put on it? Q: Does it have spots? A: gecko A: slug A: frog Q: Can it sometimes have spines? Q: Does it have a curly tail? A: chameleon Q: Is it long? Q: Does its name begin with a Y? A: Yes and no Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have spines? A: iguana A: gecko Q: Does it have smooth skin? A: caterpillar A: snake A: lizard Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does its head go inside its shell? A: turtle A: snail Q: Dose it smell with it''s tounge? Q: What is this animal? A: snake Q: Does it change colors? A: gecko A: snake Q: Is it fuzzy? A: caterpillar A: lizard Q: Does it have many eyes? A: spider Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it hang from trees? Q: Does it have grey fur? Q: Is it extremely slow? Q: Does it have round ears? A: koala A: sloth Q: Does it have claws? Q: Does it eat gum leaves? Q: Does it have big eyes? A: bushbaby A: koala Q: Does it eat bamboo plants? A: koala Q: Dose it have big fury ears? Q: Does it have a prehensile tail? A: Possum A: kaola A: possum A: bush baby Q: Does it have large eyes? Q: Is it the softest animal on earth? A: chinchilla A: bush baby A: possum Q: Is it a tamed animal? Q: Is it related to the chinchilla? A: Degu A: koala Q: Does it also live in the rainforest? Q: Does it have a ringed tail? Q: Does it live with people? A: chichilla A: bush baby Q: Does it begin with the letter k? Q: Is it grey? A: kaola bear A: kookaburra A: opossum Q: Is it endangered? Q: Does it carry its baby on it''s back? A: koala Q: Does it have a pink tail? A: opussum A: numbat Q: Is it usually found in a pet store? A: hamster A: koala Q: Is it a reptile? Q: Does it have scales? A: snake A: salamander Q: IS IT A INSECT? Q: Does it like to visit picnics? A: ant A: termite A: stick insect Q: Does it like to eat nuts? Q: Does it have a striped tail? Q: Does it have patches around its eyes? Q: Does it live in Madagascar? Q: Is it brightly colored? Q: Does it''s tail have stripes? A: Lemur A: red panda Q: Is it brown? A: chipmunk A: ring-tailed lemur Q: Does it run fast? Q: Does it look like it has a mask? Q: Does it hang from its tail? Q: If it is gray? A: racoon A: ring tail cat Q: Is it smaller than a cat? A: Ringtail A: raccoon Q: Does it live in Manchester, England, on top of chimneys? A: flubblygobble A: chipmunk A: raccoon Q: Is it is smaller than a squirrel? Q: Does it have a very small beard & live in the rainforest? Q: Does it have patches around its eyes? A: chipmunk A: pygmy marmoset A: chipmunk Q: Does it jump from tree to tree with ease (sort of as if it is flying)? A: flying squirrel A: squirrel Q: Does it live in Madagascar? Q: Does it like to swing on branches? Q: Dose it start with suger? A: Suger glider A: African monkey Q: Is it a small common pesky bug? A: ant Q: Dose it love its owner? A: Dashund A: aye-aye Q: Is it a primate? Q: Does it eat bird seed from a feeder? A: squirrel Q: Is it orange? A: orangutan Q: Does it look a little like a mouse? A: sugar glider A: chimpanzee Q: Does it have a prehensile tail? Q: Does it come to your window? Q: Does it live in redwall? Q: Is it a squireil? A: squireil A: mouse from redwall Q: Does it have a bushy tail? A: squirrel A: Dormouse Q: Is it a small rodent that most people don''t like? Q: Does it have a bushy tail? A: squirrel A: rat - mouse Q: It''s a toad? A: kiko Q: Does it hide nuts for the winter? Q: Does it live in a hole? A: chipmunk A: squirrel Q: Does it play dead? A: Virginia opossum A: possum Q: Does it have eight legs? A: tree spider Q: Does it like to eat insects and forage at night? Q: Does it glide? A: gliding squirrel Q: Does it live with a lot of its kind? A: ant A: squirrel Q: Is it bigger than a squirrel? Q: Is it a relative of the elephant? A: tree hyrax A: chinchilla Q: Is it related to the squirrel? Q: Does it have a bushy tail? Q: Can it glide from tree to tree? Q: Does it like to eat trash? A: squral Q: Does it have baggy flaps to help it glide to trees? Q: Does it have a brown bushy tail? A: squirrel A: flying squirrel A: squirrel Q: Does it live in a knothole in a tree? A: chipmunk A: squirrel A: chipmunk Q: Is it Red? A: cardinal Q: Do they glide or kind of fly in a way? A: flying Squirrel A: squirrel Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it green? Q: Is it like a small dinosaur? Q: Does it change colors? Q: Does it like water? Q: Can they change colors and "walk" over water? A: basilisk Q: Do they move? Q: Is it an animal? A: Frog A: rock A: frogs Q: Does it grow to be only about 6 inches long,and can it change colors from green to brown ONLY? Q: Does it have a semi-curly tail? A: cameleon Q: Is it known famously for being slow, but having the fastest toungue in the reptile kingdom? A: chameleon A: green anole Q: Can it change to many colors? Q: Is it a pet? A: iguana A: chameleon A: lizard Q: Does it spit venom? Q: Does it have a shell? A: turtle A: dilothiasaurous Q: Does it stay very small as it ages? Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it have scales? Q: Is it a type of lizard? Q: DOES IT HAVE A FIN ON ITS BACK? A: basilisk lizard(jesus christ lizard) Q: Can it hold its breath for over 30 minutes underwater? A: Water Dragon Q: Does it have a prehensile tail? A: Soloman island skink Q: Do they have distinctive fans on their throats? A: green anolis Q: Does it have stripes? A: desert lizard A: gecko A: iguana A: gecko Q: Is it from Africa? A: Gila monster Q: Is it a Spanish Frog? A: coqui Q: Does it have eight legs? A: spider A: frog Q: Is it green and shiny? Q: Does it hop? A: tree frog Q: Is it an exotic pet? Q: Is it a pokemon? A: bulbasaur A: iguana A: lizard Q: Is it smaller than a full sized guinea pig? A: lizard Q: Does it run on water? A: basilisk A: iguana Q: Does it live in the Rain Forest? Q: Is it a large amphibian? Q: Can it change colors? Q: Is it a predator? A: chameleon Q: Is it green? A: Tree Frog A: cheetah Q: Is it small, quick, and colorful? Q: Are many people afraid of this animal? A: spider A: treefrog A: toad Q: Does it look like a stick? Q: Does it look like a leaf? A: praying mantas Q: Does it look like it is praying? A: preying mantis A: walking stick insect Q: Does it change colors? Q: Does it hop? A: tree frog Q: Dose it have a lot of legs? A: caterpillar A: chameleon Q: Is it a type of tree frog, but transparent and green? Q: Is it a small amphibian? A: treefrog A: jaguarundi Q: Does it scoot along in a funny way? Q: Does it flys? A: gecko Q: Is it red and black? A: poison dart tree frog Q: Does it have speckles? A: gecko Q: Does your animal look like a leaf? A: walking tree leaf A: inchworm Q: Does it have red eyes? Q: Is it a brightly colored toxic amphibian? A: poison dart frog Q: Can it glide? A: Flying Frog A: red-eyed tree frog Q: Does it have a Red Belly? A: red-belly tree frog Q: Does it have a tale? Q: Is it bigger than a lizard? A: salamander Q: Does it have special toe pads that enable it to scale walls and ceilings? A: gecko A: lizard Q: Is it poisonous? A: poison dart frog Q: Does your animal have more than 50 legs? A: centipede Q: Does it have a beak? A: parkeet A: tree frog Q: Does it have suction cups instead of feet? Q: Does it turn into a Butterfly or Moth? A: caterpillar A: tree frog Q: Is it stick-like? A: praying mantis Q: Does it have more than two legs? Q: Does it have sticky feet? Q: Does it eat leaves? A: Caterpiller A: tree frog Q: Does it have a long skinny tail? Q: Is it a type of lizard? A: green anole A: lizard Q: Does it eat leaves? A: caterpillar A: inch worm Q: Does it hang upside down? A: hanging parrot Q: Does it live in tropical jungle? A: parrot A: kiwi bird Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it considered a lazy animal? Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Is it a member of the primate family? Q: Does this animal have orange ''mane'' like fur around its neck? A: tamaranian monkey Q: Does it carry its babies n a pouch? A: koala A: slow loris Q: Does it have a long tail? A: opposum Q: Is it colorful? A: peacock A: red panda Q: Does it have a striped tail? Q: Is it a scavenger? A: raccoon A: tabby cat Q: Does it live in the rainforest? A: sloth Q: Does it hang upside down from tree branches? Q: Does it crawl in trees slowly? A: sloth A: opossum Q: is it in the weasel family? A: ferret Q: Is he friends with tigger and piglet? A: winne the pooh Q: Does it fly with no feathers, live in a tree, is on a card, sound like peakachu, is it a pookeu the yugioh? A: Pookeu The Yugioh A: cuscus Q: Does it live in North America? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Does it have rings around its tail? Q: Does it have a masked face? A: raccoon A: ringtail Q: Does it have white stripe running down its back? A: skunk Q: Do they eat sap off trees? A: sugar glider A: raccoon Q: Does it swing from trees? Q: Does it have a fuzzy head? Q: Does it look like a bat? A: sugarglider Q: Does it eat bananas? Q: Does it have stripes? A: chimpanzee Q: Is is orange? A: monkey A: whale A: lemur A: monkey Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Is it a spider? A: tarantula Q: Is it a scavenger? Q: Does it start with an "o"? A: opossum A: rat Q: Does it eat chickens? Q: Does it fight cobras? A: mongoose A: bobcat Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Is it a mammle with orange fur? A: fox Q: Does it start with the letter s? A: Squiral Q: Does it start with f? A: ferret A: opossum Q: Is it a cold climate carnivore? A: marten Q: Is it the most aggressive fighter for its size in the world? A: shrew Q: Can you catch it with a small mouse trap? A: mouse Q: Does it have a mask like face? A: raccoon A: rat Q: Does it have black dots? A: Dalmatian Q: Does it live underground? Q: Does its name rhyme with house? A: mouse Q: Does it have 8 legs? A: Tarantula A: groundhog Q: Is it REALLY small and cute? Q: Does it have small pupils in the day and large slits at night? A: bushbaby A: pocket mouse Q: Does it glide from treetop to treetop? A: flying squirrel Q: Does it have quills? A: porcupine A: lorus Q: Does it eat fruit? Q: Does it look like a furry mouse? Q: Is it a type of possum? Q: Is it white and does it travel in groups? A: lemur A: ringtail possum Q: Does it live in the forests of Madagascar? Q: Is it nocturnal? Q: Does it have big eyes? A: Bush Baby A: lemur Q: Does it swing from tree to tree? A: monkey A: aye-aye Q: Is it the size of a thumb? A: eosimias Q: Does It have large eyes? Q: Does it like to beat up Ash ? Q: Is it cute? A: Chinchilla A: mankey Q: Is it from star wars? A: ewok A: tarsier Q: Does it electricute Ash and is it yellow? A: pichu Q: Does it make a very loud noise? A: hyrax A: lesser mouse lemur Q: Does he have a long striped tail? Q: Is it related to the cat family? A: genet Q: Dose it live in China? A: Red Panda Q: Does it have a long nose and is related to a raccoon? A: coati A: lemur Q: Is it diurnal? Q: Does it use a long middle-finger to stab & eat termites? Q: Does it have a long tail and swing from tree to tree? A: monkey A: aye-aye Q: Does it have a golden coat? A: golden lion tamarin Q: Does it love to swing from tree to tree? A: chimpanzee A: marmoset Q: Can you hear its voice for more than a mile away? A: howler monkey Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it screech when in danger? Q: Does it eat monkies? A: chimpanzee A: spider monkey Q: Does it have an extremely long middle finger? A: aye-aye A: bush baby Q: Is it a tree climber of China? Q: Does it hang from its tail? A: monkey A: red panda Q: Is it carnivorous with a prehensile tail? A: kinkajou Q: Is it an agile climber of South America? A: tayra Q: Does it have huge eyes and ears? A: bush baby A: slow loris Q: Does it have really big eyes? Q: Does it live exclusively on leaves, making it hard to keep in captivity? Q: Does it make a sound like a baby crying? A: bushbaby Q: Is it like a weasel? A: Possum A: howler monkey Q: Does it eat tree sap? A: pygmy marmoset Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Is the animal nocturnal? Q: Does it live in south america? A: ocelot A: tarsier Q: Does it have stripes? A: cat A: whoop whoop bird Q: Does it have a horn? A: bunicorn Q: Does it have a long, slender finger? A: Aye-aye A: tarsier Q: Is its tail longer than its body? Q: Is it more closely related to bears than to monkeys? A: kinkajou Q: Does it eat sap? A: pigmy marmoset Q: Does it like cheese? A: mouse Q: Does it''s fluffy tail have rings around it? A: ring-tailed cat A: golden lion tamarin Q: Does it have black around its eyes? Q: Does it live in the Jungle? A: black panther A: aye-aye Q: Does it have rings around its tail? Q: Is it the smallest wild cat in the world? A: Rusty-spotted cat Q: Does it live in Africa? A: genet A: raccoon Q: Does it have tan fur? A: pika Q: Does it have redish fur? A: Red Panda Q: Is it a small primate? A: Godinotia A: chimpanzee Q: Does it have more than 4 legs? Q: Does it live under ground in tunnels? Q: Is a band named after it? Q: Does it pinch? Q: Does it have a teslon or stinger? A: scorpion A: ant Q: Does it eat sugar? A: ant Q: Is the entire body covered with short glittery hairs called setae? A: tarantula A: beetle Q: Does it like to chew on wood? Q: Is it black? Q: Does it like to hide under tree stumps? Q: Is its body segmented? A: ant A: termite A: carpenter ant Q: Does it harvest peices of leaves? A: leaf cutter ant A: termite Q: How does it catch its food or what does it eat? Q: Does it love eating house food? A: ant A: spider Q: Can you keep it as a pet? Q: Does it have eight legs? A: spider A: Madagascar Hissing Cockroach A: ant Q: Is it poisonous? Q: Does it have a tail that can inject poison? Q: Is it a spider? A: white-tailed spider A: scorpion Q: Does it have wings and live in a hive? A: bee Q: Is it black? Q: Does this animal poke its head into flesh? A: tick Q: Is it a large spider? Q: Is it known for eating birds? A: goliath bird-eating spider Q: Does it have an hour glass figure on its belly? A: Black Widow A: huntsman spider A: black widow spider Q: Does it have multiple bright colors on it? A: caterpillar Q: Is it commonly a parasite? A: Tick A: tarantula spider Q: Does it jump or hop? Q: Is it a parasite? A: tick Q: Does it make it''s web in the lower areas of the ground? A: crusader spider A: jumping spider Q: Does this animal suck blood? Q: Does it make webs? A: spider Q: Does it start with a W? A: wood tick A: tick Q: Can it camouflage itself? Q: Am I red with black spots? A: lady bug A: stick insect Q: Does it make egg sacks? A: weaver ant Q: Is it a pet? Q: Does it eat timber? A: termite A: hermit crab Q: Is it an insect that eats rotting wood? Q: Is the first part of it''s name a body part...like ear? A: ear wig A: termite Q: Is it an insect? A: goliath beatle A: daddy long legs spider Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Does it have blue feathers? Q: Does it peck holes in trees? A: woodpecker Q: Is it a bird of passage? A: swallow A: blue jay Q: Does it hang its prey on sharp thorns? A: northern shrike Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Does it fly? A: seagull A: erect crested penguin Q: Is it extinct? A: kiwi Q: Does it live in barn yards? A: sparrow Q: Does it see in the dark? A: owl Q: Are the feathears more than one color? A: parrot A: chick Q: Does it eat bananas? A: monkey Q: Does it have large, overlapping, brown horny scales? Q: Does it have prickles? A: porcupine A: pangolin Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it eat crickets? Q: Does it have eyelids? Q: Does it change color in sunshine or shadow? Q: Does it hop? A: arum lily frog A: lizard Q: Does it have a leopard pattern? Q: Does it have poison drats? A: poison dart frog A: leopard gecko Q: Does it have a blue belly and is brown and scaly? A: blue bellied swift A: blue dart frog Q: Does it have many different colors? A: tree frog Q: Can it fit in the palm of your hand? A: tomatoe frog A: gecko Q: Is this animal a very small and can live anywhere? Q: Does this animal change colors? A: salamander Q: Does it have scales? A: monkey Q: ? A: porcupine Q: Does it bite other animals? A: tick A: maggot Q: Does it live in the rainforest? Q: Does it only live in Costa Rica? A: red-and-blue poison-arrow frog Q: Does it have sharp quils to protect itself from predators? A: porcupine Q: Are they amphibians? Q: Does it have poisonous skin? A: poison dart frog A: spotted tree frog Q: Can it change colors? A: chameleon A: poison dart frog Q: Does it have spikes? A: porcupine Q: Does it have quills? A: Porcupine A: piglet Q: Does this animal have a blue belly? A: Blue Lizzard A: tree snake Q: Does it carry its house on its back? Q: Does it have pinchers? A: crab A: snail Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it swing from branch to branch? A: rhesus monkey Q: Can it change into another animal? A: caterpilar Q: Does it live in a hive? A: bee A: ant Q: Is it yellow, live in the redwoods and the mascot for UCSC? Q: Can it be any color and live almost anywhere, except anarctia and very cold places? A: snake A: banana slug Q: Does it float in the air? A: bacteria Q: Does it have a poisin stinger on it''s forehead? A: weedle Q: Could you keep it in an aquaramium? Q: Is it a slimy creature that has no shell? Q: Does it have a venomous bite? A: coral snake A: slug Q: Does it slither on the ground? A: snake Q: Is it a Microscopic creature that can live at the most extreme temperatures in the world? A: Water bear A: tree frog Q: Is it less than 2 inches tall? Q: Is it single-celled? Q: Is it everywhere? Q: Is it a poisonis snake? A: fungi A: garder snake A: cianobacteria Q: Does it slither? Q: Does it eat dirt? A: earthworm A: snake A: inch worm Q: Is it microscopic? A: germ Q: Does it hiss when it''s mad? Q: Does it have a rattle? A: rattle snake A: cobra A: snake Q: Is it a type of dog? Q: Does it have a curly fur? Q: Is it a big dog? Q: Is it a cattle herding dog? A: bouvier des flandres Q: Is it cute and needs to be groomed often? Q: Does it have a beard? Q: Does it come in pink or white? A: poodle Q: Is it brow and blak? A: doberman Q: Is it brow and blak? A: doberman A: scnauzer Q: Is it very big? A: great dane Q: Is it as big as a person? A: Great Dane Q: Is it big? A: large poodle A: small newborn poodle Q: Is It Used To Find People? A: st.bernard Q: Does it have golden fur? A: golden retriever Q: Does it have curly brown and black fur? Q: Does it hunt in the dark? A: wolf A: airedale terrier A: shetland sheepdog Q: Does it have long fur? Q: Are they all sorts of dogs? Q: Is it any color except white? Q: Does it have long floppy ears? Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Is it another dog other than the spaniel? A: Maltese A: cavalier king charles spaniel A: english cocker spaniel A: cairn terrier Q: Is it small? Q: Does it have short hair? A: shih-tsu A: pomaranien Q: Could it be small and large? A: wolf A: Maltese Q: Does it have long white fluffy fur? Q: Are these dogs a well known breed? Q: Is it a small, cute dog? Q: Do People often put bows in this animal''s fur? Q: Do the pure beeds only come in three colors? A: eskom spitt Q: Does it have tan and white colors? Q: Does it have nice pretty fur? A: pomaranien A: chow chow Q: Does it have a long snout? A: westie Q: Does it have a long snout? A: poodle A: westie Q: Does it have curly white hair and is allergenic? A: Bichon Frise Q: Are they really really really really really really really really really really really cute? A: corgi A: pomeranian A: American Eskimo puppy Q: Is it kind of big? A: german shepherd A: bichon frise Q: Is it a mixed breed? Q: Does it look like Benji? A: Lasaapso Terrier mix Q: Does it get big? A: cocker-poo A: yorkie poo Q: Can you give this animal a haircut? Q: Does it start with a pa? A: papillion Q: Does it have a smashed face? Q: Does it herd sheep? A: kuvasz A: shi tzu Q: Is the dog more then one color? Q: Does it have long floppy ears? A: king charles cavalier Q: Do they have bright red noses, have sharp teeth and make bombs out of balloons? A: Evil Clowns Q: Does it have big ears with a short tail? A: Pembroke Welsh Corgi Q: Is it a small dog with a loving,caring family? A: chiquita A: yorkshire terrier Q: Is it a relitive to the Cucumber Spaniel and Springer Spaniel? A: cocker spaniel Q: Does it have a black nose? A: carin terrier A: chocolate poodle Q: Is it like a scottie dog, but not? A: irish rover Q: Can u see its feet when it walks? Q: Does it live in the grass lands of Argentina? A: pampass fox A: bichon frise A: pekinese Q: Does it bark a lot? Q: Is it a good show dog? Q: Is it a good companion dog? Q: Does it have a beard? Q: Is it a obidient dog? Q: Does it have a long snout? A: schnouser A: belgion griffon A: toy terrier Q: Is it taller than your knee? A: poodle Q: Is it very Protective of it''s owner? A: bichon frise Q: Is it ugly? A: yorkshire terrier A: minature poodle Q: Is it a fancy dog? A: poodle Q: Does it have four legs? A: puppy A: west highland white terrier Q: Is it a mixture of a poodle and cocker spaniel? Q: Are they always little? A: toy poodle Q: Is it a beauty dog? A: baby poodle A: cockapoo Q: Is it the State animal of South Dakota? A: coyote Q: Is there a beanie baby of it called " Tuffy?"? Q: Is it a small dog? A: shitzu A: terrier Q: Is it part poodle? A: Peke-poo A: cocker spaniel Q: Does it have brown hair anywhere? Q: Can it come in different colors? Q: Are its intials TT? A: tebbettan terrier A: cocker spaniel Q: Does it have lots of curly hair on it''s ears? A: cockard spaniel Q: Does it live in a warm climate? A: prairie dog Q: Does it miao everyday? A: cat A: springer spaniel Q: Is it a mixture between a poodle and a cocker spaniel? A: cockerpoo Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Is this a dog that came from China? A: Shih Tzu Q: Does it come from Scotland? A: West Highland Terrier Q: Does it come from France? Q: It it like a rucky? A: bishon frise Q: Is it in the toy show group? A: bichon frise A: poodle A: volpix A: poodle Q: Does it have long hair? Q: Is it playful? Q: Is it white? Q: Does it have pointy ears that stand up? Q: Is it black, brown, white, silver, and tan? Q: Does its tail curl up? Q: Does it have pointy ears? Q: Is it the smallest dog in the world? A: Chihuahuas A: chow chow A: pomeranian Q: Is it cute and cuddley? Q: Is it scottish? A: westie A: American Eskimo Spitz Q: Dose it herd sheep? A: border collie A: Yorkshire terrier Q: Could it fit in your pocket? A: chihuahua Q: Does it look like a pup Lassie? A: collie pup Q: When it was a pup, did it look like a baby polar bear? Q: Is it a wild animal? A: arctic fox Q: Is it white with long fur? A: Samoyed Dog A: minature american eskimo Q: Is it a pokemon? A: pikachu A: west highland terrier Q: Does it originate in China? Q: Does it weigh around 20 pounds? Q: Does it have a short snout? A: shih-tzu Q: Can you ride it? A: Horse A: lhasa apso A: Pekinese Q: Does it have a pug like face? A: lhasa apso Q: Is it bred to herd sheep? A: shetland sheepdog Q: Does it like to hunt? Q: Is it snappy? Q: Is it a native of Italy? A: Bolonegse A: Parson Jack Russell A: Cocker Spaniel Q: Does it slobber? A: saint bernard Q: Is it the smallest dog in the world? A: Chihuahua A: Maltese Q: Does it have a squished-up nose? Q: Does it have multi colored hair? Q: Is it somewhat like a dust mop? Q: Does it originate in China? Q: Is it golden colored? A: Pekinese A: shih tzu A: shih tzu Q: Does it come from Tibet? A: lapso apso Q: Dose the name start with a ch? A: chihuahua Q: Does it live in the desert or does it live under ground? A: prarie dog A: shih tzu Q: Does it look like it has a mane like a lion? Q: It has alot of hair? Q: Is its fur golden? A: golden ritriver A: melody A: pomeranian Q: Is it Scottish? A: scottish terrier Q: Does it have sharp teeth? A: rotweller A: pug Q: Is it light-brown? Q: Is it more then one color? Q: Is it silver, black, brown, tan, and white? Q: Is it a small herding dog that looks like a miniature Collie? A: Shetland sheepdog Q: Is it normally 7 lbs. or less? Q: Does its name mean french for butterfly? A: Papillion Q: Does it camouflage? A: fox A: Yorkshire terrier Q: Is it very rare to have a red merle color? Q: It is native to wales? A: welsh springer spaniel A: australian shepard A: silky terrier Q: Does it have bushy hair? Q: Is it said its a medium sized dog? Q: Is it fluffy and looks like a lion? Q: Does it appear in many T.V. shows? A: golden retriver A: pomeranian A: Shetland sheepdog Q: Is it Gold and Yellow? Q: Is it yellow? A: yellow lab A: pomeranian A: Pomeranian Q: Is it tan, black, brown, & white? Q: Can it be a herding dog? A: sheltie dog Q: Is it light brown and sandish? A: Eevee A: yorkie Q: Does it originate from Mexico? A: chihuahua A: papillion Q: Does it have golden fur? Q: Does it weigh about five pounds? A: pomeranian A: golden retriever Q: Does it look like it has a mane like a lion? A: pomeranian Q: Does it have a long, hot dog like body? A: dachshund A: Chihuahua Q: Does it have big ears? Q: Does it have gray, black, and white spots? Q: Does it have butterfly-shaped ears? A: pavilion A: shiner Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Is it black and tan? Q: Is It Used As A Protection Dog? Q: Does it protect their owners? A: rotweller A: German Shepherd Q: Is it found in mexico? A: chiuauha Q: Is it long? A: dachshund A: yorkshire terrier A: papillon A: welsh corgi Q: Is it long? A: long haired dachshund Q: Does its hair get tied in a bow on the top of its head? Q: Does it have a flat face? A: shih tzu Q: Does it bark alot? Q: Is it named after part of England? A: yorkshire terrier A: Pomeranian A: yorkshire terrier Q: Is it black and white? Q: Is it a miniture of another dog? A: sheltie Q: Does it come from Belgium? A: belgian shepherd Q: Is it a tiny dog? A: chihuahua A: border collie Q: Does it carry it''s tail curled over it''s back? A: Pomeranian Q: Does it have a moustache? Q: Is it a hunting Dog? A: Golden Retriever A: miniature schnauzer A: shetland sheepdog Q: Can you see its feet? Q: Is it a working dog? Q: Is it shiny black with tan markings and very self willed? A: gordon setter A: German shepherd Q: Does it get chased by hounds? Q: Are you TRYING to confuse me? Q: Does it live in water and come out to eat? A: seal Q: Are u trying to confuse me? Q: Is it an evil monster? A: lupe Q: Does it like to eat people? A: tigerwhale Q: Can it swim underwater? A: emperor penguin A: jake parduhn A: Chickens Egg A: Fox Q: Does it live in cold climates? Q: Does it live in hot climate? Q: Dose it wear a mask? A: Racoon Q: Is it red? A: red wolf A: long haired chihuahua A: arctic fox Q: Is it cute? Q: Does it have a pushed in face? A: pekingese A: shit zu A: Yorkshire terrier Q: Is it white? A: lhasa apso Q: Does it have a squashed face? Q: Can it be multi-colored? A: Shi tzu A: Pekingese A: shih tzu Q: Does it have a fierce reputation? Q: Is it wild? Q: Is it found only in Australia? Q: Is it a Dingo? A: dingo A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it look like a rat terrier? A: Chihuahua Q: Does it howl? Q: Is it white? Q: Is it a digimon and is its owners name matt? A: garurumon A: Arctic wolf Q: Is it found in Mexico? A: coyote Q: Does it live in bushes? A: bush dog A: wolf Q: Do they make expensive coats from them? A: mink Q: Does it have beautiful plummage? A: Peacock A: fox Q: Does it come from Mexico? Q: Can it talk? A: taco bell dog Q: Is it sometimes a calm dog? Q: Is it the smallest dog in the world? A: Chihuahua A: black lab puppy A: Chihuahua Q: Is it black and brown? Q: Was this animal related to Toto from the Wizard of Oz? A: cairn terrier Q: Is it a type of terrier? A: rat terrier Q: Is it long with short legs? A: dachshund Q: Is it small with black or orande or brown fur with short legs? A: pomerian Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it have a really short tail? A: rottweiler A: German shepherd A: rottwiler Q: Was it used in war? A: bulldog Q: Is it a type of sled dog? A: husky Q: Does it have wrinkles? A: shar pei Q: Is a lap dog? A: palmeranian Q: Does it have a large head and pointy ears? A: Pit Bull A: Doberman pinscher Q: Does it live in the ground? Q: Does it attack chickens on a farm? Q: Is it a Hunting Dog? A: wiemaraner A: fox Q: Does it have a flat face? Q: Is it a burrowing animal? A: prairie dog A: pug Q: Does it live in the prarie? A: prairie dog Q: Is it from a warm climate? Q: Where does it live? Q: Does it have black fur? A: Chihuahua A: labrador puppy Q: Does it have black spots on white fur? A: dalamation puppy A: pug Q: Does it love Children and very loyal,and protective of it''s owner(s)? Q: In the older days was it trained to catch mice, rats, and other small rodents? A: rat terrier A: miniature schnauzer A: golden retriever dog Q: Is it invisible? A: imaginary dog Q: Is it black? Q: Is it short and shaggy? Q: Is it shaggy but with longish legs? Q: Does it have stripes? A: cheetah A: welsh terrier Q: It is very protective.? Q: Does it have short legs? A: cardigan corgi A: miniture shnawzer A: Scottie dog Q: Is it long like a hot dog? Q: Is it real long? A: wiener dog A: dachshund Q: Do girls love them? Q: Does it look like a bulldog, but shorter, smaller and with no body folds? Q: Is it short with lots of puffy fur? A: palmaranion Q: Does it look like a bull dog? A: pug Q: Is it a cross breed? A: domerman Chihuahua A: black lobrador Q: Does its name have a country or continent in it? Q: Is it brown and black? A: African wild dog A: Australian shepherd Q: Does it have a good sense of smell? Q: Does it have a flat nose? Q: Is it found in Australia? A: dingo Q: Does it have spots? A: dalmation A: pug Q: No? Q: Can it be any color? A: Chihuahuas Q: Does is have little or no hair? A: miniature pinscher A: labrador retreivor Q: Does it dig holes? Q: Is it as small as a rat? A: chihuahua A: miniture pincher A: rat terrier A: Chihuahua Q: Does it herd sheep? A: border collie Q: Is it small? Q: Is it related to the yorkshire terrier? A: silky terrier Q: Does it have a beard? A: Shnuazer A: yorkshire terrier Q: Does it work with police? A: germen shepard A: black lab Q: Is it prissy? Q: Is from Mexico? A: Chihuahua Q: Does it yodel? Q: Is it small, cute and has a stub tail? A: miniature pinscher A: basenji Q: Is it a small dog that barks all the time? Q: Does it have a short stub tail? Q: Is it a small dog? Q: Does it have short fur? Q: Does it have a pointed nose? A: chihuahua A: Pug A: pomeranian A: boston terrier Q: Does it make snorting sounds when it breathes? A: Pug Q: Does it have long droopy ears and face? A: beagle Q: Does it have light brown fur? A: Shiba Inu A: terrier dog Q: Does it have 2 different colored eyes? A: sheltie Q: Is it a hairless animal? (Except for it''s head, tail, and feet?)? A: chinese chesset Q: Is it pure white? A: maltese Q: Does it have a wrinkly face and a curly tail? A: Pug dog A: shih tzu Q: Is it big? Q: Does it have spots? A: dalmation Q: Does it guard your room ? Q: Does it have pointed ears? Q: Does it have patches of black? A: border collie A: boxer Q: Does it have a b in the name? A: Saint Bernard A: Shetland sheepdog Q: Does it or did it run on the racetracks? A: greyhound Q: Does it have a big head? Q: Is it a type of sled dog? A: husky A: great Dane Q: Is it an orange/brown color? Q: Does it live in austrailia? A: dingo Q: Is it originally from Hungary? A: viszla Q: Does it have short fur? Q: Does it have brown fur? Q: Does it shed? A: Chocolate Lab A: Redbone Coonhound A: Yellow Lab A: golden retriever Q: Can or has it been in a dog sled race? A: huskey Q: Does it run after animals? Q: Is it often known as having better loyalty than a purebred dog? A: Mutt A: beagle Q: Does it has a long nose? A: dauchsund Q: Does it have golden/yellow fur? A: Yellow Lab Q: Is it often known as having better loyalty than a purebred? A: Mutt A: bull mastiff Q: Does it have front legs which turn in? Q: Is it tan and white with long fur? Q: Is it small and yappy? A: chihuahua A: collie Q: Does it have short gold fur? Q: Dose it have a curly tail? A: pug A: golden retriever Q: Does it have long ears/? A: bassett hound Q: Does it have an overstretched back? A: dachsund Q: Is it small and yappy? A: chihuahua A: bulldog Q: Is it a short, chubby dog? Q: Does it have long ears? Q: Does it have short legs? Q: Is it commonly used in hunting? A: beagle Q: Is it long? Q: Is it commonly used in herding? A: corgi A: short hair dachshund Q: Does it have "bat" ears? Q: Is it small and skinny? A: chihuahua A: french bulldog Q: Is it energetic? A: jack russel A: basset hound A: beagle Q: Does it have a black muzzle? Q: Is it brown and white? Q: Is it a fun a pet? A: beagle A: pug Q: Was it bred to find mice? A: cairn terrier Q: Does it eat mice? A: coyote A: pug Q: do its ears stick up? Q: Is it tan? Q: Is it fat? Q: Short legs? Q: Is it on the Taco - Bell commercial? A: chihauhau Q: Does it hang around with someone that lives with you? A: pomarainian A: pug A: welsh corgi A: Chihuahua Q: Does it have a short stubby tail and grey/black/white fur? Q: Does it have a corkscrew tail and bad gas? A: boston terrier A: minature schnauzer Q: Does it like to dig especially for rocks? A: cairn terrier Q: Does it avrage between 2 and 7 inches in leangh? A: Chuawawa A: welsh corgi Q: Is it a small pet? Q: Can it have different color fur? Q: Does it have very short legs? A: dachsund A: jack russel terrier A: puppy A: bulldog Q: Is it a type of hound? Q: Is it a short rabbit dog? A: beagle Q: Is it a common breed? Q: Is it known for racing after a lure? A: Greyhound A: dachshund A: Basset Artesien Normand Q: Is it a small white dog? Q: Does it hunt? Q: Is it a witty white dog? A: west highland white terrier A: jack russell terriers Q: Does it have short hair? Q: Does rich people mostly have them? Q: Does sharon osbourne have one? A: chiuaua A: poodle Q: Is it cute? Q: Is it mostly white? Q: Is it the animal from taco bell? A: Chihuahua A: rat terrier A: spitz Q: Is it named after Jack Russel? A: jack russel terrier A: Chihuahua A: Maltese Q: Is it on a Taco Bell commercial? A: Chihuahua Q: Is it the smallest dog? Q: Does it have hair? Q: Does he have a buddy named Ren? A: Stimpy Q: Is it cute? A: Chihuaha A: toy poodle A: Chihuahua Q: Can it be domesticated and secretive? Q: Does it also live in the wild as well as being a rare pet? A: dingo Q: Does it have pointy ears? Q: Does it come in many different colors? Q: Is it a baby dog? A: puppy Q: Is it a herding dog? A: Pembroke Welsh Corgi Q: Does it have very short fur? Q: Does it have a flat face? A: Pug A: rat terrier A: carin terrier A: yorkshier terrier Q: Is this dog usually used to herd up cows on a ranch/farm? A: border collie Q: Is it usually multicolored? A: American Beagle A: fennec fox Q: Is it fast enough to keep up with horses, small enough to go into a fox hole, and strong enough to kill a badger? Q: Does it have short yellow fur? A: yellow lab A: border terrier Q: Does it have a hotdog shaped body and long ears? Q: Does it''s name sound like a bagel? Q: It is long and its nickname is hotdog dog? A: daschund A: beagle A: dachshund Q: Is it white with reddish colored spots and have a short tail? A: spaniel Q: Does it live in the water? A: harbor seal Q: Does is have a flat face? Q: Is it robotic? A: Goddard A: pug Q: Can this animal be found in goldan or black? Q: Does it have a tail that curls up into an "O" shape? A: Shiba Inu A: cocker spaniel Q: Is it gray? A: gray fox Q: Is it from Africa and can''t bark? A: basengi Q: Is some kind of Spaniel? A: king charles spaniel Q: Is it an Austrailain? A: dingo Q: Can you eat it? A: hot dog Q: Is it big? A: Rottweiler A: jack Russell terrier Q: Does it build dams? Q: Does it lay eggs? Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does he have a clue? A: tortise Q: Does it have flippers? A: turtle A: i don''t know? Q: does it have wings? A: chicken Q: Is your animal only found in australia? A: platypus Q: Long tail? A: Rat A: sea hourse Q: Does it have a bill? Q: Is it big? Q: Does it provide milk? A: cow A: whale A: platypus Q: Does it love the water? Q: Is it long and stand on its hind legs? Q: Does it have antinas coming out of its head? A: wooper A: otter Q: Does it have a flat tail? A: beaver Q: Dose it live in water? Q: Does it have a dorsal stripe? A: Buckskin Horse A: eel A: human Q: Does it kill snakes? Q: Does it teach a bunch of annoying kids? A: mr.duskin A: mongoose Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Does it Naw on your limbs? A: ferret A: rat Q: Its'' very active at night? A: hamster Q: Does it beg off people? A: pigeon Q: Is it a rodent? A: beaver A: rabbit Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Is it native to Australia? Q: Is it gray and white with long ears like a rabbit? Q: Does it burrow in the sand? Q: Does your animal have a curly tail? A: chinchilla A: mouse Q: Does it eat fungus? A: rabbit bandicoot Q: Does it eat cheese? Q: Does it live in it''s mother''s pouch? A: joey A: mouse Q: Is this animal endangered? Q: Is it the size of a mouse? A: jerboa A: greater bilby A: long nosed bandicoot Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Does it have a long tongue and eat ants? Q: Does it have a bill? A: duck-billed platypus Q: Is it long with scales? A: snake A: numbat Q: Does it look like a miniature kangaroo? Q: Does it live mainly in New Guinea? Q: Does it hop? Q: Doe it look like a minature kangaroo? A: wallaby A: kangaroo rat A: bandicoot Q: Does it have ears like a mouse, tail like a squirrel, feet like a rabbit? Q: Does it stand up on its hind feet? Q: Is it a kind of wallaby? A: rock wallaby A: meerkat A: chinchilla Q: Does it have mouse like ears? A: wallaby Q: Does it have ears that droop? Q: Is it a carnivore? A: tasmanian devil A: short-eared rock-wallaby A: joey Q: Does it have a duckbill? A: duckbill platypus Q: Can it be considered a house pet? Q: Is it long and skiny? A: ferret Q: Does it eat cheese? Q: Does it have a long tail with fur at the end? A: gerbil A: mouse Q: Is it cute and a friendly house pet? Q: Does it have a tuft of fur on the end of its tail? A: Gerbil A: cat A: chinchilla Q: Is it found in the desert? A: dunnart Q: Is it like a large rat? A: tasmanian devil Q: Is it carnivorous with spots? A: quoll A: long nosed bandicoot Q: Does it live underground? Q: Does it have big feet? Q: Does it hop? A: kangaroo rat Q: Does it swim? A: platypus Q: Is it a rodent that is acknowledged because it takes something and usually leaves something else in its place? A: pack rat A: gerbil Q: Does it have stripes? A: meerkat Q: Does it have a mask? A: ferret Q: Does it have fur, feathers or scales? Q: Does it eat snakes? A: mongoose Q: Does it live in mud? A: mud fish Q: Does it have long legs? A: kangaroo mouse Q: Does it have a cartoon character "Mickey" as a namesake? Q: Does this animal have a long scaly tail? A: rat A: mouse Q: Is it illegal in california? A: ferret Q: Does it have good eye sight? A: rat Q: Is it a pet? A: Gerbil A: vole Q: Does it live underground? Q: Is it an insect? A: worm Q: Is it squirmy? A: earthworm A: naked mole rat Q: Does it sting you? A: scorpion A: mouse Q: Does it have spikes on its back? Q: Does it eat ants? Q: If you add a "T" does it say THORNY DEVIL? A: horny devil A: thorny devil Q: Does it run at very fast speeds and live in the Australian desert? Q: Does it use spikes that look like a beard to protect itself? A: bearded dragon Q: Does it sun itself? A: iguana A: horny devil Q: Does it have brown and white patterns on its back? A: bearded dragon A: iguana Q: Does it lay eggs? Q: Is it cold blooded? Q: Is it a type of snake? Q: Does have a rattle? A: rattlesnake A: bandy bandy Q: Is it slimy? Q: Does your animal have legs? Q: Is it a prehistoric salamander that ate young Laellyansauras? A: Koolasuchus A: salamander A: electric eel Q: Does it have a frill around its neck? A: frilled lizard Q: Is it a type of lizard? A: Comodo Dragon Q: Can it live in a lake? A: Aligator Q: Does it have pincers? A: scorpion A: lizard Q: Does it swim? Q: Does it have a beak? A: platypus A: betta Q: Does it have a long skinny nose? A: anteater Q: Is it poisonous? A: scorpian Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it a dinosaur that could survive in cold habitats? A: Laellyansaura A: dodo A: platypus Q: Is it like a horse? A: sea horse Q: Is it very small? Q: Does it carry it''s babies in it''s mouth? Q: Is it a rodent? A: mouse Q: Does it change color? A: lizard A: cat Q: Are they from Africa? Q: Does it bathe its self in water? Q: Can it be found in zoos? Q: Does it live in water? A: newt A: elephant A: chinchilla Q: Does it jump? A: baby kangaroo A: african gaint pouched rats Q: Is it born in a and lives there for the rest of it''s life? A: tabpole (frog/toad baby) Q: Are these small animals named after a marsupial? A: kangaroo rat Q: Does it have a long bare white tale? A: white tailed rat Q: Is it in the mount? A: chichilla A: chinchilla Q: Is it about the size of a dog? Q: Does it meow? A: cat Q: Does it live in Central America? A: ocelot Q: Is it exctinct? A: tasmainian tiger A: whallaby Q: Does it have little paws? A: Cat Q: Does it have a beak? A: Platypus A: kangaroo Q: Does it eat cheese? Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Is it smaller than a rat? Q: Is it a common pet? Q: Does it live in a hole in the walls of some houses? A: mouse Q: Can your animal squeeze into small holes? Q: Can you add tubes to its house? A: gerbil A: ferret Q: Does it live in a cage? A: guinea pig A: gerbil Q: Does it eat mice? Q: Is it part mouse and part shrew? A: shmouse A: shrew Q: Does it live near water? A: vole Q: Does it live in the desert? Q: Does it live in america? A: mouse A: kangaroo rat Q: Does it have trouble seeing in the light? Q: Do cats chase the animal around? A: mouse A: mole Q: Is it a kind of pokemon? Q: Does it spew electricity? A: Pickachu A: ratatat Q: Is it smaller than a mouse? A: shrew Q: Does it beat up Tom? A: Jerry A: mouse Q: Can you find it at the pet store? Q: Can it spin in a wheel? Q: Is hamster smaller than a hamster? Q: Can it swim? A: Dolphin Q: Does it live in alleys? A: rat Q: Is and small and has a tiny tail? A: dwarf hamster A: mouse Q: Does it steal food? A: rat Q: Is it long, but short? Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it have a naked tail? A: rat A: ferret A: naked mole rat A: hamster Q: Is it smaller than a rat? A: mouse Q: Does it live in sewers? Q: Does it carry diseases? A: rat Q: Does It Have A Long Body? (Not Including Tail)? A: ferret A: rat Q: Do people eat its eggs? A: chicken Q: Does it have a bald tail? A: rat Q: Do people use their coats? A: chinchilla A: ferret Q: Is it bigger than a rat? Q: Is it gray? Q: Is it extinct? A: rock rat A: mouse Q: Is it a thundery yellow Pokemon? A: pikachu Q: Does it have a white stripe on its back? A: skunk Q: Is it a predator? A: stoat A: opossum Q: Is it a small purple pokemon? A: rattata A: rat Q: Does it have long legs? Q: Does it live in sewers? A: rat Q: Is a cat that is gary with darker gary strips? Q: Is it a certiain cat breed? A: tabby cat A: domestic short haired cat Q: Is it gray? A: Koala A: cat Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have big eyes? Q: Does it have very fluffy fur? A: persian A: margay Q: Do they nurse on the mom when first born? A: kitten A: ocelot Q: Is it a smaller form of a cat? A: kitten Q: Is this animal eaten by cat? A: rat A: cat Q: In a rhyme, does it climb a clock? A: mouse Q: Is it a pokemon card? A: pikachu Q: Is it a pet? A: hamsater Q: Is it a normal type of Pokemon? A: Eevee A: ferret Q: Does it live in the Andes Mountains? Q: Does it have scales? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have scales? A: lskdjfals;dkjfasldkfj A: snake Q: Isit a usaul house pet? A: fish A: armadillo Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Does it take baths in the sand? Q: Is it''s fur brown? A: degu A: chinchilla Q: Is its fur very valuable? Q: Does it protect it''s babies by rolling them up in Kelp? A: otter A: chinchilla Q: Does it eat animals up to three times its size???? A: killer mouse Q: Does it ward of predators by shedding its fur in their faces? A: Chinchilla A: calibari Q: Is it dangerous? Q: Is it a black cat relative that lives in the jungle? Q: Is it a kind of cat that lives in the mountin, like a mountin lion? A: mountain lion A: panther Q: Does it have a sting in its tail? A: scorpion A: cougar Q: Does it like milk? Q: Is it a kind of South American cat? A: Margay A: kitten Q: Does it have a striped tail? A: racoon Q: Has it got toe nails? A: worm A: chinchilla Q: Is it cold blooded? Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it a house pet? Q: Is it cute? Q: Can it see at night? A: cat A: rats A: cat Q: Does it eat leftover food? A: rat Q: Does it STINK? A: skunk Q: Is it domesticated? A: European polecat Q: Is it brown? A: Chipmunk A: ferret Q: Can it climb glass walls? Q: Can it change color? Q: Can is tail fall off? Q: Does it change colors when its background does? Q: Does it live in water part-time? A: newt Q: Does the color change only between pale brown and darker brown with spots? A: house gecko Q: Does it make a sound? A: chameleon A: anole A: lizard Q: Is it a amphibian? Q: Does it have webbed toes? A: newt Q: Dose it say its name? A: tokay iguana A: salamander A: chameleon Q: Could I find it in my garden? Q: Is it found in Hawaii? Q: Does it live underground? A: worm Q: Does it usually live in water? A: newt Q: Is it bigger than a gecko? A: salamandar A: gecko Q: Does it have a crest? A: newt Q: Is this animal hard to spot in a garden? Q: Is it eaten by a gardener snake? A: newt A: gardener snake A: salamander Q: Is it green? Q: Is it native to Hawaii? A: gecko Q: Is it an amphibian? Q: Is it a lizard? A: lizard A: salamander Q: Is it a reptile that can be a pet? A: skink Q: Would it bite your head off? A: volociraptor A: iguana Q: Does it live in eastern Asia? Q: Does it live in Tokyo? A: Tokyo gecko A: newt Q: Does it live in tropical climates? A: anole Q: Does it look like a pickle? A: salamander Q: Does it live in moist places? Q: Is it bumpy instead of sooth and slimy? A: newt A: salamander A: newt Q: Does it swim? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Can this animal use lungs or gills to live? Q: Are they common worldwide? Q: Is it a type of lizard related to a salamander? Q: Does it slither? A: snake A: newt Q: Does it have scales? Q: Does it kind of resemble a snake in some way? A: salamamder A: baby alligator Q: Is it a tadpole? A: tadpole Q: Is it an amphibian???? A: salamander Q: Does it have claws? A: lobster A: shrimp Q: Is it covered with armor? Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Does it have big pincers? A: lobster A: horseshoe crab A: 9-banded armadillo Q: Does it walk on water? A: basilisk Q: Does it have eyes? Q: Is it slimy? Q: Does it have a crest? A: great crested newt A: salamander Q: Is it a Native New Zealand Lizard? A: tuatara Q: Does it have claws? A: water iguana A: axolotl A: olm (cave salamander) Q: Is it green with red spots? A: red-spotted newt Q: Does it have scaly-like skin? Q: Does it run on water? A: jesus lizard Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Is it pinkish? A: Shrimp A: Squirtle A: iguana Q: Is it a freshwater orthopteran that resembles a lobster? Q: Does it resemble a specific shape? A: horseshoe crab A: crawfish A: salamander Q: Does it eat other fish? Q: Is it a type of snake? Q: Can your animal swim in the ocean and dive deep into the water? Q: Does it produce electric like charges in the water? A: eel A: sea snake Q: Does it live in big rivers in South America? Q: Does it live in water? A: water moccasin A: anaconda Q: Does it inhabit (especially Floridian) swamplands? A: Water Moccasin A: grass snake Q: Does it live in shallow water? Q: Does the male have babies? A: seahorse A: blacktip shark Q: Does it have a flat body? Q: Does it have something similar to flippers on it''s sides? A: sting ray A: eel Q: Does it have teeth? Q: Is it a kind of eel? A: electric eel A: great white shark Q: Does it have stinging tenacles? A: jellyfish A: siamese fighting fish Q: Does it have fangs? A: snake Q: Does the father have babies? A: seahorse Q: Does it have big fins? Q: Are they kept as pets? Q: Do they have lots of pretty colors? A: siamese fighting fish A: goldfish A: stingray Q: Does it have scales? Q: Does it have gills? A: goldfish A: snake Q: Does it turn into a frog? A: tadpole Q: Is it long and flat? Q: Does it blend in to seaweed? A: trumpet fish Q: Is it related to the crab? A: horseshoe crab A: stingray Q: Is it short and flat? Q: Is it a neon color? A: neon tetra A: sting ray Q: Does it eat dirt? A: worm Q: Is it a tiny water creature that can be bought from pet shops? A: sea monkey A: electric eel Q: Does he have spots? Q: Does it live in moist places, such as under logs and by swamps? Q: Does it have the ability to change colors? A: chamelion A: salamander Q: Is it a type of dinosaur? A: raptor Q: Is it poisonous? A: Gila monster A: leopard gecko Q: Does it slither on the ground? Q: Can you catch a fish with it? A: worm Q: Does it have a ring around its neck? A: ring neck snake Q: Does it have eye lids? Q: Does it have scalely skin? Q: Is it canabalistic? A: king cobra A: iguana A: legless lizard Q: Is ''Leg Less'' in it''s name? A: leg less lisard Q: Does it have red, yellow, and black bands on it? A: the eastern coral snake Q: Does its head go flat when approched? A: cobra A: rattle snake Q: Does it live in an arid region? Q: Does it have a scaly skin? Q: Is it poisonous? Q: Does it have a stinger on its tail? Q: Is it the LARGEST scorpion in the world? A: emperor scorpion A: scorpion A: Gila monster Q: Does it roll itself up into a ball to protect itself? A: armadillo Q: Does it have horns on it''s head? Q: Can it eject blood from its eyes to deter enemies? A: horned lizard Q: Do people think it looks like it has a beard? A: Bearded Dragon A: iguana Q: Does it change color? Q: Does it have a bright orange head and blue body? A: Rainbow Lizard Q: Does its have a spiky tail? A: Spiny dab lizard A: chameleon Q: Is it striped? Q: Does it have a long blue tail? A: western blue tailed skink A: five-lined skink Q: Can it climb glass walls? A: gecko Q: Can it live naturally in rural areas? Q: Is it larger than a fence lizard? A: kimodo dragon A: fence lizard Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the salt desert lizard? A: cryptile A: bearded dragon Q: Is it a type of lizard? A: iguana A: scorpion Q: Does it change color? A: chameleon Q: Is your animal a small reptile with legs? Q: Does your animal have fire on its tail? Q: Is it posionous? A: scorpion A: charmander Q: Does it now only live in New Zealand? A: tuatara Q: Can it run on water? A: basilisk A: lizard Q: Is it an insect? Q: Does it like to hide under rocks? A: scorpion Q: Does it live in the human body? A: ring worm A: apterygota Q: Does it have a venomous tail and lives in all kinds of habitats? Q: Is it a reptile? A: komodo dragon Q: Is it an an arachnid? A: Scorpion A: salamander Q: Is it an animal that lives in the saltwater and is often used for food? A: lobster Q: Is it a parasite that lives inside the human body, steals nutrients from its human host, and is also commonly found in dogs? A: tape worm A: scorpion Q: Does it swim? Q: Is it about the size of a beaver? Q: Does it have four legs? Q: Does it live in the wild? Q: Does it build nests under the water? Q: Does it have a duck bill.? A: duck billed platipus Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it pretend? A: Limber Q: Can u keep it as a pet? A: ferret Q: Is it a rodent? A: muskrat A: otter A: muskrat Q: Does it like to dive for abalone? Q: Does it look like a small mole? Q: Can it swim on it''s back and eat at the same time? A: otter A: European water shrew Q: Does it have a valuable fur? A: mink A: sea otter Q: Does it live in a river? Q: Is there a ball at the tip of its tail that helps it stay afloat? A: Marill A: river otter Q: Is it sly and does it have a bushy tail? Q: Does it have stripes around the tail? A: raccoon Q: Does it have a white stripe? A: Skunk A: red fox Q: Was its fur used for coats in the last century? A: mink Q: Does it live in Africa near water? A: civet Q: Does it have shell for protection? Q: Does it squrit water out of its mouth? A: squritle A: armadillo Q: Is it an electric mouse from Pokemon? A: pikachu Q: Is it in a book? Q: Does this animal eat ants? A: aardvark A: Thunder Clan Warrior A: martin Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it a type of feline? Q: Is it a member of the weasel family? A: ferret Q: Is there one in the Disney cartoon "The Lady and the Tramp"? A: siamese cat A: American shorthair (cat) Q: Is it a blue pokemon? A: marill A: ferret A: seahorse Q: What Color is it,Is it electrisite, Is it a Poke''mon? Q: Does it evolve frome Riachu? A: marril/pikablue A: pikachu A: dog Q: Is it consumed by humans? Q: Does it live up north? Q: Does it live in a house? Q: Does it live in the human body if you are really gross? A: pinworm A: cat Q: Is it a kind of worm? A: Tape Worm Q: Does it have scales and spikes? A: iguana A: northern pike Q: Does it walk underwater? A: shrimp Q: Dose it have legs? A: rat A: eel Q: Does it have a small raccoon like face? Q: Does it have a hard bony surface? A: armadillo Q: Does it have thick, soft fur? Q: Is it a long animal? A: ferret Q: Does it like shiny things? A: ferret Q: is it small? A: rat A: mink A: ferret Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is it the size of a river otter? Q: Does it live in the ocean? Q: Is it white with a black marking on it''s tail? A: stout A: sea otter Q: Are they raised commercially for their fur? A: American mink A: otter Q: Is it a Fur Barrier? Q: Is it a member of the weasel family but extra vicious? A: fisher Q: Is it ferret? A: ferret Q: Is it about the size of a mouse? A: shrew A: mink Q: is it in the rodent family? Q: Is there a year named after it on the Chinese calendar? A: rat Q: Does it say it''s name? A: pikachu Q: Dose it throw its self off of cliffs into the sea? A: lemming A: shrew Q: Does it eat insects? Q: Is about the size of a full-grown cat? A: meerkat Q: Does it live in the rain forest? A: newt A: shrew Q: Is it the size of a raccon? Q: Does it swim? A: Turkish Swimming Cat A: cat Q: Is it larger than a dolphin? A: manatee Q: Does it have alot of enemies? A: seahorse A: rat Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it from the horse family? A: fallabella Q: Is it a small bug that lives in the water? A: water bug Q: Can you have it as a pet? A: salamander A: axolotyl Q: Does it slither? A: snake Q: Is it a type of fish? Q: Is it an extremely small fish? Q: Does it have the word horse in it? Q: Does it have the word horse in it? A: seahorse A: guppy A: seahorse Q: Is it brightly colored with spots and stripes? A: clown triggerfish A: seahorse Q: Is it a protist with a flagella? A: euglena A: tadpole Q: Does it smell bad? Q: Does it have a white stripe on its back? Q: Does it have stripes on its body that glow at night and strikes the mess out of people who see it? A: pokemon called umbreon A: skunk Q: Has it an armoured shell? A: armadillo Q: Does it have a sought after fur? Q: Does it have stripes on its tail? Q: Does it like mice? A: cat A: raccoon Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is it Egyptian? A: Cat Q: Does it live underground? A: rat A: gerbil A: mink Q: Is it furry? Q: Does it fight and eat snakes? Q: Can you have them as a pet? Q: DOES IT LIVE IN ASIA? A: MONGOOSE A: ferret A: mongoose Q: Is it native to a desert? A: gerbil Q: Is it a relative to a ferret? Q: Is it half mouse? A: ferret Q: Is it domestic? A: ferret A: weasle Q: Can he jump really high? Q: Is it cool? A: cat A: chinchilla Q: Are people often scared of it? A: rat Q: Is it similar to a hamster? A: guinea pig A: ferret A: cockroach Q: Does it live in the Kalahari desert? Q: Does it live in southern Asia? Q: Does it bite or sting? Q: Does it have paws? A: jird A: scorpion Q: Does it have a partially hard shell? A: armadillo Q: Does it live in a large group? A: meerkat Q: Is it a kind of cat? A: sand cat A: mongoose Q: Is it the only animal that has a queen and a social life like insects? Q: Does it have fur? A: meerkat A: naked mole rat Q: Does it have a hard back and live in the ground? A: armadillo Q: Does it have short spines on its back? A: iguana Q: Does it have a long snout? Q: Does it have long legs? A: kangaroo mouse A: elephant shrew Q: Is it a rodent? A: gerbil A: meerkat Q: Does it have crossed eyes? Q: Does it eat prairie dogs? A: black-footed ferret Q: Is it very playful? Q: Does it have points (as in colouring)? A: Siamese cat Q: Does it eat carrots? A: rabbit Q: Is it noctenmle? A: hamster A: kitten Q: Is it very furry? A: persian cat A: Siamese cat Q: Is it a fast runner? Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Is it a type of cat? Q: Does it have brown points and blue eyes? Q: Does it has an obnoxious meow? Q: Is it a cat? Q: Is it gold with spots? A: margay Q: Is your animal a Vegitarian? A: fennec A: cat A: Siamese cat Q: Does it have the same color face as tail? Q: Is it Chinese? A: Siamese cat Q: Does it have spots? A: cheetah A: Siamese cats Q: Is it a type of cat? Q: Does your animal have mostly orange and white markings? A: Turkish Van Cat Q: Does your animal have mostly orange and white markings? A: Turkish Van Cat A: callico c A: Russian-blue tabby cat Q: Is it a cross between a Burmese and an American Shorthair ? Q: Does it have three different colors on it? A: calico Q: Is it a household pet? A: cat A: bombay Q: Is it larger than a domestic cat? Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is your animal a cougar? A: cougar Q: Does it climb trees? Q: Does it run faster then a jaguar? Q: Dose it live on the Savanha? A: cheatah A: Clouded Leopard Q: Does it have pointed ears? A: lynx A: jaguar Q: Is it the fastest land animal in the world.? A: cheetah A: ocelot Q: Is it small? Q: Is it a domesticated cat? A: tabby-cat Q: Does it look like a brown fox with a cute round anime face? A: Eevee A: Caracal Q: It has stripes? A: tiger Q: Is it lazy? A: it is a very speacial bred a lazy cat named clarince Q: Does it have spots? A: cheetah A: red fox Q: Is it playful? Q: Does it have a flat face and can sometimes be bratty? Q: Does it like to chase mice? Q: Is your animal on a TV Show? Q: Does it live in your house?not the computer? A: house cat A: felix the cat A: house cat A: Himalayan Q: Does it have long fur and ear tufts? A: Maine coon cat Q: Does it have many different colors? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Does it have many different colors? A: orange tabby-cat Q: Is it grey with strips? A: grey and white tabby Q: Is it black and or white? A: black and white cat A: tabby cat Q: Does it have long fur? Q: Does it sometimes act like a dog? A: Maine Coon Q: Does it have a shiny, glossy coat? Q: Does it live in a barn outside can have smooth or long hair and rarely comes inside? Q: Is it a baby cat, (kitten) live in a barn, and rarly come inside? A: Barn Kitten A: Barn Cat A: tortoiseshell (cat) A: long-hair calico cat Q: Can it jump very high? Q: Is it a baby animal???? A: kitten Q: Does it have patches of three different colours? A: tortoiseshell cat Q: Is it an AQH? A: american Quarter Horse A: abissinian A: shorthaired calico Q: Does it still get milk from it''s mom? Q: Is it a bluish color? A: Russian Blue Q: Is it orangish? A: Orange Tabby Cat A: kitten Q: Is it orange in color? A: Orange Tabby Cat A: black male domestic cat Q: Does it live in the savannah and have spots? A: genet A: domestic cat Q: Does it have a long body? Q: Does it have a horn? Q: Is it VERY colourful? A: defe-jacol A: unicorn Q: Does it have stripes on its tail? Q: Is it from Africa? A: meerkat cat Q: Can it kill venomous snakes? Q: Does it live in open fields? A: mongoose A: red fox Q: Is it in the weasel family? Q: Does your animal like to get into wood piles? A: chipmunk A: ferret Q: Its it a house pet? A: cat Q: Does it hybernate? A: chipmunk Q: Does it have stripes on its tail that strike the mess out of all peole who see it? A: the pokemon umbreon Q: Does it snoop through garbage? A: raccoon A: Red Fox Q: Can it fit through anything as big as its head? Q: Is there a song about the animal that goes ''pop goes the -------''? A: weasel Q: Is it a domestic pet? Q: Does it like sunflower seeds? Q: Is it an endangered animal, native to North America? A: ferret A: gerbil Q: Does it kill snakes? A: Indian gray mongoose A: ferret Q: Does it eat mosquitoes? Q: Is it very a soft mammal used to make fur coats? A: mink A: lizard Q: Is this animal used for its fur? A: mink Q: Is it illegal to bring one into the United States? A: mongoose Q: Does it have a furry tail? Q: Does it wear a mask? A: ferret Q: Is it native to Asia? A: mongoose Q: Can it kill cobras? A: mongoose A: ground squirrel A: rat Q: Does it have a bushy tail? Q: Is it a type of horse? A: Pony A: fox Q: Does it like to kill cobras? A: mongoose Q: Is it like a horse? A: pony Q: Is it extinct? A: Leptictidium Q: Does it live in African grasslands? A: meerkat A: ferret Q: Could it be a pet? Q: Does it look like a mouse? Q: Does it carry food in its cheek pouches? Q: Does it live in cold climates? A: gerbil Q: Is it a common household pet? A: gerbil Q: Is it smaller than a kangaroo rat? A: chipmunk A: kangaroo rat Q: Does it have a furry tail? Q: Does it have a bushy tail like a squirrel? A: chinchilla Q: Does it live in mongolia? A: mongolian gerbil A: gerbil Q: Can it be a pet? Q: Is it a Pokemon named Pikachu? A: pikachu Q: Does it have a rope like tail? Q: Does it star in a book called Poppy? A: Deer Mouse Q: Does it vary in colour? A: rat A: degu A: gerbil A: degu Q: Does it hunt rodents? Q: Does it have a bushy tail? A: Rabbit A: ferret Q: Does it wear a mask? A: raccoon Q: Does it change colors? A: chameleon Q: Dose it has long, fine legs and narrow, short bodies? Q: Does it live in dark placws? A: salimander Q: Does it look like a small horse? A: min. horse A: fallabella Q: Is it short cute and can be different colors? A: Miniature Horse Q: Does it have feathers? A: Rooster Q: Is it an electric Pokemon? A: Pikachu A: gerbil Q: Does it live in the forest? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: fox Q: Does it live in many places in the world? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is it gray with balck stripes? A: raccoon A: chipmunk Q: Is it brave enough to fight a cobra? Q: Do you go "aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww its so cute!^^" when you see it? A: Eevee A: mongoose Q: Is your animal named after the Fox Terrier? A: english fox A: shrew Q: Is it found in North America? Q: Does it have a black stripe down his back? A: chipmunk Q: Does it hunt in packs? A: Deinonychus A: shrew Q: Is it as small as a mouse but fluffier? A: dormouse Q: Was it a small carnivourus dinosaur? A: Ornitholestes A: meerkat Q: Is it related to a rat or mouse? Q: Does it have a long nose? A: four-toed elephant shrew Q: Is it Yellow, with brown stripes on it''s back? A: pikachu Q: Is it native to England? A: dormouse A: jerboa Q: Is it in the rabbit family? A: jackrabbit Q: Can you ride it? A: horse Q: Is it armour-plated? A: armadillo Q: Is it excint? Q: Does it slash its prey, has feathers and lives in packs? A: Velociraptor Q: Was it an early dinosaur? A: Coelophysis Q: Does it resemble a Pachycephalosaurus? A: Prenocephale A: earliest known giraffid A: chipmunk Q: Does it purr? A: cat Q: Does it have white spots? A: chipmonk Q: Does it eat flesh and sqeeze through tight places? A: weasel Q: Does it use thunder bolt and other electric attacks on Ash in Pokemon and also is it yellow and does it belong to Ash? To all you Pokemon fans out there come on say it with me: POKEMON ROCKS? A: Pikachu A: hamster Q: Does it usually stand on its hind legs? Q: Does it have stripes on its tail? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is it yellow? A: pikachu off gameboy games Q: Are they related to squirrels? A: chipmunk A: meerkat A: raccoon Q: Does its name have Kangaroo in it? A: kangaroo rat Q: Does its coat turn white in winter? A: ermine Q: Is it like a kangaroo? Q: Is it a prehistoric shrew-like animal? A: Leptictidium A: wallaby Q: Is it yellow,electrick,and a Pokemon? Q: Is it larger than a pikachu? A: electabuzz A: pikachu Q: Does it live in the Sahara desert? A: jerboa Q: Is it red,fire type,and a pokemon? A: charmander Q: Was it from discovery channel''s special alien planet? A: Beach Quill Dart A: chinchilla Q: Do cats chase them? Q: Does it eat mice? A: cat Q: Does it eat worms? Q: Does it eat grubs? Q: Does it play dead? A: possom A: mole A: Cuban solenodon Q: Is it a rodent that normally live in sewers? A: rat Q: Does it live in a cage? A: hamster Q: Does it walk on four legs and live in the English countryside? A: dormouse Q: Does it have very sparse hairs over its pinkish grey skin that make it look naked in appearence? A: Naked Mole-Rat Q: Is its tail significantly longer than its body? A: western jumping mouse A: gerbil Q: Does it have a hard shell (plate)? A: armadillo Q: Does it like raisins? Q: Does it hibernate during the winter? A: dormouse A: ferret Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Does it burrow under ground? Q: Is it related to Alvin? A: chipmunk Q: Can it be a pet? A: gerbil Q: Does it have a star nose? A: star nosed mole Q: Does it have very pale, sparse hairs over its pinkish grey skin that makes it look naked in appearence? A: Naked Mole-Rat Q: Does it have bad eyesight? A: Mole Q: Does it have bad eyesight? A: Mole Q: Does it have bad eyesight? A: Mole Q: Does it have bad eyesight? A: Mole Q: Does it have bad eyesight? A: Mole Q: Does it have bad eyesight? A: Mole Q: Does it have bad eyesight? A: Mole A: shrew Q: Is it very skinny? Q: Is it a usually expensive rodent? A: ferret Q: Does it have any fur? A: prairie dog A: naked mole rat Q: Does it sleep upside down in trees? A: possum Q: Does it live wild in the city? A: rat Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the rattleback? A: desert rattleback A: gerbil Q: Does it have a big colorful tail? Q: Does it have rings on it''s tail? A: ringtail cat Q: Is it fluffy? Q: Is it like a cat and has a fire like tail and IS IT A POKEMON? A: flareion A: peacock A: kitten Q: Are its claws longer than a cat''s? Q: Does it eat ants? Q: Does it eat reptiles? A: coati Q: Does it have simple, peglike teeth? A: anteater A: aardvark Q: Does it wear a mask? A: raccoon Q: Is it a gnawing animal? A: raccoon Q: Does it eat snakes? A: mongoose A: badger Q: Does it have quills? A: porcupine Q: Does it wear armor? A: armadillo Q: Is it a pet that lives in a cage? Q: Does it have fur? A: cat A: ferret Q: Is it a cat that''s face look like a raccoon''s? Q: Is it domesticated? Q: Does it have floppy ears? A: scottish fold (cat) Q: Dose it have differnt colerd stripes and spots? A: tabby cat Q: Is it white? A: persian cat A: European polecat Q: Does the animal meow? A: cat A: civet Q: Is it a certain type of cat? Q: Does this cat come from a mountainous region? A: himalayan Q: Is it a very small breed of cat? Q: Is it a baby cat? A: kitten Q: Does it have four legs? Q: Does it have color or strips? A: grey and white tabby A: cat A: munchkin cat Q: Does it fish for it''s food? A: fishing cat Q: Is it an orangish color? A: ginger cat Q: Is it famous for its role in Lady and the Tramp? A: Siamese cat Q: Is it white? A: persion Q: Does its fur malt easily? A: long haired cat A: maine coon cat Q: Is it a member of the weasel family? A: ermine Q: Does it have a long nose? Q: Does it eat eggs? A: mongoose Q: Is it a very small horse? A: shetland pony A: giant anteater Q: Does it live in a person? A: tapeworm Q: Is it often used as a companion animal? A: American Miniature Horse Q: Does it have long legs? A: cow Q: Is it known for killing snakes? A: Mongoose Q: Is it a yellow and black pokemon that Ash has? A: Pikachu A: cat Q: Does it eat dirt? Q: Does it eat dead animals? Q: Does it live underground? Q: Are they black and red? Q: Is it slimy? Q: Does it have many legs on both side of the body? A: centipede A: earthworm Q: Does it have pinchers? Q: Is it a crustation that lives in the water? Q: Does it have an udder? A: cow A: crab Q: Is it an ant? Q: Are you just thinking of an "ant" and not a particular type? A: ant Q: Are they red? A: red ant A: army ant Q: Does it dig with it''s front legs? A: mole cricket A: crawfish Q: Is your animal small and goes eeep eeep? A: rat A: ant Q: Does it use animal waste? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it roll up into a ball? A: potato bug A: dung beetle Q: Is it very, very, very small? Q: Is it like a snail? A: slug Q: Can you see it without a microscope? A: earthworm A: bacteria A: earthworm Q: Is it a monocheme (related to platypus) and have spikes on its back? A: echidna Q: Is it a creature which lives in the mines of Moria? A: Gollum Q: Is it the smallest animal in the world? A: shrue A: earthworm Q: Does it eat insects such as ants? Q: Is it a reptile? Q: Does it have a hard shell? A: turtle A: red-eared sliders Q: Does it have eight legs? A: spider A: anteater Q: Is it smaller than a maggot? Q: Does it eat dead skin cells and dust? Q: Can you see it with the naked eye? A: dust mite A: germ A: bacteria Q: Does it hiss to scare enemys? A: hissing cockroach Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it have whiskers? A: catfish A: maggot Q: Is it a fish? A: goldfish Q: Does it live on beaches and are popular pets? Q: Is it a blob? A: poring A: hermit crab Q: Is it slimy? A: slug A: centipeed Q: Does it have feet? Q: Does it eat carrot? Q: Does it eat wool? A: mole Q: Does it have a pincher? Q: Is this a nromal housepet? A: guinea pig A: crustacean Q: Can it see? Q: Is it a farm animal? A: pig Q: Can it be a pet? Q: Dose it have big ears.? A: rabbit Q: Does it have a crest? A: Cockatiel Q: Does it have antenae and a fuzzy body? A: Fuzzum A: guinea pig A: naked mole rat A: cockroach Q: Does it eat insects? Q: Is it like a mouse? Q: Is it blind? A: mole A: shrew Q: Dose it have spikes and roll in a ball to protect itself? Q: Is it a marsupial? A: echidna Q: Is it something you can buy at a pet store? A: hedgehog A: porkypine Q: Does this animal live in the ground? Q: Does it have fur? A: groundhog A: naked mole rat Q: Is it a flightless bird? A: Kiwi Q: Does this animal have a shell? A: turtle Q: Is it an annoying little croc and has a stupid song? A: Schnnapi A: anteater Q: Does it have a beak? Q: Is it a strange animal? A: platypus A: kiwi Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it live in a cage? Q: Is it pink? A: pig A: hamster Q: Does this animal have a Holiday named after it? A: groundhog A: rabbit Q: Does it honk? Q: Does it eat cactus? A: javelin A: pig Q: Is it microscopic? A: dust mite Q: Is it an insect? Q: Does it eat dung? Q: Does it have a round shell on it''s back? A: beetle Q: Does it have more then 100 legs? A: millipeed Q: Does it have alot of legs? A: Centipede A: dung beetle Q: Does it eat blood? Q: Does it suck the blood of a household pet? A: flea A: chigger A: rollie pollie Q: Does it have scales? A: lizard Q: Does it have pincers and does it bury in mud? A: fiddler crab A: mole rat Q: Do people eat it? Q: Does it move on its own? Q: Is it pink? Q: Does it have a curly tail? A: Pig A: worm Q: Does it swim? A: catfish Q: Does it have a shell? A: snail Q: Does your animal eat humans? A: cheetah Q: Is it an extinct bird? A: dodo bird A: worm A: oyster Q: Does it have a shell? A: worm Q: Is it short and fat? Q: Is it an insect? Q: Is it small, and is it squirmy? A: worm A: cockroach Q: Does it make tunnels for plants? A: earthworm Q: Does it move faster then an slug? Q: Dose it have a mouth and a but? A: sea cucumber A: earthworm Q: Does it live in water? A: sea cucumber A: slug Q: Does it have fins? A: mudskipper Q: Does it leave a brown trail behind it? Q: Is it used for fish bait? A: earthworm A: slug Q: Does it have a hundred legs? A: centipede Q: Is it similar, but larger than an earthworm? Q: Is it slimy? Q: Is it in the movie of harry potter? A: flubber worm A: worm A: nightcrawler Q: Can this animal live in a house? Q: Does it eat dirt and make new soil? A: worm Q: Is it a worm? A: earthworm A: millapeade Q: Does it live in the ocean? Q: Is it the smallest living animal? A: protozoa Q: Does it have tentacles? A: jelly fish A: sea cucumber Q: Does it blow bubles? A: whale A: earthworm Q: Is it a native Australian animal? Q: Does it live in water? Q: Is it a monotreme (A mammal that lays eggs)? Q: Does it have waterproof feathers and webbed feet? Q: Does it have a duckbill but it is not a duck? A: platypus A: fairy penguin Q: Is it a type of turtle? A: painted turtle Q: Does it have black on it? Q: Does it swim? A: penguin A: bobcat Q: Does it have claws? A: crab A: duckbill platypus Q: Is it used by humans for anything? Q: Is it a reptile? A: sea turtle Q: Can it live on land and in water? Q: Does it attach to rocks? A: sea anemone A: mudskipper Q: Does it have sharp teeth? A: piranha A: sea sponge Q: Is this animal a tourist attraction? Q: Does it have yellow eyes? Q: Does it eat coral? A: parrotfish A: yellow-eyed penguin Q: Does It Have Legs? Q: Does it have a hard shell? A: turtle A: portugese-man-''o-war Q: Is it a type of fish? A: clownfish A: fairy penguin Q: Does it look like a rock? Q: Is it spiky? Q: Does it look like coral? A: stone fish A: porcupine A: stonefish Q: Is it single-celled? Q: Does it have Spines? Q: Does it have sharp teeth? A: Baby salt water crocodile A: spiny sea urchin A: amoeba Q: Does it have poisonous tenticles? Q: Does it change colors? Q: Does it have poisonous rings on its body? A: blue-ringed octopus A: cuddle fish Q: Can it kill a human? A: australian box jellyfish A: blue-ringed octopus Q: Does it have eight tentacles with blue rings on them? A: blue-ringed octopus Q: Does it have fins? Q: Does it skip across sand or mud? A: mudskipper A: lungfish A: starfish Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Is it over 3 feet tall? A: emu Q: Is it black and white? Q: Is it extinced? A: dodo bird A: penguin Q: Is this animal related to the Ostrich Family? Q: Does a coyote chase it on a cartoon? A: roadrunner Q: Does it live in the forest? A: Kiwi A: zebu Q: Is it green, black, and yellow? A: kakapo Q: Is it a house pet? A: budgie A: kiwi Q: Does it have quills? Q: Is it in pet stores? Q: Does your animal pur? A: kitten A: hedgehog A: echidna Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Is it poisonous? Q: Is it white?? A: snake Q: Does it live under ground? A: ant A: rabbit Q: Does it eat insects? Q: Is it very small? Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it omnivorous? Q: Does it burrow underground? A: lemming A: bandicoot Q: Does it have a big nose? A: pygmy shrew A: groundhog Q: Does it build traps to capture its prey? A: antlion Q: Does it have a shell? A: turtle A: naked mole rat Q: Can it fit in your hand? Q: Does it have spikes on its body? A: bearded dragon A: meerkat Q: Does it have spikes? A: echidna Q: Does it spin? A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it belong to the cat/ferret family? A: mearcat A: antichinus Q: Does it eat grass? Q: Is it a common household pet? Q: Does it hoard its food? Q: Does it have red eyes and white fur? A: mouse A: hamster Q: Does it hop around? A: rabbit A: guinea pig Q: Does it have a meduim furry tail? Q: Does it eat carrots? A: rabbit A: prarie dog Q: Dose it walk on two legs? A: Wallibe Q: Is it dangerous? A: tazmanian devil A: wombat Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have a cartoon character modeled after it? A: tasmanian devil Q: Is it a type of rodent? A: hampster A: tiger quoll Q: Does it resemble the guinea pig? Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Is it a herbivore? A: wombat A: tasmanian devil A: wombat Q: Is it dog-like, but not a dog? A: dingo Q: Is it a domestic animal? A: kittens A: Tasmanian devil Q: Is it slimy? Q: Does it feed on blood or mammals? Q: Is it black and lives in water? A: leech A: tape worm Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have spikes? A: thorny toad A: toad Q: Does it live in a garden? A: slug A: tape worm Q: Is it a common pet? Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it have more than 4 legs? A: tarantula Q: Can it hop? A: rabbit Q: Does it have tons of small hairs? A: Chinchilla A: Guinea Pig A: cockroach Q: Was the animal ever portrayed in the ''Lion King''? Q: Is it a small furry and in the cat family? A: baby lion Q: Do you have it in some families? A: baby Q: Can it camouflage itself? A: lizard Q: Does it jump very high? A: antelope A: merekat Q: Is it a monotreme? A: platypus Q: Does it have a hard protective outside? Q: Is it very hairy? A: tarantula Q: Does it eat blood? Q: Is it an arachnid? A: huntsman spider A: tick Q: Does it have spikes? Q: Can it squirt blood from its eyes? A: thorny devil Q: Is it slow? A: tortoise A: echidna Q: Is it an insect? Q: Does it have six legs? A: spiter A: dung beetle Q: Does it eat mice? A: bearded dragon A: armadillo Q: Is it grey or soft? Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it a spider? Q: Is it a native Australian animal? A: funnelweb spider A: tarantula Q: Does it have a pouch? Q: Can it be orange? A: bandicoot Q: Does it have a backward-facing pouch and digs? A: wombat A: kangaroo Q: Does it have a snout? Q: Dose this animal eat ants? A: ant eater Q: Does it lay eggs, or Does it have webbed feet? A: duck billed platypus Q: Does it have white and black fur? A: panda bear A: elephant shrew Q: Does it have a tail longer than 14in.? A: gaint rat Q: Does it have a duck''s bill? A: duckbill platalus Q: Does it have a fluffy white tail? A: jack rabbit A: chinchilla Q: Is it very pisonous? Q: Does it have hair? A: tarantula A: funnelweb spider A: pygmy hippo Q: Does it sting with its tail? A: scorpion Q: Is it an amphibian? Q: Is it a bug? A: stick bug A: toad Q: Does it have more than four legs and is poisonous? A: funnelweb spider Q: Is it an aboriginal delicacy? A: witchetty grub Q: Is it a reptile? Can it spread out its collared neck? A: frilled lizard Q: Does your animal lay more than 100 eggs? A: red crab A: numbat Q: Does it live in a cold climate? Q: Does it smell bad? Q: Does it lay eggs? Q: Do they plunge into the sea and kill themselves? A: lemming Q: Does it have fins? Q: Does it look like its wearing a tuxedo? Q: Is it named after a expoler''s wife? A: adlie penguin A: penguin A: fish Q: Does it have pinchers? Q: Does it have a hard, red shell? Q: Can you keeopit in a aquaramium? Q: Does it live in the ocean? A: Lobster A: hermit crab A: lobster A: crab Q: Does it have a Brain on its back? A: brainyak Q: Is it Green? A: turtle Q: Does it get it''s name from it''s black line on it''s chin? A: chinstarp penguin Q: Is it a shrimp like animal? A: krill A: penguin Q: Does it have hooves? A: lamb Q: Does it live in Minnesota? Q: Is it a rodent that lives in your house? Q: Does it have long ears? Q: Dose it have 4 legs? A: mouse A: rabbit Q: Does it have two legs.? A: my brother A: ferret Q: IS it spikey? Q: Is it th most common Porcupine living? A: hystrix cristata A: porcupine Q: Is it transparent and living in the ocean? A: jellyfish Q: Does it have flagellae? A: paramecium A: skunk!!!! Q: Can they have the largest eyes known to man? A: squid Q: Dose it have babies at the age of one week? Q: Does it come in various colours? Q: Does it have wool? A: lamb A: Bunny A: lemming Q: Does it have flippers? A: seal Q: Does it have long ears? A: rabbit Q: Does it live in water? A: lepricaun Q: Are they good engineers? A: gnome Q: Dose it wear green? A: Leprecon Q: Does it live on land and swim in the water? A: Polar Bear A: salmon Q: Does it have long ears? Q: Does it live in the immense forests which cover most of Canada as far as the polar circle? Q: Does Elmer Fudd get really, really mad at this animal? A: rabbit Q: Is it white? Q: Is it a small rodent living in a cold climate known for following one another, sometimes off cliffs? A: lemming A: rabbit Q: Does it have a bushy tail, long ears, and horns? A: ja\r A: snowshoe hare Q: Does it howl? A: wolf Q: Does it have a small fuzzy tail? Q: Does your animal live in long grasses? Q: Is its fur used as wool to make shirts and hats? A: angora rabbit A: hare A: bunny A: manx cat Q: Is it used in experiments? Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Is it slow? Q: Does it live in a tube? A: tubeworm Q: Does it have eyes? A: sea monkeys Q: Is it too small to see? A: water bear A: sea sponge Q: Is it the size of your finger? A: newt Q: Does it live in the arctic? A: penguin Q: Does it have limbs? A: frog Q: Does it''s babies eat the other young to stay alive? A: spadefoot toad Q: Does it look like a star? A: starfish Q: Does it sit on lily pads? A: frog A: amoeba Q: Is it black and white? A: penguin Q: Can it talk? A: human Q: Does it hop and have four legs? A: cricket Q: Do humans eat it? A: chicken A: guinea pig Q: Are there at least 31 ways to cook it? Q: Does it have gills? Q: Can it walk on land? A: crab A: fish Q: Is it a type of insect? A: mealworm Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it live on a farm? A: chicken Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it have 2 big pinchers? A: crab A: frog Q: Does this bird fly? A: turtle A: penguin Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does it move only a few inches every year? Q: Does it have a shell? A: clam A: abalone Q: Does it snap people? A: clam A: scallop Q: Does it have tentacles? A: jellyfish A: shrimp Q: Does it live in Antarctica? Q: Does it participate in mass migration, often resulting in mass destruction? Q: Does it wobble side ways when it walks? Q: Does it have fur-covered feet? Q: Is it big? A: king penguin Q: Does it look like it has a tuxedo on? A: penguin A: lemming A: penguin Q: Does it wobble when it walks? A: penguin A: lemming Q: Is it microscopic? Q: Can it live in hot and cold places below zero, and loses 90%of it water to stay alive? A: water bear A: zoeplankton Q: Does it have white fur? Q: Is it sometimes brown? A: ringed seal Q: Does it live on an iceburg? A: penguin Q: Is it white and black? A: Penguin A: ermine Q: Does it have a name of royalty in its name? Q: Does it have small ears? Q: Does the father take care of the egg while the mom goes get food? A: penguin A: seal A: king penguin Q: Do whales eat it? Q: Does its relative run on land? A: sea horse Q: Do the fathers protect the eggs? A: penguins A: krill Q: Does it help santa? A: elf A: penguin Q: Is it related to the mole? Q: Is it used for coats? A: mink Q: Does it live in the Artic? A: northern lemming Q: Does it live in North America? Q: Is it an insectivore? Q: Does it rhyme with vole? A: vole Q: Does it have icy blue eyes? A: alaskan Malanute A: shrew A: chipmunk A: vole Q: Are dead ones used in your kitchen? Q: Does it live in a shell? A: oyster Q: Does it live fixed on rocks? A: barnacle Q: Does it have scales? A: fish Q: Is it pinkish? A: shrimp A: sponge Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it a fossil? A: trilobite A: kiwi Q: Is it very slimy? Q: Is it orange or yellow? A: goldfish Q: Does it have flippers? Q: Is it a fish that eats other animals? Q: There are many different kinds, are eaten my sharks, orcas, and polar bears? A: seal Q: Does it live deep down in the ocean? A: lantern fish A: pirahna Q: Is it a fish that has the name of a type of jungle animal know as the "King of Beasts" in it''s name? A: lion fish Q: Is it lots of different colours? A: rainbow fish A: walrus Q: Is it a kind of fish? Q: Does it have tentacals? A: jellyfish A: angler fish Q: Is it a water creature? Q: Does it stick to rocks? A: sea cucumber Q: Can it dwell in the depths of the ocean? A: octopus A: leopard frog A: worm Q: Does it eat lichen? Q: Does it live above treeline? Does it "chirp"? A: pika Q: Does it live among the rocks? A: american pika Q: Is it a native New Zealand animal? A: kiwi A: lemming Q: Does it hop? Q: Does it have a red belly? A: firebellied toad Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is it the smallest specie of rabbit in the world? A: Netherland Dwarf rabbit A: ferret Q: Does it have wings? A: Grasshopper A: flea Q: Does it only live for 24hours? A: shadfly Q: Is it eaten in chocolate? A: ant Q: Does it have whiskers? Q: Does it have a stripy tail? A: raccoon Q: Is it really small, yet cute and cuddly? Q: Is it gray white andblack with a black tipped tail? A: bob cat Q: Does it have prills? A: hedghog A: hamster Q: Does it eat mice? A: kitten A: shrew Q: Does this animal usually live in water? Q: Does it have a curved tail? A: Sea Horse Q: Does it live in tubes or tunnels? Q: Is it in Hawaii? A: Triggerfish A: Bristleworm Q: Is it an insect? A: pond skater Q: Do some whales eat it? A: plankton Q: Does it have a curved shell? A: Turtle A: crab Q: Does it waddle when it walks? Q: Does it live on the beach? A: penguin Q: Does it have coarse fur? A: hedghog Q: Does it have a very hard shell? A: turtle Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the quail? A: spink A: tick Q: Does it have more than 4 legs?....or ....is it smaller than a can of soda? does it eat leaves?......? Q: Does it dig a burrow and eat ants? A: ant lion Q: Is it black? A: ant Q: Does it have 4 legs? A: gopher Q: Is it a small,gray,mammal? A: chinchilla A: caterpillar Q: Is it covered with spikes? A: hedgehog Q: Is it a bird? Q: Is it Alaskas State Bird? A: Willow Ptarmigan Q: Does it have a long beak? A: kiwi bird A: penguin A: grizzly bear Q: Does he have more than two eyes? Q: Is it an orthopteran? Q: Is it greenish? A: cricket Q: Can it be poisonous? Q: Does it build webs? A: spider A: scorpion Q: Does it chirp? Q: Does it live in the house? A: cockroach A: cricket Q: Does it live in trash cans? Q: Does it live in a cold climate? A: magite A: daddy long leg Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it live in salt water? Q: Does it hide in a shell? A: hermit crab A: sea monkey A: water bug Q: Is it an insect? Q: Is it red, reddish brown, or reddish orange with black polka dots? A: ladybug A: ant Q: Once this animal gets on a human head, does it lay eggs? A: flea Q: Is it slimy? A: worm A: rug mite Q: Does it jump? Q: Does it drink blood? Q: Does it have eight legs? Q: Does it infest human heads? A: lice Q: Does it feed purely on animals? Q: Does it spin a web? A: spider Q: Is it fuzzy? A: Tarantula A: tick A: tarantula Q: Does everyone have their own? Q: Is it a parisitical alien? A: Guo''auld A: germ Q: Does it live on you? A: headlice A: flea Q: Is it green? Q: Does it live in a pond? A: frog Q: Does it chirp at night? A: Cricket A: grasshopper Q: Does it eat wood? A: roly-poly Q: Is it a spider with stripes? A: zebra spider Q: Does it have a tail? A: mink Q: Is it a black spider with a red hour glass on its belly? A: black widow spider Q: Does it live around the home, known or unknown? Q: Does it eat dust? A: dustmite A: huntsman spider Q: Does it glide in the water? A: water spider Q: Dose it have hair? A: turanchula A: redback spider Q: Does it make cobweb? Q: Is it poisonous to small animals, but not humans? Q: Does it have more than 8 legs? A: spider Q: Does it have fur? A: tarantula Q: Is it black? A: black widow Q: Does it build cobwebs? A: spider A: granddaddy longlegs Q: Does it have a red spot on its back? A: black widow Q: Is it fatal to humans? Q: Does it have a red spot on its abdomen? A: black widow spider Q: Is it a fuzzy arachnid? A: tarantula Q: Can you drink whats inside it? A: soda A: grey widow Q: Is it red in colour? A: red roman A: tarantula Q: Does it have more than 6 legs? Q: Is it a tick? A: tick Q: Are genetic experiments conducted on it? A: fruit fly or drosophilla milanogaster Q: Does it have a stinger on the back of its tail? A: scorpion Q: Does it have 8 legs? Q: Does it suck mammels blood? Q: Does it have fur? A: velvet mite A: Black widow Q: Is it red? A: red spider mite Q: Does it have fur? A: tarantula Q: Can it go into a form that resembles a sort of ball shape? A: Rollie Pollie Q: Does it have 8 legs and is black with red markings? A: black widow spider A: ant A: tarantula Q: Does it eat mulberry leaves? Q: Can it curl up into a ball? A: pillbug Q: Is it Black & White in Colour? A: badger A: silkworm Q: Does it leave a trail of slime behind it? Q: Is it indistinguishable? A: creature A: slug Q: Does it normally have red wings with black spots? A: lady bug Q: Does it have long hair? A: guinea pig Q: Does it look like it''s made out of jelly? A: jellyfish Q: Does this animal live in dust? Q: Are they a pest to humans? A: fire ant A: dust mite Q: Is it an aquatic animal? Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Has it been extinct for more than 500 million years? A: opabinia A: hermit crab Q: Does it have a skeleton on the outside of its body? A: triop A: starfish Q: Does it suck blood? A: tick Q: Is it a wasp? A: wasp Q: Is it yellow and black? A: bee Q: Does it live in and eat poop? A: dung beetle Q: Does it eat ants? A: Ant lion Q: Is it kept as an insect pet sometimes? A: patent leather beetle A: ant Q: Is your animal prickly? Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Does it swim? Q: Is it shaped like a star? A: starfish Q: Is it also known as the ''sea caterpillar''? Q: Is it known to exist? A: sea mouse A: loch ness monster Q: Can it live in and out of water? Q: Is it endangered? A: Galapagos marine iguana Q: Does your animal bite? Q: Does it suck blood? A: leach A: crab Q: Does it do the crab walk? A: crab Q: Are they very pokey? A: sea urchin A: mudskipper Q: Does its head look like a horse''s? A: sea horse Q: Does it have a large mouth? Q: Does it live in saltwater? Q: Does it fill itself up with air and become a bubble? A: puffer fish A: spiny boxfish A: bass Q: Does it have tentacles? A: jellyfish Q: It is poisonous? Q: Does it get bigger by sucking in air? A: puffer fish Q: Is it deadly? A: poisonous mangler fish A: lionfish Q: Does it have a long nose? A: sword fish Q: Is it normally red? A: lobster A: puffer fish Q: Does it have spines? Q: Is It Star Shape? A: starfish A: sea urchin Q: Is it mobile? Q: Does it have 5 arms? A: sea star A: sea cucumber Q: Is it''s name "Sea (something in most salads)"? A: sea cucumber A: sponge Q: Does it use its needles as a defense system? Q: Does it eat leaves? Q: Is it native to Africa? A: hedgehog Q: Is it a hedgehog? A: hedgehog Q: Does its name start with Mexican? A: Mexican bean beetle Q: Is it kept as a pet? Q: Does it have quills? A: porcupine A: chinchilla A: porcupine Q: Does it eat insects? Q: Does it have feathers? A: rooster Q: Does its name start with a "p"? A: porcupine Q: Does it live in Madagascar? A: tenrec Q: Does it run fast and live in the desert? A: horny toad A: hedgehog Q: Is it an insect? A: caterpillar Q: Is there a famous cartoon character that is the same animal as yours? A: hedgehog Q: Is it prickley and can u have it for a pet? A: hedgehog A: porcupine Q: Is it a type of lizard? A: horny toad Q: Does it construct houses? Q: Does it have creepy looking? A: spider Q: Does it like to play in the tree? A: squirell A: ant Q: Does it sucks blood? A: bedbug Q: Is it a common pet? Q: Do they roll up in a ball? A: hegdehog A: hampster Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have hundreds of legs? A: centipede A: hedgehog A: worm Q: Can it swim? Q: Does it have teeth? Q: Is it the state animal of Wisconsin? Q: Is it a type of fish? Q: Does this animal eat microscopic things? A: zebra muscal Q: Is it brightly colored? Q: Does it live in salt water? A: tropical fish A: blue gill A: Can you see one now Q: Does it have any legs? Q: Does it go through a metamorphosis? A: frog Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Does it burrow? A: Wombat A: capybarra A: king snake Q: Does it slither? A: snake A: badger Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does it have 8 legs? A: crab Q: Is it a reptile? A: turtle Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Does it pur? A: kitten A: armadillo Q: Can you eat this? A: shrimp Q: Is it a crab in a shell? A: hermit crab A: cuttlefish Q: Does it have arms? Q: Is it an insect? A: flea Q: Is it red when cooked? Q: Does it crawl in the mud? A: mudskipper Q: Is it furry? Q: Is it small and furry? Q: Is it heavy? A: Palomino rabbit A: hamster A: bear Q: Does it lay eggs in a jello-like substance? A: frog A: lobster Q: Does it eat seaweed? Q: Does he live in a pineapple? A: sponge bob squre pants A: otter Q: Is it between 2 and 4 pounds? Q: Is your animal associated with any holidays? Q: Can it possibly live in a mushroom by a four leaved clover?? A: leprechaun Q: Does it have long ears? A: rabbit A: groundhog Q: Is it a type of cat? A: kitten Q: Is it thin? Q: Is it green? A: frog A: ferret Q: Does it eat sunflowers seeds? Q: Can it sqweek really loud? Q: Does it have a narrow snout? Q: Dose it have feet like a chicken? A: Ginea Pig A: shrew Q: Is it REAL cute? A: hamster A: guinea pig A: hamster Q: Can they kill snakes? Q: Is it smaller than a mongoose? Q: Does it have a poisonous horn on its head and ve large teeth? Or is it a pokemon where both genders are different color? A: Nidoran A: ferret A: mongoose Q: Does it eat Brazil Nuts? A: agouti Q: Does it live in the ground? A: meerkat Q: No? A: pokemon A: guinea pig Q: Does it walk on two legs? Q: Can your animal shoot electricity out of it''s red cheeks? Q: Does it shock itself? A: piachu A: picacu Q: Is he really short and annoying? Q: Does it live in Ireland? A: leprechaun Q: Can it sing? A: Kyo A: Taan A: human Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it have long ears? A: rabbit Q: Does it frequently try to commit suicide by jumping off cliffs? A: lemming Q: Is it cute? Q: Is it bigger than a hamster? A: guinea pig A: hamster A: hamster Q: Is it an amphibian? A: wood frog A: pink fairy armadillo Q: Is it a tropical fish? Q: Does it sometimes eat its own offspring? Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Is it a cichlid? A: cichlid A: piranha Q: Does it have a name like an animal on land? Q: Is it gold? A: parrot fish Q: Does it have lots of colours on it? A: guppy A: goldfish Q: Is it in finding nemo? A: clownfish Q: Does it swim well and eat algee? A: blue tang A: seahorse Q: Is the male very colorful? Q: Is it very colourful? Q: Can it sting you? A: jelly fish Q: Does it live in the amazon? A: pirana A: beata Q: Does it glide through the air? A: flighing fish A: trigger fish Q: Does it have wings? Q: Does it have a curly tail? A: sea horse A: angel fish Q: Does it have a fluorescent light on its head? A: angler fish Q: Can this fish survive and move about on land? A: mudskipper Q: Is it very flat? Q: Does it play in the movie Finding Nemo? A: dory A: amazon leaf fish Q: Does it have bright orange and white stripes? A: clownfish Q: Is it just an ordanairy fish, or do I have to keep guessing a spefic fish? A: Fishy A: piranha fish Q: Does it suck blood? Q: Does it live in your digestive system? A: tapeworm Q: Does it live on animals? Q: Is it a fish? A: pirana A: flea Q: Is it a small species of catfish? A: candiru fish A: leech Q: Does it have a curly tail? Q: Is it a fish? A: pig Q: Can you find it in the jungle? A: hippopotamus A: bass fish Q: Does it have whiskers? Q: Does it eat cheese? Q: Is it a type of hamster? Q: Does it live in a desert? A: hamster Q: Is it named after a stuffed animal? A: teddy bear hamster A: Chinese dwarf hamster Q: Is it black, gold, orange, and white? A: calico cat A: mouse Q: Does it hop? A: rabbit Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Is it long and snake like? Q: Is it sly and furry? Q: Is it multi colored? A: black-footed ferret A: weasel A: coolie loach Q: Does it have four short legs? Q: Does It Eat Mice? A: Cat A: chinchilla A: seal Q: Does it live underground? Q: Does it climb trees? A: chipmunk Q: Does it have a sharp nose? or Does it eat insects? A: shrew Q: Was it originally farmed for its dense brown fur? A: Coypu A: gopher Q: Is it native to South America? A: guinea pig Q: Does it eat shrimp and other crustations? A: otter Q: Is it the mascot of the University of Ketucky? A: Wildcat A: catfish Q: Is it the state fish of Minnesota? A: walleye Q: Was it once a polliwog? A: frog Q: Does it come from the family percidae? A: perch Q: Is it a sub-species of Bass that lives in the ocean? A: sea bass Q: Is it hand sized? Q: Is it a gold fish? A: goldfish Q: Does it have moist skin? Q: Does it jump? A: frog Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Is it a small octopus with blue rings? A: blue-ringed octopus A: piranha A: salamander Q: Will it attack? A: piranha Q: Is it a breed of horse? A: fallabella A: dwarf shark Q: Does your animal like ice? A: penguin Q: Does it look like a snake? Q: Does it live mainly in dry areas? Q: Does it have a rattle? A: rattle snake A: cobra Q: Is half the name a type of shoe Indians wore? A: water mockasin A: electric eel Q: Is it a house fish? A: goldfish Q: Does it live in the Amazon River? Q: Is it deep in the ocean? A: angler fish A: piranha Q: Is it a rodent? A: guinea pig Q: Does it swim upstream? A: salmon Q: Does it near the ocean floor? Q: Is it way down in the ocean? A: angler fish A: nurse shark Q: Does it dring milk and eat meat? A: cat Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Does it have teats? A: goat A: duckbill platypus Q: Does it have a big,flat,blue tounge? A: blue tounged skink A: rainbow trout Q: Can this animal hop? Q: Does it have a carapace? Q: Is it an amphibian? Q: Is this animal bigger than a frog and very lumpy? A: toad A: frog A: shrimp Q: Does it have bumpy skin? Q: Is it slimy? Q: Is it horny? Q: Does it eat everything, even though it may suffocate on its food? A: Bloat Toad A: horny toad Q: Is this animal poisonous? A: poison arrow frog A: frog Q: Is it green? Q: Can it live in a garden?? Q: Is it about the same size as a frog but smaller than a toad? A: frog A: toad A: frog A: toad Q: Does it have antennas and bristles? Q: Does it chirp? A: cricket A: silverfish Q: Is it a peculiar color? Q: Does it make a loud croaking sound? A: bullfrog A: blue dart frog Q: Is it covered with soft moist skin? Q: Does it croak (and some are poisonous and live in trees)? A: frog Q: Is it nocturnal? A: tree frog Q: When it grows, does it have a different shape? A: frog Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Do the eyes pop up on top of the head? A: Mud Skipper A: Flying fish A: salamander A: frog Q: Is it a common household pet? Q: Does it borrow shells from other animals in which to live? A: hermit crab Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have an immovable shell? Q: Does some types of this animal ''snap''? Q: Does it lay its egg''s in the sand? Q: Is it a certain type of turtle? Q: Does it have an unusually long Snout? A: Snapper Turtle A: chicken turtle A: turtle Q: Does it have red ears? A: red eared turtle Q: Does it have stripes? A: yellowbelly turtle A: terrapin Q: Does it have a tail? A: cat A: snaping turtle Q: Does it have many different types of hair variations? A: guinea pig Q: Does it live under rocks in shallow parts of rivers? A: salamander A: painted turtle Q: Does it have fins like angelwings? Q: Does it fight any other member of its own kind that it is put with? Q: Is it colorful? Q: Does it have to live singulaur unless it is with another fish? A: betta fish A: fish Q: Is it gold? A: goldfish A: betta Q: Is it a yellowish color? Q: Does this animal get bigger than 1 inch long? Q: Is it an angelfish? A: angelfish A: goldfish Q: Is it goldish in color? A: goldfish A: yellow Congo tetra Q: Is it a gold color? Q: Does it get bigger than 1 inch long? Q: Does it live in a lake? A: fish A: goldfish A: gold tetra Q: Is its stomach shaped like a hatchet? A: hatchetfish Q: Does this animal get longer than 1 1/3 inches long? Q: Is it skinny? Q: Is it multicolored? Q: Does it swim? A: koi A: angelfisk A: tiretread eel Q: Is it silver and fast? A: silver dollors Q: Does it sit on the side of the glass? A: fish that cleans your tank A: angelfish Q: Dose it have stripes? A: clown fish A: red serpea tetra Q: Is it black? Q: Is it a common house hold pet that is really nice? Q: Is it black? A: black mollie A: goldfish A: zebra fish Q: Is it long and skinny? Q: Is it a feeder fish? A: guppy Q: Does it stick on the side of tanks? A: suckerfish Q: Is it dark on top, grey in the middle, and white on bottom? A: Gourami A: kuli loach Q: Can you buy it at a toy store? A: sea monkeys Q: Does it live in a shell? A: snail Q: Is it tropical? Q: Is it orange? A: goldfish A: guppy Q: Does this animals tail (not exactly a tail, but you know what I mean) curl up at the end? A: seahorse A: goldfish Q: Is it dangerous? Q: Can it pinch you? Q: Does it have pinching claws? Q: Does it lose its shell and grow a new one? Q: Does it eat pollen? A: lobster A: hermit crab Q: Is it a smaller species of lobster? Q: Is it smaller than a norway lobster? A: crab A: norway lobster A: crab Q: Is it gooey? Q: Does is suck blood? A: leech A: jelly fish A: turtle Q: Is it a mollusk? A: nudibranch Q: Is it microscopic? A: bacteria Q: Is it a parasite? Q: Does it crawl in your ear? A: yak A: leech Q: Does it live in the ocean? Q: Does it have 8 legs? Q: Does your animal have blue rings? A: blue ringed octopus A: octopus Q: Does it have a natural shell? A: turtle Q: Does it squirt an ink to protect itself? A: squid Q: Is it a VERY poisonous jelly fish? A: moon jelly Q: Is it long and skinny? A: eel A: jellyfish Q: Is it a rat sized slug? A: yeerk Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it an amphibian? A: tiger salamander Q: Does it have a shell? A: snapping turtle A: coral snake Q: Does it eat rats? A: snake A: catfish Q: Does it have a beak? Q: Is it related to a duck? Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Does it have brown feathers? A: khaki campbell duck Q: Does it quack? A: pekin duck A: penguin A: platypus Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Is it a PowerPets mini? A: Sloprook Q: Is it a real animal? A: turtle A: Sloprook Q: Does it have fur? A: platypus Q: Does it live in very hot climates? Q: Does it live in the Galapagos islands? A: galapagos penguin Q: Does it live in or near the African coastline? A: African penguin Q: Is it a bird that can walk on the bottem of water? A: dipper A: humboldt penguin Q: Does it live in coral reefs? Q: Does it have tenticules? A: squid A: sea horse A: puffin Q: Is it microscopic? Q: Does it have a branched digestive tract? Q: Are all of this animal female? A: daphne Q: Is it the evil guy on Spongebob Squarepants? A: plankton A: planarian Q: Is it a single celled animal? Q: Is it nifty? Q: Does it roll? A: volvox Q: Does it contain cilia (short hairs on its surface)? Q: Is it a single celled microorganism that has tiny hairs to help it move around? Q: Do whales eat it? A: Plankton A: protozoa A: paramecium A: amoebae Q: Does its shape continuously change? Q: Does it absorb the sunlight? A: plankton A: amoebae Q: Does this animal sub-divide? Q: Is it a kind of microscopic plant? A: plant plankton A: protozoa A: plankton Q: Are there millions of them? Q: Does your animal have fins? A: angle fish Q: Does it have claws like a bear, OR Does it live for a year or more in suspended animation until it gets wet? A: water bear A: plankton A: stentor Q: Is it soft and oval? Q: Does it have tentacles? Q: Does it have a heavenly name? A: angelfish A: jellyfish Q: Is it a fresh water animal? Q: Does it swim? Q: Does it belong in the flatworm family? A: planarian Q: Does it have a hard shell on its back? A: turtle A: rainbow fish A: clam Q: Does it swim upstream in a river? A: trout Q: Does it make pearls inside it? A: oyster Q: Can you eat it? A: shrimp Q: Does your animal have gills? Q: Is its name associated with angels? A: angel fish A: trigger fish Q: Does it live in water? A: sea cucumber A: rat Q: Does it live in fresh water? Q: Is it an insect? Q: Can it sting you? A: water bug Q: Does it live in the water all its life? A: water beetle Q: Does it walk on water? Q: Is it hard and black? A: water bettle A: walking stick bug A: dragonfly nymph Q: Does it have gold on it? Q: Is it 10in. long? Q: Is it colourful? A: cichlid A: gila trout Q: Does it have a shell? A: box turtle Q: Does your animal have fins? A: blue gill A: crayfish Q: Does it live only in Kendall Warm Springs in Wyoming? A: kendall dace Q: Is it a baby frog? A: tadpole Q: Does it have a hard shell? Q: Does it have pincher claws like a crab or lobster? Q: Can it live on land or in mud? Q: Does it look like a baby lobster? A: crawfish A: fiddler crab A: crayfish Q: Does it have legs? Q: Can you eat it? A: prawn A: turtle Q: Does it move with its one leg? A: oyster A: clam Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have a long tongue which could stretch out to catch insects? Q: Does your animal have black oval spots on it''s body? A: leopard frog A: frog Q: Is it like a salamander? Q: Could it be all black? A: newt Q: Is it the largest of the water dog salamanders? A: mud puppy A: Texas blind salamander Q: Does it look like a minature lobster? A: craw fish Q: Does it live primarily in water? A: walking fish A: newt Q: Does it have fins? Q: Does it live in creeks and streams ? Q: Can it live in all types of water - freshwater, brackish and saltwater? Q: Does it glide? A: flying fish A: barramundi Q: Do you use this small fish for live bait? A: minnow Q: Is it blind and does it live in caves? A: blind cave fish Q: Is this an edible fish? A: rainbow trout Q: Is it relly small and hard too catch? A: minnow Q: Is it from Japan and popular in house ponds? A: coy fish A: goldfish Q: Does it have alot of colors on it''s body? A: tropical fish A: minnow Q: Do the male type take care of the babies? A: seahorse Q: Does it reproduce asexually? A: planaria (flatworm) A: leech Q: Is it hard and ovalL? Q: Does it have claws? Q: Can you eat it? Q: Does your animal have a fanned tail? A: lobster A: crab Q: Does it reuse the discarded shells from other sea creatures? A: fiddler crab Q: Does it have claws? Q: Does it have a shell? A: turtle A: hermit crab A: turtle Q: Does it jet water to move around? Q: Can you make soup out of it? A: clam A: nautilus Q: Is it a type of sea snail? A: nautilus Q: Is it extinct? A: trilobite Q: Does it have a hard shell? Q: Does it live in the sand? Q: Does it pinch your toes? A: crab A: sand turtle A: sea turtle Q: Is she a squirrel that lives in an underwater dome? A: Sandy Cheeks A: barnacles Q: Does your animal regenerate? Q: Does it have nippers? Q: Is one variety of this animal called tiger? Q: Do they burrow into the sand of the seashore? A: sand crab A: prawn Q: Does it have a ''hood''? A: cobra Q: Can you eat this animal? A: shrimp Q: Is it used a lot for bait? A: krawfish A: crab Q: Does the father hold the babies? Q: Is it star shaped? A: starfish A: seahorse Q: Does it have fleshy front flippers? A: lobe-finned fish Q: Can you eat it? Q: Does it have tenticles with suction cups? A: squid Q: Is it scaly? A: fish A: shrimp A: starfish Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Does the male of this species go through pregnancy? A: sea horse Q: Does it have a long, slender body and a pointy nose? A: longnose knightfish Q: Is it an living Fossil? A: nautilus Q: Is the animal orange? A: clown fish A: angel fish Q: Does it have a small fin? Q: Is the word sord in it''s name? A: sord fish Q: Is it an animal that is eaten by humans and has a small tail that can curl up? A: shrimp Q: Is it a native fish to Africa? A: cichlid Q: Does it give its eggs to the father for it to hatch? A: sea horse A: fish Q: Is it of the subphyla Cephalochordata? A: lancelet Q: Is it a parasite? A: leech Q: Do whales eat it? Q: Are they luminescent? A: krill Q: Does it bury itself in the sand? A: crab A: plankton Q: Does it have suckers on its bottom side? A: starfish Q: Is it a deep sea mollusk having a spiral, chambered shell? A: nautilus Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it carry weight up to 100 times heavier than its own weight? Q: Is this animal a Pokemon? A: squrtil A: ant Q: Does it have a bill? A: platapus Q: Does it have claws? Q: Does the female of the speices lay and whatch more than 100 eggs? A: Red crab A: crab Q: Is it a water pok''emon? A: squirtle A: snake Q: Is it a little thingy that swims and has cucumber for a name? A: deep sea swimming cucumber Q: Does it have a forked tounge? A: snake Q: Does it have tentacles? A: squid Q: Does the male bear the children? A: seahorse Q: Is it on finding nemo? A: blue tang Q: Is it shaped like a banana? A: Banana Slug A: oyster Q: Does it have colored rings on its tail? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it live in the mountains? Q: Does it have red eyes and white fur? A: mouse A: bobcat Q: Does it meow? A: kitten Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it poisonous? A: gecko Q: Does it live in the New Mexico? A: road runner Q: Is your animal orange and white? Q: Can you keep it in your back yard? A: rabbit A: fox Q: Does it smell really bad? Q: Does it live on a farm? A: pig Q: Can you keep it as a pet? A: ferret A: raccoon Q: Does it have rings on its tail that glow at night while striking fear in the hearts of all people who see it? A: pokemon called umbreon Q: Can you keep it as a pet? A: Japaneese hampster A: gila monster A: snake Q: Does it have scales? Q: Is it Poisonous? A: coral snake A: raccoon Q: Does it live in the desert? A: snake Q: Is it round and plump? A: pig A: caterpillar Q: Does it have three pairs of legs? Q: Does it spoil picnics? Q: Does it spin a web? A: spider Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Are you considered a dirty animal? A: cockroach A: beetle Q: Does it live in hair? A: louse Q: Is it eaten by aardvarks? Q: Does it have an exoskeleton? A: ant Q: Does it eat wood? A: termite A: ant Q: Is it posionus? A: fire ant A: ant Q: Does it live by drinking the blood from other animals? Q: Does it live in the woods? Q: Does it rhyme with weer wick? A: deer tick Q: Does it bite dogs and cats? A: flea A: wood tick Q: Does it live in your hair? A: head lice Q: Does it live in your bed? A: bedbug A: flea Q: Does it make sounds like a violin at night? A: cricket Q: Is it an insect? Q: Is it a hairy spider? A: tarantula Q: Is it green? Q: Does your animal spit ''tobacco juice''? A: grasshopper Q: Does it have a sharp curved stinger that can kill you with one sting? A: scorpion Q: Does it hop in the grass? Q: Is it carnivorous? A: praying mantis A: grasshopper Q: Does he have three horns? A: hercules beetle A: praying mantis Q: Does your animal live in the carpet? Q: Does it hiss when scared or threatened? A: the madagascar hissing cockroach A: silverfish Q: Does your animal eat ''dung''? A: dung beetle Q: Does it have more than three pair of legs? Q: Does it have a hard shell and a horn on its head? A: rhinoceros beetle Q: Does it make dogs scratch? A: flea Q: Does it live in houses? A: cockroach Q: Does it roll up in a ball? A: pill bug A: centipede Q: Does it commonly live in New York apartments? A: cockroach Q: Does it walk along a water surface with cupped feet? A: water strider Q: Is it a type of ant that''s red, hairy, and has a red stripe on its behind? Q: Does it eat wood? A: termite A: velvet ant Q: Is it found in animals hair? A: lice Q: Does it live in burrows and lay eggs? Q: Does it eat your house and live underground? A: termite Q: Does it roll into a ball to protect itself? A: pill bug Q: Is it a prehistoric giant ant? A: Formicium A: mole cricket Q: does it sting? A: scorpion Q: Is it silver? A: silverfish Q: Is it a large black grasshopper with red stripes down it''s back? A: texas grasshopper Q: Does it have spots? A: lady bird Q: Is it a Chemical spraying beetle? A: Bombardier Beetle A: termite Q: Does it live in a shell? A: hermit crab Q: Is it microscopic? A: water bear Q: Is it scary? A: tarantula A: grasshopper Q: Is it carnivorous when found in the wild? Q: Does it live under the ground? Q: Does it slither? Q: Does it have diaqmonds on its back? A: diamondback rattlesnake Q: Does it have cheek pouches? A: hamster A: snake Q: Does this animal have hair? Q: Is your animal blind? A: mole Q: Does it have yellowish, short fur? Q: Is it small enough to hold in the palm of your hand? A: Syrian hamster Q: Does is have an "electric" personality? A: pikachu Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the marten? A: gryken Q: Does it live in Africa? A: Meerkat A: ferret Q: Does this animal have mostly black fur, which a white stripe down its back and tail? A: skunk Q: Does it have brownish colored fur? Q: Is there one on TV named Taz? A: tazmanian devil Q: Does it have long claws? A: badger Q: Is it sneaky? A: weasel Q: Does it live in america? A: groundhog A: meercat Q: Does it have a bushy tail? Q: Does it smell bad? A: spotted skunk A: rabbit Q: Does it have four black feet? A: blackfooted ferret Q: Will it eat its own young to survive? A: Cynodont Q: Can it live in your house or outside? A: guinea pig A: shrew Q: Does the male have one big claw and one small? A: fiddler crab Q: Does it have tentacles? A: anemone Q: Is it a native New Zealand bird?? A: kiwi Q: Does it have a hairless snout and eat worms? A: mole` Q: Does it have a colorful tongue? A: blue-tongued skink Q: Is it an insect? A: potato bug Q: Does it sleep during the day? A: Hamster Q: Is it a member of demented ville and made out of a facecloth? A: boo-boo bunny A: naked mole rat Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Is it black? Q: Does it live in hair? Q: Does it live on a dog? A: flea A: tick Q: Does it spin a web? A: spider Q: Is it slithery and black with red rings? A: cobra Q: Did it ever have legs? Q: Does it have more than six legs? A: Centipede A: legless lizard Q: Is it a type of snake? A: Black Mamba A: tarantula Q: Is it blue & white? A: dodo bird Q: Is its body segmented? Q: Has it got stripes? Q: Does it have six legs? A: scorpion A: zebra Q: Is it an insect larva? A: maggot Q: Does it feast on a living host? A: tapeworm A: centipede Q: Can it be different colors? Q: Does your animal purr? A: kitten Q: Does it snatch its prey? A: preying mantis A: ferret Q: Does it live in a dry climate? Q: Was it featured in Disney''s "The Lion King"? A: meerkat A: aardvark Q: Does it live in water? A: amoeba Q: Is it a Dinosaur of some type? A: compsygnathus A: mongoose Q: Is it an extinct animal that ran very fast? A: raptor Q: Is it a snake? Q: Does it weigh less than 5 pounds? Q: Does it eat mice? A: bull python A: cotton mouth Q: Does this animal have a noise maker at the end of its tail? A: rattlesnake Q: Does it constrict? A: Boa constricter A: anaconda Q: Does it roll in the mud? Q: Is it a house pet? A: baby pig A: house cat.5 Q: Does it have five arms? A: starfish Q: Does it crawl in tubes? Q: Is it a reptile? A: fire salamander Q: Is it a ferret? A: ferret Q: Does it have spiked up hair by its behind? A: guinea pig Q: Does it have a short tail? A: hamster A: gerbil Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Does it have claws? Q: Does it live in the snow? A: snow crab A: hermit crab Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it have chlorophyll? A: euglena A: hallucigenia Q: Does it soak up water? A: sponge A: sea anemone Q: Does it have 8 legs? Q: Is the animal that you are thinking of larger than the average spider? A: tarantula Q: Does it suck blood? A: tick A: spider Q: Does it climb very high up trees? Q: Does it emit an odour when frightened? Q: Does it say meow? A: cat A: skunk Q: Is it a cat? A: cat Q: Is it a baby cat? A: kitten Q: Does it love to eat nuts? A: squerle A: chipmunk Q: Does it eat any kind of nuts? Q: Does it have very large ears? A: fennec fox Q: Does it have very large ears? A: chipmunk A: hamster Q: Does it ''wear a suit of armor''? Q: Does it live in it''s shell? Q: Does it roll itself into a ball? A: armadillo A: box turtle A: armadillo Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Is it warm-blooded? Q: Is it a very wild animal? Q: Does it have spots? A: leoperd Q: Is it the mascot of the University of Kentucky? A: Wildcat A: tazmanian devil Q: Does it have a cotten tail? Q: Does it have wings? A: rooster A: rabbit A: kitten Q: Can it regenerate its limbs? A: turkish gecko Q: Does it''s neck frill out? A: frilled lizard A: leopard gecko Q: Does it live in or on another animal for food? Q: Is it Endangered? Q: Is it a small 2 eyed creature that lives on your hand? A: ooglo A: golden toad A: parasite Q: Does it have three legs? A: wahwah Q: Do little kids sleep with it at night? Q: Is it alive? A: rabbit Q: Is it alive? A: rabbit A: teddy bear Q: Does it have pincers? A: centipede Q: Is it black? A: Rolly Polly A: kiwi bird Q: Is it more than six inches long? Q: Does it hop? Q: Does it ever live in a hutch? Q: Does it have long floppy ears? Q: Does it live at Redwall? Q: Is it small and fluffy? A: bunny A: hare Q: Is it a baby rabbit? A: Kitten A: floppy-eared rabbit Q: Does it live in a household? Q: Does it have ears like a mouse''s ears? Q: Does it have a long thin tail? A: Chinchilla A: guinea pig Q: Is it found mainly in south America? A: guinea pig Q: Is it large with floppy ears? A: pointy eared rabbit A: dwarf rabbit Q: Do they live in texas mostly? A: jack rabbit Q: Does it live in a burrow? A: rabbit A: hare Q: Is it nocturnal? Q: Is it real? Q: Does it eat dinosaur eggs? A: Didelphodon Q: Dose it have a fluffy tail? A: Rabbit A: chinchilla A: poring Q: Does it have some thing to do with Easter? Q: Does it have antlers? A: jackalobe Q: Is it''s habitat in both the prarie and the woods? Q: Is it white all over? Q: Is it cute? Q: Does it go "What''s Up Doc?"? A: Bugs Bunny A: Bunny A: plain oh bunny rabbit Q: Does it have a white tail? Q: Is it a type of rabbit? A: red eyed rabbit A: white tailed rabbit A: rabbit Q: Is it an imaginary animal? A: bunicorn Q: Does it have feathers? A: Chicken A: bunny Q: Is it also a fruit? A: kiwi Q: Does it live in rocks? A: rock hyrack Q: Is it poisonous? A: poison arrow frog Q: Is this animal considered to be a diurnal animal? Q: Does it have horns? A: Jackalope Q: Is this animal related to the rabbit? A: chinchilla Q: Is it a blob? A: Poring A: guinea pig Q: Does it have horns? Q: Is it a fake animal? Q: Does it look like a rabbit with a horn? A: bunicorn A: jackalope A: pigmey goat A: hare Q: Does it live in the ground? Q: Does it dig disturbing tunnels that ruin yards? Q: Do they live in a town under the ground? Q: Could it be a house pet? Q: Does it eat roots? A: gopher Q: Is it a tawney brown? A: prairie dog A: ferret Q: Is your animal two words? A: prairie dog Q: Does it have bad eyesight? A: mole Q: Do you wait on it''s shadow? A: groundhog A: gopher Q: Does it have a hard coating instead of fur? A: armadillo Q: Does it dig holes? Q: Does it see a shadow in April? A: ground hog Q: Does this animal bark, but isn''t a dog? A: prairie dog Q: Is it domesticated? Q: Does it squeel? A: guinea pig A: hamster Q: Is it small? Q: Is it bigger than a mouse? A: mole A: mouse A: chipmunk A: mole Q: Does it eat plants? Q: Is it a bird? A: kiwi Q: Does it chew wood? Q: Can you keep it as a pet? Q: Is it larger than a rat? A: guinea pig Q: Does it eat pellets? Q: Does it have a short tail? A: Hamster A: guinea pig A: hamster A: prairie dog Q: Does it live in the forest? Q: Does it have a lot of legs? A: centipede Q: Does it live in Bahamas? A: ingraham''s hutia Q: Does it have what looks like a trunk? Q: Does it have an armour coat? A: armadillo A: elephant shrew Q: Is the droppings from it used for fertilizer? A: prairie dog Q: Does eat carrots? Q: Does it have long ears? A: Rabbit A: guinea pig A: woodchuck Q: Is it native to South America? Q: Does it have plates? A: armadillo A: guinea pig Q: Does it eat scorpions? A: meerkat Q: Is it an animal normally associated with England? Q: Does it have orange & white spots? A: teddy bear hamster A: hedgehog Q: Does it live in the rocks? Q: Is the animal endemic to Africa? Q: Does it live in African grasslands? A: meerkat A: rock dassie A: rock chuck Q: Does it live in Madagascar? Q: Does this animal have group hugs when they scare off a predator? A: meerkat A: tailless tenerec Q: Does it have a hard shell? A: armadillo Q: Does it hibernate? Q: Is there a February Holiday named after it? A: ground hog A: prarie dog A: prairie dog Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it eat ants? A: aardvark Q: Does it have a small tail? A: hamster A: African merekat Q: Does it eat seeds? Q: Is it a household pet? Q: Does it have long fur? A: hamster A: mouse Q: Is there a lot of them in places like Montana? A: prarie dog A: chipmunk Q: Is it colorful? A: cat Q: Does it have a long tongue? Q: Does it ruin cutains and chairs? A: siamese cat A: aardvark Q: Does it make a sound which warns you to stay back? A: rattlesnake Q: Is it a pokemon? A: Pikachue Q: Does it have a yap almost like a dog? A: prairie dog A: coral snake Q: Does it shed its skin? A: rattlesnake Q: Does it have more than 10 pairs of legs? A: centipede Q: Does it have eyes,a nose,and a mouth? Q: Is it the keeper of the Schwartz? A: Yogurt the Magnificent Q: Is it part of the Elephant family? A: Hyrax A: worm! Q: Does it have feathers? A: Kiwi A: groundhog Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Does it lay eggs? Q: Is it extinct? A: dodo bird Q: Is it nocturnal? A: kiwi Q: Is your animal fast? Q: Does it cluck? Q: Does it have a long neck? A: goose A: chicken Q: Is it a chicken like game bird with a long tail and brillant feathers? A: pheasant Q: Is it a farm animal? A: guinie Q: Is it pink? A: pink flamingo A: roadrunner Q: Is there a fruit with the same name as it? A: kiwi Q: Do we eat it on Thanksgiving? Q: Does it have two legs? A: turkey A: horse A: chicken A: rooster Q: Does it have horns? Q: Does it live on a farm? A: sheep Q: Does its hide have a salt-and-pepper appearance? A: dikdik Q: Is it a lizard? A: horned toad Q: Is it an antelope? A: dikdik Q: Does it have tusks? A: Muntjac A: suni Q: Is it a parasite? Q: Does it live inside human beings? A: tapeworm A: mouse Q: Is it smaller that a guinea pig? Q: Is it a snail or slug? A: banana slug Q: Does it float in water? Q: Does it live on the forest floors? A: box turtle A: Portuguese man-of-war Q: Do u have them as pets? Q: Is it FAT and pink? A: pig Q: It is alot larger than a snail? A: Gaint African snail A: hamster Q: Does it have eyelids? Q: Does he work at the Krusty Krab? A: Spongebob A: meerkat A: gecko Q: Does it play in the mud.? Q: Does it run away from dogs? Q: Is it a farm animal? A: pig Q: Is it domsticated? A: cat Q: Is it a yellow bear on a cartoon? A: Pooh bear A: Malayan Sun Bear Q: Does it have 5 sets of legs? A: crab Q: Is it blue? A: pig Q: Is it pink? Q: Is this animal the parent of a piglet? A: pig A: piglet Q: Does it have a shell? A: turtle A: platypus Q: Does it live in the rainforest? Q: Is it a type of monkey? A: orangutan Q: Does it have very soft fur? Q: Is it a primitive horse? A: Propaleotherium A: chinchilla Q: Does it have a bulb on its back? A: Bulbasaur Q: Is it a small deer? A: Muntjac A: collared peccary Q: Does it drink milk? Q: Is it nocturnal? Q: Dose it have a ears? A: guinea pig A: cat Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it have a flat face? Q: Does it have pointy ears? A: Persian cat Q: Does it have a long body? A: ferret A: hamster Q: Is it a domestic animal? A: persian cat Q: Does it have a pouch? A: possum A: badger Q: Is it a Breed of Cat? A: Manx Q: Does it play with a rattle? A: baby Q: Does it have wool on its back? A: sheep A: guinea pig Q: Is it a member of the lizard family? Q: Is it poisonous? A: gila monster Q: Does it have the word dragon in its name? A: beared dragon Q: Does it have a flame on it`s tail? A: charmander A: three-toed box turtle Q: Does it survive by living in the cold? Q: Does it hibernate? A: woodchuck A: penguin Q: Does it make a noise? Q: Does it smell funny? Q: Is it related to the pig? A: guinea pig Q: Can it be a house pet? Q: DOES IT HAVE THE SOFTEST FUR OF ALL THE ANIMALS? Q: Is it somewhat like a gunea pig? A: hamster A: chinchilla Q: Is it magical? A: house-elf A: guinea pig Q: Does he have the force,is a midget,and is green from star wars? A: yoda A: skunk Q: Is it a cousin to the pig? Q: Does it have long fur? A: guinea pig Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the wild boar? A: scrofa A: pot belly pig Q: Does he whistle? Q: Does it live in the ground? A: prairie dog Q: Can you keep it as a pet? A: guinea pig A: lamb Q: Is it really long and skinny? A: ferret Q: Does it have long fur? A: chinchilla Q: Does it look kind of like a raccoon? A: red panda Q: Does it shoot lightning out of it''s cheeks? Q: Is it an evolved form of a pokemon? A: richu A: pikachu Q: Does it have big armored plates and is medium size and happens to be an armidilo? A: armidilo Q: Is it a pokemon? Q: Does it have a shell? A: Tokapi A: Ditto Q: Does he eat honey? A: Pooh Bear A: guinea pig Q: Does it sing? A: jigglypuff Q: Does it stand on it''s back legs? A: meercat Q: Does it have a hard shell that protects it? A: desert tortoise Q: Does it have a long nose? A: aardvark Q: Is it an animated character? A: Stewie Griffin A: skunk Q: Does it have black and brown stripes in its back? Q: Does it have more than 4 sets of legs? Q: Does it have more than ninety-nine pairs of legs? A: centipede Q: Is it furry? A: spider A: woolly caterpillar Q: Does it have skinny legs? Q: Does it meow? A: kitten Q: Does it run in a wheel? A: hamster Q: Is it tall? A: daddy long legs Q: Is it very small? A: insect A: Humming Bird Q: Is it a small flightless bird? A: kiwi Q: Does it have long ears? A: rabbit Q: Does your animal like to run in an exercise wheel? A: hamster Q: Does it have a spiral shell? A: snail A: chipmunk Q: Can you see it with the naked eye? Q: Does it have one hundred legs? Q: Is it like a centipede, but have more than a hundred legs? Q: Can it be found at coral reefs? A: seacucumber A: millipede A: centipede Q: Does it burrow or use another animal''s burrow? Q: Can you keep it as a pet? Q: Can it see? Q: Does it live in towns? Q: Does it live in a cage? Q: Can you find it in the zoo? Q: Does it like carrots? A: rabbit A: mouse Q: Does it store water in its tail? A: duprossey (desert gerbil) Q: Is it bigger than a hamster? Q: Does it have long ears? Q: Does it have a tail? A: rabbit A: guinea pig Q: Is it brown and loves the ground? Q: Does it make a squakly sound? A: Guinea Pig A: diglet A: guinea pig Q: Does it eat ants and is it a anteater? A: anteater Q: Is it a cousi of a hampster? Q: Is it smaller than a guineapig? Q: Does it have a very short tail? Q: Is it smaller and fatter than a full sized hamster? A: Dwarf Hamster A: hamster A: gerbil A: guinea pig A: hamster Q: Does it have 3 bodyparts? A: ant Q: Is it brown? Q: Does it gnaw? Q: Is it smaller than a rat? Q: Is it small, cute, and loves being played with? A: Dwarf Hamster A: shrew A: rat A: chipmunk A: prairie dog Q: Does it have a long furry tail? Q: Is it bigger than a rodent? A: chinchilla A: gerbil Q: Does it have a furry tail? Q: Does it have a fluffy tail? Q: Does it like playing with toys? Q: Is it lazy? Q: Does it have long ears? A: rabbit A: guinea pig A: hamster A: rabbit Q: Does it have a short stubby tail? Q: Is it from Russia? Q: Is it a Russian dwarf hamster? A: Russian dwarf hamster A: teddy bear hamster A: Russian dwarf hamster Q: Is it bigger than a gerbil? A: hamster A: gerbil Q: Does it live in a field? Q: Does it live in a cage, in a humans home? Q: Is it smaller than a hamster? Q: Can you find it at a pet store? A: dwarf hamster A: mouse Q: Is it bigger than a hampster, but smaller than your head? A: guinea pig A: hamster Q: Is it like a mouse? A: shrew Q: Does it eat wood? A: termite A: vole Q: Does it jump? Q: Is it furry? A: hamster A: frog Q: Is it smaller than a inch? Q: Is it a hermit crab? A: hermit crab A: ant Q: Does it have claws? Q: Does it live in a rain forest? A: perrie dog Q: Is it grey? A: russian dwarf hamster Q: Does it run on a wheel? Could it be a pet? Is it a rodent? Q: Does it have a tail? A: hamster Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it only active at night? A: Hamster A: naked molerat A: guinea pig Q: Is it a common pet? A: hamster Q: Is one claw larger than the other? A: fiddler crab A: crawdad Q: Does it make a sound? A: guinea pig A: hamster Q: Does this animal use bedding in the cage? A: hamster A: mole Q: Does it run fast? Q: Does it have fur or feathers? Q: Does this animal push the dirt above ground when it burrows? Q: Is it the smallest mammal? A: shrew A: gopher Q: Does it have long ears? A: hare Q: Does it take turns keeping watch for preditors? A: prarie dog Q: Is it an island bird? A: kiwi A: pica Q: Is it a mammal? A: naked mole rat Q: Is it scottish, blue and loves to get drunk? A: Nac mac feegle Q: Does it have plates for protection? A: armadillo A: scorpion Q: Is it a gopher? A: Could it eat you Q: Is it slimy? Q: In order to walk does it crunch up and then expand? Q: Does it like your garden? A: slug A: inch worm Q: Does it have a shell? A: clam A: slug Q: Does it burrow? Q: Does your animal eat ants? Q: Is it about the size of a mouse? Q: Does it have to eat constantly to survive? Q: Is it smaller than a mole ? A: vole A: mole A: American shrew A: aardvark Q: Is it an herbivore? Q: Does it roll dung into balls for their babies to eat? A: dung beetle Q: Does it live in Africa? A: Naked mole rat Q: Does it jump off a cliff? Q: Does it make its house out of sand, most of the time? A: ant A: lemming A: vole Q: Does it live in a mammal colony headed by a queen? A: Naked-mole rat A: star nosed mole A: vole Q: Does it have four toes on each foot? Q: Does this animal most of the time live in a cage? Q: Does it squeal? Q: Does it use a running wheel or a ball? Q: Does it have an emeny? Q: Is it kin to jerbles? A: hampster A: mouse A: hampster Q: Is it hairless? A: naked mole rat Q: Is it found on Easter? A: bunny rabbit A: guinea pig Q: Did it originate in the Andes Mountains? A: guinea pig Q: Does it roll in sand baths? Q: Does it like to run on a wheel? A: teddy bear hamster A: chinchilla Q: Is it incredibly soft? Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Does it lay eggs? A: chicken A: rooster Q: Does it have long ears? A: rabbit Q: Does it run in tunnels? A: hamster Q: Does it have a long tail? A: chinchilla A: hamster Q: Is it small rinkilly and naked? A: naked mole rat A: hamster Q: Does it lick its eyes? A: gecko Q: Is it a newt? A: newt Q: Does it live in rocky habitat? A: kitten Q: Is it a member of the horse/pony family? Q: Does it have a horn? A: unicorn A: miniature horse Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it related to the tiger family? A: cat Q: Does it have antennae and a fat bum? A: Fuzzem Q: Does it have antennae and a fat bum? A: Fuzzem A: ferret Q: Does this animal sometimes invade your house in the fall or winter? A: mouse Q: Is it a baby from an animated tv series? A: Stewie Griffin A: salamander Q: Does it spin a web? Q: Does it eat green house plants? A: spider mite A: spider Q: Does it hop? Q: Is it yellow? Q: Does it carry poisin? A: poisin arrow frog Q: Does it say "peep"? Q: Can you eat it? A: peep A: chick A: grasshopper Q: Does it suck blood? Q: Does it live on your head, lay eggs on your head, and drink your blood? A: head louse A: tick Q: Does it rub its legs together and is green? A: grasshopper Q: Does it live in people''s hair? A: lice Q: Does it have a brushy tail? A: rabbit A: cricket Q: When eaten, is it called escargo? Q: Is your animal a type of snail that lives in the water? A: sea snail A: snail Q: Is it a decapod? Q: Does it have feathers? A: cockatiel Q: Does it live in other animal shells? A: woodliouse Q: Does it live in other animal shells? A: woodliouse A: hermit crab Q: Is it white? Q: Does it eat plankton? A: coral polyp Q: Is it a parasitic worm that lives in the intestines of humans and animals? A: tapeworm Q: Does it have teeth like a beaver? Q: Does it have two colours? A: hamster A: mouse Q: Is it a Togipy? Q: Is it a type of bird? A: chicken A: togipy Q: Is it in the Harry Potter book? A: fobbler worm Q: Does it eaT CHEESE? Q: Does it where a red and yellow tie? A: McDonald''s Hamburglar A: mouse Q: Is it a marshmallow chick coated with sugar? A: peeps chick Q: Does it eat rotten fruit? A: maggot Q: Is it a digimon? A: garurumon Q: Is it related to a sheep? A: lamb Q: Is it a button? A: no button A: slug Q: Does it eat wood? Q: Does it live in China? A: panda Q: Can it roll itself into a ball? A: woodlouse Q: Does it eat wood? Q: Can it have red eyes? A: Mouse A: hamster A: termites Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Is it small? Q: Does it live in hedgerows? A: dormouse Q: Is it an animal similar to a hamster but fatter? Q: Is it yellow? A: pikachu A: guinea pig Q: Does it have black and white stripes? A: skunk A: hamster Q: Is it smaller than a guinea pig? Q: Does it like to eat cheese? A: mouse A: hamster Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the paca? A: rattleback A: guinea pig Q: Is it a farm animal? Q: Does it have Trotters? A: Pig Q: Is it a grown farm animal? A: chicken A: Chick Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does it have claws or pinchers? Q: Can it live for a long time? A: tortise A: hermit crab Q: Does it''s relatives have claws or pinchers? A: hermit crab Q: Does it''s shell open? Q: Is it yellow and very slimy? A: banana slug Q: Does it hatch? A: egg A: clam Q: Does it have 1 foot and leaves a slimey track behind it? Q: Does it live on rocks on the shore line? A: Limpet A: snail Q: Does it absorb food? Q: Can it move? Q: Does it roll up into a ball? A: pillbug A: snail A: sea sponge Q: Does it live on rocks? A: Limpet A: turtle Q: Is it a bird? A: kiwi Q: Does it live in the ocean? Q: IS IT THE SHAPE OF A STAR? A: starfish Q: Does it have tentacles? A: anemone Q: Does it build reefs? A: coral A: algae Q: Is it red or black? Q: Does it have a stinger? A: scorpion Q: Does it curl up in a ball? A: rollie pollie Q: Does it have wings? A: butterfly Q: Does it frow uncontrollably on unsuspecting indeviduals ussualy with a reddish tent to their hair and pail skin and iggnored by most of the same species? A: freckle Q: Is it a toy? A: Furby A: ant Q: Does it exist inside another animal? Q: Does it have segmented body parts? A: tapeworm A: fluke Q: Is it slimy? Q: Does it have 3 toes on each foot? A: salamander A: slug Q: Does it have more than 100 legs? A: millipede Q: Does it eat grain? A: wevel Q: Is it a pest that people try to get rid of? A: cockroach Q: Is your animal a pink fantasy creature that is also a brand of candy? A: nerd Q: Can you buy it at Mc Donalds? A: chicken nugget Q: Does he digi-volve into Greymon? A: tai''s digimon augumon Q: Is it light green? Q: Does it spin into a cocoon? A: catipiller A: aphid Q: Does it get excerise by running on a wheel? A: Hamster Q: Is it blue and a digimon and does it use v headbut? A: vmon Q: Does it like hard places ? A: Schnuffel A: inch worm Q: Does it suck blood? Q: Does it carry diseases? Q: Does it suck blood, but does good for people with too much blood in one part of their body? A: leech A: tick A: flea Q: Have you seen one recently? Q: Is it a good house pet? Q: Is it a slow moving house pet? Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Is it larger than a hamaster? A: Guinea pig A: hamster A: desert tortoise Q: Does it have long ears? A: drawf rabbit Q: Does it have really big feet? A: furzzle Q: Can it die from eating lettuce? A: guinea pig Q: Does it live almost everywhere? A: ant A: hamster Q: Does it hop? Q: Does it have legs ? Q: Does everyone have one when they are born? A: eyelash mite A: rabbit A: snake Q: Is it an insect? Q: Has it got uncountable legs? Q: Does it have eight legs? A: Spider A: centipede A: grasshopper Q: Does it smell funny? A: zygote Q: Is it found in bread? A: yeast A: guinea pig Q: Does it live in gardens.? Q: Is it one-celled? A: bacteria Q: Is it an anphibian? A: frog Q: Do they have little hats and like fishing or are often fishing? A: gnome A: gardensnake Q: Does it eat cheese? A: mouse Q: Does it live on bench tops? A: silverfish Q: Is it a moneran? Q: Is it found in a basic cell? A: cytoplasm A: bacteria Q: Does it eat dust? A: dust mite Q: Does it live in your body? Q: Is there millions of them in your body? Q: Does it live in your digestive system? Q: Are some harmful and some harmless? A: micro organism A: e.coli Q: Is it red? A: red blood cell Q: If you wash your hands do they all go away? A: germ A: blood cell Q: Does it come from raw meat? A: tape worm A: virus Q: Do you use a lot of it to make bread? A: yeast Q: Do you keep it in a cage? Q: Is it the softest animal known to man? A: chinchilla Q: Does it bite to the bone? A: hamster A: guinea pig Q: Is it a parasite that feeds on the cells of host aminals? A: sporozoans Q: Do they live in hair and drive you crazy? A: lice Q: Does it live in water and make you sick? A: e. coli bacteria Q: Does it yell broccoli whenever it sees a tree? A: the lesser-spotted green tree eating kunkum bird Q: Can it even attack anything or swim without failing!huh?can it?huh? A: amoebae Q: Can it make thunderstorms? OR IS IT A WIMPY POKEMON? A: Pikachu A: spyduck Q: Can you ride this animal? Q: Does it have a trunk? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it live in any other place apart from Africa? Q: Can you see it in a zoo? Q: Is it really big? Q: Does it have tripes? Q: Does it have stripes? A: zebra Q: Is it endangered? A: elephant A: i don''t know? A: elephant A: elephant A: mammoth Q: Does it look like an egg? Q: Is it gray? A: elephant A: bokaa Q: Isa your animal wooly or furry? A: wooly mammoth A: elephant Q: Does it have wool? Q: Does it dislike Sid? A: Manny the mammoth :-) A: wooly mammoth Q: Does it have silly putty? A: daltocaleb Q: Is it a cousin of an elephant? A: malayan tapir A: hairy mammoth Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it speak a language? Q: Does it have 4 legs? Q: Is it a brown, woolly, fantasy animal you can find on Sesame Street? A: snuffaluffagus A: elephant Q: Does it have a trunk? Q: Is it older than a elephant? A: mammoth Q: Does it have 2 legs and 2 arms? A: human A: elephant A: grown human Q: Does it have horns coming from its mouth? Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Is it white? Q: Does it like lots and lots of water? A: white elephant A: asian elephant Q: Is it big? A: elephant A: African elephant Q: Does it have big ears & live in Asia? A: Asian elephant Q: Does it have small ears and live in Asia? A: Asian Elephant A: Indian elephant Q: THIS ANIMAL GIVES YOU MILK? Q: His father is a donkey? Q: His mother is a donkey? A: donkey A: mule Q: Is it used to work? Q: Are they good pets? A: horse A: whal A: cow Q: Does it have horns? Q: Does it have tusks? A: elephant A: bull Q: Does it have two legs? Q: Is it gray? A: elephant A: ostrich Q: Can you keep this animal as a pet? Q: Does it live in the rainforest? A: Tapir A: dog Q: Does it live in the desert for a long time? A: camel A: elephant Q: Does it have fins? Q: Is it Blue? A: dolphin A: manatee A: car Q: Is it a pony? Q: Is it a little bit bigger than a pony? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is it a pony? Q: Is it blue? A: pony Q: Do they eat lions? A: zebra A: grevy''s zebra A: zebra Q: Does it have spots on its rear end? Q: Does it haveteeth? Q: Does it have large nostrills? A: horse Q: Is it a horse with spots? A: Appaloosa A: lion Q: Is it a pony? A: poa A: appaloosa horse Q: Is it a type of small horse? Q: Do mounted policemen ride these? Q: Does it begin with an M? Q: Is it black? A: mare A: morgan horse Q: Are they rode in the deserts of arabia? A: arab A: horse Q: Does it have a chestnut body with a white of flaxen mane? Q: Can it run fast?? A: horse A: haflinger Q: Does it have a mane? Q: Is it a baby horse? A: colt A: horse Q: Can it be in shades of brown and white, and black and white? Q: Does it have stripes? A: quarter horse A: chestnut horse A: Shetland pony Q: Is it known for running quarter mile races? Q: Can this animal be used to ride? Q: Is it a specific breed? A: Thoroughbred A: horse Q: Is this a breed of horse.? A: kangaroo A: quarter horse Q: Is it a mythological creature? Q: Does it have fins? A: seacorn Q: Does it have wings? A: pegasus A: unicorn Q: Is it a horse known for running races? Q: Does it have fire for a mane? A: rapidash Q: Is your animal a horse and the name of a baseball league ( starting with a P )? Q: Does it have a blonde body? A: palamino A: pinto horse A: thoroughbred horse Q: Is it a breed of pony that originated in Wales? A: welsh pony Q: Is it many different colors? Q: Does this animal race around barrels? Q: Can it put its tail up? A: arabian Q: Does the horse look like its painted with a little paint horse paint brush? A: Paint Horse A: quarter horse Q: It is big? A: pinto horse A: cat Q: Is it known for traveling over the destert for miles without having water? Q: Can this horse be used for riding and showing? Q: Does it have spots? A: Appaloosa Q: Does it have a dished face? A: arabian A: quarter horse A: arabian horse A: horse Q: Is it a small pony? Q: Does it kick? Q: Can you have this animal inside your house? Q: Was it used at mines? A: Shetland pony Q: Can it be trained and be used as a seeing eye dog? Q: Is it extreamly cute? A: fallabella A: shetland pony Q: Is it a toy? A: toy pony A: fallabella Q: Does it have a rainbow tail? A: pony Q: Is it a shetland pony? A: shetland pony Q: Is the female of this specie a jennet? A: donkey Q: Is it smaller than a welsh pony? A: gotland A: welsh pony Q: Is it one of the three main breeds of horse? A: exmoor pony Q: Is it smaller than a pony? A: fallabella A: Shetland pony Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Job? A: horseradish plant A: zebra Q: Does it have a fiery mane and tail? Q: Does it wear a lether jacket in mr duskins class? A: tiffanyisfromgrease Q: Is you animal evolve from ponyta? A: Rapadash A: ponyta Q: Is it kind of ugly? Q: Does it make "he-ha" sounds? A: Donkey A: shetland pony Q: Is it a type of wild horse that originated off the coast of Virginia? A: Chincoteague Pony Q: Is it a cross between two popular breeds? A: Welara Pony Q: Does it have spots on its butt? A: pony of the americas Q: Does it come from Dartmoor? A: Dartmoor Pony A: pony Q: Is it a primate? Q: Is it close to a pony? Q: Is it a mix of donkey and horse? A: mule Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is it a mamal? A: dolphin A: zebra Q: Does it have horns? Q: Is it white and have one horn? A: unicorn A: bull Q: Is it a breed of a horse? Q: Does it race in races? Q: Does it have a jocey? A: thorobred A: standardbred Q: Is it white? A: Arabian horse Q: Does it have brown and black hair? A: bay horse Q: Does this animal pull large, heavly loads for work? A: clydesdale A: quarter horse Q: Does it sit at the computer all day making a stupid internet something try and guess what animal they are thinking of and 50% of the time getting it wrong? A: human! A: horse Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it speak? Q: Does eat leaves? Q: Can it drive a car? Q: Does it drive or speak? Q: Is It a human? Is it realeted to you? A: Dad A: speakin driving koala A: human Q: Live in the jungle? A: ape Q: Does it have one hump instead of two on the back? A: lama A: camel Q: Does it roar? A: bengal tiger Q: Does it speak english? Q: Is it a bird? A: flamingo A: american/english human A: human Q: Is it close to an ape? Q: Does it have red fur? A: orangutan Q: Dose it like bananas? A: ape Q: Does it electrocute people? A: pikachu Q: Does it eat people? Q: Is it multicolored? A: panda A: King Kong A: gorilla Q: Does it pull sleds? A: Alaskan malamute Q: Is another name for this a gnu? Q: Is it Black and White? A: zebra A: wildebeest Q: Does it growl? Q: Can it hop? A: kangaroo A: bear Q: Does it roar? A: lion Q: Does it have spots? A: dear Q: Does it jump? A: kangaroo A: ape Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Does it eat young children? Q: Does it have legs? A: orca (whale) A: humpback whale Q: Is it related to the bottle nosed dolphin? Q: Is it related to the whale family? Q: Was this animal the main character in a major novel? A: Sperm Whale A: dolphin A: porpoise A: killer whale Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it eat grass? Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Does it live in Austrailia? Q: Does it have feathers? A: ostrich A: giraffe A: giraffe Q: Does it neigh? A: horse A: cow Q: Does it have hooves and a mane? A: donkey Q: Does it get eaten for Christmas dinner? A: turkey Q: Can you see its tail? A: Human A: deer Q: Was it in the story jack and the beanstalk? Q: Was it in the story of "Little Red Riding Hood"? A: human Q: Is it a male? A: Christian A: giant Q: Does it say moo? A: cow A: human Q: Does your animal have wool? Q: Is your animal a pack animal? Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Does it have a hump? Q: Is it smaller than a camel? Q: Does it live on a farm? Q: Long neck? Q: Does it spit? A: llama A: alpaca A: horse A: llama Q: Big and gray? A: elephant A: camel Q: Does the animal grow horns? Q: Can u get milk from it? A: cow A: goat Q: Is it smaller than a llama? Q: Is it real? A: alpaca A: Gieaffahorfof A: llama Q: Is this animal found in the Andes mountains? Q: Does it have long soft wool? Q: Does it have two horns it uses to fight with other animals like it? A: goat Q: Is it related to a dog? A: alpaca A: wolf A: llama Q: Does it eat hay? Q: Does it have one or more humps? A: Camel Q: Is it smaller than a horse? A: goat A: horse Q: Does it go through major changes on full moons? A: werewolf Q: Does it live in the plains? Q: Does it hopp? A: buffalo Q: Is it feathered? A: emu A: kangaroo Q: Do old people usually have them? A: kitten A: yak Q: Does it have humps? Q: Does it spit? A: camel Q: Does it store water? A: camel A: dromedary Q: Does it have horns? Q: Does it live in the Middle east or Asia? Q: Does it have a long neck? A: giraffe Q: Does it''s tail hang down? A: sheep A: wild goat Q: Does it spit? A: llama Q: Is it a fantasy animal? A: unicorn Q: Does it have wool? A: Sheep A: bison Q: Does it belong to Dr. Doolittle? Q: Is it from the family of cez? A: cwezza A: pushmepullyou Q: Is it a domesticated animal? Q: Is it a member of the family bovidae? A: sheep A: llama Q: Does it have half wool? Q: Can it run fast? Q: Does it have green skin? A: prowlgrin charger A: jaguar A: buffalo A: guanaco Q: Does it have a hump? Q: Is it an eagle? A: black eagle Q: Is it domesticated? Q: Is it found in deserts and can live without water for a very long time? Q: Is it a lizard that lives in the outback? A: spiny devil. Q: Does it have only one hump? Q: Is it a camel? A: Camel A: dromedary A: camel Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it have tentacles? A: jellyfish Q: Long nose? A: dolphin A: buluga whale Q: Can you eat it? Q: Did the American Indians hunt them? Q: Does it bark? A: dog Q: Is it black in colour? A: buffalo A: cow Q: Is it good? Q: Does it star in rodeos? A: brahma bull Q: Does it live on the happy farms around the happy world? A: cow A: devon Q: Does it hop? A: kangaroo A: cow Q: Does it neigh? A: horse Q: It is evil? A: exboyfriend Q: Is it related to common farm cows? A: zebu A: llama Q: Does it swim? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have legs? A: bison A: whale Q: Does it live in saltwater? Q: Does it have a bottle nose? A: dolphin Q: Can it dive well? Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is it related to the Dolphin? Q: Do you see this animal from a show? A: dolphin A: Trained Orca A: whale A: dolphin A: humpback whale A: camel Q: Is it known for spitting? Q: Does it live with sheep? A: llama Q: Is your animal low? A: buffalo Q: Can it go with out water for a long time? Q: Dose it has big ear? Q: Do you ride it mostly in the desert? A: camel A: elephant A: camel Q: Do they igsist in Michigan? A: lama A: camel Q: Is it a hoofed animal? Q: Do people wear it on thier clothes? Q: Is it only female cow can produce milk? A: camel A: cow Q: Is it tall and spotted? Q: Does it live near or in water? A: frog A: giraffe Q: Was it what they used in Egypt to cross the desert? A: camel Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it have spiraling horns? A: kudu A: water buffalo A: bison Q: Is it on TV? Q: It is found in Austrailia? A: kangaroo A: bear A: Godzilla Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Does it live in Australia? Q: Is it larger than a emu? Q: Is it an emu? A: emu Q: Is it tha largest bird in the world? A: ostrich Q: Do the males of this animal have a crest on their heads? A: Cassowary A: rhea Q: Is this animal a cousin of the Emu? Q: Is it an emu? A: emu A: ostrich Q: Is it a Hound Dog starting with B? A: beagle A: emu Q: Is it smaller than an ostrich? Q: Does it have pink feathers? Q: Is it purple? A: pink and purple imaginary frog A: flamingo Q: Does it live in new Zealand? A: kiwi A: emu Q: Does it say ''wark''? Q: Is it an ostrich? A: ostrich A: chocobo Q: Is it an imaginary flying horse? Q: Does it have wings but no horn? A: pegasus A: unicorn Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it have sharp teeth and is it a bird? A: Saver Tooth Bird A: ostrich A: moa Q: Is it a fantasy animal? Q: Does it have a horn? Q: Does it blow out fire? Q: Is the animal you''re thinking of NOT a pokemon or digimon? A: unicorn Q: Is this a mystical creature with one horn....is it a horse like animal? Q: Does it have flaming hair? A: ponyta A: Unicorn A: rapidash Q: Can you show it? Q: Does it have a horn? A: unicorn Q: Dose it have a red belly? A: fire belly toad A: cow Q: Is it white with red and purple hair? Q: Is it magical? A: unicorn A: moondancer the my little pony Q: Is it a Bionicle? A: Kikanalo A: unicorn Q: Does it fly? Q: Does it have scales? Q: Is it a purple demon llama? A: Purple Demon Llama A: dragon Q: Is it really huge, red, a fantasy animal that can fly? Q: White? A: unicorn A: red dragon Q: Is it white and can fly beautifully? Q: Does it belong to Greek Mythology? Q: Is it a pegasus? A: pegasus A: pegasus Q: Does it breathe fire or have sharp teeth? A: dragon A: unicorns Q: Dose it have the head and wings of an eagle and the body, legs, and tail of a lion? Q: Does it start with ph? A: phoenix A: griffin A: Pegasus Q: Does this animal spit fire? Q: Is it a digimon and is its owners name tai? A: greymon Q: Is it brown, looks like a lion, and is it brave? A: entai Q: Is it lime green? Q: Is it wild? A: wolf A: poinker A: dragon Q: Does it have four eyes and a deadly tail? Q: Is it red? A: contanihia A: andalite Q: Does it live in Ireland? Q: Can it run fast? Q: Is it a fantastic animal ? A: Kelpie A: cheata A: the lochness monster Q: Is it a horse from a movie? A: black beauty Q: Is your animal half human half horse? A: Centaur Q: Is it half cat and half dog? A: catdog Q: Is it half mam half wolf? A: warewolf Q: Does it drink blood? Q: Is it very large? Q: Is it half tiger half lion? A: Liger A: Nacknar A: vampire Q: Is it a Digimon? Q: Is it a cat-type Digimon? A: gatomon Q: Is it orange? A: agumon A: garurumon Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Does it have a shell? A: Wartortle Q: Is the fother the king? A: mermaid A: dolphin Q: Dose it have hoofs or strips???? Q: Is it magical? Q: Does it look like a horse, and yet is capable of telepathy, mental coersion, and is the reincarnated embodiment of a dead Herald? A: companion A: unicorn Q: Is it tough to ride? A: bull A: zebra Q: Has it got a long tail? Q: Is it a mix of two animals? A: liger Q: Does it have 3 heads? A: cerbrasas A: horse Q: Is it giant and have a shell and slime? A: Giant Snail Q: Does it lay eggs? A: yoshi Q: Is it half human, half demon? A: half demon Q: Is it half spider half man? A: spiderman A: night mare Q: Can it have babies? Q: Does it have markings on its fur? Q: Is it bigger than a pony? Q: Is it a type of bear? Q: Is it big and black? A: grizzly bear A: sun bear Q: Is it orange and black? Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: giraffe A: bear A: giraffe Q: Does it have hooves? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Does it has stripes? Q: Is it related to a girraffe? A: Okapi Q: Does it have horns? Q: Does it live on the african serengetti? A: impala A: Bongo A: zebra A: okapi A: horse Q: Does it have lines? Q: Is it a cat? Q: Is it a specific type of tiger? Q: Is it a white tiger? A: siberian tiger A: bengal tiger A: tiger Q: Is it orange and black? A: tiger A: zebra A: tiger Q: Is it bigger then a horse, but still is a horse? Q: Is it black and white? Q: Is it part horse, part zebra? Q: Does is live in Africa? A: Zerbra A: quagga Q: Is it a horse? Q: Does it have black and white stripes? A: zebra A: horse A: zebra Q: Is it a light horse? Q: Is it also known as ''Wild Horse of the Americas''? Q: Does it have long ears? Q: Dose it have a mane? A: horse A: donkey A: mustang Q: Is it a horse? Q: Is it an endangered animal in Asia? Q: Is it my friend Ashlyn''s favorite animal? ~Rita? A: pinto Q: Does its name remind you oh Arabia? A: arabian horse A: onager Q: Is it a very strong breed of horse? Q: Does it have a smooth gate? Q: Is it one of the oldest breeds of horses? A: Arabian Q: Is it very fast? Q: Does it run the fastest Quarter mile? Q: Does it run in big races? A: Light Horse A: Quarter Horse A: Race Horse A: tennasse walking horse Q: Does it have splashy colors? A: Paint horse A: morgan horse Q: Can it race? Q: Is it commonly know as America? A: quarter horse Q: Is it commonly known as America''s Horse? A: quarter horse A: thoroughbred Q: Is it hot headed? A: arabian A: horse Q: Does it have a big or small head? A: arabian horse Q: Is it creamy colored with white mane and tail? A: Palomino A: Tennessee walking horse Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Does it have one hoof on each foot? A: Horse A: giraffe Q: Is it a type of draft horse? Q: Is it always Palomino, Cremello or Perlino? A: American Cream Draft Horse Q: Did it originate in Belgium? Q: Does it have long fur by its hooves? A: Clydesdale A: Belgian A: clydesdale Q: Does it have a spotted rump? A: appaloosa Q: Is it used to herd cattle? A: quarter horse Q: Does it have long ears. is it almost a horse? Q: Does it have a tuft on its tail? A: donkey A: Horse Q: Is your animal a horse that is small and is used to race,and is very expensive? A: Arabian Horse A: heavy horse Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is your animal a type of tiger? A: Siberian tiger Q: Is it tall? Q: Is it prehistoric? A: dinosaur Q: Is it like a horse, but with stripes? Q: Does it have a long blue tongue? A: okapi Q: Is it a cross between a zebra and a donkey? A: Zeonkey Q: Are the stripes black and brown or white and grey? A: Brindle colored horse A: zebra Q: Does it have horns? Q: Is the animal related to the giraffe? A: okape A: kudu Q: Is it related to a giraffe? A: okokpi Q: Does it produce milk? A: cow A: giraffe Q: Is it a hybrid? Q: Is this animal half zebra and half giraffe? A: okapi Q: Does it have black and white stripes? A: zebra A: zedonk Q: Is only half of its body covered in stripes? A: okapi A: zebra Q: Does it have a very long neck? Q: Is it an animal from a long time ago? Q: Is it also called Dawn Horse? A: eohippus A: dinosaur Q: Does it have a mane? Q: Is it taller than an elephant? A: giraffe Q: Does it have a neck longer than a horse? A: giraffe Q: Is it a racing horse? Q: Does it barrel race? A: Quarter Horse A: thoroughbred Q: Is it a horse bred in the desert? A: arabian A: horse Q: Does it have fur, and related to the horse family, but is not a horse? A: llama Q: Is it eviomentally soud? Q: Is it clumsy? A: giraffe A: Llama A: giraffe Q: Do people ride on them a lot? Q: Is it from south America? Q: Is it a non-Domesticated Horse? A: wild mustang A: llama Q: Is there a theme park for it? A: killer whale Q: Is it a type of spotted horse that indians rode? Q: Does it have spots all over its body? Q: Does it only have spots on one part of its body? A: appaloosa horse A: paint horse A: appaloosa Q: Does it live on a farm? Q: Does it hace four hoofs? Q: Is it a donkey? A: donkey Q: Is it a race horse that is not a thoroughbred? Q: Is a horse that is spotted? A: appaloosa Q: Are you part Thoroughbred? A: Appendix Quarter Horse Q: Hahha, does it hold its tail high when it runs, and does it have a dished face? A: Arabian Q: Is it a Quarterhorse but has a dorsal stripe? A: Dun Quarter horse Q: Does it have a small head and hold it''s tail up high? A: Arabian Horse A: quarter horse Q: Is it another word for a girl donkey? A: jenny Q: Is this a horse that originated in the Netherlands? A: Fresian Q: Does its name have connection with the horse QUARTER-mile sprints? A: American Quarter Horse Q: Is it a mix of Barb, Andalucian, Arab, and Thoroughbred? A: Salerno horse Q: Is it the oldest breed of horse on earth? A: arab Q: Is this a breed of horse often used for endurance races? Q: Is it a cross between two popular breeds? A: AraAppaloosa Q: Is it an American Symbol? A: Buckskin Mustang Q: Is it a horse that you ride in the desert? A: Pure Bred Arabian Horse A: Akhal-Teke Horse Q: Is its fur full of tight curls? A: Bashkir Curly Horse Q: Did it originate in Tennessee? A: Tennessee Walking Horse Q: Is it black and white? A: cow A: horse A: milk cow Q: Was it originated in Britin? A: Thoroughbred Q: Is it a certain type of horse? Q: Is it wild? A: mustang A: Paso Fino A: horse Q: Does it moo? Q: Is it green? A: pickle A: cow Q: Does it swim in the ocean? Q: Is it a mammal? an it dance on the water/? A: dolphin A: whale Q: Does it have hooves? Q: Does Santa use it? A: reindeer Q: Is it gray? A: donkey Q: Is its coat dark brown? Q: Does it have a cart on its back? A: harness horse Q: Is it found mostly in Dakota Navada? A: Mustang Q: Does it have huge, flat antlers? A: moose A: elk Q: Does it have horns and runs fast? A: antelope Q: Does it run wild in the American West? A: mustang Q: Does it pace? Q: Does it have black and white stripes? A: zebra A: Standardbred Horse A: mule deer Q: Is it a type of large dog? A: great dane Q: Is it a marsupial? A: kangaroo Q: Does it spit.? A: llama A: jaguar Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Does it live in the jungle? Q: Is it black and white? Q: Is this animal dangerous? A: Tiger A: zebra A: tiger Q: Is it related to the antelope? Q: Does it have a big tongue? A: okapi Q: Is it realated to impala? Q: Is it a crossbreed of a pony and a zebra? A: pozee A: Antelope A: impala Q: Is it Extinct? A: quagga Q: Is it a cross breed between a tiger and a lion? A: Liger A: zebra Q: Does it have spots? Q: Can you get bacon from it? A: pig Q: Is it the primary source of milk? A: cow Q: Is it domestic? Q: Does it make a high pitch noise? Q: Does it carry heavy loads? A: donkey A: goat Q: Is it a type of dog? A: st. bernard A: cheetah Q: Is it a cat? Q: Does it live in africa? Q: Do some people decroate with the pattern on its fur? Q: Is it bigger than a leopard? A: couger A: leopard A: cheetah A: leopard Q: Can it come in different colors? Q: Does it say heehaw? A: donkey A: dog Q: Is it black with tan spots? A: doberman pinscher Q: Is it in the deer family? A: Sika A: wolf Q: Is it a person? A: Bengal tiger Q: Does it have a terrible voice? Q: Does it have a snout? Q: Does it kick? Q: Does it have patches on its back? A: tipar A: miniature donkey Q: Doess it live in Australia? A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it live in Australia? A: Tasmanian devil A: pig Q: Is it hunted down for it''s meat? A: onager A: donkey Q: Does it drool? Q: Does this animal go hee-haw? A: donkey Q: Does it sleep standing up? A: horse Q: Is it from Chesapeke? A: Chesapeke Bay Retreiver Q: Is it a Shepherd that noone really knows about? A: Anatolian Shepherd Q: Does it have gold fur? A: golden retriever A: St. Bernard Q: Is it used in Alaska to pull sleds in races? A: huskie Q: Can it be milked? A: goat Q: Does it go, "Hee Hah!"? A: donkey Q: Does it have a baby joey? A: kangaroo Q: Is it a type of pony? A: Abyssinian Pony Q: Can you purchase it to hunt rodents? A: fire point siamese cat A: mouse Q: Is it grey? Q: Does it have a horn? Q: Is it used in the farm? Q: Does it like the water? A: water buffalo Q: Is it also have a NBA team named after it? A: bull A: ox Q: Does your animal live high in the mountains? Q: Does it live in Malaysia? A: Saladang A: Big Horn Sheep Q: Does it live in water? A: dolphin A: rhino Q: Does it swim? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does it have a big nose? A: hippo A: tortoise Q: Is it a carnivore? Q: Does it eat in the water? A: crocodile Q: Does it howl? A: wolf A: Horse Q: Does it wallow in mud? A: hippopotamus Q: Can it fight off an alligator? Q: Does it live in the woods? Q: Does it live in the forest? A: bear A: Bobcat Q: Is it extinct?? A: brontosaurus A: hippopotamus Q: Does it have stripes? A: tiger Q: Is it grey and can carry heavy things? Q: Does it have long ears? A: Donkey A: Arabian horse A: horse Q: Is your animal the largest animal in the world? Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Does it spout out water? A: whale A: Great White Shark A: blue whale Q: Does it only eat plants? Q: Is it a manatee? A: manatee Q: Is it a swiming mammal that is playful? Q: Does it have a fin? A: dolphin A: seal A: dolphin Q: Is your animal bigger than a dolphin? Q: Is it or has it ever been an endangered sea mammal? Q: Does this animal continuously grow teeth? A: great white shark Q: Is it playful? A: dolphin A: Florida sea manatee Q: Does it attack to blood scent? A: great white shark Q: Is it a fish? A: Whale shark A: killer whale Q: Is it in the dolphin family? Q: Is it like a porpoise? Q: Can you swim in the water with it? Q: DO SCIENTISTS THINK THIS ANIMAL CAN COMMUNICATE WITH HUMANS? Q: Is your animal like a porpoise, but not a porpoise? A: dolphin A: porpoise A: dolphin A: porpoise Q: Dose it have a long nose? Q: Does it have the word "White" in its name? A: White-Fin Dolphin A: bottle nose dolphin Q: Does it live in salt water? A: dolphin A: river dolphin Q: Does the animal that you are thinking of happen to have white tusks that are very long and sharp? A: walrus A: dolphin Q: Is it more than 4 foot tall? Q: Does it have more then one horn? A: goat Q: Does it make a braying sound? Q: Is it smaller than a donkey? A: mule Q: Is this animal used for logging work? A: Heavy Horse A: donkey Q: Does it have black hair? Q: Does it have horns? A: gnu Q: Is it part of a sport? A: horse Q: Does it eat from a trough? A: boar Q: Does it have a pouch and jump? A: kangroo A: donkey Q: Can you ride it down the Grand Canyon? Q: Is it known for being stubborn? A: donkey A: couger Q: Is it a kind of a horse? A: azteca Q: Is it known for it''s jumping abilities? A: kangaroo Q: Is it bigger than a horse? A: Tyranasaurous Rex A: horse Q: Is it fat? Q: Does it gore its enimies? Q: Does it have fur?.....does it live in the forest? A: bear Q: Is it giant or is it extinct? A: T REX A: wild boar Q: Does it have a mane? Q: Is it grey and eats carrots? A: donkey A: jackass A: elephant Q: Is it in the cat family? Q: Is it black?? A: puma A: lynx Q: Is it a herbivore? Q: Does it live in the north? Q: Does it help santa fly?/? A: donkey Q: Does it help santa fly? A: reindeer A: donkey Q: Is it a farm animal? A: donkey A: tapir Q: Dose it have a mane? A: horse Q: Does it have hooves? A: donkey A: wolf Q: Is it extinct? Q: Can you ride this animal? Q: Is it mentioned in the Bible? A: unicorn Q: Does it have claws? Q: Is it humungos and often in books they are green and have really really small hands? A: T-Rex Q: Does it live in the forest? A: bear A: raptor dinosaur Q: Is it a large, prehistoric animal? A: dinosaur A: horse A: quagga Q: Can it talk? Q: Does this animal have fins? Q: It has cute big black eyes? Q: Is the color of it''s skin black? A: killer whale A: dolphin Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Dose it have spots? A: spotted dolphin A: orca A: sea loin Q: Does it live in cold places? Q: Does it have fur? A: polar bear Q: Is it another word for a girl donkey? A: jenny Q: Is it a weird human? A: mongo A: human Q: Is it pink? A: pig Q: Can it climb walls? A: Spiderman Q: Does it have 4 legs? A: dog A: human Q: Is it very powerful? Q: Is this animal black? Q: Is it a sea mammal? Q: Does he live in swamps? A: hippo A: killer whale Q: Does it have horns? Q: Does your animal live in a cold climate? A: yak Q: Is this animal considered to be mean? A: bull A: cow Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Does it bark? A: dog A: zebra Q: Does it run in races? Q: Is it a breed of horse? A: Thoroughbred A: horse Q: Does it have black and white fur? A: panda Q: Is this animal generally found in captivity? A: black stallion Q: Is it a black draft horse? A: frisian A: black bear Q: Can it swim? Q: Does it live in Arctic seas? Q: Dose it bite? Q: Does it have a dorsal fin? A: orca - killer whale A: crocodile Q: Is Your Animal The Largest Mammal on Earth? A: blue whale A: beluga Q: Can it walk? Q: Can you put a saddle on it? Q: Does its name coincide with a middle eastern country? Q: Did this animal descend from prehistoric horses? Q: Does it have spots? A: appaloosa Q: Does it have horns? A: Impala A: camargue horse Q: Is this horse used @ ranches? A: quarter horse A: Arabian horse Q: Is its breed known for racing ? Q: Is it known for endurance racing? Q: Is it an American bred horse? A: quarter horse A: Arabian horse A: thoroughbred horse Q: Was it in the Christmas nativity scene? A: donkey Q: Is it white? A: polar bear Q: Is it a very large draft horse? Q: Is it wild? A: wild horse A: belgium horse Q: Is it a horse that is adapted to living in dry, arid places? A: arabian horse Q: Does it have spots on its coat? A: Appalossa horse Q: Can it run a quarter mile? A: quarter horse A: saddlebred horse Q: Is it white? A: polar bear Q: Does it have a mane? A: lion Q: Does it have a long tail? A: alligator Q: Is it an advark/? A: advark Q: Is it warm blooded? A: Elk A: tortoise Q: Is it a Pokemon? A: dewgong Q: Does it swim in water cooler than a dolphin? Q: Is it very large? Q: Is it a type of grouper? A: jew fish A: whale shark A: porpoise Q: Can it Bounce? A: kangaroo Q: Does it eat krill? A: shark whale A: dolphin Q: Does it live in the mountains? Q: Does it live in mountains? Q: Does it have a mane? Q: Does it have hooves? A: horse A: lion Q: Is this animal extinct? A: dinosaur Q: Does it have spots? A: cow Q: Is it a dog? A: saint bernard A: buffalo A: llama Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Does it have hooves? Q: Does it belong in the deer family? A: moose A: ox A: moose Q: Does it have a mane? Q: Is this animal used primarily for work? Q: Does it have four legs? Q: Does it have pointy ears? Q: Is it in the same family as the pony? Q: Does it have ''fluff'' on it''s hooves? Q: Was it used by cowboys? A: horse A: clydesdale horse Q: Is it a racehorse? A: Thoroughbred Horse A: horse Q: Does it have big hooves? A: clydesdale A: donkey A: horse A: donkey Q: Does it like apples? Q: Does this animal have a specific color? Q: Does it have shaggy hair? A: Buffalo Q: Is is wild? A: wild ass A: palamino horse Q: Is it really fast and runs in races? Q: Is it a type of wild equine? A: Mustang horse A: thoroughbred race horse!! A: horse Q: Does it have horns? Q: Does it have a long neck? A: giraffe Q: Does it have a very large head in proportion to the rest of its body? A: bison A: bull Q: Is it a carnivore? A: lion A: horse Q: Is it found in rodeos and a special Mexican event? Q: Does it have hoofs? Q: Can this animal be tamed? Q: Does you animal have horns? A: bull Q: Does it rhyme with mama? A: lama A: horse Q: Does it have two horns? A: Bull A: horse A: bull Q: Does it have large horns and is it used on farms for pulling? Q: Does it have a lot of hair? A: yak A: ox Q: Does it have a pouch to carry its babies in? A: kangaroo Q: Does your animal have spots? A: giraffe Q: Does it prefer cold climates? Q: Does it have legs? A: white tiger A: quivit Q: Does it live in the desert? Q: Is it a relative of the camel? A: llama A: camel Q: Was it hunted by Native Americans for food? Q: Does it have tusks? A: boar A: buffalo A: Galapagos turtle Q: Does it eat microscopic creatures? Q: What animal likes to fly out of the water & back in? A: dolphin Q: It''s a reptile.? A: alligator Q: Does it say giddy up? A: horse Q: Does it have white fur? A: baby seal A: manta ray Q: Does it give milk? Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Is it hunted in hunting season? Q: Does it live in a cold climate? A: Caribou A: deer Q: Dose it eat on its'' knees? A: takin A: reindeer Q: does it live on land? Q: Is it pink? A: pig Q: Does it chew its cud? Q: Did it graduate from ''Bovine University''? A: bovine Q: Does it have horns? Q: Has it been on veggie tales? A: cebu A: goat Q: Does it have a mane? A: donkey A: cow Q: Does it live in the mountains? A: yak Q: Does it have a pocket to carry its babies in? A: kangoroo Q: Is it a rodent? A: capybara Q: Does it moo? A: cow Q: Does it have small sturdy feet? A: donkey A: horse Q: Is it black and white? A: killer whale A: blue dolphin Q: Does it help farmers plough fields? Q: Is it stubborn? A: donkey Q: Does it make a noise? A: horse A: buffalo Q: Do you use it for playing rough sports such as racing, polo, etc? Q: Is it a wild horse? Q: Does it begin with a M? A: mustang A: Arab Horse A: horse Q: Does it roll around in mud? A: pig Q: Is it a native of South America? A: llama Q: Does it live in the water? Q: Does it live in the sea and have a shell? A: sea turtle A: stingray Q: Does it help carry stuff? A: ass Q: Does it run fast? A: Gazelle Q: Is it''s fur a dark shade? A: mule A: golden retriever Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does your animal live on land? Q: Is it a timid reptile that lives in sandy deserts of southwestern North America? A: desert tortoise A: giant tortoise A: sea turtle Q: Does it have horns? Q: Is it unusual? Q: Does it graze in the fields? Q: Is it extinct? A: triceratops A: moose A: longhorn Q: Santa? A: rodeo bull Q: Does it have velvet on it''s horns? A: deer A: bull Q: Can your animal run faster than a mule? Q: Is it a dinosaur? A: t-rex Q: Does it have scales? A: alligator Q: Is it black and white? A: zebra A: horse Q: Are they faster then a mule, do they have fire on them, are they a pokemon? A: ponyta Q: Does it say "Time for bed." a lot? A: Dad A: mule Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Does he slither? Q: Does it constrict its prey? Q: Does it have a movie? Q: Does it have blue feathers? A: bluejay Q: Is it bought at a pet shop? A: snake Q: Is it cat-like animal? A: tiger A: anaconda Q: Does it have a pattern on its body? Q: Can it curl up into a ball? Q: Do they live in the forest? Q: Does it hiss at its pray? Q: Does it squeeze the breath out of its prey? Q: In its second name does it have a K in it? A: Grass snake Q: Are they albino? A: ball python A: boa constrictor A: rattle snake A: snake Q: Does it have feet? A: ball python A: snake Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Does it have legs? A: crocodile Q: Is it small? A: boa consticter Q: Does it give off a deadly venom when biting someone or something? A: Boa constrictor A: python Q: Is it poisinous? A: cobra A: water snake Q: Is it big? Q: Is it red? A: snake A: green tree snake A: Burmese python Q: Is it extinct? Q: DOES IT LIVE IN ASIA? A: tiger Q: Does it live in water? A: lochness monster A: dinosaur Q: Is it the most poisonous type of snake? Q: Is your animal the second deadliest snake in the world and lives in Tasmania? A: tiger snake Q: Does it live in the sea? A: sea snake Q: Does it have veano? A: rattle snake Q: Does it live in water? A: shark A: banded krait Q: Is it part of the reptile family? Q: Is it the largest snake ever recorded in the world? A: anaconda Q: Does it live in the United States? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have beadlike skin, with small raised scales? A: Gila Monster A: five-lined skink Q: Does it live in the desert? A: rattlesnake Q: DOES IT SWIM? A: sea snake Q: Can you find it in your backyard? Q: Is It poisenis? A: coral snake A: garden snake A: ribbon snake Q: If it bites you, can you take two steps before you die? A: two-step snake Q: Does it live in Asia,eat birds(especially birds of prey!),Pygmy elephants and other reptiles? A: Southeast Asian Killer Boa A: komodo dragon Q: Was it an anphibian? A: celien Q: Does it eat belly buttons? A: belly button monster Q: Does it swim in Suoth America? A: electric eel Q: Can it go into suspended animation? A: lung fish Q: Is it from the cat family? A: tiger Q: Does it have four legs? A: Zebra A: snake Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Does it wash its food before eating it? Q: Does it live in South America? Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it have a " mask " on its'' face? Q: Is it sometimes white and black? A: tiger A: raccoon A: white tiger Q: Does it roar? A: tiger A: cotamundi Q: Is it a tiger? A: tiger Q: Is its tail ringed? Q: Does it look like it''s wearing a mask? A: raccoon Q: Does it bark? A: tyrannosaurus Q: Does it live in the Digital World? A: gatomon Q: Is Tom, (from Tom and Jerry), this kind of animal? A: cat A: ring-tailed lemur Q: Can it run fast? Q: Is it black and white? A: zebra Q: Is it a femail? Q: Does it have a sharp spear? A: Dark Witch A: liones Q: DO THEY STAY WITH THEIR FAMILY? A: RACOON A: jaguaur Q: Does it eat fish, or Does it live in Asia? A: fishing cat A: raccoon Q: Can it be a house pet? Q: Can it swim? Q: Does it smell dreadful? Q: Does it eat CAT food? Q: Doese it eat dog food? Q: Is it a wild, domesticated... thing? A: Ra-Ra A: dog Q: Is its closest relation a bear? A: ferret A: cat A: skunk Q: Is it a reptile? A: iguana Q: Does your animal have fur? Q: Is it a large animal? Q: Does it bark? A: great dane Q: Does it have the color orange on it? A: tiger A: grey striped cat Q: does it bark? A: German shepherd Q: Does it live in the wild? Q: Can it live Any where in the world no matter what climate? A: cat Q: Does it have a long nose? A: coati mundi A: ocelot Q: Can it catch mice? Q: Is it a type of domestic cat? Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it have very long hair? A: longhaired tabby A: red tabby A: manx A: cat A: cat A: fish Q: Is it a normal house pet? Q: Does it eat carrots and other vegetables? A: guinea pig Q: It is relate to a cat but not a cat? Q: Does he eat meat? Q: Do it like to eat and sleep? A: cat A: karla A: kitten A: cat Q: Does it change color? A: chameleon Q: Does it smell like roses? A: tiger Q: Is it black and white? Q: Is it slow? A: sloth A: skunk Q: Is your animal like a cat? A: tiger Q: Is it some type of meat-eater? A: raptor A: ferret Q: Does it run very fast and attack Zebras? Q: Is it in the cat family? Q: Does he have a mane? Q: Does it have stripes? Q: Is it from neoplieon dynamite? A: liger A: tiger Q: Does it have spots and a mane? A: leon A: lion Q: Does it run in herds? Q: Is it black and white? Q: Is it part of the BIG cat group? A: white tiger A: zebra Q: Does it have yellow and orange stripes? A: cheetah A: tiger Q: Does your animal have spots? Q: Does it have five claws? Q: Can it run up to 60 miles an hour? Q: What tony on the cereal box is? A: tiger A: cheetah Q: Is it endangered? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: leopard A: jaguar A: civet cat Q: Does it''s speeds reach over 70 miles per hour? A: cheetah A: leopard Q: Is it bigger than a regular tiger? Q: Is it white? A: Siberian tiger Q: Is it a cross between a tiger and something else? A: liger Q: Does it have 2 really long teeth in the front? A: sabertooth tiger A: tiger Q: Does your animal live in Africa? Q: Does the animal have spots? A: cheetah Q: Is the animal white? A: white tiger A: tiger Q: Is your animal white? Q: Is it''s fur completely white? A: snow tiger A: regular white tiger A: tiger Q: Is it an endangered species? Q: Does it run fast? Q: Dose it have strips? A: tiger A: cheetah A: tiger Q: Do they eat termites? A: armadillo Q: It has short black furry hair? Q: Can it crush the bones of an elephants foot with its teeth? A: hyena A: dog A: lynx Q: Is it a Marsupial? Q: Is it a dog like wolf? A: Tasmanian wolf Q: Was the last one dead in 1936? A: Tasmanian wolf Q: Does it eat almost everything? Q: Does it eat wallabies? A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it have a skinny tail? A: opossum A: raccoon Q: Does its pouch open backwards? Q: Can it leap 40 feet to tree to tree? A: tree kangaroo A: Tasmanian wolf Q: Does it live in the trees? A: three toed sloth Q: Have people tried to tame it as a house cat as a kitten but always fail? A: Ocolot A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it use an odor to protect themselves from predators? Q: Is it a Michiganian team mascot? Q: Does it jump really high? A: kangaroo A: wolverine Q: Does this animal eat termites? Q: Does it have a strip down its back? A: aardwolf A: skunk Q: Does it live in Africa? A: zorilla Q: Are they all the same colour? Q: Dog it live with prairy dogs? A: Black Footed Ferret A: skunk A: panda Q: Do you have one with you? Q: Is it like a dog? Q: Can it shape-shift? A: Wolger A: Tasmanian wolf Q: Is it a member of the weasel family? A: wolverine Q: Is it a predator? Q: Does it hiss and have tufts of fur on its ears? A: bob cat Q: Is it a kind of cat? Q: Does it start with the word Bengal? A: Bengal tiger Q: Does it live in the wild? A: tiger A: tabby cat A: badger Q: Does it have horns? A: pronghorn Q: Does it have stripes all over its body that glow at night and strikes the mess out of people if they see them? A: pokemon called umbreon A: zebra Q: Is it a female? Q: Is it mean? Q: Is it an extinct species from Australia? Q: Is it extinct ,has scaley skin, and attacks anything moving slow? A: Raptor A: Tasmanian tiger Q: Is it a part of the feline family? Q: Is it the largest living cat in the world?? A: Siberian tiger Q: Is it hairless? A: shark Q: Does it live in only north america? A: lynx Q: Does it have spots and stripes? A: genet A: tiger Q: Is it a scavenger? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: zebra Q: Does it eat sea turtle eggs? A: coati mundi Q: Does it make a den underground? A: badger A: hyena Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it hunt it''s prey with others? Q: Is he from bengalia and asia? A: tiger A: velociraptor A: t rex Q: Is it a medium sized psycho animal? A: badger Q: Do you eat bamboo? A: panda Q: Does it live in a den? A: badger A: raccoon Q: Does it live in extreme cold? Q: Is it Cross-eyed? A: white tiger A: penguin Q: Is it a nocturnal hunter? Q: Is it a feline that is seen mostly in zoos? A: tiger A: genet Q: Does it live in water? A: sailfish Q: Does it have four legs? Q: Does it bamboo? A: panda Q: Does it live by the river? A: tapir A: zebra Q: Does it have a long, bushy tail? A: squirrel A: tigress Q: Is it in the cat family? Q: Does it have black hair on its ears that sticks up? Q: Is this animal extinct? A: saber-toothed tiger Q: Is this animal a large cat? Q: Does it fish? A: fishing cat Q: Does it live in Europe? Q: Does it have stripes? A: bengal tiger A: Lynx A: tiger Q: Does this animal stand up on their hind legs to warm up their bellies and watch out for preditors? A: Meercat Q: Is it sometimes kept for illegal pets? A: Oclota A: lynx Q: Does it have two very large front teeth? Q: Is it endangered? Q: Is it white with black stripes and rare? A: white tiger Q: Does it live in the jungles of India? A: Bengal tiger Q: Is it make beleive? A: liger Q: Is it extinct? A: java A: Siberian tiger Q: Does it have a lot of fur around its head? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it a kind of tiger? Q: Did it live in the ice age? A: saber-toothed tiger A: caspian tigers A: saber-toothed tiger A: lion Q: Does it live in the ocean? A: shark A: sabre toothed tiger Q: Is it the same size as a linx? Q: Is it white? A: white tiger Q: Does it hunt for food? Q: Is it half lion half tiger? A: liger Q: Does it catch fish? A: Fishing Cat A: tiger A: bobcat Q: Is it white with black stripes? Q: Is smaller than a tiger and lives in a cold climate? A: snow leopard Q: Is it the color white? A: white tiger A: siberian tiger Q: Are they famous for attacking snakes? A: Mongoose Q: Is it chinese? A: Chinese tiger Q: Is it Indo-chinese? A: Indo-chinese tiger Q: Does it live around Bengal bay? A: Bengal tiger Q: Is it an animal that is forced to breed? Q: Is it only found in a zoo? A: liger A: tion A: tiger Q: Is it in the canine family? Q: Is it smaller than a wolf? Q: Does it try to steal food from hyenas? A: jackal A: Tasmanian tiger Q: Is this animal extinct? Q: Is it green? A: monster A: Tasmanian tiger Q: Is it a dog pok�mon? A: arcanine Q: Does it live by itself? A: tiger A: wolf Q: Is it the closest relative to the giraffe? A: okapi Q: Does a lion eat it? Q: Does it eat leaves? Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it have horns? A: gnu A: zebra A: opaki A: zebra Q: Does it burrow? Q: Does it eat trash? A: raccoon Q: Does it belong to the reptile family? Q: Does it live in Hot Climate? A: gila monster A: goanna Q: Is it a member of the rodent family? A: viscacha A: badger Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it have short arms and a large head? Q: Does it dwarf T-rex? A: Giganotosaurus A: t-rex Q: It has Stripes? Q: Is it a reptile? Q: Is it a very intelligent raptor from mongolia? A: Velociraptor A: Procompsognathus Q: Was it killed off by humans? A: Saver Tooth Tiger A: Asian Striped Unicorn A: velociraptor Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it have spines in its dorsal fin? A: walleye pike Q: Is it''s body very long? Q: Is it a Feared Animal? A: Tiger Shark A: eel A: tiger shark Q: Is it in the RACOON family? Q: Is it a wild animal? Q: Does it live in China? A: red panda Q: Does it eat rats and mice? A: coati mundi A: racoon A: cacomistle Q: Does it lift it`s arms over it`s head when it walks? Q: Does it come after Electabuzz? A: electaboyde Q: Does it jump to move across the ground? A: lemur A: electabuzz Q: Does it eat fish? A: striped black bear Q: Does it have a long neck? A: giraffe Q: Does it have long claws? Q: Does it eat bamboo? A: panda Q: Does it eat Tigers? A: Forest Dragon Q: Does it eat meat? A: clouded leopard A: sloth Q: Is it like a lizard? A: Salamander A: ring-tailed lemur Q: Does it have stripes all over its body? Q: Does it swim? Q: Does it have four legs? Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Can it walk on water? A: Water dragon A: raccoon Q: Does it have a shell? A: turtle Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Is it cold blooded? A: Goanna Q: Is it part of the horse family? A: zebra A: giraffe A: zebra Q: Does it have spines and is poisonous? A: lionfish Q: Does it have orange on its body? Q: Is it a gamefish common to the United States? A: freshwater perch A: zebrafish Q: Is this animal magical? A: water nymph Q: Does it live in estuarys around florida? A: Sheephead Fish A: clownfish Q: Is it prickly? Q: Does it run fast? A: cheetah Q: Does it have eight legs? A: tarantula A: horned lizard Q: Is it related to a horse? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it get eatin'' by lions and tigers? A: zebra A: quagga Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Is it a "peter"? Q: Is it an herbivore? A: zebra A: peter Q: Is it a tiger? A: white siberan tiger Q: Is it tall? Q: Is it white and black striped? Q: Is it man''s best friend? A: dog A: zebra A: giraffe Q: Is it related to a giraffe? A: okapi A: zebra A: zebra Q: Does it have stripes on its body and can be a pet? Q: Does it produce a bad smell? A: skunk Q: Does it have long ears? A: rabbit Q: Is it a friend of Winnie the Pooh? A: tigger Q: DOES IT HAVE NO TAIL? A: Manx A: tabby cat Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it look like it has a mask? A: raccoon Q: Does this animal live under your bed, in your closet, or somewhere else that''s scary? A: large, striped, weird scary monster Q: Is it tall? Q: Is this animal from a show? A: tigger Q: Is it a bird? A: emu A: giraffe Q: Does it have hard & rough skin? A: armadillo Q: Is it a Pokemon that evolves from Growlithe? A: arcanine Q: Wild animal with stripes? Q: Does it live in the mountains? Q: Is it a predator? A: ocelot A: alpaca Q: It is related to the cat? A: jaguar A: zebra Q: Can you milk it? A: cow A: panda Q: Does a shape and live in warm seas? A: nautilus pompilius A: giraffe Q: Does it live in the forest? Q: Does it have a very long nose? Q: Was it not discovered until the 50''s? Q: Does it live in the rain forest? Q: Is it related to the giraffe? A: Okapi Q: Does it eat ants? A: tamandua anteater A: Taper A: okapi Q: Does it have a stripe going down its back? A: skunk Q: Is it bigger than an anteater? A: Tapir A: anteater Q: Does it stink? Q: Is it black with a single white stripe down its back? A: skunk A: tapir Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Is it a relative of the giraffe? A: okapi Q: Does it have horns? A: oryx Q: Dose it have long feathers? A: Peacock A: giraffe Q: Does it live in China? Q: Does it swing from trees and like to eat bananas? A: monkey Q: Is it black and white only? A: giant panda Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Could it change colors? A: chameleon A: red panda Q: Does it have more then 4 legs? A: spider A: links cat Q: Does it have long spiralling horns? Q: Does it have large ears? Q: Is it like a wolf? A: WereNack Q: Is it orange? A: Bongo A: greater kudu A: nyala Q: Does it have spikes down its back? Q: Does it have spikes down its back? A: iguana A: iguana Q: Is it in the hyena family? A: ardwolf Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it live in trees? A: lemur Q: Does it have long horns ? A: Bongo Q: Does it have thin, horizontal stripes and spots on its body? Q: Does it hop 20 feet in the blue sky? A: Neeckey A: Bushbuck A: okapi Q: Does it have scales and a long tongue? Q: Does it live in a big tank? A: iguana A: lizard Q: Does it have a black stripe across his eyes? A: raccoon Q: Does it glide tree to tree? Q: Long tails? Q: Lives in madagascar? A: ring tail lemur A: flying squirrel A: ring tail lemur Q: Does it live in its own shell? A: snapping turtle Q: Is it a real animal? Q: DOES IT HAVE RINGS AROUND IT''S TAIL? Q: Does it live in Madagascar? A: ring tailed lemur A: racoon Q: Does your animal have eight legs? Q: Was it a huge scotish scorpion that died out 300mya? A: Pulmonoscorpius kirktonensis A: goliath bird-eating spider A: water chevrotain A: pikachu Q: Does it swim? Q: Does it have a bill? Q: Does it have gills? A: striped marlin A: penguin Q: Is it one of the largest mammals in the ocean today? Q: Is it the largest creature on earth? A: blue whale A: whale shark Q: Does it have a shell? A: tortoise Q: Does it "live" in water in addition to "does it swim?"? Q: Does it have spikes? A: pufferfish Q: Do people keep it sa a pet? Q: Does it live in a fish tank? A: Angel Fish A: oscar ( cichlid ) Q: Does it sting? A: jellyfish Q: Is it black and white? A: pangwin Q: Does it have legs? A: squid A: rainbow trout Q: It is native to North America? A: pronghorn antelope Q: Is it related to pigs, OR Does it live in South America? A: tapir A: okapi Q: Is it half horse, half zebra? Q: Does your animal have stripes on its back, a horse like face, and live in Africa? Q: Does it jump instead of walking? A: gazelle A: okapi Q: Does it have horizontal stripes on its legs only? A: onanga A: quagga Q: Is its tongue black? Q: Does it have horns? Q: Are its horns in the shape of a spiral? A: kudu Q: Does it rhyme with cantaloupe? A: antelope A: eland Q: Does it eat termites? A: aardvark Q: Does it steink? A: skunk A: giraffe Q: Does it spray? A: skunk Q: Is it big? Q: Does it have an oxlike head? Q: Does it have curved horns? Q: Is it an orangish color? A: antalope A: gnu A: beisa orynx Q: Does it eat ants and termites? A: aardvark Q: Do the males of the animal your thinking of have horns? Q: Does it have spirally twisted horns? A: eland A: antelope Q: Is it a pokemon? Q: Dose it have a long tail? A: riachu A: pokemon pikachu Q: Is it a big, extinct, koala like primate? A: megaladapis A: impala Q: Does it move elegantly? Q: Does it climb trees? Q: Does it have camlaflouge?? A: lizard A: cat Q: Is it related to a giraffe? A: okapi Q: Is it a domestic animal? A: shihtzu A: gazelle Q: Is it a domestic animal? A: cat Q: Does it have a blue tail? A: blue-tailed skink Q: Does it eat Ants? A: ant eater Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it live in the savanna? Q: Dose it have hooves? A: gazelle A: meerkat A: coatimundi A: lizard Q: Does it have a curly tail? Q: Does it eat fruit? Q: Does it live in water? Q: Is it FAT? Q: Does it bark? A: dog A: hippopotamus Q: Is it covered in sugar? A: peep A: pigamotomus Q: Does it climb trees? Q: Is it slow? Q: Does it have 2 toes? Q: Does it have a pouch for its young? Q: Does it live in the rainforest? A: sloth A: opossum Q: IS IT NICE TO ITS OWN KIND? A: yeddy A: 2-toed sloth Q: Does it live in Australia? Q: Is it related to the monkey? A: baboon A: possum Q: Does it change colors? A: chameleon A: 3-toed sloth Q: Is it a possum? Q: Does it look like a small bear? A: panda A: opossum Q: Does it live in the rain forest? Q: Does if live in the rain forest of Madagascar? Q: Is it common for "crying" in the morning? A: gibbon Q: Does it change colours? A: chameleon A: monkey Q: Does it eat a lot of bananas? Q: Does your animal run fast? Q: Can it hold its food in its hands or paws? A: monkey A: cheetah Q: Does it screech? A: howler monkey A: monkey Q: Does it live on the ground in South America? A: coati Q: Is it the color of golden honey? A: kinkajou Q: Does it live in the forest? Q: Does it live in the forests of Australia and New Guinea? Q: Does it have small eyes? A: tree kangaroo A: red panda Q: Is it a nocturnal monkey? A: Duraculi A: bear A: spider monkey Q: Are you one? A: human Q: Does it eat nuts? Q: Can you have it as a pet at home? A: rabbit Q: Is it tall and rough-haired? A: grizzly bear Q: Does it swing from tree to tree? A: monkey A: squirrel A: monkey Q: Does it live on a farm? Q: Does it have long ears? Q: Does it hop instead of walk from place to place? Q: Does it have stripes? A: kangaroo A: pig Q: Is it pink..........or `Does it have a snout.? A: pig Q: Do you shave it? A: goat Q: Does it make an unusual sound? A: Donkey A: rabbit Q: Does it has golden furs? Q: Is it norwegian? A: Norwegian Elkhound A: golden retriever Q: Is it one of the most popular animals? Q: Is it pink? Q: Abbadadadadda That''s all Folks? A: Porky Pig A: pig Q: Does is like eating? Q: Is it white? A: rat Q: Does it bark? A: Norwegian elkhound A: pig A: cat A: pig Q: Is it a pet? Q: Is it a cousin to the pig? A: pot belly pig Q: Does this animal have its own scent? Q: Is it cat-like? Is it very independent? Q: Does it have long hair? A: lahsa apso A: chow chow Q: Does your animal range in sizes from 3 feet or less to 5 feet? Q: Is the most common color black and tan? A: german shepard A: alaskan malamute A: ferret Q: Is it a pokemon that breathes fire? Q: Does it evolve from vulpix? A: ninetails A: Vulpix Q: Does it spit at you? A: lama A: dog Q: Does it have horns, a long tongue, and live on an island? Q: Does this animal have the scales like a dragon, the body form and head of a unicorn and live in ancient Chinese myth? A: rhin kinn Q: Does it live on Australia? A: kangaroo A: iguana Q: Does it hop? Q: Is it smaller? Q: Does it have a pouch? A: kangaroo A: rat A: kangaroo Q: Does it howl? A: coyote Q: Is it native to the sonoron desert? A: javelina Q: Does it bark? A: dog Q: Is it extinct? A: mammoth Q: Does it swing? A: monkey Q: Does it sleep upside down? A: possum Q: Is it a cartoon character? Q: Does it have tusks? A: boar A: taz Q: Does it have short horns coming from the sides of it''s mouth? A: warthog Q: Does it have one long horn in the middle of its head? A: unicorn A: armadillo Q: Is it a domestic animal? Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it purr? Q: Does it have a mane? Q: does it roar? Q: Does it barks? A: dog A: lion A: cat Q: Is it from Thailand? A: saiamesecat Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it eat small animals? A: leopard A: Cheetah A: cat Q: Is it a hunting dog? Q: Does it bark? Q: Is it a dog that is most wolf? A: wolf dog Q: Does it hunt ducks? A: German short-haired Pointer A: dog Q: Does it have long hair? A: golden retriever A: basenji Q: Does it pull sleds? Q: Does it come from the Arctic? Q: It is more pure bred? Q: Does it have blue eyes? Q: Is it completely white? A: spitz A: siberian husky Q: Is it white with brown eyes? A: samoyed A: malamute A: Siberian husky Q: Does it come from Norway? A: Norwegian elkhound Q: Does it have blue eyes or blue and brown eyes? Q: Does it jump? A: kangaroo A: husky A: akita Q: Does it like mud? Q: Does it round up sheep? A: Border Collie A: pig Q: Does it live in Asia? Q: Is it a type of dog? Q: Does it snore? Q: Is it Black? A: black chinese pug Q: Has it a long coat? A: shihtzu A: pug Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it herd sheep? A: Sheep Dog A: dalmation A: chow chow Q: Does it have spots? A: leopard A: komodo dragon Q: Does it have horns? Q: Was it a dog? A: dog Q: Does it baaa? A: Goat A: rhinoceros Q: Does it have furry hair? Q: Is it shorter than a Chow chow? Q: Is it like a tiger? A: lion Q: Does it like cold weather? A: husky dog Q: Does it have a pushed in face? Q: Does it have long hair? Q: Does it have a foreign-sounding name? A: shih tzu A: pekingnese Q: Is it bowlegged? A: bulldog A: pug Q: Does it have a curly coat? A: Poodle A: Pomeranian Q: Does it have LONG legs? Q: Is it a dog that is almost the size of a horse? Q: Is it usually white or peach colored? A: great pyrenees A: saint bernard A: afghan hound Q: Does it herd sheep? Q: Is it a smaller version of a canine movie star? Q: Does it have a long nose? A: collie A: shetland sheep dog Q: Are there many other breeds of dog starting with "Belgian"? A: Belgian Tervuren Q: Does it help policemen? A: German Shepard A: border collie Q: Does O.J. Simpson have this type of dog? A: akita Q: Is it a native of Asia? A: chow chow Q: Is it black and white? A: Border Collie A: Norwegian Elkhound Q: Does it have a cute face? Q: Is it popular? Q: Is it all white? A: maltese Q: Has it got a high-pitched bark? A: Pomeranian A: bulldog Q: Has it got a curlly coat? A: Curly-Coated Retriver A: pug dog Q: Does it have a corkscrew tail? Q: Is it a very big dog? A: rot A: english bulldog A: dog Q: Does it eat meatloaf? Q: Does it catch theives? Q: Does it have scales? A: crocodile A: dog A: pig Q: Does it provide wool? A: sheep Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it live in ponds? A: fish A: whale Q: Is it a reptile that can change colors to match it''s surroundings? A: chameleon Q: Does it graze on grass? Q: Is it pink? A: Pig A: cow A: pig Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is its best friend a monkey? Q: Is it feline? Q: Does this animal move slowly? A: three toed sloth A: pika paka pooka Q: Does it have a trunk? A: elephant Q: Is it the size of a medium dog? A: tasmanian devil A: spider monkey Q: Is it fast? Q: Can it jump high? Q: Does it hunt? Q: Does it travel in packs? Q: Does it have dots? Q: Is it the fastest animal on four legs? A: cheeta A: leopard Q: Do the males have manes? A: lion Q: Is it a type of neopets? A: lupe Q: Does it live in Australia? A: dingo A: wolf Q: Is it a lion? A: lion Q: Can you use them in a pet show? A: dog Q: Is it black? A: panther Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it live in the Himlayas? A: snow leopard Q: Does it climb trees and haul 200 pounds up a tree with its bare teeth? A: jaguar A: cheetah Q: Is it half-man, half-lion? A: Narshima Q: Is it related to the fox? A: Maned Wolf A: cougar Q: Does it have horns? A: gazelle Q: Does the animal carry her baby in a pouch on her stomach? A: kangaroo Q: Is it a police dog? A: German shepherd Q: Is it a police dog? A: German shepherd Q: Is it gold? A: golden retriever A: collie Q: Are they people''s best friend? Q: Is it wild? A: dingo A: dog Q: Does it have long neck? A: giraffe Q: Does it live in the rainforest? Q: Is it a relative to the pig? A: wild boar Q: Does it have a horn on it''s nose? A: Rhino A: anteater Q: Is it a large fluffy animal? Q: Does it eat rabbits? Q: Are they grey? A: wolves Q: Do they live in the desert? A: coyote Q: Is it mainly found in Australia? A: dingo Q: Is it foxy? A: fox A: lion Q: Dose it live in the artic? A: artic wolf A: buffalo Q: Does it have a big mouth? Q: Does it live on land? Q: Does this animal live in Austrialia? A: dingo Q: Is itfrom the jurrassic period? A: t.rex A: lion A: hippopotamus Q: I told you it has a curly tail//Does it have tusks? A: warthog Q: Did it eat rabbits? Q: Does it run as fast as 72 miles per hour? Q: Does it live in australia? A: tasmanian wolf A: cheetah A: fox Q: Is it the fastest animal on Earth? A: cheetah A: deer Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it live in North America? Q: Does it have a curly tail? A: hippo A: manatee Q: Can it fly? A: penguin A: hippopotamus Q: Does it live on a farm? Q: Is it a male or a female pig? Q: Is the female called a sow? A: pig Q: Does it say oink? A: pig A: sow Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it have very thin small hair? Q: Does it make milk? A: cow Q: Is it small? A: pig A: chow chow A: sheep Q: Does it have a tough hide? A: hippo A: pig Q: Does it live on the continent of Africa and roam the Savanna? Q: Does it have a snout? Q: Does your animal eat insects? Q: Does it have tusks? Q: Is its coat a rusted red colour? A: Red River Hog A: wart hog Q: Does it roll up? Q: Is it currently endangered? A: Pangolin A: armadillo A: ant eater A: wart hog Q: Does it hop? A: kangaroo Q: Is it gray? Q: Does it live in Africa, and has a very large mouth and gray skin like armor? A: hippopotamus A: elephant Q: Does it est meet? Q: Does it have circles with spots in it on its coat? A: Leopard A: lion Q: Does it have a long neck? A: giraffe A: buffalo Q: Is it a house pet? Q: Does It Or Anything Like It Like To Play With A Ball Or A Frisbee? A: small house dog A: cat Q: Is it red? A: devil Q: Is it brown in color? Q: Is it the slowest animal on Earth? A: 3-toed sloth Q: Does it eat ants? A: anteater Q: Is it part of the Canine Family? A: dingo Q: Does it have tusks? A: wild boar Q: Does it have big paws? A: Bob Cat A: Ardvark Q: Does it have greyish hair? Q: Is it related to the Chinchilla ? A: mountain viscacha A: wolf Q: DOES IT LIVE IN THE OCEAN? A: sea horse Q: Is it in the cat family? A: panther A: anteater Q: Is it a dog? Q: Does it have curly fur? Q: Does it dig a lot? Q: He is a hound dog? A: beagle A: lab A: poodle A: German shepherd husky Q: Does it rattle? Q: Does it lay 5000000 miilion eggs? A: conor A: snake Q: Does it live in the sea? Q: is it king of the sea? A: shark Q: Does it come after horsea?? A: seadra Q: Does it say "Squirtle Squirt"? A: squirtle Q: Is it blue with purple hair? A: seawinkle the mlp seapony Q: Is it slimy and long? Q: Is it shaped like a triangle with a long tail? A: stingray A: eel A: sea horse Q: Does it like to roll in mud? A: pig Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it fatter? A: cow Q: Does it have a spotted tail? A: Jaguar A: leopard Q: Does it looks like a lizard? Q: Do its colors change to match its surroundings? Q: Where does it live? A: komodo dragon A: chameleon Q: Does it strangle its victims? A: boa constrictor Q: Was it a carnivor and a type of dinosaur? Q: Is it about as big as a person? A: aligator A: trex Q: Is it an African predator that could eat gazelles of the same size? A: Nile Monitor A: komodo dragon Q: Is it a Pokemon that evolves into Persian? A: meowth Q: Does it slither? Q: Does it live in trees? A: Green Tree Python A: cobra Q: Does it have long tail? Is it dirty? Q: Is it a big animal? Q: Is it a mix between a tiger and a lion? A: Liger Q: Is it known for being mean? A: razorback A: elephant A: rat Q: Does it live in Australia? A: koala Q: It is related to pigeons? A: dodo bird Q: Dose it have a foul? A: horse A: bear Q: Does it like to chew bones? Q: Does it have scales? Q: Does it have two toes? Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Does it fly and cry? A: Sobbing Parrot Q: Is it a type of dinosaur? Q: Dose it go places in groups? A: rapter A: t. rex A: alligator Q: Is it from the island of komodo? A: komodo dragon A: two-toed sloth Q: Is it a shark, native to Aulstralia? A: black tip reef shark Q: Is it''s body segmented with three claws and a four way mouth? Q: Is it a dionsaur? A: t- rex Q: Can it bellie crawel? A: crocodile Q: Does it have stripes? A: tiger Q: Does it have the word dragon in its name? Q: Does it have wings and is it pink? A: pink dragon A: bearded dragon Q: Does it have small arms? A: tranusarus rex A: prewania-tofua Q: Did it live in the ocean and attacked ships in stories? Q: Does it have sharp teeth, live in warm water, grow to 20 feet long, and really exsist? Q: Does it appear as a main character in any novels? A: shark Q: Does his head look like a hammer? A: hammerhead shark A: salt water crocadile Q: Does it have seven heads full of razor sharp teeth? A: Hydra A: sea serpent Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it a carnivor? Q: Is it disgruntled, have many heads that multiply when you cut them off, and poisonous venom? A: hydra Q: Does it have a big claw? Q: Does it have two claws? A: T-Rex A: velociraptor Q: Does it name mean Alarming Lizard? A: Tarbosaurus A: t-rex A: deinonychus Q: Does it spread out fire? A: dragon Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it a dog? Q: Is it black and white? A: springer spanle A: golden retriver Q: Does it have a fire sack? A: Great Ice Dragon Q: Does it live near Puerto Rico and sucks the life out of animals? A: El Chupacabra A: Chimera Q: Is it a South American alligator-like reptilian? Q: Can its spit kill a large animal? A: Komodo Dragon A: cayman Q: Is it long and thin? Q: Does it have four green legs? Q: Does it have poison in its suliva? A: komodo dragon A: crocodile Q: Does it live in swamps? A: anaconda Q: Is it black and very poisonous? Q: Does it look like a dragon on four legs and venoumous? A: komodo dragon A: black mamba Q: Is it a slimmy predator with two mouths and knows Sigorney Weaver? A: Alien from the movie Aliens A: python Q: Is it big enough to swallow a kid whole? A: komodo dragon Q: Does it use the death roll to tear flesh of a animal? Q: A yugioh card? A: great white shark A: crocodile Q: Does it have a glowy thing attached to its head that lights up, so it can catch its prey? A: angler fish A: komodo dragon Q: Does it have a mane? Q: Is it related to a wolf? Q: Is it a relative of a dog? Q: Does your animal live in Brazil? Q: Does it rhyme with bingo? A: dingo Q: Does it have spots? A: laughing hyena A: maned wolf Q: Is it a yellowish color? Q: Is it in the Greek myth called Heracles? Q: Does it make a good house pet? A: golden lab A: nemean lion Q: Does it have a lot of hair on its head? A: lion A: coyote Q: Is it a household pet? Q: Is it used to herd animals like sheep and cows? Q: Is it sable and white, blue merle, or tri colored? Q: Do the females weigh around 60 pounds? A: collie Q: Did The Breed Originate From Germany ? A: German shepherd A: shetland sheepdog Q: In its early history was it called a ''toonie dog''? A: shetland sheepdog Q: Is your animal somewhat chubby looking with short, stumpy legs? A: welsh corgi (dog) Q: Can It Be Sable, Black And Tan, Black And Silver ? A: German shepherd A: border collie(dog) Q: Is it a typically mean teddy-bear-looking Chinese dog? A: chow Q: Is it solid black with no tail? A: schipperke Q: It has a very stubby tail? A: schnauzer A: sheltie Q: Is it a scavenger? Q: Is it a pack with an alpha? A: wolf Q: Dose it have REALLY long legs? A: Maned Wolf A: hyena Q: Is it the mythical protecter of the world? Q: Is it a wolf type creature that is human untill a full moon appears through the clouds? A: werewolf A: The Silver Wolf A: lioness Q: Does it herd dogs? Q: Does it live in a jungle? A: lion A: shetland sheepdog Q: Does it live in the jungle? A: lion Q: Does it take on a different form when there''s a full moon? A: werewolf Q: Is it a fantastic animal ? A: nacknar A: maned wolf Q: Is it afraid of a lion? Q: Does it walk on 4 legs? Q: Does this animal help blind people? A: golden retriever Q: Does it have an insane laugh? Q: A type of dog but not wild? A: yellow lab A: hyena Q: Does like bananas? A: monkey Q: Does it run fast? A: cheetah A: gnu A: human being Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it live in asia? A: African lion Q: Is it a disney character? A: Simba Q: Do they come from pride rock and the outlands? A: Kovu and Kiara Simba and Nala and Scar A: asian lion Q: Does it live in Mountains? Q: Is this animal extinct? A: cave lion A: mountain lion Q: Does it live in Asia? Q: Is it bigger than an elephant and hairy? Q: Does it extinct? A: dinosaur A: mammoth A: Asiatic lion Q: Does it reside in a labyrinth? A: Minotaur Q: Are they all gone?(extinct)? Q: Does it have the word mane in its name? A: dog with a mane (called a dane of mane) A: Smildon(Saber-Tooth Cat) A: lion Q: Is it very fast? Q: Does it live in snow-covered areas? Q: Does it live in packs? Q: Can this animal be a pet? Q: Does it live in wooded areas? Q: Is it black with brown feet, nose, and chest? Q: Does it live in the wild? Q: Can it be bred by people? A: clouded leopard A: wolf A: rottweiler Q: Is it an evil creature? A: Nacknar A: wolf Q: Is it mans best friend? A: dog Q: Is it so dangerous that it would hurt some one on purpose? A: arctic wolf A: husky Q: Is it grey? Q: Does it make a yipping sound instead of a howl? Q: Does it have large canine teeth? Q: Is it smaller that a wolf? A: red fox A: wolf Q: Does it swim? A: dolphin A: coyote A: wolf Q: Is it white? Q: Do they hibernate? Q: Is it a bear? A: polar bear A: arctic fox Q: Is it a member of the feline family? Q: Does it live on the mountais? Q: Is it white with black spots? A: snow leopard A: mountain lion Q: Does it live in Siberia? A: siberian tiger A: snow leopard Q: Do they howl at the artic moon and the northern lights? Q: It is a yugioh card? A: silver fang A: artic wolf Q: Does it come in many different colours? A: human A: polar bear Q: is it red? Q: Does it have a bushy tail? A: fox Q: Is it extict? A: saber-tooth tiger A: red wolf Q: Does it have spots? Is it the fastest animal in the world? A: cheetah Q: Does it live in the Arc?tic? Q: Is this animal extinct? A: dire wolves A: wolf Q: Does it have a short tail? Q: Does it live on top of mountains? A: mountain lion Q: Is it extinct? A: sabre toothed tiger A: lynx Q: Does it have black fur? A: wolves Q: Is it brown or tan? Q: Does it live both in the water and out on land? Q: Can it talk? A: human A: beaver A: mountain lion A: coyote Q: Is it a hunted animal? Q: Is it a white animal? Q: Does it have spots? A: snow leopard Q: Is it related to dogs? A: arctic fox Q: Is this the name of a type of group of animals? A: bear A: polar bear Q: Does it catch fish? Q: Does it weigh more than 30 pounds? Q: Is it brown? Q: Does it weigh more than 400 pounds? A: grizzly bear Q: Does it have pointed ears? A: lynx A: cougar Q: Does it live in the mountains? Q: Does it have tusks? A: saber-tooth tiger Q: Is it ugly? A: cougar A: Leopard A: wolverine Q: Is its coat white in the summer? A: otter A: Arctic fox Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Does it have a bushy tail with a white tip? Q: Does it have gray and white fur? A: wolf A: red fox Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have black tipped ears? A: lynx A: leopard Q: Is it human by day but a wolf on full moons? A: werewolf Q: Does it walk on four legs? Q: Can it steal food from bears, wolves or cougars? A: wolverine A: mountain lion A: sasquatch A: red fox Q: Does it love to play around and sniff? Q: Does it have white fur and live in an Arctic climate? Q: Does it have a long tall? Q: Does it hunt seagulls? A: arctic fox A: snow leopord Q: Does it live in captivity? Q: Are they big and live in the Artic? A: polar bear A: husky dog A: polar bear Q: Does it have spots and purr like a cat? A: snow leopard Q: Is it female? Q: Does it sometimes look like a wolf? Q: Dose it like to retrive things? Q: Does this animal pull sleds? A: siberian husky Q: Does it herd sheep? Q: Dose it look simalir to a German Shephard? A: Bellgium Tervern A: collie A: golden retriver A: german shephard Q: Does it hibernate? A: grizzly bear A: sant banard Q: Is this animal domesticated? Q: Can this dog climb a tree? A: treeing walker coonhound Q: Is it a retriever? A: chocolate lab Q: Does it grow quickly? A: st.bernard A: dog Q: Is it a breed of Domesticated dog? A: huskey Q: Is there a TV station named after this animal? A: fox A: coyote Q: Does it live in Asia? Q: Did it live in the ice age? A: sabre tooth tiger A: snow leopard Q: Is this animal the mascot of the Wisconsin College Football team? A: badger Q: Does it have distinguished markings? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: Leopard Q: Is it a member of the seal family? A: leopard seal A: cougar A: lynx Q: Does it live in water? Q: Does it live in a swamp? Q: Does it look like my brother? A: crocodile Q: Is it similar to a alligator? A: crocodile Q: Is it similar to an alligator? A: crocodile A: alligator Q: Is it named after a animal with stripes? A: tiger shark Q: Is it extinct? A: mosasaur Q: Is it blue? Q: Does it have a spout in its head? Q: Do they have tenticles with sticky suction cups? A: octopus/squid A: whale Q: Is it blue on top and white on the bottom? A: great white shark Q: Does it have eight legs? A: octopus Q: Is it sushi? A: tuna A: blue shark Q: Is it''s head flat? A: hamerhead shark A: great white shark Q: Does it have spots? Q: Do they work in groups? Q: Does it laugh? A: hyena Q: Does it live in the desert? Q: Does it live in a den? A: lion A: cheata Q: Is it a type of dog? Q: Does it have a stubby tail? Q: Do they work with the police? A: German Shepard dog A: Australian Shepherd A: dog Q: Does it start with an "L"? A: leopard Q: Is It Good At Sneking Up? Q: Does the animal run very fast? Q: Is it a meat eater or a vegtable eater? Q: Does it have spots and brown or tan fur? A: cheetah Q: Does it have two stirpes near its eyes resembilising tears? A: cheetah A: snow lepord A: cheetah A: jaguar A: cheetah Q: Does it live in a house? Q: Does it want to chase cats? Q: Is it grey? Q: Is it really, really skinny? A: greyhound A: domestic dog Q: Does it have a lot of fur and fairly long ears?? Q: Is it a common firehouse mascot? Q: Does it live in a dog house? Q: Does it smell? Q: Is it fairly small? A: poodle A: Dalmatian Q: Does it have black spots and a white body? A: Dalmatian A: dog A: Dalmatian Q: Is it usaually black & white and likes to herd sheep? A: border collie Q: Does it have a black "saddle" and muzzle? A: german shepherd Q: Does it have a big long Body? Q: Is it a retriveing gundog that has curly ears with black and white or Liver and white fur? A: English Springer Spaniel A: monsterlander Q: Is it liver and white? A: English Springer Spaniel Q: Does it hunt with people? A: beagle A: cocker spaniel Q: Is it a spotty dog? Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it a kind of dog? Q: Does it have Wavy Fur? A: English Setter A: dalmatien A: cocker spaniel A: dalmation Q: Does it have little hair and is mexican? A: chihuahua Q: Is it a big, large boned dog? A: great dane A: dog Q: Do dogs chase them? Q: Is it on a cartoon? A: catdog A: house cat Q: Does it start with a "C" and end with a "G"? A: catdog A: Dalmatian Q: is it a small cat? Q: Is it the fastest land animal? A: cheetah Q: Can it be black? A: Jaguar A: ocelot Q: Is it known for its speed? Q: Does your animal hunt mainly at night? Q: Is it the fastest land animal in the world? A: cheetah A: jaguar Q: Does it live in the trees? Q: Is this the fastest feline alive? A: cheetah Q: Does it like water? A: jaguar A: leopard Q: Does it round up cattle? A: queensland healer A: cheetah Q: Does it have long tail? Q: Does it have tufted ears? Q: Does it have 2 really long teeth in the front? A: sabertooth tiger A: bobcat Q: Does it live in the South American rainforest? Q: Is it black? A: black panther A: jaguar Q: Is it larger than a leopard? A: leopard Q: Is it a medium sized cat? Q: Does it have spots? A: leopard A: fishing cat Q: Is Your animal a type of cat? A: ocelot A: dog Q: Could it be a pet? A: dog A: bobcat Q: Does it live in high places? Q: Does it howl at the moon? Q: Is it native to India? Q: Does it have pointy ears? A: wolf A: dhole Q: Does its name resemble a country? A: mexican wolf Q: Is it a yugioh card it is silver fang? A: silvir fang Q: Is it a yugioh card? A: kaiser sea horse Q: Does it scare you at night? Q: Does it have a pointy head? A: googa Q: Does it have four legs? Q: Does it live in Australia? A: dingo A: wolf A: The Boogie Man A: coyote Q: Does it hibernate? Q: Does this animal you are thinking of have ROSETTES? A: jaguar A: bear Q: Is it black? Q: Does it eat pepole for fun? A: googa A: panther Q: Do the females catch the food for the males most of the time? Q: Does it live in the mountains? A: cougar A: lioness Q: Does it ''laugh''? A: laughing hyena Q: Does it have golden fur? Q: Is it a type of cat that is big? A: Cougar A: golden retriever Q: Does it make loud noises? Q: Does it live under your bed? A: monster Q: Does the first bit of its name begin with bob? A: bobcat A: giant Q: Does it have tufts of hair on its ears? A: lynx A: cougar Q: Is it all one color? Q: Does it have 2 big legs? Q: Is it a pack hunter? Q: Does it jump? Q: Is it a member of the cat family.? Q: Does it live in Australia? A: kangaroo A: panther A: velociraptor A: tyrannosaurs rex Q: Does it have a 7ft spine on it''s back? A: Spinosaurus Q: Is it a murderer who likes eat human flesh? A: Hannibal Lecter A: t. rex Q: Is it a type of dog? Q: does is smile? Q: Is it black? Q: Does it participate in races? Q: Is your animal a type of lab? A: black labrador retreiver A: greyhound Q: Does it have long hair? Q: Is it a BREED? A: Standrad Poodle A: dog Q: Is it CUTE? Q: Is it black? A: rottweiler A: Black Lab A: xolotl-izcuintle Q: Does it look a little like a collie? Q: Is it domesticated? Q: Does this animal have yellowish golden fur? A: golden retriever A: great dane Q: Is it a mix between poodle and a lab? A: cream colored labradoodle Q: It''s yellow? A: jumnin super A: dingo Q: Is it known to be very elegant? Q: Does it have straight fur? Q: Is it a hunting dog?Or is it gray? Q: Does it hunt in packs? A: coyote Q: Does it have long, wavy, golden hair? Does it also like to retrieve? A: Golden Retriever A: weimaraner Q: Does it have wavy fur? A: golden retriever Q: Is it goldish like? A: golden retriver A: labrador retriever Q: Does this dog race? A: Greyhound A: poodle Q: Does it have long hair? A: golden retriever Q: Can your animal talk? Q: Is it white? A: beachun dog A: scooby doo Q: Is this type of dog extinct? A: white terrier Q: Does it have red fur? A: golden retriever Q: Is it huge? Q: Does it race? Is it fast? A: gray hound Q: Is it a great family dog? A: pit bull A: great dane Q: Is your animal brown? A: chocolate lab Q: Is it Grey or Silver? A: Weimaraner Q: Was it the favorite dog of the USA in 2002? A: Labrador retriever Q: Are they smaller than a mouse? A: Pumi A: padenco canario Q: Is it very very rare to see? Q: Does it live in Australia only? A: dingo Q: Does it have horns and comes from New JerseY? A: cape henlopen devil Q: Is it a wolf like pokemon?? A: the pokemon ninetales Q: Is itbigger than a wolf? Q: Is it tall and has pointy ears? Q: Is it a mythological beast? A: black shuck A: Great Dane Q: Is it a mythological giant dog with three heads? A: Cerberus A: werewolf Q: Does it only have black? A: black lab A: greatdane Q: Does it come from Hungry (the country)? A: vizsla Q: Does it retrieve? Q: Is it found in Australia? Q: Is it wild? A: dingo Q: Does it hunt? A: springer spaniel A: golden retriever Q: Does it have golden fur? Q: Is it a short haired breed of dog? Q: Does the dog originate from a Northern State in Mexico? Q: Is it a natural retriver? A: golden retriever A: Chihuahua A: golden Labrador retriever A: golden retriever Q: Does it have reddish fur? A: irish setter Q: Is it black? Q: Is it fast? Q: Is it a race dog? A: italian greyhound Q: Is it really curly? A: Kerry Blue Terrier Q: Is it a really small dog? A: Chihuahua A: black labrador retriever A: black labrador Q: Does it have a short silvery coat and floopy ears? A: Wiemeriner A: Labrador retriever Q: Do sheep in Australia fear this animal? Q: Is it black and white? A: border collie Q: Is it MAN''s best friend? A: dog A: dingo Q: Does it run in races? Q: Does it have a smooth coat usually sandy and can be britle? A: sloughi Q: Do Most People Think It Is MEAN?? A: rotweiler A: greyhound Q: Is it a lab? A: black lab Q: Do these animals live in India? A: pie dog Q: Does it originate in Germany? Q: Is it gray? A: weim Q: Long silky fur? A: afghanhound A: german shepard Q: Does it have curly fur? Q: Does it have a short tail? A: cocker spaniel Q: Is it one of the tallest dogs in the world? A: Irish Wolfhound A: poodle Q: Does it have a curved tail and long hair? Q: Is it small? A: shih tzu A: Cowdog Q: Dose it have a stubed tail? Q: When it attacks does it let go easily? A: boxer A: pitt-bull Q: Is it a herding dog from Austrailia? A: Austrailian Kelpie Q: Is it gray? A: irish wolfhound Q: Is it a mixed breed? A: dog A: great dane Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it a black animal? A: panther A: sabre tooth tiger Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Does it have red fur? A: fox Q: Is it also the name of an NFL Football team? A: black panther Q: Is it a reptile? A: komodo dragon A: black jaguar Q: Does this animal live in Australia? Q: Does it burrow? Q: Is it from Tasmania? A: tazmanian devil A: wombat A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it have stripes? A: snow tiger Q: Does it growl? Q: Is it a type of dog? A: greyhound Q: Is it part animal part human? A: Minotaur A: bear Q: Is it a rodent? A: capybara Q: Does it have red jelly-eyes? A: Taxxon A: puma Q: Is it very curious? Q: Does your animal bark or growl?? Q: Is your animal a symbol of the Southwestern United States? Q: Does this animal obey its owners very well? A: Australian Shepard Q: Is it bigger than a coyote? A: A 3-headed dog A: coyote Q: Is it a yellowish color with a white mark behind its sholder blades? Q: Does it eat prarie dogs? A: ferret A: Border Collie Q: Is it very loyal? Q: Does it have a naturally short coat? Q: Does it have cropped ears? Q: Does it point its tail when it sees a bird? Q: Can your animal be aggresive or bite? Q: Is it big? A: boxer A: miniature schnauzer A: short haired english pointer Q: Is it a German Breed? Q: Was it used to aid soldiers in WWII? A: doberman pinscher Q: Is this animal bigger than a daschund? A: short-haired daschund A: boxer Q: Does it love Children and very loyal? Q: Is it a dog that loves to play with children? A: boxer A: Burmese mountain dog Q: Is it very loyal to its owner and people who are nice to it? Q: Does it live in the wild? A: dingo A: poodle Q: Does it eat meat and hunt for small game? A: tiger A: doberman pinscher Q: Is it very loyal but not over protective? Q: Does it have a long snout? Q: Is it used for hunting foxes and other small animals? A: beagle Q: Dose it herd?and/or was bred to herd? Q: Does it come from Germany? A: german shepard A: smooth collie Q: Does it resemble a wolf? A: Alaskan Husky A: German short-haired Pointer Q: Does it hunt rabbits? A: beagle dog Q: Does it have a short nose? Q: Does your animal have droopy ears and brown and black markings on its fur? A: Rottweiler A: Boxer A: border collie dog Q: Is this animal a guard dog? Q: Is it usually black and brown? Q: Are they used as police dogs? A: German Shepherd A: black and tan coonhound A: doberman pinscher A: rottweiler Q: Alert tipped ears? Q: Is it a Lassie dog? A: rough collie Q: Is its Beanie Baby named Sarge? A: german shepherd Q: DOes it have the word Austrailian in it''s name? A: austrailian shepard Q: Does it origen in Tibet? A: lhasa apso Q: Do police use these in the K-9 unit? Q: Does it have a long coat to protect it from snow? Q: Are they put in cages and kept as family pets? A: budgies A: St. Bernard A: German Shepard Q: Is it an Ancient Sight Hound? A: Ibizan Hound Q: Is it a domestic dog? Q: Are they mainly born black and white? A: border collie longhair Q: Is it a retriever form nova scotia? A: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever A: shetland sheepdog A: Timber Wolf Q: Is This Animal known as a great sheep herder? Q: Does it have a tail? A: border collie A: old english sheepdog Q: Is it partially black and partially tan? Q: Is it a Terrier? A: airedale terrier Q: Is it a muscular breed of dog? Q: Is it in the AKC working group? A: Rottweiler A: Gordon Setter Q: Is it a Gundog? A: Gordon Setter A: German shepherd Q: Is it a Large Dog? Q: Does it have droopy lips? A: Boxer Q: Is it black with brown markings? A: Rottwieler A: Great Dane A: dog-cocker-spaniel Q: Does it have red fur, a white tipped tail and black feet? A: fox Q: Is it an Australian dog breed? A: jack russel dog Q: Does it live and hunt in packs? Q: Is it an african Wolf? A: Ethiopian Wolf A: wolf Q: Is it a German Breed dog? A: short-haired dashchund Q: Does it eat snakes? A: Mongoose Q: Is it a wild animal? A: Coyote A: dog-sheltie Q: Does it eat alot? A: dog Q: Does it live in the dessert? A: Tasmaniadevil A: cat Q: Does it have long hair and is a dog? Q: Does it herd sheep? Q: Does it look like a miniature Collie? A: Shetland sheepdog? Q: Is it blue-grey and white? Q: Is it black and white? A: blue heeler A: old english sheepdog Q: Can it be a combo of the colors brown, black, blue, WHITE, or gray? Q: Does the type of dogs name begien with an s? A: spaniel Q: Isit a english sheperd dog? A: border colie A: australian shephard Q: Is it latin for dog? A: canis A: collie Q: Is it from Germany? A: German shepherd Q: Is it a very large dog? Q: Does it live in the wild? Q: Does it compete with hyenas, jackels and lions? A: African wild dog A: jackel Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Is it slim? A: Greyhound Q: Is it a human that transforms in the light of the full moon? A: werewolf A: St. Bernard dog A: australian shepard Q: Was it once used to kill rats? A: Yorkshire terrier Q: Is this dog from portugal? Q: Is it some kind of Spaniel? A: king charles spaniel A: portugese water dog Q: Does it have short hair? Q: Do they race? A: greyhound A: yellow lab A: shi tzu Q: Is it a hunting animal? Q: Does it travel in packs? Q: Does it have a black mask? A: black-footed ferret Q: Is it a wild dog? Q: Is it found in Australia? A: dingo Q: Is it extinct? A: dire wolf A: wolf Q: Is it like a wolf, but supernatural, taking human form by day? A: werewolf Q: Is it smaller than a wolf and has short hair? A: beagle A: wolf Q: Does it howl at the moon? Q: Is it a related to the common wolf? Q: Is it a legendary creature that morphs to a wolf every full moon? A: werewolf A: red wolf A: wolf Q: Does it live in jungles? A: panther Q: Is it a dog and have curly hair? A: airedale Q: Is it a domesticated animal? Q: Does it have a black spot on its back ? A: German Sheperd A: greyhound A: Fox Q: Does it purr? A: cat Q: Is it a type of dog? Q: Does this animal sometimes help the police? Q: Does It help the blind? Q: Is it multi colored? A: german sheperd A: German shepherd A: doberman pincher Q: Is it a very tall dog? Q: Does this animal go in races ? Q: Does it have a smaller head than the greyhound? A: whippet A: grey hound Q: Are its ears floppy? Q: Does it have spots? A: dalmation A: english mastiff A: great dane Q: Does this animal laugh? A: hyena Q: Does it have a stubby tail? A: boxer Q: Does this animal herd sheep? A: border collie Q: Is its head big? A: pit bull A: German shepherd Q: Is it a dinosaur? A: dinosaur Q: Does it come out at night and eat goats in mexico? A: chupacabra A: bee Q: Does it have tentacles? Q: Can it change color? A: giant octopus Q: Is it in the monkey family? A: gorilla Q: Is it from the cat family? A: lynx Q: Does it swim? A: capaberra A: Portuguese man-of-war Q: Does it live in or near water? Q: Does it have fur, fangs and live in a jungle? Q: Is your animal white? Q: Does it eat bamboo? A: panda A: polar bear Q: Is it a animal very famous in Australia? A: crocodile Q: Does your animal have spots and live in a jungle? Q: Does it have gray spots and is black? A: Black Jaguar A: jaguar Q: Does it have needles on its back? A: porcupine A: black panther Q: Is it attracted to blood? Q: Is it black and lives on land? Q: Cold blooded? A: komodo dragon A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it live in salt water? Q: Does it have fur? A: polar bear Q: Is its head shaped like a household tool? A: hammerhead shark Q: Is it a young shark? A: dog fish A: great white shark Q: Does it have a thin snout? Q: Does it have fur? A: Bear A: freshwater crocodile Q: Does it live in the forest? A: timber wolf A: alligator Q: Does it have white fur and live in an Arctic climate? Q: Is it white? A: polar bear A: turtle Q: Does it live in the woods? Q: Does the animal snap down on thigns? Q: Does it stand on one leg once in a while? A: flamingo A: snapping turtle A: bear Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it like to eat gentoo and chinstarp penguins? A: lepord seal A: dalmation Q: Did it live in early Jurassic times? Q: Is it more than 70 feet long? A: basilosaurus A: plesiosaurs Q: Does it walk on two legs? A: human Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it have a stubby tail? A: Miniature Schnauzer A: newfoundland dog Q: Does it have an exoskeleton? A: crab A: alligator Q: Does it live in north America? Q: Do people call it a weiner? Q: Does it have long hair? Q: Do some police use it? Q: Is it a lap animal? Q: Does it have golden fur? A: Golden Retreiver A: yorkshire terrier A: german shepard Q: Does it hibernate in winter? A: bear A: long-haired mini dachshund Q: Is it small? Q: Is it a water dog? A: dog Q: Is it a long, short dog? A: Daschund A: shih tzu Q: Is it long? Q: Is it sometimes over weight? A: bassethound A: dachshund A: dog Q: Is it wild? Q: Does it howl? Q: Is it a scavenger? Q: Does it live in packs? Q: Does it have a cartoon show named after it? A: coyote A: wolf A: coyote Q: With its hunting pack, will it attack tigers or bears? A: dhole Q: Is it a small canine that farmers consider a pest? Q: Is is near extitcition? Q: Is it a red? A: red wolf A: wolf A: fox Q: Is it human until the full moon? A: werewolf A: wolf Q: Is it a North American big cat? Q: Is it extinct? A: saber tooth tiger Q: Does it live on more than one continent? Q: Is it a MEDIUM sized animal? Q: Does it live in the snow? A: Snow Lion A: bobcat A: lynx A: cougar Q: Does it live in a cold climate? Q: Is it''s fur dark? Q: Does it''s diet consist mainly of small rodents and birds.? Q: Is your animal a domesticated dog? A: wolf Q: Is it related to weasels? A: pine marten A: gray fox Q: Does it bounse? A: kangaroo A: wolfverine A: polar bear Q: Does it not hunt things, but wait for other animals to do the job for it, and then eat the scraps? Q: Is it from the dog family? A: hyeena Q: Does it have gray fur and a white face? A: opossum A: cheeta Q: Does it get into garbage and eat garbage,and does it like fish? Q: Does it have claws? Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it live in the woods? A: bear A: cat A: bear A: racoon Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it from the cat family, but it isnt one of the most populer? A: Bobcat A: grizzly bear A: snake Q: Can it herd sheep? Q: Does it barks? Q: Is it black and white? Q: Was it bred in England? Q: Does it have alot of hair? A: border collie A: pembroke welsh corgi Q: Is there a famous movie with 101 of these? A: dalmation A: border collie Q: Can it eat up someone in a few seconds? A: banshee Q: Is it like a small collie? Q: Is it a large dog? A: black lab Q: Does it have short legs? A: pembroke welsh corgi Q: Is it medium size? Q: Is it a dog with a curly tail? A: Akita A: Rat Terrier A: sheltie A: dog Q: Is it top of the food chain? A: Human Q: Is it mostly black? A: Newfoundland A: collie Q: Are they used to be police dogs? Q: Does it usually have cropped ears? Q: Is it usually black and tan? Q: Does is have longer fur than a doberman pinscher? A: german shepard A: doberman pinscher Q: Does it have a short snout? A: Boxer A: miniature schnauzer Q: Is the animal big? Q: Is this animal blck when it is a puppy? Q: Is this animal usually grey, fat,, and bark at people? A: bulldog Q: Is it black? A: Black Lab A: german shepard Q: Does it have spots and is a type of dog? A: dalmation Q: Is it yellowish in color? A: dog A: great dane Q: Does it like to hunt for rabbits? Q: Is it yellow? A: golden retriever A: beagle A: german shepard Q: Did it first start out in Germany? Q: Is it considered a gentle giant of a dog? Q: Does it have long hair? A: irish wolfhound Q: Does it look like a wolf? Q: Did it start out in Ireland? A: irish wolf hound A: siberian husky A: great dane Q: Is it a popular dog? Q: Is it mainly black? Q: Is its tail usually cropped? A: black cocker spaniel Q: Does it have curly hair? A: Standard Poodle A: black labrador Q: Is ti known for a bad reputation? A: american pitbull terrier Q: Is its main color golden yellow? A: golden retriever A: st. bernard Q: Does it have a tail? A: wiemaraner A: pembroke welsh corgy Q: Does it have spots? Q: It likes to hunt? Q: Did it originally com from England? Q: Does it have floppy ears? A: hound dog A: cocker spaniel Q: Does it have long ears? A: basset hound A: beagle Q: KCan it pull carts? A: st. bernard A: dalmatian Q: Does it have enormous ears? Q: Does it have short legs? Q: Does it have curly-haired ears? A: cocker spaniel Q: Does it fly? A: wonder woman!! A: basset hound A: bloodhound Q: Is it used for hunting? Q: Did it originate in the United States? Q: Does it have a bad reputation? A: chesapeake bay retriever Q: Is it black? A: lab retiver Q: Is is the animal used for hunting to retrieve? A: labrador retreiver A: american pitbull terrier Q: Is it a golden color? Q: Does it have short fur? A: labrador retriever A: golden retriever Q: Does it have a short tail? A: cocker spaniel Q: Does it have a rough coat? A: otterhound Q: Is it all white? A: West Highland White Terrier A: bloodhound Q: Is it a show dog? Q: Does it have an "Ugly" face?? A: bulldog Q: Does this animal have brown fur? Q: Is it a type of terrier? A: soft-coated wheaten terrier Q: Is it very, very big? Q: Is it one of the biggest dogs in the world? A: Great Dane A: st. bernard Q: Does it have pointy ears? A: shiba inu Q: Was it once used for dog fighting? A: Pit Bull A: coton de tulear Q: Is it used for water rescue? Q: Does it have a wet nose? A: moutise mix with a poodle A: newfoundland Q: Does it have fancy, curly hair? Q: Does it have long ears? A: Cocker Spaniel A: french poodle Q: Does it have hair? Q: Does it have ears that resemble butterfly wings? A: papillon A: scottie A: xoloitzcuintli dog Q: Is the couch it''s natural habitat? Q: Does it drink beer for breakfast? A: human Q: Is it black and brown? A: rottweiler A: couch potato Q: Is it black with a brown stomach? Q: Is it some sort of cattle? A: goat A: rottweiler Q: Is it used to keep people warm? A: st. bernard Q: Is it extinct? A: t-rex Q: Is it used in dog fights? (which is ILLEGAL!!!!!!)? Q: Does it tend to be brown? A: Boxer A: pit bull A: labrador retriever Q: Does this animal resemble a dog? Q: Is it man''s best friend? Q: Does it have black dots? Q: Does it have long hair? A: english setter Q: Does it have very short legs? A: basset Q: Does it have long, floppy ears? A: spaniel A: dalmation Q: Does it have a tan color as well as white and black? Q: Does it like tennis balls? Q: Does it herd sheep? Q: Is it fluffy loving and cute? A: Shetland Sheepdog Q: Is it a very good guard dog? A: German Shepard A: australian shepard Q: Is it the biggest type of dog? A: Great dane Q: Does it have floppy ears? Q: Is is very muscular? Q: Is it related to the Doberman? A: Rottweiler A: Pit Bull A: basset hound Q: Is it quite small? A: staff Q: Are there familys in the gun dogs? A: boxer dog A: lab Q: Is its name a type of sport? A: boxer Q: Does the Queen own some? A: corgi Q: Dos it have the word German in the name of the breed? A: German shepherd Q: Dose it have big ears? A: doberman A: rat terrior Q: Is it the color gold? Q: Does ths animal loopitstentacals? A: tentalook Q: Does it look like a Labrodor? A: goldenretreaver Q: Is it fat and has short legs? Q: Does it have floppy ears? A: cocker spaniel A: corgi A: yorkie Q: Does it some times attack others? Q: Is it a type of dog? Q: Does it sometimes have a curly tail? A: dog A: German Shepherd A: buffy the vampire slayer A: dog Q: Does it live in africa? Q: Is there only one such species? Q: Does it laugh? A: hyena Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Is it a comination of a wolf and a fox? A: jakal Q: Was it a made-up creature from Egypt? A: Frownodon A: tazmanian devil Q: I don''t know? A: deer A: wild dog Q: Is it black and white and have some brownish-tan on it ? A: wild dog of Africa A: hyena Q: Does it live in Tasmania? Q: Does it live in Tasmania If so is it extinct? A: thylacine A: tasmanian devil Q: Is it mythical? Q: Is it black and found in East Karana? Q: Is it half man? A: Gnoll A: dark stalker Q: Is it tan colored and found in East Karana? A: gorge hound Q: Does it change from a human to a wolf-man like creature? A: werewolf Q: Dose it have three heads? A: three headed dog Q: Does it walk on two legs? A: Gnoll Q: Is it gray? A: wolf A: cerberus Q: Is it white with brown patches? A: Jack Russell Terrier Q: Is it a dog? A: Chihuahua A: dingo Q: Does it have a trunk? Q: Is it extinct? A: mammoth A: elephant Q: Does it live in africa? Q: Does it have a thick hide? Q: Is it also known as the honey badger? A: Ratel A: rhinocerous Q: Is it a tipe of leopard that lives near snow? Q: Does it have large spots that look like clouds? A: clouded leopard A: snow leopard Q: Is it a tipe of leopard? Q: Does it live in the snow? A: Leopard A: snow leopard Q: Does it hunt on Madagascar? A: fossa A: leopard Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is It White with spots? A: snow lepard Q: Is it half man half bull? A: minotaur Q: Does it have ten inch canines? A: saber toothed tiger Q: Is it green? A: t-rex A: Saborthoothed tiger Q: Does it live in Asia? Q: Does it resemble a Snow Leopard, but have softer markings? A: clouded leopard Q: Does it have stripes? A: snow leopard Q: Is it large and has a large white marking on chest and head? A: Sun bear A: blackrabbit Q: Dose it hop? A: kangaroo Q: Is it bigger than a Tasmanian devil? Q: They are slimy? A: aliens Q: Is it related to the weasel? A: wolverine Q: Is it a type of cat ? A: Lynx Q: Is it real? A: bear Q: Is it part bull and part animal? A: minnotaur A: orc Q: Does your animal have one eye? A: cyclops Q: Is it big? A: rotweller A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it hop? Q: Do you find it on an Australian 50 cent coin? Q: Do it only have 2 legs? Q: Is it red? Q: Is it black and white? A: panda Q: Is it red? Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Is it red? A: red kangaroo A: kangaroo Q: Is it a bird? A: red bird A: Kangaroo A: red kangaroo Q: Does it live in Australia? Q: Can it talk? A: person Q: Does it box? Q: Is it 50 feet? Q: Does it jumer really high? Q: Is it ugly? A: Kangeroo A: kangraroo A: 50-foot Rabbit Q: Does it box? A: boxing kangaroo Q: Is it red? A: Red Kangaroo A: Kangaroo Q: Is the animal smaller than a Kangaroo? A: wallaby A: kangaroo A: kangaroo Q: Is it dangerous? Q: Are 2 legs shorter then the other? A: kangaroo A: tree frog Q: Is it fuzzy? Q: Does it live in trees? A: koala Q: Can it swim? A: dolphin A: kangaroo Q: Is it a smaller relative of the kangaroo? A: wallaby A: kangaroo Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Can it hop up rocks? Q: Does it have a pouch? Q: Is it smaller than a kangeroo? Q: Does it climb trees? Q: Does it have a dark mask on its face? A: lemur A: tree kangaroo Q: Is it like a kangaroo but smaller and isn''t a walaby? A: Walaroo A: wallaby A: Red Kangaroo Q: Is it smaller than a rock wallabe? Q: Does it have long ears? A: rabbit A: guinea pig Q: Does it live in trees? A: monkey A: rock wallaby Q: Is it smaller than a kangaroo? Q: Does it climb trees? A: huon tree kangaroo Q: Does it have very long ears? A: Bunny A: wallabee Q: Does it stand on four legs? A: gazelle A: kangaroo Q: Does it have warts? Q: Does your animal live on land its whole life? Q: Is it intelligent? Q: Is its home called a house? Q: Does it have a tv show where he does crazy stunts that could injure,or kill,him and his crazy little friends and gross everyone out or humor them? A: Johnny Knoxville A: human A: homo sapien A: human being Q: Does it walk on two legs? Q: Is it yellow? A: spongebob sqaurepants A: human A: toad Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it run fast? Q: Is your animal brown and carrys a baby in her stomach? Q: Does it have 4 legs? Q: Does it hop on two legs? A: kangaroo Q: Does it have antlers? A: deer A: antelope A: kangoroo Q: Is it a type of deer? Q: Does it live in warm places like Africa? Q: Does it have curvy horns? Q: Is it bigger than a lion? A: antolope A: gazelle Q: Does it live in the prairie? Q: Is it related to the antelope? A: gazelle A: antelope A: gazelle A: white tail deer Q: Does it live in the African Savanna? Q: Does it eat termites? A: aardvark Q: Does it have a stripe down it''s side? A: gazelle A: monkey Q: Does it eat carrots? Q: Is it wild in North America and larger than a rabbit? A: hare Q: Is it really big is a type of rabbit and is wallace from wallace and gromit? Q: It does not turn into a person? A: pink rabit A: were rabbit A: rabbit Q: Does it live in cold places?? Q: Is it a type of rabbit? A: snowshoe hare A: caribou Q: Can it swing on vines? A: monkey Q: Is it a hare? A: black-tailed jackrabbit Q: Are there both domestic and wild types? A: cat Q: Is it endangered? A: black-footed ferret A: english lop Q: Does it have more than 4 teeth? Q: Is it a pet? Q: Is it White with a furry tail? Q: Is it very very close to a gerbel? A: cute little hamster! A: white rabbit Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Does it hake a short fluffy tail? A: rabbit A: chinchilla A: chimpanzee Q: Does it stand on its hind legs a lot? Q: Is this animal only found in Madagascar? A: lemur Q: Does it live in the woods? Q: Does it have a fuzzy head? Q: Does it have a pouch? A: dingo A: lemur A: monkey Q: Does it carry a baby in its pocket? A: kangaroo Q: Is it half rabbit, half antelope? A: Jackalope A: meerkat A: hare Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it have long ears? A: bunny A: penguin Q: Does it come every year on easter? A: the easter bunny Q: Does your animal have flippers and whiskers? A: elephant seal Q: Is it a pet? A: guinea pig Q: Is it pink and appears on the abc kids website? A: Mixi the bunny A: wallaby Q: Does it live on a lily pad? Q: Can it speak English? A: kermit the frog Q: Does this animal have black, oval spots? A: leopard frog A: frog Q: Does it have a beak? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it an amphibious dinosaur? A: Corythosaurus A: dodo Q: Is it pink? A: flimingo Q: Is it partially or entirely black and white? A: penguin Q: Does it have a flipper? A: dolphin Q: Is it a kiwi? A: kiwi Q: Is it found in South Africa? A: ground hornbill A: duck Q: Does it live in the earth? Q: Does it have fins? A: seel Q: Does it have arms and legs? Q: Is it a girl? Q: Does it live in a house? A: human A: trystin Q: When it''s mad, does it does the neck frill up? A: frilled lizard Q: It it Purple with green spots, and says"Supper-Dee-Dupper"? A: Barney A: human A: antelope Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it green and hops? A: grasshopper Q: Does it have snakes on it''s head? A: Medusa A: human Q: Is it a black and white whale, whit extremely good hunting skills? A: killer whale A: dolphin Q: Does it have horns? Q: Does it live in the forest? Q: Is it smaller than a moose? Q: Is it a mystical creature? Q: Is it mentioned in the Chronicles of Narnia? A: faun Q: Is it half human, half goat? A: satyr Q: Does it have six legs and look absolutely ridiculous? A: Cruzar Sharp Q: Dose it like to suck blood of goats and other farm animals? A: El Chupacabra A: dragon Q: Does it live in southern Taiwan and China? Q: Does it have hair? Q: Does it smell really really STINKY? A: pig Q: Does it have a golden yellow coat? Q: Do some have white tails? A: deer A: Takin Q: Does it have antlers? A: deer A: yak Q: Is it a mamal that can swim? A: whale A: munjac Q: Is it bigger than a deer? Q: Is it associated with Santa? A: reindeer Q: Does it live only in Canada? Q: Does this animal have curly horns? A: buffalo A: caribou Q: Does it live in Switzerland? A: ibex Q: Does it have a white hind end and short tail? A: wapiti Q: Does it have hair? A: antalope Q: Does it have one horn on the top of its head? A: cassowary A: Babirusa Q: Is it related to a deer? Q: Do you hunt this animal? Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Does it have black antlers? Q: Does it eat apples? A: Deer A: antelope Q: Does your animal have a white tail? Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it the star of a cartoon movie? A: Bambi A: axis deer A: whitetail deer Q: Does it have tusks *and* antlers? A: Muntjac A: deer A: deer Q: Is it graceful? Q: Does it have twisted horns? A: Bushbuck A: gazelle A: reindeer Q: Is it related to the pig? A: wart hog Q: Is it related to mountain goats? A: chamois Q: Is it a type of snake? A: rhinoceros viper A: deer Q: Is this animal extinct? Q: Is it smaller than an elephant? Q: Does it have a neck frill? A: styracosaurus Q: Is it fat and does it kill people a lot? A: hippo A: unicorn Q: Does it have 2 legs? Q: Was it the largest carnivore of the jurassic? A: Allosaurus A: ceratosaurus Q: Does it have the largest head of all dinosaurs? A: Torosaurus A: triceratops Q: Is it a herbivore? Q: Does it have fur on its antlers? Q: Is it a gentle animal? Q: Does it live in the Northern United States? Q: Are its antlers wide and flat? A: moose A: elk Q: Does it have more than three horns? A: triceretop Q: Does it have spots? A: Giraffe A: Canadian moose Q: Does it look anything like a Moose? Q: Is it a moose? A: moose A: elk A: moose Q: Does it have thick folded skin & one or two horns on the nose? A: rhinoceros Q: Are its antler large and flat? A: moose Q: Is it''s skin like armor? Q: Is it from Animorph''s? A: hork-bajir A: rhinoceros Q: Is it bigger than a deer?? Q: Does it have shaggy fur? A: bison Q: Does it really exist? Q: Does it have a really long neck? A: Graff Q: Is it a large dark cow/bull with long, white horns? A: Gaur A: moose A: unicorn A: deer Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Does it have big antlers? A: moose A: bison Q: Elephants are bigger? Q: Does it have a trunk? A: elephant Q: Is it becoming extinct? A: Rino A: goat A: bear Q: Does it live in the jungle? Q: Does it have a long neck? A: giraffe Q: Does it have two horns? Q: Is it a kind of pig? A: wart hog Q: Does it like to be in the water? Q: Does it have horns on its head? Q: Does it have horns on its face? Q: Does it have huge ears? A: elephant A: rhinosauros A: cape buffalo Q: Does it have big ears? A: elephant A: rhinoceros Q: Is it huge? Q: Are the horns straight? Q: Is it a kind of dinosaur? A: triceratops Q: Does it charge at people? A: rhino A: gazelle Q: Are all of them dead? A: mammoth A: gnu Q: Is the animal an antelope? A: sable antelope A: rhino Q: Did it exist in the prehistoric ages? Q: Does it have an eye stripe? A: sclmitar-horned oryx A: dinosaur A: rhino Q: Does it have a stubby tail? Q: Does it have white fur? Q: Is the milk good for eczema? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: Rhino A: goat Q: Can its hair (not wool) be used for clothing? A: angora goat Q: Does it have curly hair? Q: Is it my imaginary friend, Bob? A: my imaginary friend, Bob A: dall sheep Q: Does it live on the plains? A: pronghorn Q: Does it live in the mountains of Utah? A: Mountaim Goat A: ramm Q: Does it live in a barn? Q: Does it have wool? Q: Is it a male? A: ram Q: DOES IT EAT GARBAGE? A: goat A: lamb Q: Is it a ruminant? Q: Does evry kind of cow have horns? A: cow A: chamois Q: Does it moo? A: cow A: goat Q: Does it have curly horns? Q: Does it have a thick hairy hide? Q: Does it live on the prairie? Q: Is it extinct? A: wooly mammoth A: buffalo Q: Does it live in a hot, dry climate? A: gazelle Q: Is it exsinkt? A: wolymamoth Q: Does it live in the mountains? A: ibex A: musk ox Q: Does it ram heads? Q: Does it have brown fur? Q: Does it live in mountains and canyons? Q: Does it have a long mane on its neck and front legs? A: Barbary Sheep (Aoudad) A: Bighorn sheep A: gazelle A: ram Q: Is it an antelope? A: eland Q: Is it mean and red and relates to flames? A: Devil A: gazelle Q: Does it have a horn on its nose? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it a mystical animal.? A: unicorn A: tricerotop Q: Is it an Albino? A: albino rhino Q: Is it 12 feet long? A: White Rhinoceros A: rhinosarus Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Does it run fast? Q: Does it have spots all over? A: giraffe Q: Do people hunt it? A: deer A: antelope A: giraffe Q: Does it live in South America? Q: Does it live in a field? Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Do lions hunt it? A: gazelle A: moose A: gazelle Q: Is it big and brown? A: buffalo A: guanako Q: Does it live on the plains? Q: Does it eat leaves and grass? Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Does it live in Asia? A: saiga Q: Is it big and smelly? A: yak A: mule deer Q: Does it leap to escape pretedors? A: gazelle Q: Was it hunted to near extinction? A: buffalo Q: Does it get angry if it sees red? A: bull Q: Is it orange and white with black horns that curve backwards at the tips? A: Pronghorn Q: Does it look related to a cow? A: buffalo A: waterbuck Q: Is it from Alien Planet? A: Unth A: buffalo Q: Does your animal hate red? A: bull Q: Does it assist a little jolly man? A: reindeer Q: Is it a bird? A: emperor penguin Q: Is this animal extinct? A: wooly mammoth A: pronghorn antelope Q: Is this animal extinct? Q: Does it live in the ocean? A: norwhale Q: Does it not fly yet it has feathers? A: dodo bird Q: Does it have short stubby arms? A: t-rex Q: Does it have hair? Q: Does it have a singular horn? A: unicorn Q: Is it related to the giraffe? A: Sivatherium (Asiatic or African) A: mammoth Q: Did it live in ancient Greece? A: minitor Q: Was it a relative of Pachycephalosaurus? A: Stygmiloch A: triceratops Q: Does it swim? Q: Does this animal have large horns, like the water and look like a bull? Q: Is the animal you are thinking of gray? Q: Does it like to play in the mud? Q: Does it have more than one horn? Q: Does it have a donkey mane? A: Wildbeast A: rhino A: hippo Q: Is it native to africa? A: rhino A: water buffalo Q: Can it have spots? A: cow Q: Does it have seven heads full of razor sharp teeth? A: Hydra A: water buffalo Q: Does is spray vapor out of its nose? Q: Does it live on land? A: marine iguana A: narwhale Q: Does it live on the Serengeti plains of Africa? Q: Does it eat meat? A: wildebeest A: goat Q: Is it white, and the size of a whale? A: narwhal Q: Does it eat hay? A: cow Q: Can it reach up to 600 feet? A: Marine Dragon A: sea unicorn Q: Does it have a horse-like mane and tail? Q: Is it pretend? Q: Is it a pokemon? A: rapidash Q: Was it slain by Theseus? A: Minotaur A: unicorn Q: Is it a animal that is like a pack mule? Q: Can you find it on a farm? Q: Does it have 4 stomachs? A: cow Q: Was it in a fictional story? A: yak A: bull A: yak Q: Does it live in the forest? A: buffalo Q: Does it live on a farm? Q: Does it like swampy areas? A: water buffalo Q: Does is moo? Q: Does it have horns? A: bull A: cow A: Goat Q: Does it have spot? A: giraffe Q: Does it live on the prairie? Q: Is it a gazzele? A: gazelle A: buffalo Q: Is it very heavy? Q: Is it really big? A: giraffe A: bull A: wildebeest Q: Can it leap as high as 10 feet in the air? Q: Does it have small hoves? Q: Does it live in hell? A: Lucifer A: Gazelle Q: Is it the largest antelope? A: Greater Eland A: springbok Q: Is it a small animal? Q: Does it have wool? A: sheep A: goat Q: Does it live in Africa? Q: Does it have a horn on its nose? A: rhinoceros Q: Does it have a long neck? Q: Are its horns curved back? A: sable Q: Does it stand on its back legs to reach leaves high in the trees? A: Gerenuk A: giraffe Q: Is it totally awesome? Q: Does it have three letters in its name? Q: Does this animal come from Africa? Q: Is it like an Antelope? A: Spring Buk A: gnu A: yak Q: Will it stomp you to death? Q: Did this animal used to live in the United States? A: byson A: cape buffalo Q: Does it live in the mountains? A: mountain goat Q: Does it roam fields? Q: Does it have a large, white stripe on its face? A: Bontebok Q: Is it an antelope with a deep red/brown coat? A: Topi A: caribou A: water buffalo Q: Does it give us fresh milk? A: cow Q: Does it have a black hide? A: gnu Q: Does it have long, spiral horns? Q: Does it have a shoulder hump? A: Eland A: oryx A: antelope Q: Is it the hairiest rhino? A: Sumatra rhinoceros Q: Is it a type of goat? Q: Does it live in the mountains? Q: Is it also an animal of the zodiac? Q: Is it snow white? A: Mountain Goat A: ibex Q: Is it white? A: Ibex A: mountain goat Q: Does this animal have a wool coat that farmers don''t have to cut? Q: Does it live on a farm? or does it have short hair? A: billy goat A: angora goat Q: Farmers do have to cut their wool.? A: ram Q: Is he the dark ruler of hell? A: Satan A: pygmy goat Q: Is it domesticated? Q: Is it the gender of a cow? Q: Is it domesticated as well as lives in the jungle? Q: Can it reproduce? A: steer A: buffalo Q: Is it the male gender of a cow? Q: DOES IT HAVE BIG BLACK SPOTS? A: cow A: bull A: cow Q: Does it have wool? A: sheep Q: Does it have antlers? A: deer Q: Is it bigger than a c ow? A: Ox A: cow Q: Is it mythical? Q: Does it have sharp blades on its wrists,arms,legs,and tail? A: hork-bajir Q: Does it live in a labyrinth? A: minotaur Q: Is it part cow? A: minotaur A: dragon Q: Does it live in North America? Q: Does it have wool? A: ram Q: Does it have alot of fur? Q: Is it native to North America? Does it live on the plains (you asked forest and jungle).? A: buffalo aka bison A: cow Q: Does it go moo? A: cow Q: Can this animal be harnessed for work? A: ox A: buffalo Q: Does it live in hell? A: devil Q: Can your animal hit another in combat in the head and not get brain damage? A: Big-horned Ram Q: Is it bigger than the sun? A: Rhapthorn Q: Does it have horns and gets very angry? Q: Dose it live in the Himalayas? A: Yak A: bull A: musk ox Q: Does it have wool on its back? Q: Does it climb trees? Q: Is it well known animal? Q: Is it a slow animal? Q: Does it hibernate? Q: Does it have quils? Q: Does it eat little things? A: whale A: porcupine Q: Is it found in Australia only? A: koala Q: Is it brown? A: brown bear Q: Is it a chinese national animal? A: panda A: black bear Q: Is it a marsupial? A: koala A: giant panda Q: Is it related to a gorilla? Q: Is it a small monkey? A: marmoset A: monkey Q: Is it grey? A: koala Q: Does this animal live in a warm climate? Q: Is it a fast animal? A: cheetah Q: Is it a bear in a cartoon? A: winne the pooh A: gorilla Q: Is the fur white? A: polar bear A: cougar Q: Can it swim? A: three-toed sloth Q: Is it any kind of monkey? Q: Can you keep it for a pet? A: chinchilla A: ape Q: Does it have hairy legs? Q: Does it have three toes? A: sloth A: tyranchula A: koala Q: Is it related to the llama and camel? Q: Is it related to an odd fish with smelly toes? A: vicuna Q: Does it live in a field? Q: Does it live on the high slopes of the Andes mountains in South America? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: llama Q: Can your animal be used as a backpacker? Q: Is this animal a member of the LAMA family? A: alpaca A: llama Q: Does this animal have more fibre than a Guanaco? A: aplaca A: guanaco Q: Does it have a long neck, known for its soft fleecy wool, and loves to spit at you? Q: Does it have 2 humps? A: camel A: llama Q: Does it have a milloin Maskes? A: The Milloin Masked Bird A: sheep Q: Is it related to the ant-eater? A: aardvark Q: Does your animal live in the Andes Mountains? Q: Is this animal a member of the LAMA family? Q: Is it wild and possibly the ancestor of the llama and alpaca? A: Guanaco A: alpaca A: llama A: guanaco Q: does it eat insects? Q: Does it eat ants? A: Aardvark Q: Is your animal a marsupial? A: platapus Q: Is the animal real? Q: Is it an African Monkey? A: Mandrill A: apter A: polar bear Q: Does it live in a pond? A: platypus Q: Does it say boh? Q: Is it a female sheep? Q: Can you shave and sell its wool? A: sheep A: ewe Q: Is it related to a sheep? A: ewe A: sheep Q: Does it have big tusks? Q: Is this animal extinct?? A: wooly mammoth Q: Can you see it on seasame street? A: snuffleupagaus A: walrus Q: Is it bigger then an coyote? Q: Does it have white fur? Q: Can it swim? Q: Is he huge? A: polar bear A: harp seal pup Q: Is it a type of cat? A: snow leopord A: yeti Q: Dos it live in the ocean? A: Whale Q: Is it a future animal, descended fron the marmot? A: shagrat Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Does it use its antlers to attack lynxs and not other cats? A: acksy A: moose Q: Is it black and white? A: panda A: polar bear Q: Does it eat grass while walking around a mountain? Q: Does it have spots? A: appaloossa horse A: kadoo Q: Is it white? A: lamb Q: Does it run fast? A: cheetah A: coyote Q: Does it have a very long neck? Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Is it white? Q: Can it swim? A: swan Q: Is it smaller than an ostrich? A: emu Q: Can it swim? A: ostrich A: emu Q: Is it brightly coloured? Q: Does it have a beautiful tail? Q: Is it a very, very, big bird? Q: Does it have the colors blue and green in its tail? A: peacock Q: Is it pink? Q: Does it bring one of its legs up? A: its an ostrich! A: flamingo Q: Is it imaginary? A: pink spotted cookoo A: ostrich Q: Does it live on a farm? A: chicken Q: Is it pink? A: flumingo A: peacock Q: Is this animal from New Guinea and does it use its middle claw to stab its prey? Q: Does your animal get its color from eating shrimp? A: flamingo A: cassowary Q: Is it pink? Q: DOES IT STAND ON BOTH LEGS? Q: Is it a pink bird? A: flamingo A: ostrich A: flamingo Q: Does it stick its head in the sand? A: ostrige Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the caracara? A: carakilla Q: Does it have a crest''? A: Chicken A: emu Q: Is it all black? Q: Does it lay eggs? Q: Does it have red eyes? A: emu Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it over two metres tall? A: diatryma A: coo-coo bird Q: Does it spend leisure with its head stuck in the sand? A: ostrich A: emu A: cassowary Q: Does it have blue feathers? Q: Does it run fast? Q: Is it shorter than an ostrich? A: emu Q: Does it live in Africa? A: emu A: ostrich Q: Do people often collect its feathers? A: peacock A: emu Q: Does it have ''split feathers''? Q: Does it have two-toed feet? Q: Is it all brown and looks like and ostrich? Q: Does it lay BIG eggs? Q: Does it originate from Australia? Q: Does it bury its head into the ground? A: ostrich A: emu A: ostrich A: emu Q: It has to do with a holiday thanksgiveing? A: turkey A: ostrich Q: Does it have a big body? Q: Is it all grey? Q: Is it extinct? A: dodo bird A: rhea Q: Does it lay large eggs? Q: Is it extinct? A: moa A: ostrich A: emu A: emu Q: Is it smaller than an ostrich? Q: Does it stand on one leg? Q: Its pink? A: flamingo A: ostrich Q: Does it have dark green feathers and have very long beautiful tail? A: peacock Q: Can it be eaten? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it a Cretaceous bird? A: Hesperornis A: dodo bird Q: Is it held in farms sometimes? Q: Dose it have brown and white feathers? Q: Does it have black/brown feathers? A: emu A: turkey A: emu Q: Is it an Australian flightless bird? A: cassowary Q: Does it have long legs? A: rhea A: turkey Q: Is it extinct? Q: Was it thought to have been eating eggs but was actually protecting them? A: Oviraptor Q: Is it known as the Demon Duck of Doom? A: Genyornis A: dodo bird A: emu Q: Does it run fast? Q: Is it the fastest bird on land? Q: Is it smaller than an Ostrich? A: emu A: ostrich Q: Can it fly? A: emu Q: Is it closely related to the ostrich? A: emu Q: Is it a large dromeosaur? A: Utahraptor Q: Is it a one ton bird with a powerful beak? A: Gastornis A: ostrich Q: Is it extinct? Q: Was it a predatory bird the size of a man that fed on small horses such as Eohippus? A: Diatryma Q: Did it live in South America and was it supposedly a descendant of the now extinct terror birds? A: Phoroshracos A: moa A: ostrich Q: Is this animal extinct? Q: Did it eat meat? Q: Does it live in the sea? Q: Did it live 200 million years ago? Q: Was it like a plesiosaurus but with a shorter neck? A: Crypolidus A: plesiosaurus A: serpent Q: DID IT LIVE IN PRE-HESTORIC TIMES? A: dinosaur Q: Was it in the legend "Hercules" and have a never ending supply of heads? A: hydra Q: Do princes slay them? A: dragon Q: WAS IT THE MOST FERIOUS DINO? A: t-rex dinosaur A: giraffe Q: Does it have spots? A: giraffe Q: Is it more than 12 metres long? Q: Did it eat plants? Q: Was it 171 meters long? Q: Does it use it''s long neck to reach for plants up high? Q: Was it the longest dinosaur? A: siesmasauras A: brontosaurus Q: Is it fictional? A: loch ness monster A: diplodicus Q: Did it live in both Jurassic and Cretaceous period? Q: Is it five stories tall? Q: Does it have smooth skin? Q: Was it in the dinasaur period? A: giraffe A: long neck Q: Was she the last of her kind in the movie ''Dinosaur''? A: brachiosaur A: ultrasaurus Q: Was it a REALLY BIG sauropod? A: Argentinosaurus A: brachiosaurus Q: Does it have a long whiplash tail? Q: Was it over 35 metres long? A: Seismosaurus A: Diplodocus Q: Was it very tall with nostrils on its head? Q: Was it taller than Brachiosaurus? A: Sauroposideon A: Brachiosaurus A: brontosaurus A: diplodocus Q: Does its name mean Alamo reptile? Q: Does it live in a shell? A: turtle A: alamosaurus Q: Is it the biggest mammal on land? Q: Does he have a scythe? A: Grim reaper A: indricotherium Q: Does it have a sail on its back, tallest over its neck? A: Amargasurus Q: Was it a presauropod with big claws? A: Plateosaurus Q: Does it have a dagger-shaped thumb used for defence? A: Iguanodon Q: Does it have a pouch on its nose for honking? A: Muttaburrasaurus Q: Does it walk very slow? A: sloth A: brontosaurus Q: Does it have a mouth? Q: Does it swim? Q: Is it 32 to 35 feet long? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: anaconda Q: Is it a long snake? A: anaconda Q: Does it live up north? A: polar bear Q: Does the animal eat meat? Q: Does it have a spikey shell? A: snaping turtle Q: Does it inhabit Scotland? A: Loch Ness Monster A: great white shark Q: Is it always sleepy? A: sloth A: loch ness monster Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it a fish? A: Persian counter fish Q: DOES IT LURE PREY WITH IT''S TONGUE ? A: snapping turtle A: turtle Q: Does it have spikes on it''s shell? A: lapras Q: Does it have flippers? A: sea turtle A: clam Q: Does it live in the ocean? Q: Can it go on land? Q: Does it have legs? A: gungan Q: Is it both a duck and a beaver? A: platypus A: seal Q: Is it bigger than a humpback whale? A: blue whale A: humpback whale Q: is it a mammal? Q: Does it eat seals? A: polar bear Q: Dose it live in Canada? Q: Does it have a pointed nose and climbs through trees? A: sloth A: deer A: giant otter Q: is it a reptile? Q: Is the existence of this creature questionable? Q: Is it a dragon? A: komodo dragon A: lochness monster Q: Is it one of the worlds longest snakes? A: anaconda Q: Does it have legs? A: komodo dragon A: snake Q: Is it a myth? A: loch ness monster A: alligator Q: Does this animal eat bird droppings? Q: Is it yellow? A: giraffe A: the long neck dinosaurs Q: Does it slither? Q: Does it live in austrailla? Q: Does it have a hooded head? A: cobra Q: Does it live in the ground? A: aussie earthworm A: cobra Q: Does it shread it''s skin? A: snake A: giraffe Q: Does it have hooves? Q: Does it live in a desert? Q: DOES YOUR ANIMAL HAVE A HUMP ON IT''S BACK? A: camel A: giraffe Q: Does it have long hair? Q: Does it have longer hair than an alpaca? A: alpaca Q: Does it have spots? A: giraffe A: llama Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have lightly coloured spots? A: Reticulated Giraffe A: giraffe Q: Does it have a very long neck? Q: Does it have bat wings a long nose short front legs a lion tail and long legs like a giraffe? A: banty A: giraffe Q: Does it eat ants? A: anteater A: deer Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it in the cat family? A: serval A: giraffe Q: Does it eat ants? A: ant eater Q: Does it have a shell? A: tortoise Q: Does it look like an anteater? A: sloth Q: Is it tall? Q: Does it run fast? A: Pharret A: giraffe A: ferret Q: does it have long legs? A: giraffe Q: Does it have a shell and can live in water? A: tortise A: tube worm Q: Does the animal live in water? Q: Does your animal have a long nose? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have many teeth? Q: Does it have scales? Q: Is it a cousin of the alligator? Q: Is it black colored? Q: Is it greenish-black?? Q: Is it like a crocodile but lives in freshwater (not saltwater) and has a knob on the end of its long nose? A: freshwater crocodile A: crocodile A: black caiman Q: Are they on the endangerd species list? Q: Does it have a long snout filled with hundreds of little sharp teeth? Q: Is it brownish? A: crocodile Q: Does it have an extremely long snout? A: gharial A: gavial A: caribou Q: Is its nose pointed? Q: Is it a large prehistoric crocodillian? Q: Was it a saltwater crocodile mimic(only twice as large)? A: Deinosuchus A: Sarchosuchus A: alligator Q: Was it a Prehistoric Crocodile? A: Sarchosuchus A: crocodile Q: Is it an alligator? Q: Does it live in fresh water? A: nile crocodile A: alligator Q: Is it a large green lizard? A: moniter A: alligator Q: Is it a predator? Q: Does its name start with a ''P''? Q: Does this animal live in the Arctic? A: polar bear A: platypus Q: Is it a very large animal? Q: Is it a reptile? Q: Are there c''s in this animal''s name? Q: Is it a type of crocodile? A: Nile crocodile A: crocodile A: alligator Q: Is it similar to a alligator? A: crocodile A: hippo Q: Does it like an alligator? Q: If it had a name would it be "Al the alligator"? A: alligator A: crocodile Q: Is it a mammal that is 3m long and looks like a crocodile and acts like one? A: Ambulocetus A: alligator Q: Does it live in South America? Q: Does it live in the dirt? A: hippopotamus Q: Is it found in and around lakes and streams? Q: Are They a rodent? A: capybara A: Tapir Q: Is this animal a mammal? A: duck billed platypus A: tapir Q: Is it a herbivore? Q: Is it from Australia?? A: platypus Q: Does it have antlers? A: moose A: hippo A: duck-billed platypus Q: Is it like a duck? Q: Does it like the cold? Q: Does live in warm water? A: platypus A: penguin A: platypus Q: Is it similar to a beaver? A: platypus Q: Does it live in an Arctic climate? A: penguin Q: Does it like to eat fish? Q: Does it have a very large nose? Q: Is your animal fat? A: hippo A: puffin A: penguin Q: Does it have stripes? A: tiger Q: Can it taulk? A: spongebob A: hippopotamus Q: Is it like a seal? Q: Is it very intelligent? Q: Does your animal live deep in the sea? Q: Does it star in the show Flipper? Q: Is it grey? A: dolphin A: bottle-nosed dolphin A: eel Q: does it live on the ice? Q: Does it have a beak? A: penguin A: whale Q: Is it the biggest animal in the ocean? A: whale Q: Does it have a large upper lip? Q: Is it used as a therapy animal? A: Dolphin A: dugong A: dolphin Q: Does it have a trunk that becomes full size at the age of one year? A: elephant seal Q: Dose it live in the sea & eat plants in the sea? A: dolphin A: sea elephant Q: Is it a fish? Q: Is it smooth and grey? Q: Is it a relative of whales? Q: Do people study its language? Q: Might it attack a human? A: shark A: dolphin A: porpoise Q: Does it have a very sharp and long nose? Q: Does it like sharks? Q: Can it eat people? Q: Does it have the largest liver of all the sharks? A: Mitsukurina "Goblin Shark" A: shark A: swordfish Q: Does it''s teeth grow back when one is lost? A: shark Q: Is it also known as a murlan? A: sword fish A: dolphin Q: Is it a predator? Q: Does it live in the deep sea? A: Viper Fish A: shark A: dolphin Q: Does it live in salt water? Q: Does it have a sail? Q: Is it bigger than a sailfish? A: blue marlin A: sailfish Q: Is it a futuristic killer shark? A: Sharkopath A: swordfish Q: Does it have sharp teeth and whiskers? A: sturgeon A: gar Q: Is it the same size as a dolphin? Q: Does it have a long nose? Q: Does it have flippers? Q: Is it very intelligent? Q: Does it have a blunt nose and a triangular fin? Q: Does it like to swim in front of ships? Q: Is it an Amozoinian rainforest dolphin? A: susu Q: Is it pale white in colour? A: Beluga A: dolphin Q: Is its nose shaped like a bottle? Q: Is it a pale white colour? A: White Whale A: dolphin A: porpoise Q: Is it pink? A: Boto A: dolphin Q: Does it have gills? A: shark Q: Does it have a single horn? A: narwhal A: porpoise Q: Does it hold its babies in a pouch near stomach like a kangaroo? A: platypus Q: Did one swim into the River Themes in January? A: bottle-nosed whale A: dolphin Q: Can it do tricks? A: dolphin Q: Does this animal live in a swamp? A: alligator Q: Does it live in a river? A: Baiji A: porpoise Q: does it have fur? Q: Does the animal have a tail like a beaver? A: palatypus A: dolphin Q: Does this animal have sharp teeth? Q: Does it have fins? Q: Is it an ichthyosaur with large eyes? A: Opothalmosaurus Q: Is it a 21m whale that eats sharks 36 million years ago? A: Basilosaurus A: shark Q: Does it live in the Amazon River? Q: Is it the heaviest snake in the world? A: Green Anaconda A: black cayman Q: Was it the largest carnivore that ever lived? A: Lipleurodon Q: Does it look like a Lipleurodon? A: Plesiolipleurodon A: eel Q: Is it bigger then a manatee? A: duck billed- platupus Q: Is it bigger then a dolphin? A: seahorse Q: Does it have more than 2 arms? A: octupus A: manatee Q: Does it have a hard shell? Q: Does it have claws? Q: Does it walk sideways? Q: Is it a reptile? Q: Is it a mix between a human and a chimpanzee? A: humanzee Q: It bites and has a huge head? A: loggerhead sea turtle A: crocodile A: crab Q: Does it have claws? Q: Can it live on land and water? Q: Does it have more than 4 legs? A: crayfish Q: Does it have a big jaw? Q: Are its eyes on top of its head? Q: Is it very long? A: crocodille Q: Does it have a big jaw? A: crocodile A: turtle Q: Is it a turtle? A: Alligator Snapping Turtle A: alligator A: turtle A: lobster Q: Do people eat this animal? A: lobster A: sea turtle Q: Does it form a reef? A: coral Q: Does it lay eggs on the beach? Q: Does it have more than 4 pairs of legs? A: horshoe crab Q: Do you see it at the beach? Q: Is it a kind of turtle? A: Loggerhead Turtle A: seagull A: sea turtle Q: Does it have a noticeable fin? A: shark Q: Does it have five legs? A: starfish Q: Does it have tentacles? A: lobster Q: Does it have any distinctive colour on it''s body? Q: Is it a water type pokemon? A: squrtle Q: Does it have many legs? Q: Does it live to roughly 30 years? A: lobster A: triops A: red eye turtle Q: Does it have a muscular organ called a "foot"? A: cockle A: horseshoe crab Q: Does it have flippers? Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it lay eggs? Q: Does it spout water? Q: Is it the largest mammal in the sea? Q: Is it black and white? A: killer whale A: baluga whale A: orca whale Q: Does it eat smaller animals, and live on the bottom of the sea? Q: Does your animal live in the Artic? A: penguin A: angel shark Q: Can it learn tricks to play at an aquarium? Q: Is it a type of bird? Q: Is it the biggest type of its speices? A: emporor penguin A: penguin Q: Is it very friendly? A: dolphin A: seal Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the gannet? A: gannetwhale A: penguin Q: Is it friendly and smart? Q: Is it a breed of whale? Q: Does it jump? Q: Is it very big? A: killer whale Q: Did it play in the movie "Free Willy"? A: killer whale A: dolphin Q: Is it related to a dolphin? Q: Is it a small whale? A: Orca Q: Is it the only whale with a neck? A: beluga A: porpiose A: orca whale Q: Is it smaller than a whale? Q: Is it''s nose shorter than a dolphins? Q: Does it live in cold and warm places? Q: Is its young called a pup? A: seal A: penguin Q: Is it furry? A: seal A: porpoise A: commerson''s dolphin Q: Is it one of the largest animals in the world? Q: Does it have large flippers and a distinctive hump on its back? A: humpback whale A: whale Q: Is it in the dolphin family? A: orca whale A: seal Q: Is it bigger than killer whale? A: great white shark Q: Does it have tusks? A: walrus Q: Does it waddle? A: penguin Q: Does it only feed on meet? A: shark A: killer whale Q: Does it have whiskers? Q: Does it have scales? Q: Does it like to eat while floating on its back? A: otter A: cat fish Q: Is it gray? Q: Does it live in fresh water? Q: Is your animal related to the seal? Q: Does it have tusks? A: walrus Q: Is it northeran? Q: Does it come up on land? A: sea lion A: manatee Q: Does it have legs? A: otter Q: Is it really big? A: sea lion A: manatee Q: Does it have fur? A: otter A: manatee Q: Is it endangered? Q: Are they found around walruses? Q: Is it large? Q: Does it have tusks? A: walrus Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Is it like a whale? A: dolphin A: seal A: manatee A: seal Q: Does it live in the tropical coastal waters of the Pacific (e.g. Philippine islands)? A: dugong Q: Is it spotted? A: harbor seal A: manatee Q: Does it have tusks? Q: Does it have tusks? Q: Does it have the word elephant in its name? A: elephant seal A: walrus A: seel Q: Does it have tusks? A: walrus Q: Does he make some trucs? Q: Does it have a fin? A: dolphin A: seal A: seal Q: Does it sometimes leave the water? Q: Does it live in fresh water ponds? Q: Does it eat oysters? Q: Does it have a beak? A: platypus A: otter Q: Does it build a dam? A: beaver Q: Does it live in the Arctic? A: walrus A: duck-billed platypus Q: Does it eat penguins? Q: Does it have a blunt nose? A: sea lion A: seal Q: Does it have tusks? Q: Is it white? A: sea lion Q: Is it used in a circus? A: seal A: walrus Q: Is your animal smaller than a seal? Q: Does it have a beak? A: platypus A: sea otter Q: Does it have ears? Q: Is it hunted for its fur? A: harp seal Q: Is this an animal that is occasionally mistaken for a seal? A: sea lion A: otter Q: Do they shed fur and skin? A: elephant seal Q: Is your animal brown skinned? A: sea lion A: seal Q: Did it mostly live in the waters off the coast of Siberia? A: steller''s sea cow Q: Does it eat plankton? Q: Is your animal a relative of the Seal and Walrus? A: manatee A: whale shark A: manatee Q: Does it live in the Arctic? Q: Does it have a horn? A: narwhale Q: Does it resemble a small whale? Q: Is it much lager then a porpoise? Q: Does it have small teeth, a bulgy head, and grows 60 feet long? Q: Is it cute? Q: Does it have pointy teeth? A: shark A: beluga whale Q: Does it eat other creatures? A: shark A: sperm whale Q: Does it have long teeth? A: walrus A: humpback whale Q: Is it a type of seal? A: harbour seal Q: Is it white? A: beluga whale Q: Does it eat fish? A: dolphin A: dog Q: Is it bigger than thirty school buses or more? A: blue whale Q: Is it white? Q: Do beluga whales eat them? A: seal A: beluga whale Q: Does it have a large funny nose? A: manatee Q: When born they are 20 feet long and wiegh almost as much as 4 tons/ Does it weigh about 4 tons at birth? Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Does it live on land and in water? A: snake A: shark A: fin whale Q: Does it have tusks? A: Walrus A: humpback whale Q: Does it jump out of the water to eat? Q: Is it really huge? Q: Does it attack other animals? A: shark Q: Does it live in Canada, can weigh up to 68 pounds and is humungous? A: Canadian musky Q: Is it smaller than a whale? A: Dolphin A: whale Q: Does it lead sailors to their death? A: siren Q: Does it have a bill? A: platypus Q: Does it have a long mouth? Q: Does it have a bottle nose? A: bottle nose dolphin A: duck Q: Is it blue-ish gray? A: dolphin A: arawana Q: Does it sing? Q: Is it blue? Q: Does it make a clicking noise? Q: Does it use its baleen to eat? Q: Is it the largest water mammal? A: blue whale A: baleen whale Q: Is it the world''s largest mammal? A: Blue Whale A: dolphin Q: Is it smaller than a whale? A: dolphin Q: Does it have a hump on its back? A: Hump back whale A: blue whale Q: Is it a whale? Q: Is it white? A: beluga whale Q: Does it eat squid? A: Sperm whale A: humpback whale Q: Does it make a clicking sound? Q: Is it larger than a dolphin? A: manatee A: dolphin Q: Can it talk? A: mermaid Q: Does it have a long beak? A: platipus A: manatee Q: Is it very, very poisonous? Q: Does it have a bill? A: platupus Q: Is it a mythical creature? A: sea serpent Q: Did this animal kill, steve irwin? A: sting ray A: cobra Q: Does your animal eat smaller fish? Q: Is it metallic blue with a white underside? Q: Does it have large teeth? Q: Does it have bones? Q: Is it a baracuda? A: baracuda Q: Can it reach the length of 65 feet? Q: Does it like to swim? A: blue whale A: sperm whale Q: DOES IT HAVE 1600 ATK POINTS AND 800 DEF POINTS IT IS A YUGIOH MONSTER? A: GREAT WHITE SHARK Q: Does it eat meat? A: Shark A: whale Q: A type of shark which is one of the smallest and eats smaller fish and lives in the coral reef like a white tipped reef shark? A: dogfish Q: Is it a gigantic shark? A: great white shark Q: Does it live in coral reefs? A: white-tiped reef shark Q: White belly? A: great white shark A: maco shark Q: Does it eat humans? A: shark Q: Does it live in the warm waters by coral reefs? Q: Does it make noises? A: dolphin A: manatee Q: Does it swim with humans? Q: Is it a bird? A: fairy penguin A: dolphin Q: Do they live in Florida? A: manatiee Q: Is it a bird? A: fairy penguin Q: Is it big? A: whale A: mako shark Q: Is it gray or blackish color? Q: Is it blue? Q: Is it smaller than the blue whale? A: humpback whale Q: Is it a wolf. it is a yugioh card? A: siver fang A: blue whale Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Does it have a little light on its head? A: lantern fish Q: Does it have a hammer shaped head? A: hammerhead shark Q: Does it use echo-location? Q: It is very, very large? A: megalodon whale Q: Has it been white in a famous book and movie? A: Sperm Whale A: dolphin A: great white shark Q: Does it look a lot like a piranha? A: pacoo Q: Is it gray on top and white on the bottom? Q: Does it have a rounded face? A: manatee Q: Is it bigger than a dolphin? A: whaleshark A: dolphin Q: Does it have a flat nose? Q: Do is lay eggs? A: duck billed platypus A: sperm whale Q: Does it electricute it''s prey? A: electric eel A: beluga whale Q: Is it a large animal? Q: Does it have tentacles? Q: Does it have 8 tenticles? A: octupus A: giant squid Q: Is this animal a type of shark? Q: Does it have a long tail which it uses to whip fish in order to catch them? A: thresher shark A: whale shark Q: Does it have a fin? Q: Is it pink? A: amazon river dolphin Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is it smaller than a dolphin? A: trout A: dolphin Q: Is it a mythological creature? A: Loch Ness Monster A: selicanth A: baluga whale Q: Is it a large animal? A: whale Q: Is it a fish that accompanied Ariel in the Disney movie ''The Little Mermaid''? A: flounder Q: Is it carnivorous? Q: Does it bite people? Q: Does it have a blue-grey back and a white belly? A: fairy penguin A: piranha Q: Is it half human half fish? A: mermaid Q: Is it a mammal with a duck bill? A: platypus Q: Does it live in the deepest part of the ocean? A: Angler fish A: dolphin Q: Does it have a beak? Q: Does it have yellow feathers? A: baby duck A: platypus A: dolphin Q: Does it jump up waterfalls? A: salmon Q: Does it sieve plankton through its teeth? Q: Is it the largest mammal on earth? A: whale Q: Does it move slowly? Q: Is it the biggest fish in the world? A: whale shark A: manatee Q: Does it live in Australia? A: platypus A: mega mouth shark Q: Does its mouth look like a vacuum and suck things off the bottom? Q: Is it gold? A: goldfish A: carp Q: Is it flat? Q: Is it speckled? A: brook trout A: flounder Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Does it have a bill like a duck? A: duck-billed platypus Q: Is it half human and half fish? A: mermaid Q: Is it a rare animal? Q: Does it have a long nose? A: Manatee A: Baiji Q: Dose It have lots and lots of sharp teeht? A: Shark A: manatee Q: Is it a tropical white polka dot and orange fish? A: clown fish Q: Does it have gills and lungs to breathe with? A: australian lungfish Q: Is it a fish that can live on land AND water? A: mud sucker Q: Was it prehistoric and did it eat sharks? A: Liopluerodon A: great white shark Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it eat shells? Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Does it have more than 4 legs? Q: Does it have 8 legs? A: octopus Q: Is it smaller then a giant squid? A: squid A: giant squid Q: Can it live in a river and the ocean? Q: Does it lay eggs? A: platypus Q: Is it bigger then a regular otter? A: river otter A: otter Q: Does it have a bill? Q: Does your animal live in saltwater? A: penguin A: ducked-billed platypus Q: Is it black and white? A: panda bear A: polar bear Q: Does your animal move very slowly? A: starfish Q: Is your animal a type of frog? A: leopard frog Q: Does it walk? A: axolotl A: sea otter Q: Does your animal build a dam? Q: Does it have a bill? Q: Does it eat bark? Q: Does it live in Australia? A: platypus Q: Does it look unusual? A: Platypus A: beaver A: platypus Q: Does it has a big mouth? Q: Is it a mammal? A: beaver A: alligator A: beaver Q: Is it a mammal that lays eggs? Q: Is it black on its back and white on its front? Q: Does it have lots and lots of sharp teeth? A: crocodile Q: Does it live at the South Pole? A: penguin A: platypus Q: Does it have lots of legs? Q: Does it have more than eight legs? A: squid Q: Dose it have 4 legs? A: hipopotomus A: octopus Q: Does it have two legs? Q: Does it make a funny noise when it talk? A: duck A: flamingo Q: Does in live in mud or in ponds and rivers? Q: Does it have webbed feet and a snout like a duck''s bill? Q: Is it dumb? A: platypus Q: Does it have fur and lay eggs? A: duck-billed platypus Q: It is golden brown? A: platypus A: yheryte Q: Is it big? Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Does it have a long mouth? A: alligator A: crocodile A: hippopotamus A: mud puppy Q: Does it live in a swamp or swamp water? Q: Does it have long legs? A: hippo A: crocodile Q: IS it very big and fat? A: hippopotamous Q: Does this animal have a bill? A: platypus A: sea otter Q: Does it squirt out ink to protect itself? Q: Does it have 10 arms? Q: Does it have bones? Q: Does it have tenticals? A: octopus A: giant squid A: octupus Q: Does it have 8 legs? A: octopus Q: Is it fat? A: hippo A: jellyfish Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Is he found in a zoo? Q: Is your animal white? A: polar bear Q: Is it a fat animal? Q: Does it have two long tusks? Q: Does it have tinny ears? A: hippotamus A: walrus Q: Is it large? Q: Does it eat fish? A: bear A: hippo A: dolphin Q: Does it have fur? Q: Can it balance a ball on its nose if its trained? Q: Is their fur really really thick? A: sea otter A: seal Q: Does it have a musky smell? A: muskrat A: otter Q: Does it live in freshwater swamps in Southern U.S.A.? Q: Is your animal like a aliigator? A: crocodile A: alligator Q: Could it be longer than six feet? A: crocodile Q: Does it live in Brazil? A: alligator Q: Does your animal have many sharp spines to protect itself from predators? A: sea urchin A: monitor lizard Q: Does it stay under water? Q: Does your animal have many sharp spines that offer protection from predators? A: sea urchin Q: Is it a primitive whale with legs? A: Ambulocetus A: squid Q: Is it bigger than a crocodile? A: komodo dragon Q: Does it have fur? A: kapabara Q: Is it real? A: godzilla A: crocodile Q: Does it regenerate? Q: Does the animal you are thinking of have the word ''jelly'' located in its name? A: jellyfish Q: Does it make a noise? Q: Is it heavy? A: hippopotamus Q: Is it a crustastion? A: hermit crab Q: Does this animal have green skin? A: frog A: swan Q: Is it a fat animal easily mixed up with elephants and rhinos? A: hippo Q: Is it big and round and have buck-ish teeth? A: hippo Q: Isit characterized by a very broad, flat head and snout. and vestigal eyes? A: Texas blind salamander A: starfish Q: Is it cute and have oily fur? Q: Is it a bird? A: penguin A: otter Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Is it smaller than a capybara? A: muskrat A: capybara Q: Is it found on the continent of Antarctica? A: penguin Q: Is it a large animal? Q: Is it a reptile that enjoys the water? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: hippo A: marine iguana Q: Does it have 8 legs?? A: octopus!!! Q: Can it jump? Q: It spits out water? A: polwhirl A: kangaroo Q: Is it a manitee? A: manitee Q: Is it on pokemon ruby and saphire for gameboy advance? A: swapert Q: Is it from Alien Planet? A: Sea Strider A: hippopotamus Q: Does it sting people? A: jelly fish Q: Does it have five legs? A: sea star Q: Does it live in dark caves? A: proteus - a human fish Q: Is there one called jar jar binks? A: gungan Q: Is she beautiful and is she one of the greek myths? A: nymph Q: Is it drunk all the time and likes to say: oh, bugger? A: Captain Jack Sparrow A: octopus Q: Does it eat plankton? Q: Does it have lots of arms? Q: Does it squirt ink? Q: Is it pink? Q: Does your animal have a tubelike body? A: squid A: jelly fish A: octopus Q: Does it sting? A: jellyfish Q: Is it shaped like a star? A: starfish Q: Does it have a torsil? A: whale A: octopus Q: Does it have a fin? Q: Is it a dolphin? A: dolphin Q: Is it gentle and slow moving? Q: Is it a type of fish? Q: Is it some sort of animal? Q: Is it a type of shark? A: whale shark Q: Can it give you a shock? A: electric eel A: blue whale A: whale shark Q: Can it sting with its tail? A: stingray Q: Is it a mammal? A: whale Q: Is it colourful? A: sea horse A: manatee Q: Does it live in fresh and salt water? Q: Is it a baleen whale? A: blue whale Q: Does it have a suctorial mouth? A: lamprey Q: It it very vicious looking? A: eel A: Chinook salmon Q: Is it the Hawaiian state fish? A: humuhumunukanukapuaa Q: Does your animal have a very very big mouth and lives very very deep down in the ocean? Q: Does it get larger to not get eaten? A: puffer fish A: groper A: whale Q: Is it a type of shark? Q: Does it have joint teeth? A: Basking shark A: whaleshark Q: Does it have tentacles? Q: Can Clownfish live in it? A: anemone Q: Is it a jelly fish? A: jelly fish A: jelly fish Q: Do they live in Florida? Q: Does it swim fast? A: sting ray Q: Does it swim? Q: Does it feel like jelly? A: jelly-fish A: manatee Q: Does it attach itself to the sea floor? A: sea sponge A: sea cucumber Q: Does it have a flat, hard tail? Q: Does it seem like its flying gracefully under the water? A: sting ray Q: Does it live in the ocean? A: humoback whale A: beaver Q: Does it eat around 4.4 tons of food a day? A: blue whale A: sponge Q: Is it green? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have a pointy snout? A: crocodile A: alligator Q: Is it flat? Q: Is it feartured in the new horror movie Andacondas? A: andaconda A: stingray Q: Is it a type of fish? Q: Does it live in cold water? Q: Is it related to the fresh water bull head? A: green ling cod Q: Does it have a large mouth? Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Does your animal have scales,kind of sharp teeth, and eat both fish and plankton? A: pike A: piranha Q: Does it open its mouth wide and eat its prey? A: gulper eel A: large mouth bass Q: Is it the Wisconsin state fish? A: muskellunge Q: Is it half human? A: mermaid A: trout Q: Does it look like a snake? A: moray eel Q: Is it green and orange, has teeth, and eats other fish? A: Oscar Q: Does it have sharp teeth? A: barracuda Q: Does it have hands? A: mermaid A: bass Q: Is it a type of snake? A: anaconda Q: Can it swallow fish bigger than itself? A: gulper eel Q: Is it electric? A: electric eel Q: Does it have hair? A: mermaid A: moray eel Q: Is it a carnivore? Q: Is it like an eel? Q: Is it poisonous? Q: Can it shock? Q: Is your animal in the group hollow bodied animls? A: man of war jellyfish A: electric eel Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Is it shaped like a diamond? A: sting ray Q: Does it have many many many many many many many many heads? A: hydra Q: Does it live in swampland? A: anaconda A: sea snake Q: Is it a reptile? A: anaconda A: octopus Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Does it eat animals from the inside out? A: lamprey Q: Does it suck blood? A: sea lamprey Q: Does it live in holes under the ocean? A: moray eel Q: Is it in the snake family? A: anaconda Q: Can you get soap from it? A: eel Q: Is it long and skinny? Q: Can it eat other fish the size of itself? A: Gulper Eel Q: Does it use electric? A: Electric eel A: viper fish A: barracuda Q: Does it have tentacles? A: octopus Q: Was it in a movie? A: anaconda Q: Are males and females similar looking? Q: Is it VERY VERY VERY slimey? A: hagfish Q: Does it eat sea-urchins? A: wolf eel A: lamp rey A: Snipe eel Q: Does it live in fresh water? Q: Does it live on land and in water? Q: Does it have webbed feet, sharp claws, a flat bill, & is it furry? A: duck-billed platypus Q: Does your animal use venom when it hunts for food? A: water moccasin Q: Does it have lots of blubber? Q: Does it live in the amazon? A: hippopotamus A: Walrus A: anaconda Q: Does it have whiskers? Q: Does this animal sting? A: sting ray A: catfish Q: Does this animal originate in china? Q: Does this fish have sharp teeth? A: pirahna A: goldfish Q: Does it eat flesh? A: piranah fish Q: Is it often eaten by humans? A: perch A: koi carp Q: Is it a living fossil? Q: Does it have fins? Q: Does it have large teeth? Q: Is it a shark? A: shark Q: Was it once believed to be extinct? A: coelacanth A: great white shark A: coelacanth Q: Does it live at the bottom of the ocean? Q: Can the tail sting you? A: mantaray Q: Is it a prehistoric reletive of the giant squid known to guard a giant pile of underwater treasure? A: krakken A: giant squid Q: Does it have tentacles? A: squid Q: Can it swim in water and live on land? A: Python A: great white shark Q: Does it have tentacles? Q: Is it a bottom dweller? Q: Does it spit ink? Q: Does it have eight arms? A: octopus A: giant squid Q: Does it kill its prey by stinging it with its tentacles? A: sea anemone A: squid Q: Is it transparent (can you see through it)? Q: Is it a jellyfish? A: jellyfish Q: Is it iridescent? A: portugese man-of-war Q: Can it sting you? A: man a war A: squid Q: Can its entire body length including tentacles be 80 ft. or more? Q: Does it have sharp teeth? A: shark A: giant squid Q: Does it have fins? Q: Does it have eight arms? Q: Are its tentacles shorter than that of an octopus or squid? A: cuttlefish A: vampire squid A: giant squid Q: Is it made up of millions of small organisms? A: portuges man-of-war Q: Can it''s tentacles sting? A: northen red anemone A: octopus Q: are you afraid to swim with it? Q: Is part of the name the same as a tool? A: hammer head shark Q: Does it have a big mouth and spots? Q: Is it a type of shark? A: whale shark Q: Is it a large snake? A: anaconda Q: Is it in the whale family? A: killer whale Q: Does it live in the sea and have the same last name as a drum? A: sea bass Q: Does it have a high level of the chemical TMAO in its system? A: grenadier fish A: spotted grouper Q: Is it flat? Q: Is the first word in its name angel? A: angel shark Q: Does it have a spiney tail that stings people? A: manta ray Q: If you were to stick your hand in water full off them, wolud your hand be bitten away and bleedy masively and you have the crampy feling that you are about to die? A: parana A: sunfish Q: Does it eat penguins and seals? Q: Does it have big spots? A: killer whale Q: Is it a mammal? A: killer whale A: shark Q: Is it the largest animal alive? A: blue whale Q: Is there a song about this animal? Q: Does it sing Songs to eat the Men? A: siren A: barracuda Q: Is it poisonous? Q: Is it mythical? A: lamia Q: Does it slither? A: python A: blowfish Q: Does it kill its food with its tail? A: thresher shark Q: When it eats does it suck it''s food in really fast? Q: Does it have many "legs"? A: octopus Q: Does it have hundreds of teeth? A: Shark A: sun fish Q: Does it have a natural light? A: angler fish Q: Does it take just seconds to eat? A: piranna A: great white shark Q: Does it use its tail to sting its prey? A: stingray Q: Does it bite people? A: shark Q: Is this animal half human? A: mermaid Q: Does it have spines? Q: Does it expand itself? A: puffer fish Q: Does it have fins? A: tilefish A: starfish Q: Does it have a long tail and a broad, flat body? Q: Do people eat it on a bagel? A: salmon Q: Does it have 2 eyes on one side of its head? A: flounder Q: Does it eat crustaceans? A: bat ray A: manta ray Q: Does it migrate from saltwater to freshwater to lay its eggs? A: salmon Q: Does it have a tusk or tusks? A: narwhal Q: Is it a bottom-dweller? Q: Does it have lights on its back? Q: Does it use a light to lour fish to it? A: Angler Fish A: gigantactis A: anglerfish Q: Is it an extinct marine reptile that looks like a dolphin? A: ichthyosaur A: dog fish Q: Can it swim? Q: Does it have a dorsal fin? Q: Does it have spikes on it body? Q: Is it yellow? A: porcupine fish Q: Is this animal common for fishing? A: largemouth bass A: blow fish Q: Does it get bigger when it is in danger? A: blowfish Q: Does it have scales? Q: It is a fish. In the series of questions you ask i think you should ask if the animal is extict. BE MORE SPECIFIC!? Q: Is it orange? A: goldfish A: the extict fish called a coelacanth A: fish Q: Is it somtimes called an orca? A: killer whale Q: Does it have a spiral tusk? A: narwhal Q: Does it have four sets of teeth? A: Great white shark Q: Does it live on the bottem of the sea? A: Sting Ray A: shark Q: Does it have eight legs? A: octopus Q: Is it made of 95% water? Q: Is it an invertebrate? A: jellyfish A: mermaid Q: Does it live "under the sea"? Q: Is it a cannibal? A: squid Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it big? A: whale A: sea otter Q: Is it a kind of snake? A: water moccasin Q: Is it poisonous? A: pufferfish Q: Is it the worlds longest animal? A: boot-lace worm Q: Does it look like a star? A: starfish A: mermaid Q: Does it have stingers? A: jellyfish Q: Is it imaginary? A: magikarp Q: Does it have big teeth? Q: Is it often feared because of it''s big mouth? A: hippo A: beaver Q: Does it protect itself by inflating its body? A: blowfish A: sea slug Q: Does it live in the dark? A: tube worm Q: Is it in the shape of a star? A: starfish Q: Is it slimy? A: sea slug Q: Do clown fish live in it? A: Ananome Q: Does your animal have many sharp spines that offer protection from predators? A: sea urchin A: sponge Q: Does he use the sun to keep warm? Q: Does it have legs? Q: Is it a reptile? Q: Is it a HUGE dinosaur? Q: Does it have spikes on the back of its tail? Q: Does it have triangular plates on its back? A: Tuojiangosaurus A: stegosaurus Q: Is it native to a t-rex? Q: Does it have a spiney back? A: acrocanthosaurus Q: Does it look old? Q: Does it have a nine-inch thick skull to ram into stuff? A: phachysephalasaurus A: albertosaurus Q: Is it bigger than a allasaurus? A: t-rex Q: Was it the king of dinasours? A: t-rex A: allasorous Q: Is it a big lizard? Q: Is it extinct? Q: Is it a carnivore? Q: Does it have spikes on its back? A: spinosaurus A: t-rex Q: Does it have spines on it''s back? A: dimetron A: brachiosaurus A: komodo dragon Q: Was it the longest carnivore ever? A: Spinosaurus A: tyrannosaurus rex Q: Is it bright green? Q: Does it have a shell? A: turtle Q: Is it kept as a house pet? A: iguana Q: is the closest living thing to a dinosaur? Q: Does it have stripes? A: Komodo dragon A: blue tongue lizard Q: Is it a slow running flesh eater? Q: Was it before the dinosaurs? A: dimetridon A: komodo dragon Q: Does it run on the water? A: balisk Q: Can it be kept in an aquarium when small? A: iguana Q: Does it belong to the group Ankylosauria? A: acanthopholis A: water dragon Q: Does he carry his home on his back? Q: Does it snap? Q: Does it only live off of New Zealand islands? A: tuatara A: snapping turtle Q: Does it have points on its shell? A: African spurred tortoise Q: Is it smaller than a tortoise? Q: Does it have a long narrow nose? A: aardvark A: box turtle Q: Does it live in the United States? Q: Is it found in many zoos in America? A: galopagos tortise A: desert tortoise A: Galapagos tortoise Q: Does it carry its babies in its mouth? Q: Does it let little birds go into its mouth to eat all the tiny bugs between its teeth? Q: Dos it have a rouded snout? A: american alligator Q: Is it a decendant of dinosaurs? A: monitor lizard A: African crocodile Q: Kitty? A: cat A: alligator Q: Does it live in the rainforest? Q: Can it grow over 6 feet long? Q: Does it have a comb-like crest scale hanging from throat? Q: Could it eat large animals? A: monitor lizard A: iguana Q: Do people have them for pets? Q: It is bigger than an iguana? A: crocodile A: iguana Q: Does it have spikes on its tail and triangular plates on its back? Q: Is your animal extinct? A: Stegosaurus A: crocodile A: komodo dragon Q: Is your animal found in many countries? Q: Is it an extinct flightless bird with a silly name? A: do do bird Q: Can it change colors? A: chameleon A: iguana Q: Can it run on water? A: basilisk lizard A: komodo dragon Q: Is it an extinct animal with VERY large hind claws? Q: Is this animal is a little smaller than Velociraptor? A: dinonycus Q: It lives in southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico? A: gila monster A: velociraptor Q: Is it bigger than a dog? Q: Does it live by the ocean? Q: Is it a relitive of the drogon? A: komodo dragon A: marine iguana Q: Does it have a collar around its neck? A: frilled neck lizard Q: Is it the largest Reptile in the Guiness World Book Of Records? Q: Does it eat small mammals? Q: Is it a dragon? A: comoto dragon A: gila monster Q: Is it ten feet long? A: komodo dragon Q: Is it the largest non extinct lizard in the world? A: komodo dragon A: gula monstar Q: Is it a very fast dinosaur? A: velociraptor Q: Does your animal Have two words? A: komodo dragon Q: Does it have a flame at the tip of its tail? A: Charmander A: monitor Q: Does it have a bacteria filled mouth? Q: Does it have a blue tongue? Q: Is it a reptile that eats rodents? A: savannah monitor A: blue toungued skink A: komodo dragon Q: Does it have a frill of skin around its neck? Q: Is it a small dinosaur? A: protoceratops A: frill necked lizard Q: Is it Scaley? Q: Are the scaled keeled? A: bearded dragon Q: Does it look like a giant lizard? Q: Does it look like a gila monster? A: dragon Q: Is it the evolved form of Charmander? A: Charmeleon A: the gila monster Q: Does it look like a snake but is really a lizard? A: glass lizard Q: Does it have a blue tonge and is native to Alstralia? A: Blue Tounged Skink A: komodo dragon A: goanna Q: Is it a primate? Q: Does it have arms? Q: Does its arms reach past its knees? Q: Does it have reddish-brown fur? Q: Was there a famous one named Cheetah? Q: Is it a carnivore? A: bear A: chimpanzee Q: Does it climb very slowly up trees? A: sloth Q: A famous one called Clyde (from the Clint Eastwood films Every Which Way but Loose? A: orangutan Q: Does it live in the rainforest? Q: Is it more human than animal? A: big foot A: sloth A: baboon Q: Does it swing through trees? Q: Is it in the monkey family? Q: Is it a monkey? Q: Is it used as a pet sometimes? A: monkey A: gorrila Q: Does it have three toes? Q: Is it bigger than a monkey? A: gorilla A: 3-toed sloth Q: Does it suffer from human diseases, including malaria? Q: Is it bigger than a monkey? A: gorilla A: chimpanzee Q: Does it have a white face? A: Gibbon A: gorilla Q: Is it really slow? A: 2-toed sloth Q: Does he wear a loin cloth? A: Tarzan A: black monkey Q: Do some of the members of this species sometimes star in films like *Every Which Way But Loose*? Q: Does your animal have a thumb? Q: Can it sing and rap Country Grammer? A: nelly A: gorilla A: chimpanzee Q: Does it generally have black fur? A: gorilla Q: Does it have hair all over its body? A: ape A: human Q: Does it have spots? A: cheetah Q: Is it a Pokemon? Q: Is this Pokemon Orange? A: charmander A: pikachu Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it black & white? A: panda bear Q: Does it live in Madagascar only? A: Red Ruffed Lemur Q: Does it have a brown stripe down the middle? A: sloth Q: Is it really slow? A: sloth Q: Does it live in snow? A: Polar Bear A: kola Q: Does this animal swing from trees? A: monkey Q: Is this animal a special person? Q: Does it have pointy ears? A: dwarf Q: Is it like you or me? Q: Does she sing "Crazy In Love?"? A: Beyonce Knowles Q: Does he wield the keyblade? A: Sora A: human Q: Is it a Greek God? A: Zeus A: holly Q: Does it catch it food by swimming underwater for it? A: Seal Q: Does he like answering e-mails? A: Strong Bad A: human Q: Does it have a colored bottom? Q: Does it run at speeds up to 70 miles per hour? A: cheetah Q: Does It live in cold climates? Q: Does it eat grass? A: cow A: penguin A: baboon Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Does is have a mane? A: lion Q: Is it a very big animal? Q: Does it produce milk? A: cow Q: Does it have spots? A: clouded leopard A: dinosaur Q: Does it have spots? A: cheetah Q: Is it black? Q: Is it related to the cat family? A: cat A: panther A: jaguar Q: Can it run fast? Q: Does it eat grass? Q: Does it live on a farm? A: cow A: deer A: deer Q: Does it always use many thorns on its back to protect itself when it faces to the enemy? A: porcupine Q: Does it have a hard shell around its body? A: aardvark Q: Is it very, very, very, very, huge? A: elephant A: otter Q: Does it have a protective shell type body? Q: Does it have a long nose? Q: Does it eat beetles? Q: Does it have a hard shell body? A: armadillo A: anteater Q: Is it a giant anything? A: giant anteater A: anteater Q: Does it have jaws? A: cat Q: Does it have skin? A: hermit crab A: armadillo Q: Is it smart? Q: Can it jump really high and run quickly through the woods? Q: Is it native to North America? Q: Is it a type of big cat? Q: Does it have spots.? Q: Can it run super fast? A: cheetah Q: Does it climb trees? A: lepoard A: bobcat Q: Is it a carnivore? A: cougar A: bear Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Does it have really big antlers? Q: Is it 4-5 feet tall? A: Elk A: moose Q: Does it make a barking noise? A: Barking deer A: white tail deer Q: Does it live in a house? Q: Does this animal lick itself? Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Does it live in a cage? A: ferret A: cat A: cat A: human Q: Is it a humanoid? Q: Does it have lots of fur? A: horse Q: Does it have a long tail that is used for hanging? A: monkey A: sasquatch Q: Is it a wolf? A: wolf Q: Is it a type of bear? A: black bear Q: Can u tame it? A: black Footed Cat A: Fox Q: Does it eat meat? Q: Does the animal sometimes have a black coat? Q: Does it come in different species? Q: Does it growl? Q: Does it have spots? A: cheetah A: black bear A: house cat Q: Does it have less than 4 legs? A: human Q: Does it live in a pack? A: panther Q: Does it like to drink milk and play with yarn? A: cat A: leopord Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it found is South America? Q: Is it a Cheetah? A: cheetah A: jaguar A: cheetah Q: Is it white? A: polar bear Q: Does it jump really high? Q: Does it smaller than a tiger? Q: Does it have a mane and star in ''Lion King''? A: lion Q: Is it like a dog? A: Fox A: cat Q: Is it found in Queensland? A: tree-climbing kangatoo A: puma A: lion Q: Does it live in trees? Q: Is it a kind of a monkey? A: orangutan A: monkey Q: does it live in a hole? A: rabbit Q: Does it have a pouch? A: kangaroo Q: Does it mew? A: cat Q: Is it a rodent? A: weasel A: doe Q: Does it eat berries and hibernate? Q: Is it endangered? Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Is it a kind of Chinese animal that eats bamboo? A: panda bear Q: Does it live in the cold and is the fur very white? Q: Does it live in the white house? A: Presedent A: polar bear A: bear A: panda Q: Does it climb trees? Q: Are they common to North America? A: black bear A: koala bear A: bear Q: Does it live in the dessert? Q: Does it eat large animals? Q: Is it the fastest land mammel in the world? A: cheetah A: human Q: Does it look like a prairie dog? A: meerkat Q: Does it have pockets on its cheeks? Q: Does it like to be in water for long perods of time? A: hippopatumus A: koala Q: Does it run on fours and stand on two? A: meerrat Q: Does it run super-fast? A: cheetah A: ostrich Q: Does it have very long claws? Q: Is it a burrowing animal? Q: Does it eat ants and other insects? Q: Is it black ad white? A: badger A: aardvark Q: Does it have a Duck-Bill? A: duck-billed platypus Q: Does it change the color of it''s fur in the winter? A: lynx Q: Is it orange? A: Fox A: badger Q: Does it have a mane? Q: Does it have a mane? A: lion A: wolf Q: does it like you? Q: Is it endangered? Q: Dose it have a tail? Q: Is it made up? A: crabbit (mixture or a crab & rabbit) Q: Does it live in asia or africa? A: panda bear A: dog A: giant panda Q: Does it eat eucalyptus leaves? A: koala Q: Does it have whiskers? A: cat Q: Does it have a long sticky tounge and eat ants? A: anteater A: pelican Q: Does it have gray fur? Q: Does it hunt in packs? Q: Is it in the dog family? A: dingo A: Arctic wolf Q: Is it really slow? A: 3-toed sloth A: koala Q: Is it a Mammal? Q: Does it have white fur? Q: Does it eat fish? A: polar bear Q: Is it black and white? A: panda A: snow lepord Q: Does it have spots? Q: Can it run fast? A: Cheetah A: leopard Q: Does it have black stripes? A: tiger A: bear Q: Does it have the color orange with black spots? A: cheetah Q: Does it give milk to its baby although its not a mammal? A: platypus A: sloth Q: Is it a vegetarian? Q: Is it a very dangerous animal? Q: Am i big and grey and clumsey? Q: Does the animal have trunk? A: elephant A: hippopatamus A: emu Q: Does it swing in tree''s? A: monkey Q: does he live on the plains? Q: Is it imaginary? A: unicorn Q: Does it live on a farm? Q: Does it have hooves and is smaller than a pony? A: miniture pony A: cow A: buffalo Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it brown? Q: Does it make the sound MOO? A: cow A: puppy Q: Does it live in the artic? A: penguin A: cow Q: Does it have three toes on each foot? Q: Is it part of the rodent family? A: guinea pig A: tapir Q: Do they have a "second thumb"? A: giant panda Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it have hooves and go "moo"? A: cow A: panda Q: Does it have straight feathers that are very long and have circles on them? A: peacock A: koala bear Q: Does it have oily fur & live in the rainforest? Q: Does your animal run quickly in the jungle or rain forest? A: black panther A: red rumped agouti Q: Does it live in Antarctica? Q: Can It speak any lanquage? A: human A: penguin Q: Is it a mammal that lays eggs? Q: Does it walk on two legs? A: human A: duck-billed platypus Q: Does it make a purr sound? Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it white and black? A: ocelot A: cheetah A: cat Q: Can the animal speak languages? Q: Is it''s mortal enemy the Ninja? A: Pirate A: human Q: Does it`s tail steam up when it gets wet? A: charmander Q: Does it wear clothes? A: people Q: Does it have a bushy tail and hunt for food? A: fox Q: Does it swim? A: sea otter Q: Does it live in china and eat bamboo? A: Panda A: mearcats Q: Is this animal native to Australia? Q: Does it eat eucalyptus insects? Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Does it sleep most of the day? A: koala bear Q: Is it''s trusty side-kick a pot of PVA glue? A: koala A: sloth Q: Dose it have a long nose? A: anteater A: koala bear Q: Is it golden? Q: Does it have spots? A: dingo Q: Is it a canine type? Q: Does the male have a mane? A: lion A: dingo Q: Was it only in ancent times, like the time of mammoths? A: saber-tooth tiger A: cheeta Q: Does it eat insects? Q: Does it have spikes? A: echidna A: anteater Q: Does it live in a burrow? A: wombat Q: It is the largest land animal.? A: elephant A: koala Q: Does it have oily feathers? Q: Is it extinct and fat? A: dodo bird Q: Does it have huge feathers? Q: Is it pink? A: flamingo A: peacock Q: Does it gobble? A: turkey Q: Is it native to England? A: duck Q: Does it have a red comb on its head? A: chicken A: penguin Q: Does it have sharp quills? Q: Does it have sharp quills and lay eggs? Q: Does it live in the polar regions? A: polar bear A: echidna Q: Does it sleep during the day and is active at night? A: wombat A: porcupine Q: Does it have antlers? Q: I am not really sure about a question, sorry.? Q: Does it live in Africa? A: antelope A: deer A: moose Q: Does it have a mane? Q: Does this animal live only in New Zealand? A: kiwi Q: Does it have leggs? Q: Is your animal found in africa? A: lion A: horse A: lion Q: Does it run faster than any other animal? Q: Does it have horns? A: rhino Q: Does it only eat animals that it found dead? A: jackal Q: Does it like to sit on trees and watch for it''s prey? A: leopard Q: Is it on the show winnie the pooh? Q: Does it have hooves? A: donkey Q: Does it have patches on it? A: cow A: bear A: cheetah Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it give milk? Q: Does this animal have a short snout? Q: Does it have spots? A: dairy cow Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it say moooooo? A: cow Q: Does it like to rest? A: malayan tapir A: panda A: tapir Q: Does it live in China? Q: Does it go moo? A: cow A: panda bear A: cow Q: Does it nest on the ground around old lava flows? A: nene goose Q: Does it live mostly in China and Tibet? A: panda A: zebra Q: Does it look like it is wearing a tuxedo? A: penguin Q: Does your animal have black spots and lives in the rainforest? Q: Is it a large black cat with black spots that are barely visible because they are just a shade darker black than the rest of this animals coat? A: black panther Q: Is it in the in the the movie, "Ice Age?"? A: sloth A: ocelot Q: Is it peaceful? Q: Is it very large? Q: Is it part of the rodent family? A: capybara Q: Does your animal live in a cold climate? A: hippopotamous Q: Is it found most common on farms? A: Cow A: polar beat Q: IS IT a bird that doesnt fly? Q: Is it faster than an ostrich? A: road runner Q: Is it pink? A: flamingo A: ostrich Q: Is it related to a fox? A: snow fox A: sloth Q: Is it a dinosaur? A: t rex Q: Does it live in swampy rainforests and have a short trunk? A: tapir Q: Does it have a colorful bottom? Q: Is it purple? A: south African blesbok A: baboon Q: Does it have a long snout and eat ants? A: anteater Q: Is it completely white? Q: Cebu is like a cow? A: cebu A: polar bear Q: Does it have small tusks? Q: Does it have 3 toes, and is very slow? A: three toed sloth Q: Do the males have 2 extra tusks growing through the roof of its mouth? A: babirusa A: wart hog Q: Does it make a noise that sounds like it''s laughing? A: hyena Q: Does it howl at the moon? A: coyote Q: Does it spit? A: camel Q: Does it eat honey? A: bear Q: Is it gray? Q: Is it smaller than a rhinocerous? Q: Does it live in mud? A: hippo Q: Is he a cat and chases Jerry? A: Tom A: wildebeast Q: Does it live in the amazon? A: hippo Q: Does it have a trunk and tusks? A: elephant A: rhinocerous Q: Is it a large cat of some type? Q: Is it the biggest Cat in America while also being the only big cat that does not roar? A: jaguar Q: Is it completely black? A: black panther A: cougar Q: Does it live in cold northern forests? A: wolverine Q: Do you eat it? A: chicken Q: Does it prey on zebras? A: African Hunting Dog Q: Is his friend ren? A: stimpy A: Savanna monitor Q: Does it smother its prey? Q: Is it in the python family? Q: Is it a reptile? Q: Does it have a hood? A: cobra Q: Is it the HEAVIEST snake (weighing over 300 pounds!!)