Data Structures and Algorithms

University of Washington, Autumn 2019

Aug 18

Hello, World!

All posted information tentative. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

All Announcements


1 Abstract Data Types

Sep 25

Abstract Data Types

Sep 26

Section Abstract Data Types

Sep 27

Stacks and Queues

2 Correctness and Efficiency

Sep 30

Testing and Debugging

Oct 2

Algorithm Analysis I

Oct 3

Section Algorithm Analysis

Oct 4

Algorithm Analysis II

3 Optimizing Trees

Oct 7

Sets, Maps, and BSTs

Oct 9


Oct 10

Section Trees

Oct 11

Red-Black Trees

4 Beyond Trees

Oct 14

Priority Queues and Heaps

Oct 16


Oct 17

Section Heaps and Hashing

Oct 18

Prefix Operations and Tries

5 Midterm Exam

Oct 21

Multi-Dimensional Data

Oct 23

Midterm Review

Oct 24

Section Midterm Review

Oct 25

Midterm Exam

6 Graph Data Type

Oct 28

Tree and Graph Traversals

Oct 30

Graph Implementations

Oct 31

Section Graphs

Nov 1

Shortest Paths

7 Graph Algorithms

Nov 4

Minimum Spanning Trees

Nov 6

Disjoint Sets

Nov 7

Section Graph Algorithms

Nov 8

Software Engineering I

8 Comparison Sorts

Nov 13

Comparison Sorts

Nov 14

Section Comparison Sorts

Nov 15


9 Beyond Comparison Sorts

Nov 18

Optimizing Quicksort

Nov 20

Sorting and Algorithm Bounds

Nov 21

Section Faster Sorts

Nov 22

Radix Sorts

10 Theoretical Foundations

Nov 25

Reductions and Decomposition

Nov 27

Computational Complexity

11 The Real World

Dec 2

Data Structures vs. Algorithms

Dec 4

Software Engineering II

Dec 5

Section Final Review

Dec 6
