
Homework #4

Geometry Wars!

Electronic turn-in for part A due: Sunday, May 6, 10:00pm
Paper receipt for part A due in class Monday, May 7.

Electronic turn-in for part B due: Sunday, May 13, 10:00pm
Paper receipt for part B due in class Monday, May 14.

The Task  The Game  Part A details  Part B details  Extensions  Included Code  The Static Call Graph Your Writeup Partner Declaration  Guidelines, hints and help  Submission  Extras  Announcements     Rough Grading Guideline for Part A

Replacing a former MacroHard, Inc., employee, you've been hired on to a project which is supposed to create an educational game on geometry.  At first, you have to spend time just figuring out the project and the code already written.  Then you join a team to help finish the program.  However, you and your teammate are quickly bored with calculating the area of circles and squares.  You decide to sneak a little more excitement into the game. (fade to dream here) You are the Quadrangles' last hope. Being the last of the equilateral elite force, dodging and neutralizing sinister circles left and right (not to mention up and down), you blast through the enemy ranks...

Ok, back to work.

The Task

Now that you know how to program using loops, and are starting to learn about pointers and arrays, you have most of the pieces you need to create really interesting programs. In this assignment, you'll be working (first alone and then with a teammate) on designing a computer game. The game is based on RoboTron, a game where a player (or hero) is swarmed by enemies that must be neutralized.

This is also your first chance to deal with graphics! We're supplying you with a graphics package called GP142. You should read the GP142 User's Guide and look at how the GP142 functions are used in the existing code. 

Apart from drawing, another important concept in GP142 is "Event-Driven Programming." Event-driven programs operate by running through an "event loop" which receives various events, such as keyboard input, mouse clicks, or ticks on a timer, and handles them as they come in. You will need to understand this general structure in order to make sense of this program.

A great deal of code needed for the game is given.  One of your first tasks is to look at this code and understand it thoroughly!  Only then will it make sense to try to modify it.

Your job: with these tools in hand, finish the game.

The first part of the project should be done individually, as usual.  Before you turn in Part A, find a partner you can work with for Part B.

Game description

The game consists of a sequence of levels. At the start of a level, the hero is at the center of the screen, surrounded by enemies. The enemies pursue the hero, trying to catch it.

Using the numeric keypad (with NumLock ON), the player controls the movement of the hero, trying to avoid contact with the enemies. When the player presses the space bar or zero key, a projectile is fired in the direction the hero is facing. If the projectile encounters an enemy, the enemy is neutralized.

The score is increased for every enemy neutralized. Once all the enemies on a level are neutralized, the player advances to the next level.

Every time an enemy touches the hero, a life is deducted, and the level is restarted with however many enemies were left. The game is over when the player dies and has no lives left.

Part A details

As it is, the supplied code doesn't do anything very interesting. Your first task is to change it enough to make a simplified version of what the final game will be. The following is a list of things your program should do for Part A. Some of these things are already in place in the game. Some have to be implemented, and others already have the code written but you need to figure out which function call to make where.

Here is the list of required operational features for Part A.  The ones in red need to be finished by you; the others are already working, and should remain working in the version you turn in.

You should complete and submit this part by the Part A deadline listed at the top of this assignment! Also, you should turn in your static call graph and writeup for Part A at that time, as well as your partner declaration.  Although you will work with a partner for Part B, each individual student must turn in all parts of Part A separately.

Although Part A might look a bit rough with a midterm coming up, the internet has recently been flooded with copies of the HW#4A Walkthrough. That should make things run a bit smoother.

Part B details

For Part B, you and your team will build off of your code from Part A to finish the game.  You can start from either partner's code.   You will do only one electronic turn-in (with both of your names attached), and only one paper turn-in (unless otherwise mentioned).  Under normal circumstance, both partners will get the same grade.  

You will use your newfound knowledge of arrays (including parallel arrays) to allow there to be multiple enemies and projectiles on the screen at once. Also, this is your chance to really express yourself by adding in whatever extensions you think would make the game more interesting!

