Computer Science Principles

Winter 2020Sam Wolfson (

Due to campus closure, we will not be holding in-person office hours, lecture, or section during the final week of the quarter. However, we will work with groups to schedule times to meet remotely so that we can support you in working on your final project. To schedule a meeting with a member of the course staff, email (and cc your partner) with a few times that would work for you in the next 24 hours. We'll respond as quickly as possible and will meet with you using Zoom.

We'll also be monitoring Piazza for other questions that you may have about the final project!

Please make sure that you look at the calendar and check Piazza (as well as your email) for updated information about the final project and the end of the quarter.


Announcements will be posted on the discussion board.

Meeting Times

  • Lecture: MWF, 3:30-4:20pm CSE2 G10
  • Section: TTh, 3:30-4:50pm, MGH 030

Course Staff

Sam Wolfson


Yae Kubota


Eunia Lee


Erika Wolfe


Asking Questions, Getting Help, And Giving Feedback

It is very important to us that you succeed in CSE 120! Outside of lectures and sections, we provide lots of ways to ask questions and discuss course issues:

  1. Visit office hours! (See our course calendar!) In addition, if you need extra time or need to discuss something in private, feel free to email and make an appointment.
  2. Make a public post about course content on the course discussion board, which benefits the whole class. This also allows other students to answer your question so you can receive a faster response. This is the best way of asking questions about class-related topics.
  3. Make a private post to just the course staff on the course discussion board with any questions or issues you would prefer to discuss privately. We ask that, if possible, you do not email staff members individually — you will receive a faster response by posting to the entire staff.
  4. Send anonymous feedback to the course staff. The instructor will try to address the issue and share it with others only as appropriate, but will not have a way to reply to you without addressing the whole class.