CSE142 01spr HW#3 README file Name: Student ID: Section: Approximate hours spent: Acknowledgment of help: Pre-project questions: 1. Imagine a way to test each function to make sure it works. Pick two functions and briefly describe how you will test each one. 2. Choose an order to implement the functions in this project. Briefly explain why you chose that order. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 3. Which function do you think will be the hardest to write? Why? Post-project questions: 4. Which function was the hardest to write? Why? 5. Were most of the individual functions hard or easy to write? Did starting with a functional decomposition and design documents make them easier or harder? 6. Write at least three words you found that are prime. 7. What's the most insightful or interesting question you thought of, asked, or heard asked about this assignment? If it was a question you heard, make sure you attribute the source! Explain briefly why this was such a good question and what you think the (an?) answer is. 8. What did you enjoy about this assignment? What did you hate? Could we have done anything to make it better (either the assignment itself or the way we handled handing it out, clarifying it, or turnin procedure)?