Here are the requirements for Part B:

Bells & Whistles

The most fun part of this assignment is the opportunity to express yourself creatively by adding whatever extensions you want to the game! These extensions are called "bells and whistles." Different extensions have different values. A bell is equivalent to two whistles, so if you do one extension that's worth a whistle, and a second that's worth a whistle, and a third that's worth a bell, you've got two bells worth of credit.

For Part B, you're required to do 2 bells worth of extensions. If you want to do more, though, don't stop just because you've got 2 bells! A certain amount of extra credit is available for going above and beyond with added cool features, and the coolest programs will be demonstrated in front of the class in the Homework 4 Hall of Fame!

Below is a list of some possible extensions, along with their values. There are many other ways you could extend this game, and you are encouraged to come up with your own ideas! Just send a quick email to your TA with a detailed description of what you've got in mind, and he or she will tell you how many bells and whistles it would be worth.

WARNING: some of these extensions are very ambitious. Make sure to save a working version of your code before you try to implement them! You don't want to mess up what you've already done just because you can't figure out how to make some amazing new feature work.

[whistle] Put a starfield background or other nice effect behind the playing field.
[whistle] Allow the user to pause the game. Indicate visually somehow that the game is paused.
[whistle] Instead of showing a number for how many lives are left, draw little icons, one per life. Don't let them obscure other screen elements!
[whistle] Make a flashy title screen for your game.
[whistle] Make enemies move faster as levels increase.
[whistle] Add difficulty levels (perhaps "Triangle", "Parabola", "Transfinite Hyperspatial Saddle Curve").
[bell] Make some nice animated graphics for the hero or enemies. One bell per animated object, up to a maximum of three.
[bell] Create a little animation for when the enemies are neutralized.
[bell] Instead of having boundaries on the map, have objects go off one side and come in on another.
[bell] Create shootable stationary obstacles (like enemies that don't move).
[bell] Have the number of points scored float up the screen from enemies after they've been neutralized.
[bell+whistle] Wormholes that teleport objects from one location to another.
[bell+whistle] Make the projectiles elongated (like an arrow for instance), such that they always point in the direction they're traveling. See Llamatron (at the very bottom of the page) for an example of this.
[bell+whistle] The original RoboTron video game had two joysticks: one for player movement, and one for shot direction. The player would shoot a constant stream of shots out in whatever direction the shot joystick was pointing, and could move in another direction. This allowed much finer control, as well as maneuvers such as strafing and a fighting retreat. Implement something similar, say by adding a new set of control keys that just control shot direction. Another idea would be to use a system like that of Llamatron, but that might be tough considering that you can't really hold down keys in GP142.
[bell+whistle] Let the enemies shoot projectiles at the player.
[bell+whistle] Prevent enemies from overlapping each other.
[bell] [bell] Gravity generators that "attract" objects towards them.
[bell] [bell] Create some sort of powerups the player can pick up. Make them worth points, or give the player special abilities. For example: speed up, temporary invincibility, fire shots in all directions, etc.
[bell] [bell] Add walls that block movement and projectiles.
[bell] [bell] Create multiple enemy types, with different behavior.
[bell] [bell] Make the enemies try to dodge bullets.
[bell] [bell] Create different weapons for the hero to fire. There should be a few, with various interesting effects, to get a full 2 bells' worth of credit for this one.
[bell] [bell] [bell] Asteroid-type enemies that break into smaller parts.
[bell] [bell] [bell] Create a "droid" that helps the player by running around and shooting enemies without being controlled by the player.
[bell] [bell] [bell] [bell] Make the game world be bigger than what can be shown on the screen at once. This would involve scrolling through the larger world as the player moves around.
???? Anything you can think of! Just e-mail your TA with your extension suggestion, and ask him or her how much that extension will be worth.

Included Code

There is a lot of code provided for this project, but don't panic! For the most part, you only need to change the code in hw4.c. You can think of the other files as being like libraries that provide additional functions without your having to implement them or worry about how they work internally. The only times you'll have to change what's in the other files is for Part B when you're changing the drawing functions and adding bells and whistles.

You are free to change any files you want, though, except the GP142 files!

