CSE143 Sample Final handout #33 Spring 2008 1. Binary Tree Traversals, 6 points. Consider the following tree. +---+ | 0 | +---+ / \ / \ +---+ +---+ | 3 | | 2 | +---+ +---+ / / \ / / \ +---+ +---+ +---+ | 7 | | 9 | | 5 | +---+ +---+ +---+ / \ / / / \ / / +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ | 4 | | 6 | | 1 | | 8 | +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ Fill in each of the traversals below: Preorder traversal __________________________________________________ Inorder traversal __________________________________________________ Postorder traversal __________________________________________________ 2. Binary Search Tree, 4 points. Draw a picture below of the binary search tree that would result from inserting the following words into an empty binary search tree in the following order: Kenny, Stan, Cartman, Kyle, Tweek, Wendy, Timmy. Assume the search tree uses alphabetical ordering to compare words. 3. Binary Trees, 10 points. Write a method countMultiples that returns a count of the number of multiples of a particular value in a binary tree of integers. Given a number n, a value m is considered a multiple of n if it can be expressed as (k * n) for some integer k. For example, suppose that a variable t stores a reference to the following tree: +---+ | 6 | +---+ / \ / \ +---+ +---+ | 2 | | 9 | +---+ +---+ / \ \ / \ \ +---+ +---+ +---+ | 5 | | 3 | | 4 | +---+ +---+ +---+ / \ / \ / \ / \ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ | 8 | | 6 | | 7 | | 0 | +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ The table below shows various calls and the values returned. method call returns explanation ------------------------------------------------------------------- t.countMultiples(2) 6 six multiples of 2: 6, 2, 4, 8, 6, 0 t.countMultiples(4) 3 three multiples of 4: 4, 8, 0 t.countMultiples(3) 5 five multiples of 3: 6, 9, 3, 6, 0 t.countMultiples(1) 10 all ten numbers are multiples of 1 You are writing a public method for a binary tree class defined as follows: public class IntTreeNode { public int data; // data stored in this node public IntTreeNode left; // reference to left subtree public IntTreeNode right; // reference to right subtree <constructors> } public class IntTree { private IntTreeNode overallRoot; <methods> } You are writing a method that will become part of the IntTree class. You may define private helper methods to solve this problem, but otherwise you may not call any other methods of the class. Your method should throw an IllegalArgumentException if passed the value 0. 4. Programming with inheritance, 20 points. You have been asked to extend the ArrayIntList class that we have been studying. Recall that it has a constant called DEFAULT_CAPACITY and includes the following public methods: public ArrayIntList() constructs an empty list with capacity equal to DEFAULT_CAPACITY public ArrayIntList(int capacity) constructs an empty list of given capacity public void add(int value) adds given value at end of list public void add(int index, int value) adds given value at given index public void remove(int index) removes value at given index public int size() returns current number of elements public boolean isEmpty() returns whether list is empty public String toString() returns a comma-separated version of the list in square brackets You are to define a new class called HistoryList that extends this class through inheritance. It should behave just like an ArrayIntList except that it should keep track of the modification history of the list. In particular, a HistoryList object should keep track of a sequence of String values that indicate how the object was modified. For example, if the following operations are performed: HistoryList list = new HistoryList(); list.add(18); list.add (27); list.add(0, 17); list.remove(0); list.add(9); Then the HistoryList object should keep track of this sequence of Strings: initial list = [] add(18), list = [18] add(27), list = [18, 27] add(0, 17), list = [17, 18, 27] remove(0), list = [18, 27] add(9), list = [18, 27, 9] When a HistoryList is constructed, the first String in the list above should be added to its history. Then, each time the remove method is called or either of the add methods is called, a new entry is added to the history showing the call that is being made and the value of the list after the call. You must exactly reproduce the format shown above. These Strings that are part of the history will be accessed by clients using the following new public methods: public int historySize() Returns the number of Strings in the history public String history(int index) Returns the given history String (0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc) In the example above, after executing the sample code, the history size will be 6 and the six different history Strings can be accessed by calls on list.history passing indexes between 0 and 5. For example, to print all strings in the history, the client might say: for (int i = 0; i < list.historySize(); i++) System.out.println(list.history(i)); 5. Comparable class, 20 points. Define a class TimeSpan that stores information about a period of time based on a 24-hour clock. Each TimeSpan