
Category: Programming
Author: Stuart Reges
Book Chapter: 3.1
Problem: printMultiples
  Write a method printMultiples that takes an integer
   n and an integer m as parameters and that prints a complete line of output
   reporting the first m multiples of n.  For example, the following calls:

	printMultiples(3, 5);
	printMultiples(7, 3);

   should produce this output:

        The first 5 multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
        The first 3 multiples of 7 are 7, 14, 21

   Notice that the multiples are separated by commas.  You are to exactly
   reproduce this format.  Also notice the order of the parameters: the first
   parameter is the base number and the second parameter is the number of
   multiples to generate.

   You may assume that the number of multiples you will be asked to generate is
   greater than or equal to one.  Write your solution to printMultiples below.