Can machines think? If they could how would we know? How do you think we try to make machines intelligent? Represent knowledge Solve problems Reasoning Learning Planning - set goals and achieve them Natural Language Processing/Communication Motion/Manipulation - interaction Perception Social Intelligence - recognize emotions Does intelligent mean human-like? Turing Test Cleverbot Alice Video Milo These things all started as AI - The AI effect Time Sharing GUI and the computer mouse Linked Lists Object Oriented Programming Examples of AI Finance Fraud detection Telephone customer support Video games Military Video Deep Blue IBM wants to beat the world's best chess player at chess Video Darpa Challenge Department of defense wants driverless cars in battle P.S. They invented the internet Video Watson/Jeopardy IBM wants to beat the best jeopardy players at jeopardy Netflix Prize Try to predict movie ratings Google AI Challenge Student Programming Contest at University of Waterloo Mention Critters assignment