? A: anaconda Q: Is it small? A: small ball python Q: Is it green? Q: Does it climb trees? Q: Is it a long fat snake that is in some zoos And it starts with a B? A: boa constrictor Q: Is it the longest snake in the world? A: Reticulated python A: green tree python A: boa Q: Is it poisunous? A: king cobra A: boa constrictor A: anaconda Q: Is it a dionosaur? A: t-rex Q: Is it greyish and slow? A: rosy boa A: anaconda Q: Does it make a rattling sound? A: rattlesnake Q: Is it poisonous? Q: Does it come from Australia? Q: is it brown and the 2nd deadliest snake in the world? Q: Does it have a hood? A: Cobra A: eastern brown snake Q: Is it usually black and have a flat spot on its body just below its head? Q: Does it hang from trees? A: black mamba Q: Is it the deadliest snake on earth? A: Fierce Snake A: king cobra Q: Is its venom the most potent of any land snake on Earth? A: inland taipan A: red bellied black snake Q: Does it have a hood? Q: Is it the biggest venemous snake? A: King Cobra A: cobra Q: Does it have a long body? Q: Does it live in the desert? A: side winder Q: Does it slither and is poisonous? Q: Does it have diamond markings? A: adder A: copperhead A: king cobra A: water moccasin Q: Is it make an ''oink, oink'' sound? A: pig Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it have stripes? A: one eye purple people eater A: penguin Q: Is it long? Q: Is there a movie named after it? A: anaconda Q: Does it have tusks? Q: Does it swallow the whole food? A: snake A: walrus Q: Is it brown? Q: Does it squeeze its prey? Q: Is it one of the worlds longest snakes ? A: rock python A: boa constrictor Q: Is it a species of legless lizard? A: Glass lizard Q: Does it bear leaves? A: tree A: carpet snake Q: Is it green? A: garden snake A: milk snake Q: Does it have ripples on its back? A: armadillo Q: Does it have a long nose? A: ant eater Q: Bird or animal? A: kingfisher A: carpet snake Q: Does it live in a tree? Q: Does it eat leaves? Q: Does it only eat eucalyptus leaves? Q: Does it sleep 90% of the time? Q: Is it brown? Q: Is it known for being crazy and wild and climbing from tree to tree? A: koala bear Q: Is it a slow animal? Q: Does it have tufts of fur in its ears? A: koala A: Sloth Q: Does it jump from tree to tree? A: monkey A: Koala Q: Is it a tanish color? Q: Is it a marsupial? A: Koala A: sloth Q: Does it absolutely love garbage and knocks trash cans down? A: racoon A: koala Q: Is it a Marcoupiel? A: koloa Q: Does it have a pouch were to store its baby? A: koala Q: Is it red? A: red panda A: sloth Q: Is it found in the zoo? Q: Is it a primate? Q: Is it large with no neck? Q: Does it live in Borneo? Q: Does it have a red bottom? Q: Does it have long red fur? A: orang utan Q: Does it have greyish brown fur? A: sloth A: baboon A: Borneo orangutan Q: Does it live in the jungle or mountains? Q: Does it have a very colorful bottom? A: baboon Q: Is it small? A: pug Q: Is it white? A: albino gorrilla A: mountain gorilla Q: Does it have two nail like toes? A: two-toed sloth A: gorilla Q: Does it have three toes? Q: Does it howl like a coyote? A: Howler Monkey A: three toed sloth Q: Does it carry its babies in a pouch? Q: Does it have black fur? A: monkey A: possum Q: Does it have a prehensile tail? Q: Does it have a tail? Q: Is it bigger than a spider monkey? A: chimpanzee A: spider monkey A: chimpanzee Q: Does it live in Borneo and Sumatra? Q: is it black? Q: Is it very intelligent? Q: Does it act a lot like humans? Q: Does it have hair on its butt? A: gorilla A: chimpanzee A: chimpanze A: gorilla Q: Does it have a big nose? A: proboskis monkey A: orangutan Q: Do males have colorful noses? A: mandrill Q: Is it medium size? Q: Could it be a circus animal? Q: Does the animal have one basic color? Q: Is it a normal primate at the zoo? A: monkey A: orangotang Q: Dose it have a Tail? A: Chimp A: monkey Q: Does your animal swing in trees? Q: Is it human like? A: gorilla A: monkey Q: Does it climb trees using all four legs? Q: Is it black and white? A: panda A: sloth A: kaola Q: Is it a huge monkey? A: gorilla Q: Dose it eat bon boo? A: panda Q: Does its name start with an "o"? A: ourangatang A: chimpanzee Q: Does it move very slowly? Q: Does it have 3 toes? A: 3-toed sloth Q: Is it a two toed sloth? A: two toed sloth Q: Is it only active at night? Q: Is it related to the mongoose? A: binturong A: slow loris Q: Is it related to a Giant Panda? Q: Is it black and white? A: Giant Panda A: red panda A: panda bear Q: Is it in the marsupial family? Q: Does it swing tree to tree? Q: Is it grey? A: koala A: monkey Q: Is it a Native to Australia? A: koala A: Opossum Q: Does it live in only one specific area? (Madagascar)? Q: Is it an endangered animal? Q: Is it related to the giant panda, but looks like a raccoon? A: red/lesser panda A: giant panda A: lemur Q: Does it have black and white fur? A: panda Q: Is it mostly found in Australia? A: koala Q: Does it eat bugs? Q: Does it have a masked face? A: red panda Q: Does it swing on vines? A: monkey A: anteater A: monkey Q: Is it very slow and not smart? Q: Does it live in China? A: panda Q: Does your animal have quills? A: porcupine Q: Does it have three toes on each foot? A: three-toed sloth A: sloth Q: Does it make noise? Q: Is it related to an elephant? A: Hyrax Q: Does it have five toes on its front feet but only three on its hindfeet? A: Proboscis monkey A: horse Q: Does it live in New Guinea? A: goodfellow''s tree kangaroo Q: Does it have long legs? A: slogh Q: Does it not not not not not have long, thin fingers? A: porcupine A: aye-aye Q: does it eat bananas? Q: Is it orange? A: orang utan Q: Does it have a bushy tail? Q: Does it swing in trees? Q: Is it woolly? A: woolly monkey A: monkey Q: Is the monkey a native to Asia? A: macaque A: red panda Q: Is it gold? Q: Is it nocturnal? A: kinkajou Q: Does it swing on branches? Q: Does it eat only meat? A: cheetah Q: They are nocturnal and feed on fruit? A: baboon A: golden lion tamarin A: golden-ringed tamarin Q: Does it have a bright red bottom? Q: Is it big? A: gorilla A: baboon Q: Does it not have an inflatable throat pouch? A: gorrila A: siamang Q: Does it live on nuts and small fruit and size not bigger than a hand? Q: Does your animal have a bushy tail? Q: Does it have a striped tail? A: raccoon Q: Does it have a pointy nose? A: possum Q: Does it live in the forest? Q: Does it leap around in trees.? A: squirrel A: fox A: squirrel Q: Does it have a scaly tail? A: oppossum Q: Does green algae grow on it''s fur? A: sloth A: panda bear Q: Do you like them? Q: Is it in the dog family? Q: Is it very large? A: hippo Q: Is he a disney charactor? A: pooh bear A: tree climbing fox Q: Can it run very fast? Q: Is it larger than a cheetah? Q: Is it extinct? A: jaguar Q: Is a car named after this animal? A: jaguar Q: Is it endangered? Q: Is it black and does it have invisible spots? A: American panther A: florida panther Q: Is it a mascot? A: panther A: leopard Q: Can your animal run faster than a cheetah? A: cheetah Q: Is it brown with black spots? Q: Is it black with black spots? A: leopard A: ocelot Q: Does it eat your garbage at night? A: racoon Q: Does it live in a wooded area? Q: Does it eat ants? A: anteater Q: Is he of the cat family? A: panther A: martin Q: Does it live in Madagascar? A: fossa A: jaguar Q: Is it a Reptile? A: snake Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Does it have a long finger? A: eye-eye A: opossum Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have rings on its tail? Q: It is a bird? A: peacock Q: Does it have a rosette pattern on its fur? A: jaguar A: genet Q: Is it the size of a house cat? A: ocelot A: leopard Q: Is it related to weasels? Q: Does it live in pine trees? A: pine marten A: monkey Q: It is a bear that lives in trees? A: panda Q: Does your animal move very slowly and hang upside down in trees? A: sloth Q: Is it in the monkey family? A: capuchin Q: Is it a plant? A: jasmine (the plant) Q: Does it have pointy ears? Q: Does it lay eggs? A: Echidna A: dwarf Q: Does it have a bellybag to carry its kids? A: Opossum Q: Is it a furry midget with a club? A: Ewok Q: Is it from Alien Planet? A: Daggerwrist A: raccoon Q: Does it live in North America? Q: Does it slither across the ground? A: snake Q: Does it relate to the bird family? Q: Does it hoot? A: owl A: peacock Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Does it play dead? A: opossum A: koala Q: Does it make webs? A: black widow Q: Does it live in forests? Q: Does it have quills? A: porcupine Q: Is it also known as a bandit? A: Ratcoon Q: Is it a plant? A: Poison Oak or Poison Ivy Q: Does it sound like it has one hundred legs? A: centipede A: black bear A: opossum Q: Does it howl oogabooga-ishly? A: howler monkey Q: do superstitious people believe it brings bad luck? A: aye-aye Q: Does it crawl? A: boa Q: Is it slimy? A: python Q: Does it bite or sting and give you welts after its done? A: fire ant A: sloth Q: Does it lay eggs? Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Is it found only one place in the world in the wild? Q: Does it have a wide beak? Q: Does it look like it is wearing a suit? Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Is it black and white? A: penguin A: platypus A: penguin Q: Is this animal extinct? A: dodo bird A: platypus Q: Does it have a coloured beek? Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Does it have feathers? A: ostrich A: duckbill platypus Q: Does the father take care of the babies? A: penguin A: puffin Q: Is it native to New Zealand? A: kiwi A: penguin Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Does it lay big eggs? Q: Does it lay a large amount of large eggs? Q: Does It have Large Teeth and lays large eggs and is a bird? Q: Is it a dinasour? A: teradactyl A: Saver Tooth Bird A: Nile crocodile Q: Does it only have feathers on its head? A: macaroni penguin Q: Is it extinct? Q: Was it extinct a LONG time ago? Q: Was it a carnivourous dinosaur that liked swimming? A: Eutropandyluss A: t-rex A: dodo Q: Does it waddle? A: penguin Q: Does it swim? Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the gannet? A: Gannetwhale A: penguin A: kiwi Q: Does it have wings but doesn''t fly? Q: Is it extinct? A: do-do bird Q: Is it pink? A: flamingo A: penguin Q: Does it have webbed feet? Q: Is it a mammal that lays eggs? A: duckbill platypus A: pelican Q: Can it throw fire? A: agumon Q: Does it roll up in a ball? A: armadillo Q: Does it partly live in water? A: alligator Q: Was it an extinct dinosaur? Q: Was it an African Animal? A: Suchomimus A: Baryonyx A: polar bear A: king penguin Q: Does it have feathers? Q: Does it run very fast? Q: Is it fat? Q: Does it have colorful feathers? Q: Are males more beautiful than females? Q: Is it a showy animal? A: peacock A: turkey A: turkey Q: Does it have white feathers? A: chicken Q: Is it the size of a chicken? A: Kiwi A: emu Q: Large Bird? Q: Is it the world''s largest bird? A: ostrich Q: Does your animal have a casque on its head? A: cassowary A: emu Q: Is it a native of New Zealand? Q: Can your animal fly? A: weka A: kiwi A: roadrunner Q: Does it lay eggs bigger than its size? A: kiwi Q: Does your animal have a curved beak? Q: Does it live up in the cliffs? A: eagle Q: Is it a farm animal? Q: Is it used during Thanksgiving? A: turkey A: chicken Q: Does it have wings but cant fly? Q: Does it share its name with a certain fruit? A: Kiwi bird A: dodo bird A: kiwi Q: Does it have a helmet? A: cassowary Q: Do we see it in a poultry farm? Q: Does it eat pickels? A: chycken Q: Is it male or female? Q: Does it have a comb? Q: Can it be both male and female? A: Chicken A: rooster Q: Is this animal a male? A: Rooster A: chicken Q: Is it a baby bird? A: chick Q: Can it b both male and female? A: chicken A: hen Q: Does it have a big beautiful tail? A: peacock Q: Do you use this animal for the holidays? A: turkey Q: Is it extinct? A: dodo Q: Is it bluish, the last of its kind, and found only on one island? A: kagu Q: Is there a hunting season for it? A: duck A: penguin Q: Does it have webbed feet? Q: Does it walk on four legs? Q: Does have teeth? A: komodo dragon A: platypus Q: Does it have a long bill? A: platypus Q: Do people not think of them alot? A: flamingo A: penguin Q: Does it have spines? Q: Does it breath fire? A: dragon Q: Does it have a large middle claw used to kill its prey? A: velociraptor Q: Does it have a shell? A: turtle Q: Is it armored with a club on its tail? A: Ankylosaurus Q: Was it a dinosaur with spikes and armor on its back and tail? A: Polacanthus Q: Is it from space? A: alien A: echidna Q: Is it close? Q: Is it warm-blooded? Q: Does it have legs? A: kiwi bird A: snake Q: Does it spin a web? A: spider Q: Is it a parasite? Q: Is it a parasite that lives in your stomach and releases eggs almost all the time? A: tapeworm Q: Does it exsist? A: heart worm A: tenia A: turtle Q: Did it live long ago? Q: Did it live in China? A: tyrannosaurus luanchensis Q: Does it hunt in packs? Q: Did it hunt Parasaurolophus? A: Albertosaurus Q: Did it dwarf T-Rex? A: Giganotosaurus A: Velociraptor Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Was it a 10 foot long prehistoric millipede? A: Arthropluera A: horshoe crab Q: Does it look like a crocodile? A: Postosuchus Q: Is it a herbivore with tusks? A: Placirias Q: Is it a herbivore? Q: Does it have a big claw on his front legs to defend itself? A: Iguanodon Q: Was it a a 35 foot long hadrosaur? A: parasaurolophus A: Pachycephalosaurus Q: Was it a giant spider? Q: Was it a huge spider that was actually not real? A: Megarachne A: Mesothelae Q: Was it an Early Jurassic Animal? A: Dilophosaurus Q: Was it related to Tyrannosaurus but not a Tyrannosaurus? A: Carcharadontosaurus A: trannosaurus rex Q: Is it very slow? Q: Does it Have more then 3 body segements? A: ant Q: Is it blue with a black tail? A: wobbufet Q: Is there a PBS show named after it? HINT- Arthur the _________? A: aardvark Q: Does it have a shell? Q: Does it have a shell? A: turtle A: Boa Constrictor Q: Is it a Bible monster that was brought to impossible creatures? A: Behemoth A: Boa Constrictor Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Do people keep it as pets? A: pharret A: armadillo Q: Is it poisonous, red & black, and found in East Karana? A: crag spider Q: Does it have black pincers and a blue-green body? A: sand scarab Q: Is it the largest lizzard that lives in the world today? A: komodo dragon Q: Does it use humans for hosts? A: Alien A: tarantula Q: Does it live in a hole in the ground? Q: Does it sleep during the day? Q: Does he carry babies in a pouch? Q: Do they eat roots and leaves.? Q: does it carry its young? Q: Is it a dog? A: molly Q: Does it eat most anything a racoon would? Q: Is it found only in Australia (except for Zoos)? A: Wombat A: opossum A: wombat Q: Is it a marsupial? A: wombat Q: Does your animal have a broad, thick-set body set on short legs? A: badger A: baby dinosaur Q: Does it have long silky fur and long rabbit-like ears? A: bilby Q: Does it have coarse jet-black fur with white spots? A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does it have a very short tail? A: wombat A: opossum Q: Does it eat termites with a long sticky tongue? Q: Does it roll up into a large looking ball when scared? Q: Does it eat ants? Q: Does it live in the Sahara Desert or other parts of Africa? Q: Does it have scales? A: pangolin A: aardvark Q: Does it live in the water? A: anteater Q: Is it a kind of armadillo? A: giant armadillo A: while A: armadillo Q: Does it burrow? Q: Does it have overlapping, horny scales on its back? A: pangolin A: aardvark Q: DOES IT EAT ANTS? A: anteater A: aardwolf Q: Does it fight snakes? Q: Is this animal persistent? Q: Does it hunt at night? Q: Is it a rodent? A: rat Q: Is it very,very strong for it''s size? Q: Does he scare you at night and try to hunt you down to eat you? A: The Boogie Man A: badger A: weasel A: badger Q: Does it search and attack chickens? A: fox Q: Is it extremely visious? A: tasmanian devil A: mongoose Q: Does it have a shield over its body and curl like a ball when it is in danger? Q: Is it spiny? A: hedgehog Q: Does it have a shell you can sell? A: desert tortiose A: armadillo Q: Does it have a bushy tail? Q: Does this animal look like it is wearing a mask? Q: Does it have red fur? A: fox A: raccoon Q: Does it live in a very cold climate? A: arctic fox Q: Is it a native of Australia? A: wombat Q: Is it a fierce fighter? A: wolverine A: fox Q: Does it have strong back claws to dig with? Q: Is it a gopher? A: gopher Q: Does it try to see it''s shadow on groundhog''s day? Q: Is it black? A: Mole A: groundhog Q: Is it the world''s largest rodent? Q: Is it the worlds largest rodent? A: capybarra A: rat A: wombat Q: Is it black and white? A: badger Q: Does it have strong front claws for digging? Q: Does it eat plants? Q: Does it have heavy bodies, thick skin, short legs and a short tail? A: badger A: newtria Q: Is it white all over? A: polar bear A: badger Q: Does it have a mask and a long slim body? A: ferret A: groundhog Q: Does your animal live in a burrow with its family? Q: Does it whistle? Q: Does it laugh? A: hyena Q: Is it a member of the dog family.? A: dhole Q: Does it live in the eastern U.S.? A: woodchuck (groundhog) A: marmot Q: Does it have spines? Q: Is it a marsupial? A: wombat Q: Does it eat ants? A: anteater Q: Does it roll into a little ball to protect itself? A: porcupine Q: Do they work in colonies? A: naked mole rat A: prarie dog Q: Does this animal eat insects? Q: Does it have a hard back? A: armadillo Q: Is it a Australian mammal? A: wombat Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Does it have high intelligence? A: fox A: weasel Q: Is it mean? Q: Is it famous for killing snakes? A: mongoose Q: Does it bark? A: meerkat A: badger Q: Does it eat snakes? Q: Does the whole family stand on their hind legs to look around? A: meerkat A: mongoose Q: Does the whole family stand on their hind legs to look around? A: meerkat A: anteater Q: Is it like a mongoose? Q: Is it like a rodent? Q: Does it live in a forest? A: groundhog Q: Does it hunt rabbits? A: ferret A: prairie dog Q: Is it black footed? Q: Does it swim on its back while eating? A: otter A: ferret A: meerkat Q: Does it get blamed for an extra six weeks of winter? Q: Does it live where there is lots of snow and ice ? A: polor bear A: groundhog Q: Does it have a star shaped nose? Q: Dose it live in a house? A: mouse A: star nosed mole Q: Does it have tusks? A: wart hog Q: Is it one of the world''s rarest animals? Q: Is it a type of bear? A: polar bear A: vancouver island marmot Q: Does it have white fur? A: polar bear Q: Does it eat ants? A: anteater Q: Is it a rodent? A: Mara A: fox Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Is it made of wood ? A: Schnuffel A: porcupine Q: Does it have tusks? A: wart hog Q: Does it have a armoured shell? Q: Is it an anteater with teeth? A: aardvark Q: Does it have branches, with leaves on it? A: tree A: armadillo Q: Is it a type of worm? A: iridescent bootlace (type of worm that can be as long as a blue whale) Q: Does it like to eat snakes? Q: Is it related to a dog.? A: wolf A: mongoose Q: Is it a dangerous animal? Q: Is it type of bear? Q: Is it black? A: black bear A: panda Q: Does it have sharp teeth? Q: Does it live up north? Q: Is it a part of the weasel/badger/skunk family? A: wolverine A: artic wolf A: tazmainian devil A: porcupine Q: Does it like to eat bamboo? A: panda Q: Is it a good swimmer? A: otter Q: Does it have a pig nose? Q: Does it live in urban areas? Q: Does it burn easily ? A: Schnuffel A: mole A: anteater Q: Does it evolve into Dugtrio? Q: Does it eat ants? A: anteater A: diglet Q: Can you throw it at people and its also the name of a really popular wrestler? A: rock Q: Does it eat ants? A: ant eater Q: Does it enjoy smoking a pipe? A: hobbit Q: Does it have a bushy tail? A: fox A: prarie dog Q: Does it like to swing from the trees? Q: Is it the most wonderfulest crustacean ever to inhabit this terrestrial sphere? A: land squid Q: Does it eat bananas? Q: Is it much smaller than a gorilla, but still a monkey? Q: Is it mostly found in tropical countries, e.g. Malaysia? A: orang utan Q: Is it black? Q: Was this animal "Bear" in ''BJ and the Bear'' and a co-star to Mathew Broderick in ''Project X''? A: chimpanzee A: monkey A: baboon Q: Dose it talk.? Q: Is it endangered? A: orangotang A: human A: gorilla Q: Does it have legs? Q: Does it have a prehensile tail (long for balance)? Q: Is it a marsupial? Q: Does the animal''s name start with a ''w''? A: wombat A: opossum Q: Does it eat insects? A: bush baby A: lemur Q: Does it like to climb trees? Q: Does it watch tv? A: human A: koala A: gorilla A: razorback Q: Does it have fur? Q: Does it live in a warm climate? Q: Does it have a long snout? Q: Does it have hooves? Q: Does it live in South America? Q: Does it have a long sticky tongue? Q: Does this animal like to eat ants? A: ant eater Q: Does it have a curly tail? A: cow A: aardvark A: tapir Q: Does it live on a farm? Q: Dose it look like a pony? A: mumbey A: cow Q: Is this animal related to a donkey? Q: Does it eat ants? A: aardvark A: African wild ass A: foal Q: Does it live on sesame street? Q: Is It Black? Q: Does it like honey? A: Bear A: bat A: snuffleupagus Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it eat insects like ants and termites with a long sticky tongue? A: aardvark Q: Is it a gray mammal? A: wolf A: panda Q: Is it sly? Q: Does it live in a pack? Q: Does your animal have Indian relation? A: wolf Q: Does it have a red butt? A: baboon A: lion Q: Does it chew wood? A: mouse A: fox Q: Is it black and have claws and eats meat? Q: Does it sleep in a den? A: black bear Q: Is it a mythical wolf-like animal from Norse legends? A: fenrir Q: Does it eat insects? A: ant eater A: black panther Q: Is it a type of rodent? A: capybara Q: Does it look like it has scales? Q: Is it even an animal? A: armadillo A: pangolin Q: Is it a predator? A: lynx Q: Does it have two vowls in the begining of the animals name? A: aardvark A: anteater Q: Does it live in the rain forest? Q: Is it a small wild cat? Q: Can this animal be tamed? Q: Does it have spots? Q: Is it the same size as a domestic cat? A: ocelot A: jaguar A: tiger Q: Does it have "cloud" markings on it''s fur? A: clouded leopard Q: Does it have big ears? Q: Does it have spots? A: ocelot A: serval Q: Can this animal resemble a panther in it''s black form? Q: Does it have spots? A: leopard A: jaguar A: ocelot Q: Does it hunt? Q: Does it have a popular car brand named after it? Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have a popular car named after it? A: jaguar A: leopard A: jaguar Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does your animal run up to 60mph? A: cheeta Q: Is it black, Does it live in India, and does it have very faint spots? Q: Is it black and has invisilble spots? A: black panther A: panther Q: Can it climb trees? A: leopard A: ocelot Q: Does it have fur? Q: Is it related to man? A: gorilla Q: Is it black? A: panther Q: Is it a cat? Q: Do you find it in Asia? A: clouded leopard Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it have stripes? A: sabre-toothed tiger A: marsupial lion A: ciracal Q: Dose it pollute and wreck the envioment? Q: Does it live in the woods? A: bear A: human!?! Q: Does it live in the forests of peraguay? A: Crab-Eating Raccoon A: fox A: panther Q: Is it a spanish name? A: grisson Q: Does it only live in China? A: panda Q: Is it the only primate that lives in the mountains? A: high-mountain gibbon Q: Does it have black eye patches and a white belly? A: giant panda Q: Does it have five toes on its front feet but only three on its hindfeet? A: Azaras Agouti Q: Is it an endangered animal? A: Marmot Q: Is it a pet? Q: Can it sometimes squeak or purr? A: guinea pig A: Parasite A: gorilla Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have black fur? Q: Is it a mamale? Q: Does it walk on four legs? Q: Is it endangered? Q: Can it go from 0 to 65 miles an hour in 30 seconds? A: cheeta A: panda Q: Is it domestic? Q: Is it a farm animal? A: cow A: calico cat A: hyena A: panda bear Q: Is it a house pet? Q: Does it have a long tail and like to eat fish? A: cat A: Guinea Pig Q: Does it have lighter fur than a normal leopard? A: snow leopard A: black leopard Q: Is it a mammal? Q: Does it run fast? Q: Does it have black circles around brown spots? Q: Does it live in a tree? Q: Does The Animal Catch His Prey? A: cheetah A: leapord A: cheetah Q: Does it laugh? A: hyena Q: Is it a Cheetah? A: cheetah Q: Dose it have antlers? A: deer Q: Does it have black spots? Q: Does its name have more than one vowel? A: ocelot A: lynx A: cat Q: Is a big cat? Q: Does it have a tail? A: leopard A: bobcat Q: Is it vicious? A: ocelot Q: Is it fat and covered in spots? Q: Is it a baby? A: calf A: cow Q: Is it a marsupial? A: quoll A: fawn A: cheetah Q: Does it have a mane, and roar? Q: Does it live in a savana? A: lion Q: Does it live in a pride or pack? A: lion A: silver back Q: Is it golden brown in color? Q: Is your animal nocternal? Q: Is it in the cat family? Q: Does it live in the desert? A: mountain lion Q: Can it be a pet? A: cat Q: Does it have tufts of hair on its ears? Q: Are their numbers down to merely 30-50? A: florida panther Q: Are their numbers down to merely 30-50? A: florida panther A: carcal A: panther A: deer Q: Is it a different name for a puma? A: mountain lion Q: Is there any alive now? Q: Does it have horns? Q: Does it live on a farm? A: cow A: deer Q: Does it have a short tail? Q: Is it a domesticated animal? A: gerbil Q: Is it native to India? Q: Does you animal have hooves? A: deer A: gaur Q: Does it eat snakes? A: mongoose Q: Is it a large rodent? A: capybara Q: Is it golden-brown in colour? Q: Is it a female? A: lioness A: hamster A: bear Q: Is it the fastest land animal? A: cheetah Q: Is it endangered? A: florida panther Q: Was He a character as Robin Hood In the Disney Movue Robin Hood? A: fox Q: Is it a type of bull with a hump on it? A: barama bull Q: Does it laugh? A: hyena Q: Does it have black ears? A: Caracal A: puma Q: Is it the ancestor of the tiger? A: lightning bug Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the uakari? A: boobookari A: wooly mamath Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Is it large? Q: Is it a family pet? A: guinea pig A: capybara Q: Is it a domesticated animal, at least sometimes? Q: Is it smaller than a rat, but about the same size as a base ball? A: white mouse Q: Does it have soft grey fur? A: chinchilla Q: Is it very fat? A: guinea pig A: ferret Q: Does it live in Australia? A: wombat A: mouse Q: Does it stalk its prey? Q: Does it live in the jungle? Q: Isit black? A: panther Q: Is it spotted? A: jaguar A: wildcat Q: Can it be a pet? Q: Does it live in Australia? A: dingo A: house cat Q: Does it have a reddish color fur? A: fox Q: Does it howl and travel in packs? A: coyote Q: Is it named after the lord of the under world? A: tazmanian devil Q: Is it black? Q: Is it a bear? A: black bear A: black panther Q: Is it made up? A: Invise Tiger A: bobcat Q: Does it live at the North Pole? A: polar bear Q: Can you buy its milk at the grocery store? Q: Does it purr? A: cat A: cow Q: Does it live in a house? Q: Is it some kind of Spaniel? A: king charles spaniel Q: Is it blue, and does it eat cookies? A: Cookie Monster Q: Is its "owner" called christopher Robin? A: winnie the pooh A: cat Q: Is it a type of small pony? Q: Did people use this horse to mine? A: miniature horse A: falabela pony Q: DOES IT WALK ON 4 LEGS AT ALL TIMES ? Q: Does it climb trees? Q: Does it live in China and eat bamboo? A: panda bear Q: Does it hunt in rivers and streams fot salmon? A: black bear Q: Does it live longer than two years? A: gorrila A: opossum Q: Does it hibernate in the winter? Q: Is it redish? A: fox A: bear Q: Is it black? Q: Is it an Austrailian scavenger depicted on Looney Toons? A: Tasmainian Devil A: jaguard Q: Does it like hanging around the ground instead of the trees? Q: Is it like a pig? A: wart hog Q: Is it an Aulstrailian wild dog? A: dingo Q: Does your animal have a horn? A: unicorn Q: Does it live in the forest? A: White tail deer A: baboon Q: Does it carry wagons? A: Ox A: cat Q: Does it like honey? A: black bear Q: Does it eat eucalyptus leaves as its main diet staple? A: koala Q: Is it black and white? Q: Does it live in the Deserts of Australia? A: emu A: panda Q: Is it still alive? Q: Is it a solid color, like pink? A: flamingo Q: Does it have fire on his neck? A: Typhlosion Q: Is it gigantic and carry a bowcaster? A: wookie A: tazmanian devil A: carrion Q: Does it have long legs and eats twigs? Q: Does it eat grass and is very fast? Q: Does an adult weigh more than 300 pounds? Q: Does it have broad, flat antlers? Q: Is it smaller than a moose? A: Mule Deer A: moose Q: Does it have a short white tail? A: white tailed deer A: elk Q: It its life span 17-20 years? A: red deer A: deer Q: Is it black and white? A: panda Q: Is it bigger than a cow? Q: Is this animal mystical? A: big foot A: moose Q: Does it have black and white spots? A: cow A: caribou Q: Does it howl at the moon? Q: Does it live in a cold climate? Q: Does it have a grey or white coat? Q: Can it be a pet? A: husky Q: Can it change into a wolf? Q: It is a legende ? A: werewolf A: wolf A: wolf A: coyote Q: Does it have big red eyes? Q: Does it have four legs? Q: Is it an animal from "Lord of the Rings?"? A: Warg Q: Is it a an imaginary creature of evil with one horn? A: Nacknar A: wolf A: werewolf Q: Does it go woof? Q: Does it live in the Desert? A: coyote A: dog A: gray wolf Q: Does it eat ants? Q: Can it live in a house? Q: Can you eat it? A: Opossum A: anteater Q: Does it eat berries and salmon? Q: Does it live in the forest? Q: Does it hibernate? A: bear Q: Does it have a long nose? A: anteater A: raccoon A: bear Q: Is it a primate? A: gorilla Q: Does it have a trunk and eat ants? A: anteater Q: Is it the Taco Bell mascot? A: chihuahueno A: cat Q: Is it ferocious? Q: Is it brown? Q: Is it a wildcat? Q: Does it have ear tufts and a stubby tail? Q: Does it live in North America? Q: Is there a spanish type? A: lynx A: bobcat A: lynx Q: Is it extinct? Q: Did it it live in Tasmania? A: tasmanian tiger A: sabre tooth tiger Q: Is it a smaller version of a ferocious animal? A: bobcat Q: Does it live in the mountains? A: mountain lion A: cougar or puma Q: Does it have a hump on its back? A: grizzly bear Q: Does it have a hump on its shoulders? Q: Can it weigh more than 800 pounds? A: kodiak bear A: grizzly bear Q: Is it taller than a brown bear? Q: Is it imaginary? Q: Does it have the body of a lion? A: sphinx A: Big Foot A: grizzly bear Q: Is it taller than a brown bear? A: brown bear Q: Is it Carnivorous? Q: Is it native to Wisconsin? Q: Is it the largest land animal in North America? A: brown bear Q: Does it live in the mountains? Q: Is it a brown bear? A: brown bear A: cougar Q: Is it brown? A: bear A: badger Q: Does it pound its chest? A: gorilla Q: Does it look similar to a dog or a wolf? Q: Does it have a long tail? A: mountain lion A: coyote Q: Does it live in a cave? Q: Does it have the word moon in it? A: moon bear A: bear A: wolverine Q: Does it weigh over 50 pounds? Q: Is it a kind of a bear? Q: Is it yellow and loves honey? A: Winnie the Pooh A: grizzly bear A: bison A: porcupine Q: Does it live in the Arctic? Q: Does it walk on all fours? Q: Does it have a long tall? Q: Is it in the cat family and is sly? Q: Does it have spots? A: snow leapord A: lepord Q: Is it a white, saber-toothed future wolverine? A: Snowstalker A: snow leopord Q: Is it a future animal, descended from the wolverine? A: snowstalker A: polar bear Q: Is it a real animal? A: polar bear A: abominable snowman Q: Is it black? Q: Is it in the weasel family? A: wolverine Q: Is it part of the monkey family? A: gorilla Q: Does it live only in Tasmania, Australia? A: Tasmanian devil Q: Does is eat bamboo shoots? A: panda Q: Is it a part of the cat family? A: panther Q: Does it have a mask on its face? A: racoon A: black bear Q: Does it live in the land? Q: Is it a type of wild dog? Q: Does it live in Southern Siberia and India? A: dhole A: fox Q: Is the fur two distinctively different colors? Q: Does your animal live in coral? A: panda Q: Is it a wild cat? Q: Does it live in the plains of Africa? Q: Does it have a mane? A: lion A: cheetah Q: Does it run really fast? A: road-runner Q: Does it have spots? Q: Does it have big feet? A: lynx A: snow leopard Q: Is it extinct? A: saber tooth tiger A: bobcat A: koala Q: Is it four letters? A: lynx Q: Is it the cousin of Bigfoot? A: Yetti Q: Is it a kind of cat? Q: Is the second word of your animal Clouded leopard? A: Clouded Leopard A: saber toothed tiger Q: Does it look clearish-white? A: Spirit Bear Q: Does it look clearish-white? A: Spirit Bear A: grizzly bear Q: Did it have long,sharp teeth? Q: Does it have spots? A: Snow Leopard Q: Does it live in the mountains? A: yeti A: sabertooth tiger Q: Does it consume bamboo? A: panda bear Q: Is it orange and white? A: Hobbes, the killer house cat. Q: Is it orange and white? A: Hobbes, the killer house cat. Q: Is it orange and white? A: Hobbes, the killer house cat. A: lynx Q: does it meow? Q: Does the animal have spots? Q: Does it look like a wild animal but is tame? Q: Does this animal live with people? A: housecat A: ocicat Q: Does it live in the desert? A: Sand cat Q: Is it a domestic cat that''s calico? A: calico cat A: European Wildcat Q: Does it fly? A: bobcat Q: Does it have long pointed ears? Q: Is it an extremely large, exotic looking cat that can be up to 30lbs? Q: Is it a large wild cat with tufted ears? Q: Is it big? A: lynx A: cat A: Maine coon Q: Does it live in the house? A: cat Q: Is it from a book and an upcomig movie? A: Cat in the Hat A: lynx Q: Does it have color on it''s nose, feet, ears, and tip of it''s tail? Q: Is it an african animal? A: himalayan cat Q: Does it try to eat Jerry? A: Tom Q: Does it eat dog food? A: my kitty named maximus(max for short) A: cat A: cat Q: Is it big? Q: Does it eat bamboo? A: panda Q: Is it native to Antarctica? Q: Does it have one horn and hooves? A: unicorn Q: Does it have antlers? A: moose Q: Does it have spots? A: snow leopard Q: Is it extinct? A: wooly mamuth A: polar bear Q: Is it a house pet? Q: Is the colour mostly black and tan? A: rotweller A: German shepherd Q: Is it mythical? Q: Does it look like a big human with lots of fur? Q: Does it live high in the mountains? A: Yeti A: big foot Q: Does it evovle from Evee? A: flareon A: unicorn Q: Does it live in the forest? Q: Is it black with a white stomach and is it native to china? A: panda Q: Does it have antlers? Q: is it hunted for sport? Q: What is a national animal of Canada? A: moose A: dear A: moose Q: Does it love honey? A: brown bear Q: Is it bigger than a fox? Q: Is it a legendary apelike animal? A: sasquatch Q: Does it begin with C and is it a wild cat? A: cougar Q: Is it extinct? A: giant sloth Q: Can it harm people? Q: Does it like to fight sometimes? A: bear A: Coyote A: doe A: fox Q: Does it live on a farm? A: cow Q: Is it sometimes called a riverdog? A: otter Q: Do both the males and females have antlers? A: caribou Q: Is it extinct? Q: Does it have molars? A: mastodon A: wooly mammoth Q: Does it have webbed feet? A: capybara Q: Can it be brown or black? Q: Does it beat on it''s chest? A: mountain gorilla A: bear Q: Is this animal white? A: polar bear Q: Does it live in the water and in the earth? A: hipopotamus Q: Was it once almost completly instinct in the wild? A: Mongolian Wild Horse Q: Does it do artic races? A: sibrian husky A: buffalo Q: Is it a baby? Q: Does your animal evolve in pokemon? A: eevee A: foal Q: Does it have a ringed tail? Q: Is it a member of the dog family? Q: does it have a bushy tail? A: fox A: raccoon dog Q: Does it have antlers? A: deer A: raccoon Q: Does it eat fish? Q: Does it have webbed feet and a bill? A: platypus Q: Does it waddle in the snow? A: penguin Q: Does it have big front teeth and likes to chew wood? A: beaver Q: does it smell bad? A: skunk Q: Is it sly and does it have a bushy tail? Q: Does in live in cold weather? A: arctic fox A: fox Q: Does it eat honey? Q: Is it also the name of a T.V show? A: the pink panther A: bear Q: Does it live in the water? A: otter A: porcupine Q: Does it have a pointed muzzle and a long bushy tail? Q: Can it be demesticated? Q: Is Lassie this type of animal? A: collie A: chinchilla Q: Does it live in the arctic? A: Arctic fox A: fox Q: Does it eat bamboo? A: panda bear Q: Does it have armor on its back and curl into a ball to protect itself? A: armadillo Q: Does it have quills? A: porcupine Q: Does it have good eyesight? Q: Does ItsTail Have Fur On It? Q: Does it have spots? A: snow leopard Q: Is it frisky? A: miniature snauzer Q: Is it usually red, brown or black? A: Fox Q: Does it live in alska? A: askeya A: possum Q: Does it bark? A: dog Q: Does it have nine tails? A: ninetails Q: Is it known to sleep upsidedown in trees? A: opposum Q: Does it have hooves? A: minature horse Q: Is it bigger than a rat but looks just like it? A: opposum Q: Is it blue, agile and can teleport? A: nightcrawler from x-men A: rat Q: Does it know how to swim? Q: Does it have antlers? A: reindeer Q: Does it come before Pikachu? A: pichu Q: Can it eat vegetables? Q: Is it the smallest breed of horse in the world? A: fallabella A: guinea pig A: beaver Q: Is it nocturnal and often ends up being road-kill? A: opossum Q: Can it be a house pet? Q: Does it have a running wheel? A: hampster A: ferret Q: Does it purr and coudle with you? A: cat Q: Does it swim? A: koi A: rat Q: Does it have quills? Q: Is it native to the US? Q: Is it native to Arizona? Q: Is it yellow? A: pikachu Q: Does it omit a foul odor to defend itself? A: skunk A: javelina Q: Is it a shark off of yugioh? A: great white shark A: porcupine Q: Can it climb trees? Q: Does it only live in Australia? A: echidna A: porcupine Q: Does it have 1600 ATKPOINTS and800 DEFPOINTS.IT IS A SHARKOFF OF YUGIOH? A: great white shark A: hedgehog Q: Does it like to go into campsites? Q: Does it speak? Q: Is it an animal? Q: Is he an actor in LOTR? Q: IS HE REALLY HOT? Q: Is he an actor that plays frodo? A: Elija wood A: Orlando Bloom Q: Is he a hobbit? A: Frodo A: Orlando Bloom Q: Is he your sibling? Q: Is it a girl? A: Sister A: my brother Q: Is he from pirates of the carribean? A: Johny depp A: human Q: Does have antlers? A: TV Q: Does it have a thumb? Q: Is it you? Q: Is it a land ANIMAL? Q: Is she a famous latin/pop singer thats still alive today? A: Shakira A: Homo sapien Q: Does it eat REAL food? A: human A: human-being Q: Is it black? A: bat A: Human Being Q: Is it a yugioh card? A: dark magician girl or aboy A: Television Q: Does it have antlers? A: moose Q: Does it attack humans on site? A: ogre Q: Does it has markings on its face? Q: Is it a yugioh card that is a spell card? A: Soul Release A: raccoon Q: Is it a yugioh monstercard that is white? A: Great White Shark A: bear Q: Is it pink? Q: Does it live in a farm? Q: Does it have two legs? Q: Is it brown or green? A: gariil A: flamingo A: pig Q: Does it sleep standing on one foot? A: flamingo Q: Does it wear clothes? Q: Does it have the knowledge to tell right from wrong? A: human Q: Does it come from Sweden? A: Mangorin A: the missing link Q: Can it be pink, white, or yellow? A: moogle Q: Does it live under ground? A: naked sand rat Q: Can it transform into any Pok`emon? Q: Does it sing people to sleep? Q: Can it turn into anything? A: Ditto A: jigglypuff A: ditto Q: Does he say "Super Dee Duper!" and annoy you while your little sister jumps for joy to see him? A: barney A: pig Q: Does it have a long nose it uses to eat ants? Q: Is it closely related to elephants? A: aardvark Q: Do you look something like a pig? Q: Is it ugly? A: ant eater A: wart hog Q: Does it have scales? A: pangolin Q: Is it big? Q: Does it have fins? A: whale A: elephant A: anteater Q: Does it wear clothes? Q: Does she have snakes for hair? Q: Is it a large horse? A: belgian A: medusa Q: Does it wear dresses? Q: Is it the scientific name for human? Q: Was it descended from monkeys? Q: Is it live in these days? A: homosapiens A: Homo Erectus Q: Does it wear a watch sometimes? A: human A: homo sapien Q: Does it over populate the Earth? Q: Does it go crazy all the time? A: Mom A: human Q: Is it a character on "Friends"? A: jenifer aniston Q: Is it annoying and came from outer space? Q: Is it from stargate atlantis and is waiting to suck your life blood? A: Wraith A: sister Q: Is over bossy? A: mom Q: Does she ride a broomstick? A: witch Q: Is it made out of snow ? A: Snowman A: female Q: Does it have green skin? Q: Is it very muscular and fierce? Q: Is it from outer space? A: Predator A: Incredible Hulk Q: Is it a Jedi Master? A: Yoda A: elf Q: Is He all mighty? Q: Does he wear a pale face, have spider-like fingers, and spend most of his day plotting evil ways to destroy Harry Potter? A: Voldemort Q: Is he the Dark Lord of the Sith, and right hand man to the Emperor? A: Darth Vader Q: Is he a former Chancellor of the Old Republic, and head of the Galactic Empire? A: Emperor Palpatine Q: Is it super ultra really really very fast? A: dash Q: Is it a former German diktator? A: Adolf A. Hitler A: Jesus Q: Is it a yu-gi-oh card? A: black luster soldier Q: Is it a cybernetic organism with a voice like arnold schwarzenegger? A: Terminator Q: Is it Irish and have a pot of gold? A: leprachaun Q: Is he a simpson and lives in springfield? A: homer simpson Q: Does it like to loot and pillage? A: Pirate Q: Is it a evil character from star wars? A: darth vader Q: Is it an elf from the trilogy The lord of the rings? A: Legolas Q: Does it drink beer every morning, afternoon, and night? A: Beer Belly Q: Is he a magical wizard? A: Harry Potter A: human Q: Is it in the Disney film ''Lady and the Tramp''? Q: Does this animal chew its cud? A: cow Q: Does it cut down trees.? Q: Does it have a flat tail? A: beaver A: human A: Siamese cat Q: Is It a small pig-like animal? Q: Was it in the Disney movie Lion King? A: wart hog Q: Does it have very rough and hard skin? Q: Does this animal have its nest underground? A: aardvark Q: Does it have a flat snout? Q: Is its back a Flaschenoeffner ? A: Schnuffel A: potbelly pig Q: Does it have a elephant like trunk and lives in south america?? A: tapir A: armadillo Q: Does it play dead? A: possum Q: Does it have large ears? Q: Is it a guinea pig ? A: Guinea Pig A: aardvark A: tapir Q: Does it give milk? Q: Does it give birth to kittens? Q: Does it have rosettes with a spot? A: jaguar A: cat Q: Does it like grass? Q: Do people like to hunt it? Q: Does it have very large ears? Q: Does It Go Moo? A: cow A: elephant Q: Does it live on a farm? A: cow A: white-tailed deer A: cow Q: Is It Kind of rubbery and shiny? Q: Can it roll up into a ball? A: armadillo Q: Does it like to wallow in mud? A: hippopotimus A: seal Q: Does it roll into a ball? A: armadillo Q: Did humans evolve from it? A: austrolopithicus Q: Does it live on a farm? A: cow Q: Does it have a hard shell called a carapace? A: armadillo A: walrus Q: Is it really really extra really BIG!? Q: Does it have a really really really big mouth? (Like two feet across)? Q: Is it Golden Brown? Q: Is it a gigantic live structure from ancient Greece (ie. Like Talos)? A: Collosus Q: Is it istinct? A: T-Rex A: puma Q: DOES IT SING SONGS? Q: Does it have LONG white flippers? Q: Does it wear sneakers? A: human A: humpback whale A: whale Q: Does it destroy citys? A: Godzilla Q: Is it extinct? A: Tyranosaurus Rex Q: Does it have a trunk? A: Elephant Q: Is it mythical? Q: Is it from alien planet? A: Groveback A: cyclops A: hippo Q: Does it have a long trunk and big ears? A: elephant Q: Does it have really big tusks? A: mammoth Q: Does it live in a rainforest? Q: Is it a plant? A: Tree A: gorilla Q: Is it a devoted cannibal? A: taxxon Q: Is it in the Disney movie, Winnie the Pooh''s Grand Adventure? A: suffleupagus Q: Is it extinct? A: tyrannosaurus rex Q: Is it a mythical creature with big feet? A: Big Foot A: hippopotamus Q: Does it want to chase mice? Q: Does it have scales? A: snake Q: Does it slide? A: snake Q: Does it look like a cat? Q: No? A: yagouarourdi A: Cat Q: Does it live in the house? A: cat A: elf owl Q: Is it an invertebrate that has the same name as something that you use to scrub dishes when you are doing them by hand? Q: Does it have armor? A: armadillo A: squishy sponge (its an animal) Q: Is it a baby animal of an animal that gives milk? Q: Does it have black and white blotches on it? Q: Does it swim under water? A: shark A: dog Q: Does it resemble a cross between a pig and hippo? A: tapir Q: Does it have a furry chin? Q: Does it Have Gills? A: Fish A: goat Q: Does it whine alot like this?WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? A: Baby A: calf Q: Does it look as if he is wearing a jacket? Q: Does it look like it is wearing a coat of armor? Q: Does it have a long tongue? A: likster A: armadillo Q: Does it have stripes? A: whale A: penguin Q: Does it jump? Q: Does it live in the woods? Q: Does it like people? A: jordan A: deer Q: Does it like to run? Q: Is it a Mustang? A: mustang stallion Q: Is it native to Blacksburg, Virginia? A: The Hokie Bird A: horse Q: Is it a dwarf? A: dwarf hamster A: frog Q: Does it have a hard shell? Q: Has it evolved twice? A: blastoise Q: Does it look like a rolly- polly? Q: Does it have armor on its back? A: armadillo A: opossom Q: Does it remeber bits? A: computer A: armadillo Q: Does it have a horn on it''s forehead? Q: Is it black and white? A: zebra Q: Is it grey? A: Rhino A: unicorn Q: Does it have spot on its body? Q: Does it live in the river banks? A: platypus Q: Does it have eight legs? A: octopus A: cheetah Q: Does it carry its babies on its back? A: opposum Q: Is it covered with twigs and leaves and is it in the book, "The Black Cauldron"? Q: Does it it rolls up into a ball? A: hedgehog A: gurgee Q: Is it any of three snake-haired sisters in Greek mythology whose appearance turns the beholder to stone? A: gorgon Q: Does your animal have little ears? Q: Does fire come out of its back? A: ciniquil Q: Does it fly around in space? A: alein Q: Is he the almighty God? A: God Q: Is it found in Austrailia? A: Gazelle Q: Does it slither round the place? A: snake A: dragon Q: Does it eat pickels? Q: Is it green and bathes in mud? A: ogre A: chycken Q: Is it purple in the summer and magenta in the fall? A: zurkaneen Q: For every question I ask, do you never say no? Q: Does it live in China and eats worms? A: Sobing Parrot Q: Does it want to suck your blood when you are asleep? A: the boogie monster Q: Does it roar? A: Blue eyes white dragon Q: Is it very big and blows fire? A: dragon Q: Is it gay? A: joshua snell Q: Is it yellow? A: banana Q: Is is pink and float in a human or animal head? A: Brain A: rooster Q: Does it cry? Q: Doed it have a hump? A: Hump Back Bird Q: Does it look like a nothing? A: no animal A: Sobbing Parrot Q: Are you going to keep clicking no forever? A: whale Q: Will you answer No to this question? Q: Is it a tiny horse? A: fallabella Q: Can it sometimes be found inside the human gut? A: Tape worm A: word, "no" Q: Is it a tuber ? A: potato Q: Did Predator bring it from outer space? A: Alien from Alien V.S. Predator Q: Is it a very very very very cute tiny cute horse? A: fallabella Q: Is no going to be your last answer? A: Rottweiler Q: Are you going to say no everytime? A: No Q: Is it invisible? A: nothing Q: Is it from Alien Planet? Q: Is this a prey item of Arrowtongue? A: Littoralope A: Arrowtongue A: Snow Man