object keeps track of a starting time and a duration (e.g., starting at 1:30 and lasting 140 minutes). The class has the following public methods: TimeSpan(hour, min, duration) constructs a TimeSpan object with the given starting time and duration getStart() returns the starting time as a String getStop() returns the stopping time as a String toString() returns a String composed of the starting time followed by a dash followed by the stopping time Times should be reported in standard 24-hour clock format with hours between 0 and 23 and minutes between 0 and 59. The earliest time will be expressed as 0 hours and 0 minutes (0:00), which represents midnight. The latest time will be expressed as 23 hours and 59 minutes (23:59), which represents one minute before midnight. For example, given the following: TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(23, 5, 75); The call span.getStart() would return "23:05", the call span.getStop() would return "0:20" and the call span.toString() would return "23:05-0:20". Notice that minutes are always indicated with two digits and that it is possible for a stopping time to cross midnight. The TimeSpan constructor should throw an IllegalArgumentException if passed an illegal value (hour not 0 to 23, minutes not 0 to 59, negative duration). TimeSpan should implement the Comparable<E> interface, with TimeSpan objects ordered first by increasing start time and then by increasing duration. 6. Binary Trees, 20 points. Write a method matches that returns a count of the number of nodes in one tree that match nodes in another tree. A match is defined as a pair of nodes that are in the same position in the two trees relative to their overall root and that store the same data. Consider, for example, the following trees. +---+ | +---+ tree1-> | 3 | | tree2-> | 3 | +---+ | +---+ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ +---+ +---+ | +---+ +---+ | 4 | | 7 | | | 6 | | 7 | +---+ +---+ | +---+ +---+ / \ \ | / / \ / \ \ | / / \ +---+ +---+ +---+ | +---+ +---+ +---+ | 0 | | 9 | | 2 | | | 0 | | 9 | | 2 | +---+ +---+ +---+ | +---+ +---+ +---+ \ | \ \ | \ +---+ | +---+ | 8 | | | 8 | +---+ | +---+ The overall root of the two trees match (both are 3). The nodes at the top of the left subtrees of the overall root do not match (one is 4 and one is 6). The top of the right subtrees of the overall root match (both are 7). The next level of the tree has 2 matches for the nodes storing 0 and 2 (there are two nodes that each store 9 at this level, but they are in different positions relative to the overall root of the tree). The nodes at the lowest level both store 8, but they aren't a match because they are in different positions. Therefore, these two trees have a total of 4 matches. Thus, tree1.matches(tree2) and tree2.matches(tree1) would each return 4. You are writing a public method for a binary tree class defined as follows: public class IntTreeNode { public int data; // data stored in this node public IntTreeNode left; // reference to left subtree public IntTreeNode right; // reference to right subtree <constructors> } public class IntTree { private IntTreeNode overallRoot; <methods> } You are writing a method that will become part of the IntTree class. You may define private helper methods to solve this problem, but otherwise you may not call any other methods of the class. 7. Linked Lists, 20 points. Write a method removeFrom that efficiently removes from a sorted list of integers all values appearing in a second sorted list of integers. For example, suppose that variables list1 and list2 refer to the following lists: list1: [1, 3, 5, 7] list2: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] If the following call is made: list1.removeFrom(list2); then the lists should store the following values after the call: list1: [7] list2: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Notice that all of the values from list1 that appear in list2 have been removed and that list2 is unchanged. If the call instead had been: list2.removeFrom(list1); then the lists would have these values afterwards: list1: [1, 3, 5, 7] list2: [2, 4] Both lists are guaranteed to be in sorted nondecreasing) order, although there might be duplicates in either list. Because the lists are sorted, you can solve this problem very efficiently with a single pass through the data. Your solution is required to run in O(m + n) time where m and n are the lengths of the two lists. Assume that you are using a linked list that stores integers, as discussed in lecture: public class ListNode { public int data; // data stored in this node public ListNode next; // link to next node in the list <constructors> } public class LinkedIntList { private ListNode front; <methods> } You are writing a method that will become part of the LinkedIntList class. You may not call any methods of the class to solve this problem, you may not construct any new nodes, and you may not use any auxiliary data structure to solve this problem (no array, ArrayList, stack, queue, String, etc). You also may not change any data fields of the nodes. You MUST solve this problem by rearranging the links of the list.
Stuart Reges
Last modified: Mon Jun 2 15:40:44 PDT 2008