Put the hardcopy of Project 1b in the box
Please keep up on reading ...

Programming Basics
When it comes to being precise about an algorithm, a programming language is better than English

The Plan
We will learn JavaScript over the next few lectures
JavaScript is used with HTML for Web pages
JavaScript is a contemporary programming language -- we will learn only its basics
You will program in NotePad and run your program with your browser

Using JavaScript in HTML
JavaScript must be surrounded by <script> tags … build a test page

First JS Program
Write and run a program to figure 2+2

Names In Programming
In normal language, names, and the things they name -- their values -- usually cannot be separated
In programming most names change values … a consequence of finite specification
Titles (US_Open_Champ), Offices (Mayor), Roles (Juliet), etc. are familiar examples of names that change values
Rules, Processes and Directions exploit the variable value: “Juliet moves to the window”

Names in programming are identifiers
The things they name are their values
The package -- identifier & value -- is a variable, implying a possible change
Identifiers have a specific structure in every programming language
JS: letters, digits, _  start with letter, case sen.

To declare variables is to state what variables will be used
Required … put declarations first in program
Use the word:  var
Follow with a list of variables separated by ,
Terminate all statements with a semicolon  ;
var x, input1, input2, rate;
 Give variables an initial value with  =
var interestRate = 4, pi = 3.14159;

Programming languages allow several types of values: numeric, strings of letters, Boolean
numbers:  1  0  -433  6.022e+23 .01
not numbers:  1,000   106  5%   7±2
strings:  "abc" 'efg' " "  "B&B's"  ""
not strings:  '   '<tab>'  "a '  "\"
Boolean:  true   false
not Boolean:   T   F   yes   no

The universal form of assignment:
<variable> <assignment symbol> <expression>
For example ...
day = hours/24;
value of the variable on the left is changed to have the new value of expression on right
read “=” as “is assigned” “becomes” “gets”
right-to-left value flow

Expressions are like “formulas” saying how to manipulate existing values to compute new values, e.g. hours/24
Operators:  +  -  *  /  %  produce numbers
Operators: <  <=  ==  !=  >=  >   on numbers (or strings for == and !=) produce Booleans
Operators:  &&   ||   !  on Booleans produce Booleans
Grouping by parentheses is OK and smart
seconds = ((days*24 + hours)*60 + min)*60

Overloading Plus
The +  can be used to add numbers or join strings (concatenate)
5 + 5  Û  10
"a" + "b"  + "c" Û "abc"
'5' + '5' Û  '55'
The operand type determines the operation
Combine a number and string???
5 + '5' Û  '55’
Rule: With an operand of each type, convert number to string, concatenate

First JS Program, Revisited
Write and run a program to figure 2+2

Conditionals test if an expression is true or not
General form …
if (<Boolean expression>)
    <Then statement>;
For example
if (day == "Friday")
evening_plan = "party";

Branch both ways with If-Then-Else
if (<Boolean expression>)
    <Then statement>;
<Else Statement>;
Example … if ((year%4)== 0) {
leapYear = true;
febDays = febDays+1;
leapYear = false;

Programming is the exact specification of an algorithm
JavaScript is typical … with many rules
Learning strategy
Do the reading first
Practicing is better than memorizing for learning the rules
Use the program-save-reload-check plan
Precision is your best friend