
Category: Programming
Author: Alan Borning and Dan Grossman
Book Chapter: 5.4
Problem: findAllPerfectUpto
A "perfect number" is a positive integer that is the sum of all its proper factors (that is, factors including 1 but not the
number itself). The first two perfect numbers are 6 and 28, since 1+2+3=6 and 1+2+4+7+14=28. Write a static
method findAllPerfectUpto that takes an integer max as an argument and prints out all perfect numbers that are
less than or equal to max.
Here is the console output from a call to findAllPerfectUpto(6):
Perfect numbers up to 6: 6
Here is the console output from a call to findAllPerfectUpto(500):
Perfect numbers up to 500: 6 28 496