# drawingpanel.py from Tkinter import * import time """ DrawingPanel objects represent a simple interface for creating graphical windows in Python. Author : Marty Stepp (stepp AT cs.washington.edu) Version: 2008/07/15 """ class DrawingPanel(Tk): """ Constructs a panel of the given width, height, and optional background color. Keyword arguments: width -- width of the DrawingPanel in pixels (default 500) height -- height of the DrawingPanel in pixels (default 500) background -- background color of the DrawingPanel (default "white") """ def __init__(self, width=500, height=500, background="white"): Tk.__init__(self) self.width = width self.height = height self.title("DrawingPanel") self.canvas = self.g = Canvas(self, width = width + 1, height = height + 1) self.canvas["bg"] = background self.canvas.pack({"side": "top"}) self.wm_resizable(0, 0) self.update() """ Causes the DrawingPanel to pause for the given number of milliseconds. Useful for creating simple animations. Keyword arguments: ms -- number of milliseconds to pause """ def sleep(self, ms): try: self.update() time.sleep(ms / 1000.0) self.update() except Exception: pass