INFO 100 / CSE 100 Fluency with Information Technology

Project 2: Student as Teacher—
Creating an Online Quiz

Project 2A: Creating the GUI and Planning the Project (25 points)

This Project part consists of two pieces. In the first piece, you create the user interface and the foundation for your program. In the second piece, you create a planning document explaining in human language with some code "snippets".how you will grade the quiz. In the planning document, you evaluate the entire project and take some first steps.

1. Create the Interface (15 points)

To create this foundation you should:

  1. Create a Web page called "parta.html" using either of these "shell" documents: (1 point)
  2. Create a form with eight text input boxes and a submit button. (2 points)
  3. Create a question to go with each text box that is based on the content in the JavaScript unit or your favorite subject. These questions should be answered using either one word or a number. If needed, use a series of underscores to create a blank space. (2 points) For example:
    "1 + __ = 2", or
    "A __________ is an identifier used for a location in memory where a program can store, access, and restore information."
  4. Your Web page should include a "last modified" date. Make sure to put text around it so that it is clear what the date refers to. A date alone on a page does not help your viewer understand what that date means. (2 points)
    Hint: See Snyder, Chapter 20 or W3 Schools, "Learn JavaScript: JS Date."
  5. Use JavaScript to change the background of your form. Use the appropriate object and property. (2 points)
    Hint: See W3 Schools, "Learn HTML: HTML Background," and Snyder, Chapters 4 and 19.
  6. Comment your code. For each line of JavaScript you create, write comments that explain what your code is doing. Feel free to explain blocks of code all at once. However, make sure that each line of your code is explained in detail. (3 points)
  7. Validate this html file. (3 points)

2. Create the Planning Document (10 points total)

Before you begin this piece, be sure to read the entire project description for Project 2B to understand what you will be doing in the next part. In this planning document, you will decompose the project and describe the logic you will use for quiz scoring:

Write, step by step, a narrative of how the script you will code in Project 2B will address each of these situations. The intention here is to think through the project and create a narrative in English (with JavaScript) that will guide you through coding the project.

Turn In Project 2A

  1. "parta.html"
    1. eight text box questions with one word or one number answers.
    2. a "Submit" button.
    3. a last modified date
    4. validate your project to
      1. html 4.01 transitional or
      2. xml 1.0 strict
  2. "planning.doc" or "planning.txt"
    1. a word or text file that describes as a narrative how your script will score the online quiz.

Turn-In Procedure

You will be submitting your Project 2 files through a Catalyst turn-in. Upon submission, you will get an online receipt verifying the files you have turned in.  Please SAVE this receipt—just in case something does go wrong, you'll have proof you submitted the assignment. Turn in all project pieces for each Project Part.

Project 2A Online Due Date: Tuesday, November 13, before 10:00 pm.

Your score will be based on: