Due to campus closure, we will not be holding in-person office hours, lecture, or section during the final week of the quarter. However, we will work with groups to schedule times to meet remotely so that we can support you in working on your final project. To schedule a meeting with a member of the course staff, email cse120-staff@cs.washington.edu (and cc your partner) with a few times that would work for you in the next 24 hours. We'll respond as quickly as possible and will meet with you using Zoom.
We'll also be monitoring Piazza for other questions that you may have about the final project!
Please make sure that you look at the calendar and check Piazza (as well as your email) for updated information about the final project and the end of the quarter.
Announcements will be posted on the discussion board.
It is very important to us that you succeed in CSE 120! Outside of lectures and sections, we provide lots of ways to ask questions and discuss course issues: