CSE142 01spr HW#1 README file Name: Student ID: Section: Approximate hours spent: Acknowledgment of help: Pre-project questions: * What are the quantities you need to calculate? Which of them should be double values and which should be int values? Write out mathematical equations to calculate the important quantities. Don't try to make the equations look like C code; just use whatever mathematical notation comes most naturally. * How can you make it so you can test each of the five parts separately? * What are three sets of test input that will help to check if your code is working? Post-project questions: * What would happen if you entered a maximum safe speed of zero into your program? What do you think should happen in the program with a maximum safe speed of zero? What does this problem have to do with the requirement to make one extra circle in each of steps one and two and the "one plus" part of the perimeter? (Note: you need only support positive, non-zero maximum safe speeds.) * Are there any other bugs in your program or in the sample executable? * What did you do for the fourth part (to eat up time)? Briefly describe what your robot does with the time. * Imagine you were responsible for writing the code to run the robot based on CARR input files. What problems would you face given only the programming tools we've learned so far? * What's the most insightful or interesting question you thought of, asked, or heard asked about this assignment? If it was a question you heard, make sure you attribute the source (e.g., "newsgroup post by wolf" or "personal communication with Martin Dickey")! Explain briefly why this was such a good question and what you think the (an?) answer is. * What did you enjoy about this assignment? What did you hate? Could we have done anything to make it better (either the assignment itself or the way we handled handing it out, clarifying it, or turnin procedure)?