You are given unfinished code separated into several files:

This is the main file, with all the code you'll need to change for your program. It will need to call functions that are defined in other files.
This is a header file with various function prototypes and symbolic constants that are used by more than one other file.
This file contains the code for drawing various screen elements. You aren't required to change anything in here, but if you want to change any of the game's graphics this is where it will need to be done. Note that this is the only file that makes any calls to the GP142 drawing functions.
This file contains a bunch of functions related to movement of objects in the game.
GP142.c, GP142.h, GP142LIB.h
These files comprise the GP142 graphics package. They must be in the project, but you should not need to even look at the code in them. Definitely do not modify them!
Download the self-extracting archive to get started (or the plain zip file).   Because this file has multiple .c and .h files, you cannot create and run a "default project" as you might have done for the previous homeworks.  The best thing is to use the project workspace already supplied (.dsw file).  If you don't want to do that, there are two crucial things to know about when you create your own MSVC project.

To get an idea of what your finished project should look like, have a look at the sample executables for Part A and Part B. Note that the sample executable for Part B has no extensions to it, but yours should! It's your responsibility to understand all of the code in hw4.c and to understand how and when to call each function in tronDraw.c and tronMove.c. Part A only requires you to change hw4.c, and most of the changes (but not all) for Part B will be in hw4.c, as well. Be sure to read all of the comments describing each function given.

Also, because there is so much existing code for you to work with, for this assignment you are required to write code using the same styles for variable names, bracing, indentation, etc. as what's already there. This is as opposed to changing the existing code to suit your preference, which just doesn't make sense for a project of this size.

You also need to become familiar with GP142. Read the GP142 User's Guide. Don't expect to understand everything the first time you read it. As you work with the program, it will make more and more sense.

Do not modify any of the GP142 files (GP142.c, GP142.h, GP142LIB.h).

The Static Call Graph

Because this is the largest amount of code you have worked with so far, part of your Part A writeup involves creating a  a static call graph, which displays the relationships between the various parts of your program. Your turnin for Part A is to include a static call graph based on the supplied code as modified by you. You used a static call graph in Homework 3 and on some lecture slides, but here's a refresher and some tips:

A static call graph is a diagram with one box for each function in the program. Put the name of each function in a box. For each function B called by another function A, draw an arrow from A's box to B. For example, if main calls drawScreen, draw an arrow from main to drawScreen. It's best to organize the boxes in a sort of hierarchical, tree-like structure, rather than laying everything out at random on the page.  Hint: start with a large piece of paper, and put main at the top.

There should be one box for each function defined or called in hw4.c.  Functions in tron.h, tronDraw.c, tronMove.c, GP142 or C library functions which are called from those files hw4.c should be included.  However, it is not necessary for you to look inside any of those files.

There is no electronic turnin for the call graph, just turn it in stapled to your printed receipt. Make sure to put your name and section on the call graph, even though it's stapled to your receipt.

Your Writeup

In addition to the call graph, you will be submitting a writeup (as usual) for both parts of this assignment. We have supplied starter files for Part A and Part B that include the questions below. As always, include the following standard info:

For this assignment, we also request 4 sets of questions. The sets cover Pre and Post questions for both Parts A and B. The Part A questions are due with Part A and the Part B questions are due with Part B. Don't write more than a couple of sentences to answer any one of these questions!

Pre-Part A questions:

Post-Part A questions:

Pre-Part B questions:

Post-Part B questions:

Guidelines, Hints, and Help

Coding style (following The Way) is vitally important for this assignment and all others. We will generally grade your code for three things: functionality (does it work?), style (is it readable, maintainable, and changeable?), and robustness (does it work well?). So, style will factor in heavily. Moreover, if your code does not work perfectly or is not perfectly robust, you will lose fewer points if we can understand the problem's cause... and good style will help us to read your code enormously.

The following advice should help greatly with your work. Some of it will seem vaguely familiar.


Here is the part B turnin. It requires submission of hw4.c, tron.h, tronDraw.c, tronMove.c, and your readme.txt file.

Nothing better to do?

Finished reading the complete works of Shakespeare, memorized 10,000 digits of PI, completed your award-winning thesis on biochemical reactions in the spleen, ended famine in no less than 3 third world countries, and feeling antsy for more? First, turn in a working version of your code. Then, try to duplicate this! Finished with the assignment and made it look like Llamatron? Hmm.. Let's see... there are still more digits of PI (you never know who you will impress)!