Project 2 is assigned today

Unannounced Quiz 2
Take out a sheet of paper and stow everything else, including phones, CD players, calculators, computers, books, notes ...

Unannounced Quiz 2
Answer All Questions:
1. Give an JavaScript assignment statement that adds 1 to variable y.
2. Write one million as a JavaScript number.
3. What is the result JavaScript expressions:
a) 5 + 5
b) '8' + '9'
c) 1 + '5'

Programming Techniques
The best way to learn programming is to try it

Begin Writing JS
Step 1.  Build HTML structure and first command. Check
Begin by inputting a number


Focus on the Form

The Big Event
When programming the action for event handlers, always ask, “What do I want to happen on this event?”
In this case, get the value out of the x1 window, add 2 to it and put the result into the x2 window for display.
x2.value = x1.value + 2
onChange=" x2.value = x1.value + 2"

The Result

A Tiny Trick

JavaScript Processed 1st
JavaScript is processed while browser is parsing the HTML, i.e. figuring out the command’s structure

Ask JavaScript To Write
document.write( ) puts HTML on page

Project 2: Exercise

Project 2: Exercise

Orange Concentrate

Project 2 Plan
Four Parts
a) Exercise with Memory Bank
b) Create brown keys
c) Create white pattern
d) Generate pattern & finish